1. psychohistorian

    Thanks for beating that drum Yves and glad to hear that is getting replay. Any way the masses can be educated is a plus and you are good at explaining the perfidy.

  2. Dan

    Excellent read (thru the transcript).

    I am afraid the audience that actually hears something like this is way to small. Anyway to start a link on facebook for the audio or something like that?

  3. Dirk77

    I see the show is broadcast on Saipan, but not in the DC/MD/NVA area. Would it be possible to post this on YouTube?

  4. Kevin

    Great show with H.Shearer. Agree with earlier notes to get this on fb. My guess is a percentage of the zynga addicts may lift their heads to check you out. Gosh, now there you, Matt Taibbi and a few others that put it in language we all an get. It’s tough for everyone to cut thru the banking industry’s window dressing.
    just great!

  5. Gerry Elman

    I listen regularly to LeShow oia NPR in Philadelphia. Hearing today your interview by Harry Shearer leads me to follow you on Twitter and visit this blog as well. You’re a breath of fresh air.

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