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Boozy feral pig who found fame after getting drunk on stolen beer and starting a fight with an innocent cow dies in car accident (Richard Smith). Even though Daily Mail tries to own this beat, this is a serious contender for best headline evah.
Cat cuteness overload coming to a Facebook page near you soon. China’s absurdly fluffy Snoopybabe takes web by storm Daily Mail. Maru has nothing to worry about.
Too much sex kills male marsupials BBC. Lambert now looks to have joined Richard Smith in having an appetite for anti-antidotes.
‘You’re still deceased’: Long-disappeared Ohio man fails to earn his life back in court RT (Chuck L)
How Global Economies will Change Once Robots Replace Soldiers OilPrice. A little “gee whiz” for my taste, but you can bet the US Army is hopeful about this technology.
Fukushima worker accidentally switches off the crippled nuclear plant’s cooling systems in latest blunder Daily Mail (Chuck L)
Aussies: The world’s richest MacroBusiness
Ecuador may take Assange case to world court: Official AFP
Intelligence agencies like MI5 and MI6 should ‘operate in secret’ Telegraph
U.S. plans to curb military aid to Egypt Washington Post
Shutdown Showdown
Obama Signals Openness to Short-Term Debt Limit Increase Bloomberg. As we said yesterday, this “concession” is not about cutting a deal with the Republicans per se but keeping pressure on to get a Grand Bargain done.
Morgan Stanley raises threat level on US shutdown MacroBusiness
Investors hasten exit from US Treasury bills amid default fears Financial Times
This Government Showdown Will Defeat the GOP in 2014 Bruce Bartlett, Fiscal Times
Burning Down the House Counterpunch (Carol B)
A GOP plan B: a deal to get a win-win from shutdown and debt ceiling crises Grover Norquist, Guardian. Gee, when do we see Grover on MSNBC and Jon Stewart? Hint: he’s not making the round of the leftie venues to talk to Republicans….
The Radical Christian Right and the War on Government Chris Hedges, Truthdig (Chuck L)
Obamacare Launch
Early warnings failed to prepare Obamacare site Washington Post
ObamaCare Clusterfuck: In which lambert apologizes for being prematurely correct Lambert
ObamaCare Clusterfuck: In which lambert apologizes for being prematurely EVEN MORE correct Lambert
Yellen to Be Named Fed Chairman, First Female Chief Bloomberg. In case you missed that it’s now official.
Karger Demands Feds Investigate Brian Brown’s Secret Trip To Russia As Possibly Criminal New Civil Rights Movement (Chuck L). This is surreal.
Soaring US drone market under fire Financial Times
Air Force, after spending $500 million, sending fleet directly into storage RT
Report Says a Shortage of Nuclear Ingredient Looms New York Times
US adults score below average on worldwide test Associated Press
Not far from Lake Michigan, city yearns for water Associated Press (Lambert)
Young Autoworkers Ask Older Workers, “What Happened” Real News Network (anon y’mouse)
US regulators look at ‘time out’ for repo Financial Times
Fair Market Valuation; CBO, Student Loans, Food Stamps, Etc. Angry Bear
No Matter What Happens, Unions Get Blamed Counterpunch (Carol B)
Antidote du jour (furzy mouse):
re, US adults score below average on worldwide test
Education $ecretary Arne Duncan $aid in a $tatement the nation need$ to find way$ to reach more adult$ to upgrade their $kill$. Otherwi$e, he $aid, “no matter how hard they work, the$e adult$ will be $tuck, unable to $upport their familie$ and contribute fully to our [consuming ignorant by design] country.”
You can see the “set ‘n slam” coming: You failing adults have no one to blame but yourselves; so the only jobs you’re able to take are the ones in competition with China. And of course, this only adds fuel to the fire that businesses aren’t hiring because of a “skills gap”, not because the market demand is so weak.
Funny how no one mentioned that the world’s most aggressive capitalistic countries are more intellectually incompetent than those “socialist” countries.
Nite $kool!
Those tests test your ability to be system-compliant.
