Yves here. What Poses describes as “managerialism” is a form of looting: coast on an established brand name and goodwill while degrading the actual service in order to pay the top executives more.
By Roy Poses, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Brown University, and the President of FIRM – the Foundation for Integrity and Responsibility in Medicine. Cross posted from the Health Care Renewal website
The American Red Cross is a storied non-profit organization. It provides disaster relief, provides a major part of the US blood supply, and has important public health teaching functions, such as teaching cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (look here). Nonetheless, its operations have become increasingly controversial. ProPublica has been investigating them for years. The latest ProPublica report, entitled “The Corporate Takeover of the Red Cross,” showed how this renowned organization has suffered under generic management/ managerialism, providing another case study showing how bad generic management and mangerialism are for health care and public health.
We have frequently posted about what we have called generic management, the manager’s coup d’etat, and mission-hostile management. Managerialism wraps these concepts up into a single package. The idea is that all organizations, including health care organizations, ought to be run people with generic management training and background, not necessarily by people with specific backgrounds or training in the organizations’ areas of operation. Thus, for example, hospitals ought to be run by MBAs, not doctors, nurses, or public health experts. Furthermore, all organizations ought to be run according to the same basic principles of business management. These principles in turn ought to be based on current neoliberal dogma, with the prime directive that short-term revenue is the primary goal (sometimes in the for-profit sphere called the shareholder value principle, look here.)
The ProPublica article showed how the leadership of the American Red Cross was given over to generic managers; how they ran the organization based on generic business management principles; and how the results were bad for the organization’s mission. I will address each point with quotes from the article, and add the commentary that was lacking in a straight investigative journalistic report.
The New Leaders were Generic Managers
The New CEO is a Generic Manager who Specialized in Marketing
Gail McGovern became Red Cross CEO in 2008. Her academic background was in the “quantitative sciences.” Her first job was as a computer programmer. Then,
McGovern climbed steadily through the ranks at AT&T. By the mid-1990s, she was head of the company’s consumer markets division….
McGovern left AT&T in 1998, then spent four years at Fidelity Investments, where she was promoted to be the head of the retail mutual fund and brokerage business. Then came six years as a marketing
professor at Harvard Business School….
On the other hand, she apparently had no specific experience, training or expertise relating to the mission of the Red Cross, and specifically no experience, training or expertise in
public health, health care, blood banking, or disaster relief.
She Believes in the Primacy of Marketing
Her academic writings spell out her theory of corporate leadership. ‘In
many organizations, marketing exists far from the executive suite and
boardroom,’ she and her coauthors wrote in an article for the Harvard Business Review. Companies that make this mistake are doomed to ‘low growth and declining margins.’
One could argue that perhaps in the long run, a good product that sells itself might be better for a manufacturing firm than a temporarily persuasive marketing campaign. Even so, the mission of the Red Cross is not first to grow and make more money, or even to sell products, but instead it is
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
She was Hired by the Red Cross to Promote Generic Management with Emphasis on Marketing
Ms McGovern was hired at a time when the dogma that business managers ought to run everything was becoming very prominent.
McGovern, selected after a global search by a headhunting firm, was seen as a candidate who would bring private-sector methods to the nonprofit. ‘Isn’t it great that we have someone that really has had that business expertise in developing and working with a brand and recognizing the power of it?’ [Red Cross Board Chairwoman Bonnie] McElveen-Hunter told the Washington Post at the time.
Note that the Chairwoman of the Board of Governors herself was
a wealthy Republican donor appointed by President George W. Bush in 2004
According to Wikipedia, she is a businesswoman whose undergraduate degree was in business, who worked for Bank of America and then founded Pace Communications, and who also has no discernable experience or expertise in health care, public health, or disaster relief.
The ProPublica article did not suggest that Ms McElveen-Hunter or anyone else really thought through how a generica manager practicing managerialism would actually benefit the mission of the Red Cross.
The CEO Recruited Other Generic Managers
Soon after she joined the Red Cross, McGovern recruited executives who had worked with her at AT&T and Fidelity….
As part of her effort to run the Red Cross more like a business, McGovern recruited more than 10 former AT&T executives to top positions. The move stirred resentment inside the organization, with some longtime Red Cross hands referring to the charity as the ‘AT&T retirement program.’
Again, one would expert a generic manager to feel most comfortable amongst others of her ilk. Again, any consideration of whether running the Red Cross “more like a business” would improve its success as a charity was not evident.
