Links 7/4/16

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Yves here. I have food poisoning so sorry for short links rations. That also means comments will stay in moderation longer than usual.

Let Sleeping Politicians Lie All Down Under

How to Talk to Fireflies New York Times (David L). This is sort of mean. The fireflies are out to get laid and the humans are getting in their way. Isn’t it enough to watch them?

earth: a visualization of global weather conditions forecast by supercomputers updated every three hours nullschool (guurst)

“What to the Slave is 4th of July?”: James Earl Jones Reads Frederick Douglass’ Historic Speech Democracy Now

Why bad ideas refuse to die Guardian (Dr. Kevin)

Neuroscientists say multitasking literally drains the energy reserves of your brain Quartz (resilc)


Cambridge academic stages nude protest over Brexit in front of 30 economists during faculty meeting Independent (Chuck L)

Brexit: the English and Welsh Enlightenment Counterpunch (Sid S)

Theresa May, Your New Islamophobic Prime Minister? Craig Murray (Chris G)


Brexit: Osborne pledges to cut corporation tax BBC (EM)

Senior Labour Party insider reveals plan to oust Corbyn was in play 10 months ago (EXCLUSIVE) The Canary

The exits epidemic – the US empire must be furious unbalanced evolution

Renzi ready to defy Brussels and bail out Italy’s troubled banks Financial Times. Important.

ΤΤΙP, Democracy and Europe Defend Democracy. Juncker is an inept bureaucratic infighter. He keeps acting strictly to increase the power of the European Commission, and never bothers to try wrapping his power grabs in some sort of context-specific higher principle. Didn’t work very well in the Greek negotiations. The only reason it might work now is if national leaders are too distracted with Brexit and the refugee crisis to swat him down.

Brazil’s Olympic Catastrophe New York Times (EM)


Deadliest attack in a year kills 115 in central Baghdad Associated Press (resilc)

Imperial Collapse Watch

Imperialism Obama Style: 800 Military Bases Around the World Alternet

Trade Traitors

Labor chief: ‘I’m proud of the work’ done on TPP The Hill (resilc)

Clinton E-mail Tar Baby

Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically McClatchy

Top lawmakers confident in fairness of Clinton email probe Reuters

Can Hillary Clinton overcome her trust problem? Washington Post


Sanders: Party platform still needs work Lambert: “In Pennsylvania, which will tick off the hacks.”

Belatedly, what Sanders’ supporters say about race Reuters. Lambert: “What a surprise. Sanders supporters are less racist than any other candidate’s, including Clinton’s.”

Exile in political Guyville: Why getting Hillary Clinton elected isn’t “women’s work” Salon. Steve C: “Shut up and get behind the neoliberal or we’ll call you a sexist.”

The Psychology of Why Hillary Clinton Supporters are Still So Angry at Bernie Sanders Paste (Kokuanani)

‘President Hillary Clinton?’ She Wants Progress on Immigration and to Drink With G.O.P. New York Times. Mark H files this under “Hillary progressive sellout watch.” Lambert: “Get out the brain bleach.”

Poll: 13 percent prefer meteor hitting earth over Clinton, Trump The Hill

Wall Street worried about Trump Financial Times. And Trump says he wants to repeal Dodd Frank….

Trump Amplifies His Support for War Crimes New York Magazine (furzy)

Teleprompted Trump may be boring but you should have seen Hoover Bloomberg. Trump didn’t seem to be reading faithfully from the telepropmter. There were differences from his prepared remarks that looked ad-libbed.

Trump vs. the global elite The Hill

Donald Trump taps into manufacturing regions to extract Democratic voters Guardian (resilc)

In Response to Trump, Another Dangerous Movement Appears Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone. From last week. Important.

FBI Orders All Orlando Records Withheld from Public Veterans Today (Judy B)

Breaking Through Power: Karen Friedman on Protecting Pensions Real News (Catherine A)

Double Digit U.S. Rig Count Increase Impacts Oil Prices OilPrice

Class Warfare

Five myths about class in America Washington Post

Advanced-Stage Charter Syndrome: What “Maturity” Means to the Charter Movement Education Week Teacher (martha r)

Antidote du jour. Robert H warns that the “cute” marching is the result of a bit of off camera herding :-(

penguins links

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. Clive

    “The American disputes are settled and there is nothing to interrupt the peace and prosperity of the nation.”

    Lord North, British Prime Minister, April 1771, after removing all taxes* imposed on the American colonies.

    * except, unfortunately as it turned out, on tea

    The more things change… Happy Independence Day !

    1. Steve C

      Lord North: OK. How can we screw up a sure thing? From now on, all we do is make bad decisions, major and minor.

      1. Clive

        Too true! He later doubled down:

        “Four or five frigates will do the business [of suppressing the rebellion] without any military force.”

        Lord North, 1774

        And then the real incompetents got in on the act:

        “So very contemptible is the rebel force now in all parts, and so vast is our superiority everywhere, that no resistance on their [that was you lot, back in the day!] part is to be apprehended that can materially obstruct the progress of the King’s army in speedy suppression of the rebellion.”

        Lord Germain (Secretary of State for The Colonies), 1781

        We shouldn’t really be surprised, I suppose, by Syraqistan…

        1. Uahsenaa

          American incompetent arrogance, in the form of an anti-drug commercial:

          Great Britain: Hey, [former colony], we need to talk…

          United States: Jeez, it’s not a big deal!

          GB: Where did you get this [military industrial complex]? Who taught you to do this kind of stuff?

          US: You, alright, I learned it by watching you!

          1. Synoia

            Uahsenaa have no clue.

            The British government was never so stupid as to trust military suppliers.

            Google: Royal Arsenal, Woolwitch. Ignorance is no excuse.

            What was copied by the feckless colonists was Arrogance, to be followed by hubris.

            1. Uahsenaa

              Um, then explain the East India Company to me, then, which ruled India with a private army from the mid 17th to the mid 19th century. The colonies were awash with joint stock ventures (the original Bay Colony was one), so we, as I am an American, really did learn it by watching the “you” here, i.e. the large English joint stock companies with their private armies and navies.

