1. dk

    The Sith don’t seem to get that the JEDI could save their asses. But that would be “wrong”.

  2. craazyboy

    hahaha. I’ll add there were 6 Star Wars episodes, and we started with Episode 3. We still don’t know if the Fed with do episodes 5 and 6 next or episodes 1 and 2.

    1. NotTimothyGeithner


      I’ll add we started with “Star Wars.” Episode IV was added to the title later. If you saw Star Wars on its first run, it was simply “Star Wars”, no episodes.

  3. Take the Fork


    (Now if only the same sort of ethnic diversity could be brought to the Fed as was brought to Star Wars…)

    1. diptherio

      (Now if only the same sort of ethnic diversity could be brought to the Fed as was brought to Star Wars…)

      A necessary but insufficient condition. See Barack H. Obama.

  4. MikeNY

    LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Yellen does kinda remind me of Yoda. And Draghi looks a little bit like Emperor Palpatine.

    1. craazyboy

      We’ve got Abe for those trading guild guys.

      Larry Summers for Jabba the Hut and/or Janet’s successor – if I may use the word successor.

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