The New Generic Managers Relied on Generic Management Dogma
The new generic managers conceived of their job as “a corporate turnaround that would touch every aspect of the charity’s finances and operations.”
They Established Centralized Control
The work of the Red Cross was traditionally done by local chapters. The new generic managers sought to decrease their independence from “corporate.” So,
Each of the Red Cross’ more than 700 chapters had its own bank account, tracked its own volunteers, and ran its own computer system. McGovern hoped to realize considerable savings by consolidating these back-office functions, creating what she dubbed ‘One Red Cross.’
The notions that different chapters might face different challenges, and hence that flexible local control might do better addressing these challenges than would centralized top-down command were not apparently considered.
They Cut Costs, Particularly Through Cutting Employee Benefits and Laying Them Off
and hence tried to enhance short-term revenue:
She also got to work cutting costs: there was a round of layoffs; she killed the charity’s generous pension program and suspended matching contributions to employees’ retirement accounts.
When McGovern was hired as CEO, there were over 700 Red Cross chapters across the country. Today, there around 250, though some former chapter offices stayed open even as they were folded into other chapters. The Red Cross declined to say how many offices it closed.
Over the course of McGovern’s tenure, the number of paid employees fell from around 36,000 to around 23,000 and the Red Cross today spends several hundred million dollars less a year than it did in 2008. (Most of the staff cuts were from local chapters, not the blood business, though the Red Cross declined to provide a breakdown.)
Cost-cutting, especially by cutting compensation to and benefits of line employees, is a central mantra of current business management. The effects these cuts have on the morale and performance of the remaining employees, and the downstream effects on the organization are generally ignored. The specific implications for a charity meant to uphold a mission were not discussed.
They Focused on Marketing and Public Relations
Early on,
McGovern laid out a vision to increase revenue through ‘consolidated, powerful, breathtaking marketing.’
‘This is a brand to die for,’ she often said.
In addition,
The Red Cross’ chief of fundraising, a former colleague of McGovern’s from Fidelity, told the assembled officials that the organization should attract far more than the $520 million in donations it was bringing in annually. ‘Strength of brand,’ his PowerPoint said, ‘justify results in $1-2 billion range.’
Also, CEO McGovern chose Jack McMaster to run the public health training operation,
praising McMaster to Red Cross staff as a master marketer and a trusted former colleague [at AT&T].
As an aside, actually,
After leaving AT&T, he took a job in 1999 as CEO of a Dutch telecom
company called KPNQwest. In just a few years, he had run it into what
Reuters called a ‘spectacular collapse,‘ prompting a bankruptcy, a storm of lawsuits, and comparisons to Enron. Just months before the company went under, McMaster publicly boasted that it was poised for dramatic growth.
This suggests that McGovern placed far more priority on hiring “master marketers” than finding trustworthy leaders. Of course, a CEO who is mainly a professional marketer may see marketing as central to whatever organization she is running. The notion that the Red Cross had such a wonderful brand because it used to do wonderful things did not apparently occur to the new generic marketers. Furthermore, the notion that even “master marketing” may not hide the undermining of the organization’s mission also did not occur.
They Suppressed Opinions They Did Not Want to Here
As discontent among staff rose (see below), leading to anguish expressed on social media,
critical posts later disappeared from the Facebook page. Moderator
Ryan Kaltenbaugh reminded participants that the group was intended to be ‘a POSITIVE forum sharing ideas, stories, pictures, links, videos and
more across our great country.’‘[P]lease (please) refrain from posting your negative personal views,’ he continued.
To a leadership obsessed with marketing, appearance may have seemed to be everything. Yet again, suppressing the bad news does not make what generated it disappear.
They Paid Themselves Very Well
We have often discussed how executive compensation in health care now seems to rise beyond any level that could be justified by the executives’ actions and performance. A central problem with managerialism seems to be that now top managers can virtually set their own pay. Thus, they have become value extractors, more focused on their own enrichment than their organizations’ ultimate success. The ProPublica article did not explicitly discuss executive compensation except after the failure of the expansion plans by the “master marketer” McMaster,
Amid layoffs in the division last year, bonuses given to McMaster and his team raised eyebrows within the Red Cross, a former headquarters official said.
In a statement, the Red Cross said the bonuses were appropriate because the division hit ‘strategic milestones’ including establishing ‘a national tele-service platform and national sales and service delivery models.’
Regardless, the division failed to reach its real goal, expansion of its business.