              To be less snarky about it, I didn’t say when we learned this terrible behavior, and the insistence in the early American Republic to identify as English, whom we fought, rather than with the French, Dutch, or Prussians, who all helped us, seems to indicate rather clearly that we had no intention of giving up the bad example that created the colonies in the first place and visited slaughter and displacement upon the continent’s native inhabitants.

        2. NotTimothyGeithner

          At least from the London perspective, they really had no grasp how big the colonies actually were. British isles immigration had largely stopped by 1700, and London largely dealt with plantation accounts which were in a decline because slaves are a terrible labor force. Then they had the reports of “gentlemen” travelers who were likely offended everyone used (mister and misses which were reserved for the aristocracy in the Old World) and whatever crazy rambling Franklin put out. Half the population was under 18, so a labor crisis in Boston precipitated by Red Coats (they took our jobs) and the Demarcation Line of 1763 were bound to be problems.

          It’s like the 1,000 Kentucky rifleman needed to invade Canada in 2012 or how many soldiers we sent to Iraq. Evil and incompetence do go hand and hand.

          1. Steve C

            They weren’t even making any revenue off the Stamp Act and subsequent taxes, just pissing people off. They never bothered to learn about the situation in the colonies. All they saw was Englishman behaving badly.

          2. Optimader

            Evil and incompetence do go hand and hand.
            Hitler, Stalin, Mao. Cases in point.
            All sent an impressive numbers of people to the compost pile. In the case of Hitler v Stalin, Stalin happened to have more to use up.

          1. Ottawan

            Think about those lovely, cost-defective canals of the bad old days and I dare you to not think you’d rather a useless jet! Maybe we do have a better MIC these days. What progress!

    2. Carolinian

      Thanks to all the cousins. For Brits these days it must sometimes feel like the colonies have turned around and colonized you. Here’s hoping our future leader–whoever it may be–doesn’t turn into mad King George.

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeeft

        Is it ironical that Trump wants to impose a ‘NATO tax,’ but no tea tax, on the UK?

        “Should we stay as a colony or become the 51st state?'”

        If Japan could keep her emperor, the queen can stay, in either case.

      1. Yves Smith Post author

        Shoot, I had some charcoal capsules in the fridge (my fridge has more dietary supplements in it than food due to lack of shelf space) and didn’t take them. The episode was relatively short but pretty nasty.

    1. ProNewerDeal

      Get well soon Yves! Thanks to you & Lambert for NC. You are great Americans, no Sean Hannity just in case!

      1. Dave

        I suffered from “Brazilian blowout” for three horrible days in South America.
        Charcoal really does work. Any traveler should carry the pills in sealed container for crossing borders.

    2. Vatch

      The BRAT diet helps for recovering from gastric trouble: Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce, Toast.

    3. Lambert Strether

      The only time I had food poisoning, I found the cure at a pharmacy… And now I can’t find the brand! It was not homepathic, and came in a bottle. The best I can do is a meta-recommendation.

      1. zapster

        Emetrol is an anti-nausea liquid that is just about miraculous. Maybe that’s it?

    4. PlutoniumKun

      Sports drinks are the quickest and easiest answer. It won’t cure, but it will help a rapid recovery. Having food poisoning is like putting your body through a marathon in hot weather. Sports supplements (isotonic drinks and recovery mixes) are the cheapest and most straightforward way of getting the minerals and nutrients you’ve lost back into your system.

      1. Procopius

        It has something to do with the glucose being absorbed through the walls of the intestines. I remember reading an explanation of how the Rehydration Salts saved literally millions of childrens’ lives, especially in Africa, as a cure for cholera. The article was saying it was a marvelous example of discovering how a bacterium worked and then using simple materials to counter it. It seems just accidental that the salts seem to work for just about any combination of nausea and diarrhea.

    5. Oregoncharles

      God, yes. Painful, enervating, and disgusting. Feel for you, Yves. We hope for a speedy recovery – but my doctor said 5 days, and he was bang on. Improving most of that time, though.

    6. TheCatSaid

      Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

      I’ll add to the list of ideas–my preferences include MAP (Medical Assistance Program by Machaelle Small Wright)–a 24/7 medical team that includes nature intelligence & doesn’t charge for their work on physical, emotions, mental and soul-level. Effective and remarkable. Ebook format at the Perelandra-ltd website. If you can lie down (or sit in a chair) and talk–out loud or silently–then you can use MAP. You can get started once you’ve read the background & instructions in the first few chapters. Interfaces effortlessly and safely with whatever health supports you use, conventional or alternative.

      Also PIC (explained on the Perelandra-ltd website).

  2. Hussy

    Nice juxtaposition, Aidan O’Brien in Counterpunch and the Failed Evolution piece: O’Brien making the obvious point that austerity and militarism go hand in hand and Brexit strikes at both; and FE noticing that Czecho-slovakia is playing the same role in the NATO bloc that it played in the Warsaw Pact.

    Orban’s blunter, but Zeman is quite the revolutionary too. They’re both reaching outside the bloc for peace and self-determination. When the CIA commissars install Hillary, her first job may be Operation Danube.

  3. Bugs Bunny

    Sorry to hear you’re sick Yves. I just got over a really bad case of food poisoning from some curry take away. Like a visit to Delhi without taking the plane. Nearly went to the hospital but kept a stiff upper lip.

    Re: “Renzi ready to defy Brussels and bail out Italy’s troubled banks”: Where will the money come from? Would Banca d’Italia print a few hundred billion euros to flush down the Atlante NPL toilet? Aside from being illegal, it would probably lead the Troika to replace Renzi like they did Berlu.

    I wish this euro would be over.

  4. aletheia33

    i hardly ever check out cnn but i think this is worth watching. former ass’t fbi director comments on:
    why hrc interview by fbi was so short.
    why the fbi did not question her sooner. her claim she was eager for it in august.
    the fbi’s interest in not getting embroiled in campaign politics.
    the likelihood the case against her is solid.

    feel better yves.

  5. Jerry

    It’s hard to believe this site runs every day every day every day. Sick or not, y’ all deserve a day off. My wife says the purpose of holidays is to get us to do something different. But thanks for all the links anyway. I’m reading them!