Countries with millennia of ‘imperial examination’ tradition based on orthodoxy-obediency, when re-awaken, will always excel at those. If they are not, right now, it will be only a matter of time that they do.
So, we have to catch up…thus this exhortation link.
Uh, no, Australia is tops of any English-speaking country and that culture encourages critical thinking.
You may be right, as I have not lived in Australia.
My point, thought, was to bring attention to the test itself, like craazyman’s comment below.
I am pretty sure the test does not include something like this:
Q: If the 0.01% own 99.99% of the wealth of a country, do you think
A. That’s great
B. The 0.01% could own more
C. Outrageous
D. I have no idea.
Based on my experience, Aussies are idiots when it comes to any kind of website software. They even complain themselves about the poor quality of their training computer skills.
I had a job once around 1999 working for an “e-learning” company in the finance/banking industry.
Part of the job was to write questions for tests that finance professionals took after reading the lessons produced by the firm I worked for — evidently scoring well on these tests was one factor in the client employee’s career growth.
It wasn’t just me, there were 4 or 5 of us, at least, who did this. None of us knew much about the topics. We’d read the lesson material, which we’d often edited together from older printed coursework the company had produced, even though we didn’t know much about the topic, and then we’d have to come up with multiple choice questions.
It’s not that we didn’t try at all, but our efforts were so inadequate that frequently our multiple choice questions and answers must have been incomprehensible to a thoughtful person. I felt bad, thinking of the people forced to take these tests. A few colleagues laughed when they thought of it.
That’s what it was like there, and the company finally went under.
I wonder which is worse, the scores on some worldwide test or the test itself. The only way to really ace the test is to not have to take it at all.
If you’re in a situation where you have to take a test like that, you’ve already been failed.
back in the hitimes of the 80’s, i worked for a firm that tested whenever cutback$ were ‘needed’. folks unfamiliar with this ‘quota scheme’, answered questions accordingly and were promptly laid off. sad n sic, yes!
my point: adult education during a historical squeeze = low fruit for the pickin$
derivatives, tax codes, healthcare, debt creation & flows are NOT to be understood by the commoner
POVERTY, n. A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform. The number of plans for its abolition equals that of the reformers who suffer from it, plus that of the philosophers who know nothing about it. Its victims are distinguished by possession of all the virtues and by their faith in leaders seeking to conduct them into a prosperity where they believe these to be unknown. ~Ambrose
..the nation need$ to find way$ to reach more adult$ to upgrade their $kill$..
On a high level I can agree that our “Nation” has a significant population of underskilled (is that a word?) adults.
Resolving further,
I’m not sure so sure about the efficacy of “The Nation” as a curative vehicle in the context that I think Arne’s is pontificating about, which is along the lines of shoveling tax revenue into for-profit schools.
Then I would ask Arne, or any other pontificator of his ilk* for a bit of specificity regarding which “skills” EXACTLY? I am guessing my assessment would be very different than his.
* his ilk is a Hyde Park Ivy League educated coat-tail surfer who was “injected” into a lucrative career living on the public largesse. I am reasonably confident if he had started under his own power with a freshly minted BS degree in Sociology, his life style would probably not include a tuxedo for regular black tie event dinners.
Just say’in.
No one seems to get this. Huge loans are being generated with minimal payments due under income based repayment schemes. In 20 years when the balance is gifted away and income tax comes due on six figures of income for borrowers actually earning under 50k, we’re gonna have an interesting crisis.
That would be correct.
If they want to gift away the balance, they might as well gift away the income tax as well.
Technically, it takes one more step but the incentive is the same.
“CNN eyewitness: Baby Removed From Car Before Miriam Carey EXECUTION”
If they had the situation under control enough that they could reach into the car and remove the baby, why could they not restrain Carey with non-lethal force?
Non-lethal force doesn’t make for a very compelling object lesson.
maybe the opportunity to use all those new military methods and weapons was just too much to pass up….
I’ll contend she was purposefully executed, whether or not this eyewitness story is accurate.
From comments of linked video.