Furthermore, there is evidence that during the reign of McGovern, the top managers as a group have been very well paid, especially given that they were running a charity whose good works are largely supported by contribuations and the taxpayers. We noted in a 2011 post that
In 2009, then CEO Gail McGovern received over a million in total compensation, $1,032,022 to be exact. Its President for Biomedical Services got $850,489. Its Executive VP for Biomedical Services got $596,309. Twelve other executives got more than $250,000. Of those, ten got more than $350,000.
Since then, while Ms McGovern’s compensation has actually declined, the number of very well paid managers has actually grown. According to the organization’s latest available IRS Form 990 filing, for 2013, Ms McGovern had total compensation of over $597,000, and 15 managers had total compensation over $250,000, of these, 10 were over $400,000.
So despite all the problems afflicting the Red Cross (see below, and the larger ProPublica series), the top managers still managed to pay themselves very well.
The Results were Bad
The Marketers’ Best Laid Plans Led to Declining Contributions
The “master marketer” did not do so well.
McMaster laid out how the CPR unit would attract more customers while at the same time hiking prices for classes and training materials in CPR, swimming, and babysitting. He believed the Red Cross brand justified higher prices than were being charged around the country.
Customers voted with their wallets. When prices rose, many simply switched to lower-cost providers.
‘We thought if we raised prices, American Heart [Association] would probably raise prices, and life would be good,’ McGovern said at a 2013 employee town hall meeting, referring to the Red Cross’ competitor in the CPR class business. ‘Didn’t happen.’
‘A halfway competent market analysis would have told you that the bulk of our business was in selling to small businesses who viewed us as a business expense,’ recalled one former chapter executive director. ‘When the massive price increases arrived, it was too much and customers bailed.’
This illustrates that the generic managers did not even achieve their business goal, increasing sales and increasing revenue. What did they care, though, if the bonuses still rolled in?
Centralized Control, Benefit Cuts, Layoffs, and the Marketing Focus Wounded Employee Morale and Discouraged Volunteers
Those who push generic management practices often seem blind to their adverse effects. So,
Many of those who taught classes — including volunteers who did the work for free — quit after being turned off by headquarters’ poor communication and insistence on centralized control.
But much like the organization’s paid staff, many of its volunteers appear deeply disillusioned. An internal survey obtained by ProPublica found volunteers around the country had a satisfaction rate of 32 percent this year — down 20 points from last year.
Driving the alienation, longtime employees and volunteers say, is a gulf that has opened up between McGovern’s executive suite and the rank and file who have spent decades in the mission-focused nonprofit world.
She has surrounded herself with a tight-knit group of former telecom colleagues, they say. ‘They’re all people from the period when AT&T imploded,’ said one former senior official. ‘The priorities seem to be a reflection of what that team is comfortable with: sales and marketing.’
An internal assessment previously reported by ProPublica and NPR said national headquarters’ focus on image slowed the delivery of relief aid during Hurricane Isaac and Superstorm Sandy. Officials engaged in ‘diverting assets for public relation purposes,’ according to the assessment.
The Red Cross depends on its staff and volunteers to do the work. What did the brilliant generic managers and master marketers think would happen if they fired lots of staff, drove volunteers to quit, and disillusioned those who remained?
Layoffs and Cutback Reduced Capacity to Respond to Disasters
One example was the response in West Virginia
In West Virginia, where several chapters have been shuttered, emergency management officials said the group’s response to recent disasters has been anemic. After a recent water shortage caused by a
chemical leak, the charity declined to provide any help to residents, the Register-Herald of Beckley reported.Local officials described that as business as usual for the charity. When a tornado hit in the southern part of the state, the Red Cross’ inadequate response left scores of victims without enough food, according to the newspaper.
Another was the response in northern California,
In Northern California last year, the Red Cross shuttered the Napa County chapter and laid off disaster relief staff, according to an internal PowerPoint
presentation. Then, in September, a drought-fueled fire swept through
the area, consuming more than 75,000 acres and 1,200 homes.Because of the issues with the Red Cross’ shelter, nearly all of 1,000 displaced people at the Napa County Fairgrounds — including the elderly, new mothers and children, and anyone with a pet — ended up sleeping outside in tents, cars or RVs. The problems were first reported by the Press Democrat newspaper.
Local officials were furious. They say the Red Cross showed up lacking basic supplies such as Band-Aids, portable toilets, and tarps to protect against the rain. Instead the group’s volunteers handed out Red Cross-branded bags of items that weren’t urgently needed like lip balm and tissues.