  6. EndOfTheWorld

    Can Hillary Clinton overcome her trust problem? She can —– by dropping out of the race. That’s the ONLY way. So the WaPo admits that people don’t trust her because she’s being investigated for criminal activity by the FBI WHILE she is running for prez. Presumedly this is a set-up for when the announcement is made that nobody is indicted—then the WaPo can wipe the slate clean and presto, no trust problem. Sorry, WaPo, fewer and fewer people daily give a good goddam what you say.

    1. polecat

      I’ll bet those weren’t the fireworks you were looking for !! Hope you recover in time to enjoy at least some of the holiday Ives…. poisoning is no fun to be sure….

      …what do you think the culinary culprit was that caused it ??

      1. polecat

        ‘Yves’….. yikes! …. uh, sorry about that….have not had my caffeine yet !!

    2. NotTimothyGeithner

      A fair amount of Obama support in 2008 came from a disdain of Clinton Inc. Bernie’s age and lack of media coverage unlike the 4 year love fest Obama received from the media were killers in this cycle, and we shouldn’t forget people who likely have given up on politics.

      The “trust” problems were always there. Her explanations for Iraq, let’s pretend we can tolerate such a monstrous decision, are examples of why she is seen as untrustworthy.

    3. Jim Haygood

      An over-the-top puff piece in the Saddam’s WMDs paper features some of the best comedy writing of the year:

      Picture a steady stream of senators, congressmen and other leaders raising a glass and talking policy in the Oval Office with [Hillary] and her likely chief of staff, John D. Podesta, as her husband pops in with a quick thought or a disarming compliment.

      “Disarming compliment” … ah ha ha ha … or maybe with his zipper still down from being serviced by a nubile intern in the broom closet. We all recognize this genre of political advocacy: it’s the “humanize Newt Gingrich” campaign of twenty years ago, rejiggered to suit sharp-elbowed Hillary in place of the saurian Newt.

      But the punch line is a brazen public offer to Loretta Lynch. Making it a matter of record in a national newspaper likely was one of the non-prosecution conditions Lynch laid down in her tête-à-tête with “Bill” last Monday:

      Democrats close to Mrs. Clinton say she may decide to retain Ms. Lynch, the nation’s first black woman to be attorney general, who took office in April 2015.

      Translation: THE FIX IS IN. 0bama’s hitting the campaign trail for Hillary; Lynch is promised a cabinet position under Hillary. Circling the wagons, Hillary prepares to hunker down and go Nixon on us, no matter how ugly the optics get. It’s strictly biz, comrades.

      1. Carolinian

        That’s unbelievable. Those anonymous star struck Clinton aides must be off the reservation to make such a statement to the press.

        Or perhaps it’s their way of signalling to Sanders that, as you say, the fix is in–stop waiting for an indictment miracle and come across with that endorsement.

        1. allan

          To paraphrase HRC’s hero: Extreme attempted bribery in defense of my liberty is no vice.

        2. Jim Haygood

          It’s jumping sharks with a fleet of nuclear submarines, Palmetto man — beyond UFB.

          Would Lynch even survive her new Senate confirmation after denying Comey’s criminal referral?

          We’ve had twenty-four years of uniformly dismal, corrupt attorneys general — from Janet Reno, through Alberto Gonzales, to Eric Holder, and finally to the unspeakable Loretta Lynch.

          To no one’s surprise, the rule of law lies in shambles, smashed to bits on the floor.

          1. neo-realist

            Add John Ashcroft to that distinguished collection—Patriot Act supporter and ignored warnings of a 9-11 attack according to a couple of FBI agents.

      2. optimader

        When I think over this clinton-lynch airport meeting, ( the old mantra no such thing as a coincidence comes to mind) I wonder if it wasn’t a device that now enables her to be explicit about being “arms length, leaving it to the professionals” -think plausible deniability from a decision to not indict now that the fix is in.
        This allows her to be a clean appointment in a HRC admin, no?

      3. Buttinsky

        Making it a matter of record in a national newspaper likely was one of the non-prosecution conditions Lynch laid down in her tête-à-tête with “Bill” last Monday

        I really don’t understand the (authorized?) firebomb from “Democrats close to Mrs. Clinton.” This officially and irreversibly renders Loretta Lynch’s name mud unless, and only unless, she throws the full weight of the law against Hillary Clinton. I doubt the Clintons care much about their reputations at this point, but it’s really hard to believe the first African-American woman Attorney General wants to go down in history as the most flagrant sell-out in the history of the Department of Justice.

        The only theory I’ve seen so far that kinda, sorta makes sense is that things look so bad for the Clintons that they want an independent prosecutor appointed now. More “process.” Delay, delay, delay. While shouting Trump! Trump! Trump!

        1. Jim Haygood

          “It’s really hard to believe the first African-American woman Attorney General wants to go down in history as the most flagrant sell-out in the history of the Department of Justice.”

          As with fiction, appreciating even stranger reality requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

          In his previous role as deputy AG, the later-to-be first African-American attorney general, Eric Holder, signed off on the Clintons’ $400,000 Marc Rich pardon.

          Stereotyping African-American politicians as corrupt, compliant toadies is wrong. But the one-two punch of squalid outliers Holder and Lynch unfortunately provides ammo for bigots.

      4. Lambert Strether

        That’s open corruption, even in the most narrow, quid pro quo sense of the word.

        It’s bribery, pure and simple. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not.

      1. polecat

        another williambanzai7 masterpiece! …….. except he forgot to add some of his signature drones hovering above that jet…

      2. Clive

        He’s arriving…
        On that mid-day plane to Pheonix
        Said he’s going back to find
        [goin’ back ta’ find]
        A simpler place and time
        And I’ll be with him
        [Ah know yu’ will]
        On that mid-day plane to Pheonix
        I’d rather live with him in his world
        Than to live without him in mine…

  7. Carla

    “They are sick of being castigated for their way of life. People have a strong sense of being ruled over by institutions that fundamentally loathe them, or at least consider them to be in dire need of moral and social correction…

    They feel patronised, slandered and distrusted, not ignored. They feel their working-class culture and attitudes are viewed with contempt…

    This rebellion wasn’t caused by racism or a paroxysm of infantile anger. It was considered. The workers spied an opportunity to take the elite that despises them down a peg or two — and they seized it. They asserted their power, and in the process, blimey: they changed the world.”