I’m wondering if anyone knows that the father of James Holmes (Colorado theater shooter) and the father of Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook elementary school shooter) were both scheduled to testify in the LIBOR scandal, which would have exposed the greatest US bank fraud in history. Probably not a coincidence.
skippy… freak show channel is stuck methinks.
Fukushima Lessons Learned Conference in Boston now:
Wed Oct 9, 2013 10:00am EDT — Wed Oct 9, 2013 2:00pm EDT
Former Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission joins panel to discuss the risks of nuclear power at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and the lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.
When I donated to NC, I used my credit card via PayPal, since I don’t have a PayPal account. Near the end of the process, I was prompted to set up a PayPal account, but I chose not to do so. Were you required to create a PayPal account? Do some people get a different user interface, perhaps based on country?
Oops, sorry. I meant to reply to David Mills.
Just tipped USD100.00, figured that was fair enough. I did NOT, however, want to end up with a PAYPAL account. Please email me some instructions on how to terminate my unwanted Paypal account. Thanks and keep up the good work. BTW, standing invite for a meet IRL if you are ever in the region (Malaysia/Singapore), you have some fans out here.
How did you get my name? What are the odds that two of us with the same name post on this board?
well, somebody has to make the pun
Boozy feral pig who found fame after getting drunk on stolen beer and starting a fight with an innocent cow dies in car accident
boorish boar
he was probably just bored
USDA boar-d certified?
Note: I just received an email from The Nation that made me the following, very ’empowering’ suggestion:
I am so excited..
Anyway, my point is: TINA. No suggestion at all there are ways Obama could dissolve the whole problem. Hurray for the independent press, so (in)t(r)epid.
The Radical Christian Right and the War on Government
South and Border states political tactics reflect the decreasing power of the South in craving up Federal money going to the states. The South made a bet on the Republican Party that they could continue to dominate the Federal political process getting a larger share of Federal dollars but with the decline in the Republican Party nationally those hopes have declined forcing a blunt attempt at gaining power via raising the debt limit.
While religions plays a role in this effort at the heart of the issue is the continued political cornering of the South
as the other regions of the country blend together to forge an alliance that has blunted the South’s political leverage.
What we are seeing today is the end result of the South’s choice of taking over the Republican Party and using it as a
means of achieving both its social and financial goals but as the country has moved away from its rural religious fundamental lifestyle and adopted a urban look and feel the South politically has become isolated and desperate.
It’s on the system of ‘competing for a share of the federal dollars.’
As long as that is in place, it would take the will power of a abstinent monk for a region or a state not to try to get an ever bigger share, or to dominate the process.
Yep. Everything 1850s is new again.
all the talk about ACA and “health care” has nothing to do with health – its only about health insurance
Economic arsonist commandeers a fire truck:
Parallel exchange rates and 40 percent inflation don’t ‘just happen.’ They are the result of a deliberate government policy of stealing purchasing power by printing currency, while cloaking the theft in ‘progressive’ rhetoric about pursuing social goals.
Given 12 months of rule by decree, Maduro probably can crank 40 percent inflation up to triple digits. Go, Nickie, go!
The Tyrant as Editor. Stalin’s blue pencil.
From the article:
Such innocent times! The American people approved the annihilation of the Saddam-Osama gang … but the hydra-headed monster of terrorism only multiplies. Only Comrade Obama can save us from the minions of Osama.
Interesting article which I will finish later..
I think most often people are comfortable w/ the sense of Stalin being megalomaniacal ruthless killer. From what I’ve read more insidiously, he was a rather austere Bureaucratic Cipher that framed his deeds in the context of merely being a steward of the State. The consequences perhaps end up at the same place, but take note of the method, from what I understand, everything he did was patiently done in conformance with (at least his interpretation the Law. YEs, he stove=piped codification of his will.
His death was poetic justice, withheld medical treatment.
“His death was poetic justice, withheld medical treatment.”
Yes, he purged himself in the end.
The Great Library at Alexandria was destroyed by budget cuts, not fire.
The Archdruid makes the same point: Civilizational collapse is incremental, a matter of decades and centuries. It’s not like the movies.