The Red Cross responders were inexperienced and, according to residents, not enough of them spoke Spanish, the language of many of the fire victims.
In general, as told by former Red Cross volunteer Becky Maxwell, a self-described “die-hard Red Cross person for 25 years,” who quit after becoming increasingly frustrated,
‘McGovern has fired almost all of the trained and experienced volunteers
and staff,‘ Maxwell told ProPublica, replacing them ‘with people who
have absolutely no knowledge of what the Red Cross is or does in a
disaster. Not only is she setting these people up to fail but she is
compromising the service delivery that is so important to the clients.’
The Red Cross Board of Governors, largely composed of well paid business managers (e.g., a former Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs, a senior vice president of Eli Lilly, the chief financial officer of Home Depot, the executive vice president of Target), decided that a generic manager using a managerialist approach could cure the organization’s perceived ills. The new CEO, who lacked any obvious experience or training relevant to the Red Cross mission, hired her former cronies at AT&T and Fidelity as managers. The new team cut costs, laid off employees, centralized management, and focused on marketing. The apparent results were fewer, less experienced, upset staff; fewer volunteers; declining interest in public health training products; and worsening disaster response.
Thus, once again, generic managers and managerialism have laid low a formerly proud charity. Unfortunately, this one also happens to have vital public health and disaster relief roles that have now been severely compromised.
Based on previous experience, it should come as no surprise that generic managers who do not know much or care much about public health and health care, and who rely on a one-size fits all management dogma uninformed by the public health or health care context or public health or health care values will end up undermining patients’ and the public’s health.
The real surprise is that the generic managers have up to now had no problem maintaining the managers’ coup d’etat, that is, their iron grip on the leadership of most public health and health care organizations.
To prevent our ongoing downward spiral, we need to reverse the managers’ coup d’etat, and return leadership to those who understand health and health care, support their values, and are willing to be accountable for doing so
some one ought to do a study of/ a book on generic management. it goes back a long way. i first saw it in 1973 where i was working in boomingdale’s food department. almost all the managers in the store had worked their way up fom being staff members. in 1973 the board hired a young impressive- looking harvard mba to oversee about a fifth of the departments. he was an energetic man who spent one whole day throwing boxes around in the foof department stockroom to “show the stockmen how to be more productive.” after two years his section of the store was the only one to lose money, but by then he had been hired by neiman marcus. in an even higher position.
the managerial class, useless and self-rewarding, is what every corrupt society needs.- endless administrators in the college system, inventing tests for the teachers. red cross, whatever. the destruction of substance and brains and heart. its replacement with ignorance and cluelessness. what a society we’re (not) building!
The eloi will continue to become ever more useless, putting insane pressures on the few remaining morlocks they allow to do all the work. Will robots save us? Not very likely, since they will be used to further enrich the parasites above all.
You might want to look up Henry Mintzberg, particularly Managers Not MBAs (2004).
The BBC is another good example of how managerialism has wrecked a not-for-profit corporation. Until McKinsey infiltrated the place, the BBC didn’t really have a “brand” to speak of; if it considered its corporate identity at all, it was only in terms of how its output of programming conveyed what it was supposed to be about as an organisation.
Then, it brought in the brand consultants to develop an image of what it thought it should be. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. What caused the rot to set in was when the brand image started to define the programming output. Was, the brand managers asked the producers and directors, this-or-that programme compliant with the brand guidelines?
If the BBC’s brand was not merely delivering communications which are honest and have integrity but also now need to be “simple to understand”, “completely neutral at all times” or “a balance of positive as well as negative content” then you end up, as we largely have, with a lot of cosy-consensus mediocrity and an institution which only serves its own internal vested interests.
some one ought to do a study of/ a book on generic management
Managerialism: A Critique of an Ideology
You’re welcome ;)
I’m seeing a parallel to the Obama strategy of branding/looting. Corporate and government decay seem to be mirroring each other, and this new obsession among the intelligentsia with messaging over substance is a major component of that.
I’d say that this is also the reason it’s impossible to get the government in order. The corporate media is in bed with the corporate state, because patriotism, and most Americans are simply too burned-out or drug-addled to question anything. And if people do sense something is wrong and want a drastic change–well then there’s Trump.
This branding/looting/communications has been building since at least 1977 when undergraduate communication majors multiplied. It accelerated by 1982 when every corporate finance and law professor taught short term quarterly profit was the only responsibility of management. The combination could only lead to the current ‘propaganda as responsible management’ philosophy.