    1. Clive

      Thanks for this link. Here’s more of the same, one of the few Reasons To Be Cheerful is that this phenomena is (finally?) getting the recognition — albeit from the fringes of the MSM — which has been lacking up until the Brexit result.

      1. Carla

        Yeah — how come we can’t have that?

        Hah! Free and fair elections? About as much chance of those as of our having a national referendum.

    2. flora

      Thanks for the link. Very interesting reading. Glad it mentioned the Chartist movement – Chartism of 1830’s-40’s. I’ve felt the Brexit vote had a similar impulse, but this is only a guess.

    3. William C

      and, sadly, when the poor get shafted again (which they will)?

      this ‘rebellion’ was seeded by many years of propaganda in the tabloids.

      anything which strengthens Murdoch’s grip on the UK political system (which this has done) is not going to redound to the benefit of the ordinary pepole.

  8. EndOfTheWorld

    By the way, I see “trust” is the current buzz word that the Hildabeast and her minions are using constantly in all conversations with all news outlets. Sure, that’ll work! Just repeat the word over and over, ad infinitum, and it will become reality.

    1. Jim Haygood

      Trust us. We won’t do it again:

      Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in a deposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state.

      If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that . . . that certainly happened on . . . on more than one occasion,” Huma Abedin told lawyers representing Judicial Watch.

      Abedin’s admission that she used so-called “burn bags” for some of her schedules is the first time anyone close to [Hillary] has disclosed destroying public records.

      Former State Department official Richard Grenell told The Post it was unprecedented for a diplomat to destroy a schedule like this.

      “I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag — because every one of them had a email address and therefore their daily schedules became public records, as required by law.”

      No matter how jaded you get, you can never hope to keep up with the Clintons’ sewage flow of daily outrages.

      1. Tom

        No doubt the Clintons have somebody on permanent staff as the in-house cleaner – a la Harvey Kietel in Pulp Fiction. Although in this case, “Mr. Wolfe’s” bag of goodies would include a paper shredder, a lighter, a magnet for wiping hard drives and other devices and gadgets for erasing inconvenient evidence of the family business.

  9. Ed

    “Brazil’s Olympic Catastrophe New York Times (EM)”

    I am actually in Rio de Janeiro. I had originally planned to do a point by point rebuttal of this, but quite honestly I don’t know where to begin. The city described in the article seems like a completely different city. The correspondent claims to have been here. I don’t believe her.

    1. ewmayer

      Re: Brazil’s Olympic Catastrophe | NYT — Given the pervasive gang, drug and police violence detailed in the same article, I wonder if the writer intended this snip to be reassuring: ‘…the [Zika] virus seems like a relatively minor problem: According to one calculation, in Rio a woman is more than 10 times more likely to be raped than catch Zika. (Men are more likely to be shot to death.)’

      @Ed (above) — yes, a man-on-the-scene rebuttal would be very welcome … The NYT did a similar hatchet job in the run-up to the Sochi winter olympics (which they repeat in this piece) – “brown water oozing from pipes in not-yet-completed hotels! Oh my!” Well, recently-installed plumbing might well do that before it’s had a chance to be thoroughly flushed – and as I recall the Sochi games went off quite nicely, despite further inane gleeful MSM hysteria about some particular prop failing to function in the opening ceremonies. (I recall the Russian organizers actually added a sarcastic reply-prop to that criticism in the closing ceremonies – very pointed, very funny.)

      But hey, if the Brazilians do manage to pull off a disaster-free olympics, they can forward to a similar long-term economically stimulative afterglow as Greece enjoyed post-2004! Oh, wait…

  10. Michael

    Exile in political Guyville: Why getting Hillary Clinton elected isn’t “women’s work” Salon

    If you are ever looking for a fact-free essay on why you should support Hillary, I would urge you to refer to this post. It’s venomous, trite and inaccurate – and yet I read it to its conclusion, where it ended up refuting all the arguments it made in the first 12 graphs).

    It was hilarious! Donald Trump must have paid a fortune to get this into Salon but it was worth every penny.

    One of my favorite lines:

    What if we said we would not enter into partnerships, have sex with, or socialize with, men who weren’t active feminists?{by voting en masse for the woman who married well}

    Got it. Vote for Hillary or you will have to masturbate. And all this time, I thought voting for Hillary was masturbating. The things one learns about onanism from Salon are limitless.

    1. Lambert Strether

      That’s Lysistratic Nonaction, #57 on Gene Sharp’s list of non-violent methods of protest and persuasion.

      Surely, however, you pose a false dichtomy? First, there’s always the question of who “we” is, in this case “we said we would not enter.” Second, there’s abstinence.

      Finally, in general I deprecate tropes that make direct comparisons between political acts and sexual acts; I think they are category errors on the order of comparing government to a household. This comment is an unusual example of such a trope, but such a trope it is.

      1. Oregoncharles

        But it was March (and Aristophanes before her) who made the connection. The trouble is, there is a deep link between sexuality and political life. For instance, what do you think conquest is for?

        Actually, i think the Lysistrata ploy could be useful – for instance, in anti-recruiting ads. It could work both ways, too. But it’s very tricky in the modern context – after all, Aristophanes played it as a joke (women were near-slaves in ancient Athens – but not in Sparta.)

  11. Ed

    On the Olympics in general, there is some evidence that the US has taken secretly to disrupting the Olympics when they are held in the BRICS, which are just about the only countries interested in holding the things since IOC corruption has meant that the costs have gotten way out of hand.

    So it wouldn’t shock me if the Rio Olympics turn out to be a disaster, I for one have firm plans not to be here in August, even if the details in the New York Times article don’t add up. However, there is Brazilian politics to consider.