I think people now say the Dark Ages were really not that dark. It was just the inherited rich didn’t get to build monuments during those centuries that lacked a ‘strong central government,’ but somehow little people got by.
That bit of revisionism is under renewed attack by historians and physical anthropologists. It is unquestionable that the population of Europe dropped from the later stages of the Roman Empire well into the 800s when it started to rebound. Material culture declined, as did literacy, urbanism almost ceased, and trade collapsed. If it wasn’t dark, compared to earlier epochs it sure was bleak. The poor survived by selling themselves to local warlords and being tied to the land (this was already in the process of happening from the time of Diocletian, so the real dividing line was during the senility of the Roman Empire, not after its collapse in the West). Nobody in their right mind would choose to live in Europe in 650 AD over Athens in 400 BC, Alexandria in 200 BC, or Rome in 100 AD.
But lots of ‘other people’ paid dearly for Rome’s happy days in 100AD.
They were not unhappy to see what would happen to Roman ‘civilization’ in 600AD.
Cities shrank, but remember that many Roman cities existed primarily for imperial purposes of military power & administration.
But area under cultivation expanded during the so-called “Dark Ages.”
Fewer cities, more villages. Villages don’t make archaeologists happy, since they don’t leave as many durable remains.
Greek and Latin literature declined. But the so-called “Dark Ages” were the period of the rapid development, a flowering, of many vernacular languages.
Again, modern scholars aren’t happy with that, since there’s less stuff they can get their hands on.
The notion of a “Dark Age” has much more to do with moderns than it does with the people of that time.
I would add that we should compare the empire that survived in Constantinople and Western Europe.
At the end, as a result of the “Dark Ages,” the western portion was able to make better use of ancient ideas, when exposed to them again, than the Byzantine empire.
So while debatable about the period prior, from around the 14th/15th century, that absence from ‘civilization,’ made the hearts grow fonder, one might say.
Maybe ‘imperial civilization’ all the time is not the way.
Um, when you get outside the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), you have virtually NO written records for the period 600 to 1000 or so in Europe, except some nice illuminated manuscripts at monestaries. That means not enough economic surplus and social order to keep any level of education going. Anyone who wants to live in a society like that needs their head examined.
I don’t think it was any worse.
You had the slave making Roman legions before and feudal lords and serfs after.
And instead of sacrifices at the gladiator games, people were burned for heresy.
Maybe bare bone Latin literacy but that allowed national languages began to emerge.
It was a great deal worse. Roman peasants lived in houses with tile roofs, and enjoyed oil, wine, fruits and fish sauce imported from all corners of the Empire. Banditry was rare, predatory war bands almost unheard of during most of the empires existence..
People had lots of plates, lamps and pots, metal goods were common and cheap, clothes were varied and widely available. Harvests were likely bigger, domestic farm animals were larger. People routinely moved to different regions.
The whole standard of living was better for EVERYONE during the Roman empire than the dark ages, rich and poor alike. Even the poorest slaves on isolated country estates had more access to consumer goods, which indicates a better lifestyle, than their desendants living 500 years later.
Sir, may I please have more Garum?
Mrs. Sowerberry: Is the boy mad?
Mr. Bumble: Tis not madness, Ma’am, it’s meat
Mrs. Sowerberry: Meat?
Mr. Bumble: Meat, ma’am, meat! If you kept the boy on gruel this would have never have happened.
Mrs. Sowerberry: Oh my, this is what comes of being liberal.
As a food snob, in lieu od a steady supply og Garum being available, I have to settle for Surströmming.
It’s the little things that make life worth living. If some A-hole waits to bring a bag of McDonalds McRatburger and frys to eat on some godforsaken flight while sitting near you, break out your trusty tin of Surströmming.
Perhaps if you were part of the Roman empire. If not, you might work your way up from slavery.
Is differentiating the freedom of “dark ages” peasants/serfs and servitude of Roman slaves maybe a bit pedantic?
Ah but. And it is a rather big one.
The Norse myths and the sagas of Icleand.
Ah but. And it is a rather big one.
The Norse myths and the sagas of Icleand.