I don’t know when the turning point was, but it had something to do with neoliberalism becoming the “Washington Consensus” and the dogma that everything had to be “run like a business” became universally accepted. I would guess about the Carter administration.
Wow ! It’s an amazing story yet I should not be surprised. It’s become a common theme throughout American society. We have the usual suspects, greedy, self centered individuals looking out for their interests, using the established modus operandi. Cut, slash and burn as many systems as possible while painting over the truth with colorful, truth distorting logic while enriching your self on the way.
An organization founded by Clara Barton in the 1880″s that has evolved into such a grab bag of I want my share thinking is an American tragedy of epic proportions.
Funny timing. Just yesterday I was passed on the road in my area of NH by a Red Cross Hummer. It as white all over and the doors emblazoned with the red cross. In tiny print toward the back it said “donated by GM”. Made me sick. Got me thinking about all of the mismanagement going back decades.
Personally, I’ll throw any charitable discretionary money I might have into the gutter before I’d send a cent to the Red Cross. Took three strikes–but I’m done with them.
My father-in-law served in the SeaBees during WWII and initially influenced my dislike for the organization. He reported how Red Cross care packages were “SOLD” rather than distributed to intended service personnel. [Strike one!]
Much later the Twin Towers came down and I felt compelled to donate. When several weeks later I heard officials talk about the amount of contributions received, and asked us to dig deeper–they also revealed that they were setting aside (toward future disasters) at least half of donated dollars. (Whether this was true I don’t know–but the fact that it made it into public discussion was not a skillful marketing ploy.) [Strike two!]
I then heard horror stories from local volunteers here on the (unaffected) part of the gulf coast who dropped what they were doing to offer help and support to Hurricane Katrina victims in myriad ways A veterinary friend–after describing the absolute chaos he encountered in the area–reported that late one night, after a gut-wrenching and exhausting day, he walked into the Red Cross tent for a cup of coffee. Not without paying for it–$1/cup–he was told. [Strike three!]
There are local charities still deserving of my small discretionary donations–so I won’t truly be throwing money into the gutter; but if my only choice was give to the RC or throw it away: I’d throw it away.
Thanks for the article. I think further investigation would show that others charities–particularly those like the American Diabetes Association (with which I’m familiar)– have adopted that same managerialism model.
“The Marketers’ Best Laid Plans Led to Declining Contributions”
This year, for the first time ever in my adult life, I did not sent a contribution to the Red Cross. All the reasons listed in this excellent post went into my decision not to contribute. I still feel bad about it, but I can’t ‘enable’ continued bad management of the Red Cross.
This article proves yet again that by their words shall they be known. In this day and age when almost everything from politics to education is being subsumed by business lingo, it’s interesting to see by the Red Cross example where it will all end up.
The Red Cross which depends on volunteers and donors gets master marketers and business expertise and becomes “branded” as a business; helping others in distress becomes being efficient; preventing and alleviating suffering becomes creating a profitable place where executives get mighty big bonuses; the bottom-up organization becomes a top-down monolith; taking care of emergencies becomes profit-making exercises; all in all, this Red Cross refurbishment reflects the society that we have become–the 1% versus the 99%. When organizations are defined in financial and business terms, there is no room for alleviating or preventing human suffering.
Crapification of “charities” abounds. I’ve lived in So CA at least part time since the ’90s. San Diegans don’t have a lot of love for the San Diego Red Cross:
I stopped giving to the Red Cross a long time ago bc of mis-mangement of money and making sure that the Big Wigs at the top get THEIRS first and screw everyone else. It’s unfortunate, as this organization probably does some good stuff, but it’s priorities are not good.
I donate a certain amount every year, and I look very closely and carefully at the organizations to whom I give my hard-earned dollars. Advise everyone else to do the same. There’s a lot of “charities” out there that exist primarily to enrich those at the top, and any good that’s done for others – whom the “charity” alleges to serve or support – is strictly incidental.
Good article re American Red Cross. Crapified.
This is a great dissection of the decline at this august organization. Partners In Health is an example of a charity worth supporting.
BTW, I found the Wikipedia bio of the Bonnie McElveen-Hunter very creepy. Looking at the website of her company, Pace Communications, it took me awhile to figure out what they really do, which seems to be something on par with publishing airline magazines. It really isn’t clear why this woman should have attained her power and status – e.g. trustee of the RAND Corporation? Really? Seems emblematic of the rot at the top of the US elite.