    The Brazilian House of Representatives impeached their left-wing President and installed an interim right-wing President of the sort the American government usually prefers (incidentally, he has promised to bail out Rio de Janeiro state for the cost of holding the Olympics -the article was featured in a Naked Capitalism link). But this is only an interim arrangement until the Senate votes on the charges, which are not in doubt because this politician has made himself thoroughly unpopular. If the Olympics actually go badly, they will reflect more on interim guy than on the left-wing president they are trying to get rid of. So they really should call off the “Brazilians are hopelessly incompetent” media campaign. But maybe theses things acquire a momentum that is hard to stop.

    1. optimader

      July 4, 2016 at 10:24 am

      On the Olympics in general, there is some evidence that the US has taken secretly to disrupting the Olympics when they are held in the BRICS,

      So secret you can’t point to a link?

      So it wouldn’t shock me if the Rio Olympics turn out to be a disaster,
      from the sounds of it, I don’t think Brazil will need any outside assistance, but yeah , if they make a hash of it no doubt it will somehow be the fault of the US

      1. JTMcPhee

        Here’s one link on the subject. Does that influence the credibility of the claim? And of course “if they did it, here’s how,” they would not be that large, righteously glowing, oh so unfairly maligned reification, “the US,” but the sneaky little sh!ts, the individuals and cadres who have been undermining and “demon-cratizing” all over the planet for a lot more than three score and ten years. “The US” is a chimera, a July 4 shibboleth, that even if it were an actual thing, would on the evidence not give a sh!t about ordinary people or the fate of the planet. It’s a brand, owned and puffed by the Owners.

        The CIA actually officially brags about doing destabilization and all that.

  12. HBE

    Trump v. Global elite article

    I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person and this article has got some comedy gold.

    “To trash TPP the way he does is really upsetting,” Fratto said.
    Boo hoo, he is a big crass meanie, neoliberalism is great!

    I think the majority of usians might find it “upsetting” that they cannot achieve a living wage and trade deals will make that even harder.

    I feel more and more like leadership is so dependent on sychophant “advisors” and focused on campaigning that they are completely uninformed in all other areas.

    And funny hillary quotes!

    1. flora

      Thanks for the link. I think both Clintons see themselves as “free agents” (US sports term), not as stewards with responsibility to anything outside themselves. The article even with the best intent and strongest language is unlike to pierce their bubble, where no consequences are suffered by them, and therefore the consequences are dismissed as unimportant. My 2¢.

    1. fresno dan

      That was a wonderful movie. Of course, I have a warm ….(hmmmm ?cold spot?) for penguins.

    1. ambrit

      If Bill gets back in the White House, we will have to repurpose that phrase; “…dropping like files.”
      As Comrade Haygood remarked above, America has become a “service” economy.

      1. JTMcPhee

        Fokking and killing– the fundamentals of our species. Oh course with suitable antimacassars and fish knives…

    2. PlutoniumKun

      Yes, Farage is, among other things, a bit of a flake. I don’t think anybody really believes its a real resignation. Marina Hyde gives her usual acerbic overview:

      My guess is that he has something brewing. He probably wants to step back from the unholy mess he has created, so that in 6 or 12 months he can come back ‘to make a contribution’. He may even have aspirations to join the Conservatives.

  13. DJG

    Taibbi on a disturbing rising new movement: I remarked right away that two men who fancy themselves gay activitists, Andrew Sullivan and Jonathan Rauch, are now arguing for politics by the very serious lords and ladies with cigars in back rooms (or on airport tarmacs, plane to plane). These two (along with the egregious Peter Thiel) are instances of how social class trumps all. So activism and stress on the outsider status of gayfolk (which hasn’t been resolved) is okay for Sullivan, Rauch, and Thiel, so long as Edie Windsor, the ACLU, Michelangelo Signorile, Divine, Laverne Cox, and ACT UP do the heavy lifting. Once “equality” is in place (even though it in fact is not), the movement can go out the window as these jamokes seek their place at the table.

    Sheesh. Once a white boy always a white boy. Once entitled, always seeking class privilege. (To be impolite.)

    I am glad that George Washington wasn’t spending a lot of time looking for his place at the table.

    1. flora

      What follows is a tendentious and somewhat emotional rant. Apologies in advance.

      Some branch of my family goes back to the Revolutionary War. Democracy. Self determination.
      Then there was the Civil War in which a branch, living in the South and long refusing to own other human beings (slaves) as a matter of principle, and who believed in the Union, refused to fight for the South and moved North, leaving everything behind. Then there was WWI, the “war to make the world safe for democracy”, “the war to end all wars”. A great uncle lies buried in France. He and my grandfather went to ‘free the world for democracy.’ My grandfather returned. My great uncle did not. Mustard gas in the trenches. Then there was WWII to save democracy from fascism. Father and uncles all fought. This, my family’s story, is the same as hundreds of thousands of US families. US servicemen and women are still fighting for democracy.
      Now we hear from the self-styled masters of the universe that there is “too much democracy.” That the people who have actually, you know, risked their lives for democracy (talk about “skin in the game”), are senseless mouth-breathing stupid people who are unfit to make decisions.
      I have news for the self-styled masters of the universe.
      /end rant

      A very happy 4th of July to all.

    2. Jeremy Grimm

      I read Rauch’s article in the Atlantic with a degree of shock and disbelief. It was full of bizarre assertions. At first I thought it was a hit piece against Trump and/or Sanders which seemed to be confirmed by Rauch’s assertion that three of the four last remaining candidates running for President were “sociopaths” (Rauch deliberately misused the word to mean somehow that they refused to follow the guidance of their parties). The only non-sociopath was Hillary. After a second reading of the essay I started to wonder at the value of a tacit plug for Hillary made by a guy who missed the like of Boss Tweed. A closer reading of the essay left me wondering at the quality of writing. The essay was relatively long and discursive. The metaphor of a disease in the body politic broke down in several places. The final conclusion that we need to increase the power of the parties to repair the vulnerabilities left by all the political reforms of the last several years — reforms like the reform of “pork barrel politics” — was like a statement from someone who had lived in a closet for the last twenty years. Will the Brookings Institute keep Rauch around after an essay like that? Regardless of political stance can’t they find better writers?