…but somehow little people got by…
literally little due to horrible nutrition. They lived short harsh lives in squalor and ignorance by in large.
The Roman Empire took what, something like 500 years to collapse? I would speculate insufficient technology and food contamination (lead) were in play causes.
In our case it will probably be too much technology (resource exhaustion) and food contamination (take your pick) as causes. I think we may be quicker about getting to the point?
When people today say ‘wealth inequality has gotten worse in the last 20 or 30 years,’ that period coincides with the greatest technological advances in history.
You say too much technology? We should all reflect on that. Perhaps we’ve deluded ourselves into thinking that bad guys won’t beat us to it in order to use it to our disadvantage.
I’m thinking more in terms of unintended societal suicide rather than intentional “bad guys”
Inevitably out-of-control genetically mutated food, forced extinctions out-pacing species ability to “evolve”, heavy metal, persistent esterifying compound, persistent pesticide and manmade background radiation contamination vectors conspiring with w/ “inexpensive”(?) energy/resource exhaustion.
Now lets circle back to unskilled (or generally unaware) adults wanting to compete to achieve the lifestyle they perceive they need (vs want) because they have consumer impressions drilled into their heads on by a toxic media.
As a minimum, IMO the “Nation” need more discriminating food snobs! W/ this enlightenment,what truly constitutes quality of life may start to be perceived through the fog of the nutritionally damaged, messed up gray matter.
From a couple days ago on the panacea of electric cars, follow the string back to where will all that Li come from?
Nothing is free; everything has a whole cost to be accounted for.
Perhaps it’s unintended societal suicide which, I believe, stems from not talking enough about the dark side of science/technology.
“…in the last 20 or 30 years,’ that period coincides with the greatest technological advances in history.”
It would appear that MyLessThanPrimeBeef has been consumed by a less than salubrious decomposition of ‘owffal’ subjectivity……..ha ha ha
My bone of contention actually lies with (and here I speak to Optimader too) the naïve assumption that the “bad guys” haven’t already beaten us to technology, with the intent to power their inherently destructive and brutally butchered ideology upon the RoW (I’ll pause here before going full-throttle into Orwellian mode….!).
There is a reason they (meaning corporations and their allies) want you to go online banking, charge everything to your credit card or to be connected to the internet.
Hipness in general and technological hipness in particular is one of the great tools available to the masters.
That’s why I am proud to be a member of S.O.U.L. – Society Of United Luddites.
My Auntie was a Bank officer in Chicago who’s responsibilities included the human/customer interface: The Bank Tellers.
This hypothetically mundane responsibility was an inordinate blackhole for her time. The primary issue in maintaining the teller head count in a large scale urban environment were:
1.) Finding employees that could make change/balance a cash drawer.
2.)Retaining the ones that could make change due to poor attendance, as in just not showing up or short of that, calling in at their shift start time to describe issues like the finer issues of their distressing morning bowel movement.
Rendering the human out of the equation made sense in some circumstance.(BTW I don’t have an ATM card)
…My bone of contention actually lies with (and here I speak to Optimader too) the naïve assumption that the “bad guys” haven’t already beaten us to technology, with the intent to power their inherently destructive and brutally butchered ideology upon the RoW …
The thorny bit is codification of “bad guys”? There are obvious contestants that we can all agree on and throw our virtual rocks at, but how about the more ubiquitous possibilities? Is the frosted hair suburban mom piloting the 2ton 300HP Sears Shed on wheels for no rational reason (“I like to sit high!”) one of the “bad guys”?
Read the following instead:
Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic
by Tom Holland
“this is a serious contender for best headline evah.”
My all time favorite dates from the Watergate era: WHITE HOUSE STIFFENS TOWARD PROBE
It would be hard to beat that one!
no pun intended bwoahahahaha
I recall a fave 1972 prez election bumpersticker:
(Can I say that? His own re-election committee called themselves CREEP…)
I always liked the bumper sticker: “The only Bush I trust is my own!”