Well publicized failures in the Hurricane Sandy response and the failure of their attempts at increased revenues through price raises, “branding” and marketing aside, the ARC WAS in increasingly dire straits when she took over. By many accounts centralizing things and closing many local branches WAS a necessity, because cutting overhead was desperately needed in an organization that was loosing large amounts of money every year. This is often that case with these “superstar managers,” If everything is working well the organization doesn’t bring them on. But when an organization is already floundering, the Boards look for a “superstar” that can “turn it around.” It’s a perfect situation for these guys: (they’re mostly men) If the company goes bankrupt, they say that it was in worse shape than they thought and nobody could have saved it and it it DOES turn around (often for completely exogenous reasons) they can take the credit.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, which runs the subways and buses in Washington DC recently went through a protracted process of hiring a new director because there was a real deep divide on the board between those who wanted a transit executive and those who wanted a “turnaround specialist.” They ended up with the latter and there’s already talk about a “charm offensive” to try and woo more riders…
The Red Cross was bleeding red ink, partly because of less demand for blood products in surgery (they sell the blood that gets donated) and partly because their labeling system was out of date, which reduced demand compared to their competitors’ products. This is something the ProPublica article makes clear that isn’t really referenced in the HCR post.
So the Red Cross brought in a generic marketer/manager who did what they do best–chopping off employee heads while destroying what made the organization viable. The Red Cross isn’t the kind of non-profit that can survive the loss of goodwill in a community. And they still haven’t addressed the labeling problem.
NC readers might be interested in this report, which caused quite a stir in the UK yesterday. Needless to say it has been denounced as worthless by the charities concerned.
I guess the question is whether you mind that when you give a dime, a nickel goes to getting money from the next person
Labeling these people generic managers or whatever is far too kind. The goal and driving force of these people was to extract more money from those most in need of charity and assistance. These people are shitty human beings, so call them what they are. The changes that they have wrought within the Red Cross organization has deprived countless suffering peoples of the good will and needed services that would have been provided by this organization BUT FOR THESE ASSHOLES.
Charities are not businesses. Charities, by definition, plan to GIVE things or services to others, not sell them, not to make profit. Putting profit loving Randians, possessed with the goal of using corporate profit taking methods, in charge of a charity is like putting “arsonists for profit” in charge of the fire department. The people that suffer are those that NEED charity, be it in the form of shelter, services, goods, or information, and we, as a society, are diminished.
Sacrificing the Red Cross on the alter of conservative economic ideology is tragic.
Sadly the problem is spreading internationally, as US universities is seen as cream of the crop.
I have to bring up the post 911 witchhunt by fox news on the red cross too.
That seemed to the the turning point, or near it.
“you mean not all of our donations are going to NYC?”
With Bill Oreilly yelling and throwing spittle at the TV cameras, a change had to be made. I’m sure more than a few of his budddies, who are very Professional Managers, were first in the door.
It’s just another part of the planned destruction of any sort of locally based ability or lobby.
years ago i worked for a marketing firm that did a significant amount of work for the organizer of the avon 3 day breast cancer walks and the amount of money wasted on frivolous items and activities made me sick. really opened my eyes about charities and how greed and fraud can be rampant in the least expected places. don’t think i can get any more cynical abt the world at this point :(
There is not enough money in the world to pay McGovern a bonus that would make up for what she has done to the RC. Perhaps a 1000 year stint in a max security prison would be a start though.
Asset Grabbing “Capture” (University of Chicago Economics? Harvard Business ?) and pervasive Control Fraud ( credits to William Black: https://www.ted.com/talks/william_black_how_to_rob_a_bank_from_the_inside_that_is?language=en)
…is a revenue seeking parasitic mission creep in the MBA world of executive profiteering and predator capitalism.
In the source article mentioned above ( https://www.propublica.org/article/the-corporate-takeover-of-the-red-cross) we see century+ old organization established with a charter for public service disaster relief, being marketed as a revenue stream with a potential for mass returns based upon the “brand” quality of saving peoples lives in catastrophic events. The article is part and parcel with how private interests have been dominated by profit driven incentives even in the most sacred trust areas of the public domain of non-profit charities essentially built on the back of American volunteers. How AT&T crony capital took over this organization and adopted it for their own monetary interest is not just a story of lost vision but of totally perverted revision gone off track from its founding purpose.
But make no mistake about it, this is only the tip of the iceberg where private asset stealth is involved in milking and bilking the public trust. the medical Institutions generally across the country have been insidiously going the same perverted path dependent way of revenue streaming as health…and wealth as the definition of healthy relief.