    1. vidimi

      typical farage play. his resignation has been given front page fanfare on the guardian all day when all it is is a publicity stunt. now that there’s actual work to be done, he is graciously standing aside and letting others do the heavy lifting. once everything is in its right place, he will no doubt slither out again to try to take the lead and take credit where he can.

      he looked like he enjoyed rupert murdoch’s company at lebedev’s garden party this weekend, btw.

  14. MyLessThanPrimeBeeft

    800 military bases?

    That’s a lot of Big Government spending.

    And eight times the number of embassies.

    Perhaps we need more information (as we are low information)…then we will know it’s a dangerous world out there.

    Time for a universal bomb/explosive/gun ban (people in Baghdad likely agree, for at least today)?

  15. DJG

    Yves? Ginger tea. It cures everything. Fresh ginger, sliced. Hot water, not too hot.

    But that report from Veterans Times insists that Orlando is a false-flag operation, which I find dubious. I understand the value of the possible news that Comey is embargoing (“redacting”) the information. But false flag? That gets us back to Sandy Hook as a false flag event.


    1. Alex morfesis

      Comey’s gramps in yonkers had an interesting ride during prohibition up the ladder in the police dept with dutch Shultz and lucky luciano and that crew operating up there…also his gramps must have been very liked by the clowns that be…he was not qualified to become a captain which apparently was the requirement to become police chief, and since he did not serve in ww2 for some reason, he was.blocked to becoming captain by a post ww2 law that gave veterans a preference in becoming captains…so they created a brand new job title as the deputy public safety commissioner & then let his gramps double dip by taking an official “leave of absence” so he could keep earning towards his pension & keep the new position and kept playing tag with his vacation days to go from one job to another…until his political patron lost the election and his gramps decided to “retire”…

      So being clever and cryptic it would seem is in the comey genes and all this noise about his being a straight shooter….

      and let us not forget the armed home invasion that took place in his childhood home in jersey, where someone was obviously trying to semd his family a message in Bergen county new jersey…you know…tony soprano land…

      Reality…what a concept…

      $hillary as herbert hoover…who pulled this same crap to push aside Coolidge and run over any real opposition…

      “A chicken in every car and some pot in every garage”…vote $hillary !!!

  16. fresno dan

    In Response to Trump, Another Dangerous Movement Appears Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone. From last week. Important.

    Donald Trump is dangerous because as president, he’d likely have little respect for law. But a gang of people whose metaphor for society is “We are the white cells, voters are the disease” is comparably scary in its own banal, less click-generating way.

    I enjoyed the article, but with regard to the paragraph above, with regard to potential Trump disrespect of the law, Trump’s braggadocio is at least stated transparently*, and I suspect what would be if Trump were to be elected, a rather ineffective way. If the criteria for fitness for president is faithful execution of the laws, than worrying about Trump’s potential disrespect pales in comparison to the Bush’s and Obama’s complete plunder and pillage of the law.

    There have been thousands, if not millions of examples presented on NC and by commentators of the law breaking by our government, and the studious, well crafted and well designed lies to disguise, obfuscate, and mislead citizens, on everything from droning, torture, rendition, MILLIONS of forged mortgage documents, and on and on…and on. In my view, the amount of law breaking already occurring is ginormous. As well as the notion that the laws are written to advance justice, instead of as a McGuffin to cover The Grift.

    What laws get enforced against who is solely determined by whether one’s wealth surpasses the 100 million dollar limit, or the 1 billion dollar limit…

    * Compare and contrast what Trump SAYS about waterboarding versus what the US has done with regard to the practice.
     “The capture, torture, and propaganda use of Abu Zubaydah is the perfect example of the US government’s unique combination of willful law-breaking, ass-covering memo-writing, and what some Salvadorans I once worked with called “strategic incompetence.” The fact that no one—not George Bush or Dick Cheney, not Jessen or Mitchell, nor multiple directors of the CIA—has been held accountable means that, unless we are very lucky, we will see more of the same in the future.”

    1. MyLessThanPrimeBeeft

      That Taibbi quote seems like out of the Minority Report – we know his likely ‘little respect of the law,’ and must do something about it…before it happens (because we know the likely little respect of the law).

      It’s only a short leap to go from ‘likely breaking of the law’ to ‘likely little respect of the law.’

  17. MyLessThanPrimeBeeft

    Bad ideas refuse to die?

    Ideas aren’t born and they don’t die.

    Ideas are immortal; they live in the Idea World peacefully and happily – that is, ideas don’t kill other ideas.

  18. Jim Haygood

    Italian banks, comrades: the next installment in Europe’s permanent crisis?

    Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA led Italian banks to new record lows in Milan on Monday amid fresh concerns the country’s lenders are under pressure to raise capital to bolster their finances.

    Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi is weighing injecting capital into the nation’s banks after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union jolted stock markets, aggravating the decline in Italy’s lenders.

    The plan has drawn opposition from Germany and is pitting Renzi against the EU, amid concern that government funding would violate the region’s state-aid rules.

    Seven of the ten biggest decliners in the STOXX 600 Banks Index were Italian lenders, with Monte Paschi dropping 8.2 percent, while UniCredit SpA fell 3.3 percent.

    Gold, a traditional safe haven from monetary chaos, is up about 1 percent in Monday trading.

    Which do you trust: an indestructible brick of gold … or Italy’s jerry-rigged banking system, whose equity is melting before our very eyes, as the pilots in the cockpit fight each other for control of the diving plane?

  19. ambrit

    Something wicked this way comes.
    A BBC short from May 13 of this year simulates the ‘reporting’ of the beginning of WW3. In it, the blame for the conflagration is placed squarely upon Russia. The affaire begins off of the coast of Syria. The initial use of battlefield nukes is ascribed to Russia, and the ‘conflict’ is explicitly described as a planned assault upon Europe and America. The piece is described in the contents box as: “Originally designed as fear response testing.”
    As with most BBC mocumentaries, this begins as a ‘normal’ television programme. Then, at the 11.50 point the “BBC News” breaks in with the dire tiding. It’s all downhill from there, ending with the Red Alert instructions about how to survive an atomic blast!!!
    This isn’t like previous BBC nuk’em broadcasts in that, if I remember correctly, no blame for the hostilities was assigned in the previous tableaux.
    Such an obviously propagandistic broadcast can be characterized as nothing less than cyber sabre rattling.
    Pray to whatever gods and spirits you bow down to. These people are truly evil and stupid; a very bad combination.