(New York Post, 1982)
MUSH FROM THE WIMP — The Boston Globe
Communities Self-Insure for Cooperative Healthcare ~Mira Luna, GEO Newsletter
RE: Defeat the GOP in 2014
Probably not.
In fact, the number of far right pinheads in Congress is strong proof the elections mean nothing. The Diebolds of the world are the arbiter.
Several versions of Stalin’s quote are making the rounds: something like “Don’t tell me who’s voting, tell me who’s counting the votes, and I’ll tell you who wins the election.”
So, our Stalinist Congress is supposed to renormalize to the real views of the citizens? Probably not.
You’re right…just more kabuki.
They never write, “This will defeat Big Money in 2014.’
better yet…This will defeat DEBT CREATION in 2014
DEBT, n. An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver. (i’m coining it Ambrose Bierce Day’)
As, pent in an aquarium, the troutlet
Swims round and round his tank to find an outlet,
Pressing his nose against the glass that holds him,
Nor ever sees the prison that enfolds him;
So the poor debtor, seeing naught around him,
Yet feels the narrow limits that impound him,
Grieves at his debt and studies to evade it,
And finds at last he might as well have paid it.
—Barlow S. Vode
Diane Ravitch Weighs In On the OECD “Skills Test”
Her last points are the best.
would tip with bitcoin
obamacare clusterfuck
i’ve heard it said, perhaps by lambert but i don’t want to pin this on him as i truly don’t recall, that obamacare is also a rollout or trial balloon or initial scaffold for the integration of all surveillance systems into one, so that all the various parts of one’s life can be assembled in one place/file at the touch of a button or the click of a mouse.
if so, it appears that at the point it becomes operative, one will not be able to resist or refuse participation but only to open one’s mouth in awe at the efficiency of it (once all bugs are removed) before surrendering to the suffocating grip of its tentacles.
perhaps before then, in fact now, is the opportune moment, soon to be past, to retreat to a truly obscure mountain fastness–surely at least a few such places remain–with some likeminded slobs and eke out the rest of one’s existence by killing game with traps made of sinews and huddling in igloos until the sun comes back. actually doesn’t sound too bad by comparison. at least you can go for a walk by yourself.
Anyone expecting to read sincere repentance, apologetic groveling, sackcloth, ashes and tears from Mr. Strether for correctly prophesying the fustercluck of the ObamneyCare rollout and the gang-rape of the uncreditworthy will be sorely disappointed. I found his “apologies” to be entirely disingenuous.
Funny how the botched rollout itself is a perfect opp for defusing the faux debt crisis, saving face all around, making space for delay, tweaks, whatever, but that cannot be allowed. Why not? Anyone?
The prediction of failure was going to lead twords Lambert’s side to begin with; most large IT projects fail in at least two or more domaians (cost overruns, fail to meet requirements/performance) – and the bigger the project, the bigger the failure rate.
The trade press is full of effusive news stories when multi-million dollar IT contracts are signed; only to spectacularly fail and more money has to be plowed into upgrading the legacy systems the new system was designed to replace.
There is one reason the usual rule need not have applied: this was a new system. No legacy code, which is what kills most big IT projects.
But here, they had a big database integration issue they seem not to have considered at all. Lordie.
Rich, delicious heavy metal irony.
Ah. It was “disingenuous” that got me. I thought I was being faux naive.
Looks like we got ourselves a giant pissing match between Krugman and Ferguson-Niall’s on part two of this three part Fisking while Krugman’s been keeping his powder dry.
Ferguson should stick to his own weight class and not try moving up. Krugman will beat him up and take his candy.
I really love Greenwald and Snowden now. They’ve pantsed the CSEC. At risk of repetition, here’s the story:
Cool! Didn’t Tata Motors of India start making pure compressed air vehicles a few years ago? Could this be a synergy result? The best part is that it looks like the air segment of the power train can be paired up with any other type of energy source; fuel cell, hydrox, electric. The producers promote ‘affordability.’ What do they consider that to be? Lots of people in Europe can’t afford cars, and don’t need to worry about it. Until the Kleptos start looting the public infrastructure bank that is. Events in Greece paint a disturbing picture of where that can lead.