      1. ambrit

        Thanks for the link. I also like “Buckaroo Banzai” where the Welles broadcast was an actual news story.

      1. Clive

        No, it definitely wasn’t produced by the BBC. The on-screen graphics aren’t what they use on the BBC News Channel at all and the look-and-feel is completely wrong. The background music is what is used as the lead in at the top of the hour — it would never be used as “incidental” music. Not a bad effort, but clearly a mock-up from a source other than the BBC. Sorry, I noticed this earlier and couldn’t be bothered to comment saying as such as I thought it was such an obvious sleight-of-hand (obvious to someone in the UK maybe, but more convincing if you’re not familiar with BBC output to quickly spot the difference).

        (salutary reminder that not everything on the internet is true!)

      2. ambrit

        Apologies to all and sundry.
        It looks like I’ve been fooled, or wanted to be fooled.

        So, this being fake, who would want to spend the time and effort to produce it. And why do so? Do it to prove one’s production competence? How hard a task would such a farrago be?

        1. Kfish

          There are a lot of amateurs who do this kind of stuff for fun, and then put it out on the Internet for critique. Fake movie trailers for movies that will never exist, that sort of thing. Some of them are very good.

  20. Dave

    From “Five myths about class in America”

    “Chinese workers built the Transcontinental Railroad…”

    That’s a myth alright. Absolute hogwash. Reading misinformation like this puts much of what she claims in doubt.

    The mostly Irish and German laborers built the “transcontinental railroad”. It was a ever larger series of regionally interconnected lines on both sides of the Rockies and the Sierra in California. The final push was to cross the Sierras and connect the east and west coasts at Promontory, Utah.

    The only role the Chinese played was to be small and light enough that they could be hoisted up cliff faces to drill holes in the granite and insert dynamite to blast away the rock.

    I wonder if Nancy Isenberg has ever done a real working class job in her life?

    1. Take the Fork

      Probably not. I think the left dropped the working experience requirement sometime in the late 1950s, when it abandoned workers in favor of tenure. Pretty sure this was in response to the one-two-three of broad prosperity, McCarthyism and Cultural Marxism.

      I’d like to know how many economists have ever done (or even seen) any real working class work. Or readers of this site, for that matter.

      1. griffen

        Was there an attempt at subtle with insulting the readership on this site? I tend to value the commentary as much as I do the informed links and posts.

        Varied views and opinions and that.

        1. Massinissa

          If you cant tell, he’s basically trolling. Don’t expect any concrete examples from him, if he responds at all

      2. Arizona Slim

        Working class work? Former dishwasher, sales clerk, cashier, and mechanic here.

        And I do have a college degree.

      3. human

        I’m a break/fix technician expecting to work ’till I drop. Was in the building trades, and had a stint as a cook, when younger. What do you do?

      4. Oregoncharles

        Hands on landscaping. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Still keep my hands in at 70.

      5. different clue

        You first.

        Have you ever done ( or even seen) any real working class work? Take your time answering. We’ll be patient.

    2. ewmayer

      The subject of the Transcontinental Railroad makes for an interesting musing on what it means to be an American … as this first-generation immigrant (parents moved here from Austria ca. 1970, when I was a young boy) writes this I am sitting in a coffee shop in Cupertino, CA, whose ethnic mix, driven by software-tech industry, is roughly equals parts East Asian (mostly first-gen Chinese and their children), Indian and more-or-less Caucasian, with the latter category including many recent European immigrants (especially Russian and FSU), latino folks and admixtures of same.

      At the table next to mine on the left sits a friend, a 60ish lady of Chinese ancestry, whose American ancestors were Chinese workers on the railroad. Regarding the ethnic mix of railroad workers, sure the eastern side (Union Pacific RR) was dominated by European immigrants, but the Western side (Central Pacific RR) was dominated by Chinese labor – from the related Wikipage on Promontory, Utah:

      By the summer of 1868, the Central Pacific had completed the first rail route through the Sierra Nevada mountains, and was now moving down towards the Interior Plains and the Union Pacific’s line. More than 4,000 workers, of whom two thirds were Chinese, had lain more than 100 mi (160 km) of track at altitudes above 7,000 ft (2,100 m). In May 1869, the railheads of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads finally met at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory.[2] A specially-chosen Chinese and Irish crew had taken only 12 hours to lay the final 10 miles (16 km) of track in time for the ceremony.[3]

      Any fellow fans of the AMC series Hell on Wheels around here?

  21. William F

    Perhaps Ms. Clinton’s supporters have an additional problem: they have no ability to recognize authenticity. However limited Mr. Sanders is on the national level-and he has real issues there, I believe-I do see in him “the real thing”, a man who has real beliefs, some persistent idealism even in this era of “virtual” everything which values illusion to the point of frightening pathology. That Ms. Clinton is a political hack seems obvious from a quick scan of her “accomplishments”; what she may do if elected I defy anyone to predict based on evidence of any core beliefs other than in her ability and desire to achieve the presidency

  22. mk

    re: Belatedly, what Sanders’ supporters say about race Reuters

    “We polled Sanders supporters too, but didn’t include them in our final report for various reasons.

    We mostly excluded the Sanders data for space reasons. We really should have kept it in.”
    As a Sanders supporter, this is all I took away from the article. EFF them.

    Happy Fourth NC!! Thanks for all you do!

  23. optimader…

    As a curiosity while drinking my morning burned bean straining, I did a little search engine archival hit retrieval test using this link, This has confirmed previous search experiences that all search engine are not created equal relative to archiving NC search strings.

    This link happens to be a convenient surrogate as I clearly remember posting it relative to a friend having passed it along w/ref to a weather event back in jan 2014 .

    I also know I’ve seen it posted here probably 6 times or so since then (feb 11 2014) as it has developed wider spread weather geek popularity.

    1.) If I use the NC Search feature (performed by one of the mainstream Search Engines running in the background??) using Boolean and non-Boolean +”earth.nullschool” no results older than today.

    2.) If I do a Boolean search in Bing, anything older this 03 1 2016 link is memory holed.
    Steve H.
    March 1, 2016 at 9:29 am
    Too cool to not share:,39.59,813

    If I do a Google search itactually does offers up February 11, 2014 as the oldest link
    February 11, 2014 at 6:23 pm,35.77,265

    So for whatever reason, the Search Engine running behind the NC Search box is not too effective re archiving NC content tied to wordstrings. I am actually surprised Google coughed it up, (maybe because it is a searchable link?) as I have done non-link Boolean wordstring searches tied to +”nakedcapitalism’ that have received no hits.

    I would try this on a couple other search engines tocheck their efficacy but off to chores, maybe later.

    1. hunkerdown

      Searching for “ nullschool” yields a 1/17/2014 post. If you want to constrain your search to a particular domain, site: is the necessary incantation. Otherwise you’re searching page text.

      1. optimader


        using nullschool in the NC “Search” box:

        Nothing Found
        Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords. nullschool

        But yeah I’m with you w/respect to the merit of constraining search criteria w/ site: in a search engine inquiry!

  24. bob kociolek

    I don’t get it. Sanders’s comments in the Op-Ed piece doesn’t mention single payer. Is that off the table?

  25. Carolinian

    For those who felt disappointment at Garrison Keillor’s endorsement of Hillary and praise for Obama in his final show there’s this rather amazing article–a rebuke to loyal Democrats everywhere. Husseini talks about a Press Club appearance by GK in 1999 and a question Husseini was able to ask

    The moderator of the event, then Press Club President John Hughes did ask that question: “One of your greatest stories on ‘A Prairie Home Companion’ was the ‘Prophet’ which you told during the 1991 Gulf War. What would a prophet tell us now?”

    But Keillor basically renounced the story: “I am not in the prophecy business and sort of regret that monologue. I’ve been trying to forget it for years and years. It was one of my ill-advised ventures into political commentary. I had almost erased it from my mind

    Husseini then goes on to excerpt the earlier monologue

    a prophet would tell us that America is a country that God has blessed so much, we have not suffered as other people have. We don’t know what suffering is like. We have not known war in our country since 1865. That experience of war in 1865 was so horrible in this country, the Civil War, that we did not lift our hand against anybody for years and years after that. [note even here, Keillor ignores wars against the native population.]

    But over the years we’ve become so prosperous and we have developed technology that allows us to deliver war to other people, and it never falls on us. We have no idea what war is like in this country. Our soldiers know, but when they come back to tell us, we don’t know what they’re talking about. We don’t know what war is like in this country and so it behooves us to be careful. And to rain down death on people and then to gloat over it is not becoming in God’s eyes. This is not good. To rain down destruction from this country, which knows so little suffering that our own navels become the source of our suffering is not pleasant or good in God’s eyes. We should be very careful, very careful. This is what a prophet would say, I think.

    On that final show Keillor worried about whether anything he said would be remembered, whether it would instead simply vanish like smoke or radio waves. It’s ironic therefore that something he said that should be remembered became an embarrassment to a later version of himself, the endorser of HRC. But we don’t have to agree. It’s a brilliant monologue that can be read here

  26. Katharine

    There are still many Sander supporters who are hesitant to throw their support to Clinton, and those voters are his leverage. Why deliver them to Clinton for nothing?

    said the author of the “Psychology” article. Who on earth seriously thinks Sanders can “deliver” voters? He certainly isn’t such a fool. Clinton shouldn’t be if she hopes to win. Some Sanders voters will never vote for her. Some could be persuaded if she actively supported a progressive platform, but it is up to her to persuade them by her actions: nothing he can do will deliver them to an address they don’t like the looks of.

    1. sd

      There is this assumption out there that “Sanders voters” are voting for the person, Bernie Sanders, when in fact, they are voting for his policies. The candidate who embraces and supports those policies, gets the votes.

      I think that might be what’s driving some of the Clinton supporters absolutely nuts. They just can’t wrap their head around this. Including folks like Markos Moulitas who, one would have thought, should know better.

    2. optimader

      If I were a Sanders supporter not only would I not vote for Clinton, I would basically cut the rope on any ethical respect I have for Sanders if he were to endorse HRC.

      1. different clue

        You would? Well, I wouldn’t, especially if it were too late to matter, or were a kind of non-endorsement endorsement. Because he has been a practicing politician for decades and he will wage political warfare the way political warfare is waged.

        I didn’t look to Sanders for personal validation and I won’t feel de-validated in my personal refusal to vote for Clinton just because Sanders says to vote for Clinton. I think Sanders is a big boy enough to know we won’t vote for Clinton just because he says vote for Clinton. And I am a big boy enough to not discard Sanders ethically just because he says vote for Clinton, especially because he already knows that I will disregard his call to vote for Clinton. And I suspect he is okay with that, though not in so many words spoken out loud.

        1. aab

          This. (As they say on the Intertubes.)

          Sanders has already said again and again that it’s up to Clinton to woo his voters, via policy positions. The fact that corrupted media sources hide or misrepresent this is not something Sanders can fix. He may have to “endorse” her because of some agreement he signed. He may not feel its in the best interests of the progressive movement to refuse on the grounds of the election theft. He may feel that’s best left to others while he plays the inside role, to some degree. I have no idea what he’ll choose to do, except that he’s a canny old pol, and I trust that he won’t just sell out. If he does endorse, I hope it will be delightful as his endorsement for Bill in ’92 — if you haven’t read it, go find it; it’s the verbal equivalent of death by a thousand cuts.

          I don’t actually think Clinton wants Sanders’ voters. I think she just wants a smooth coronation at the convention, and after that, she’ll focus on Republican votes, and suppressing enough Democrats that her pals that own voting machines can take care of the rest.

          Does anyone know if there’s any plausible way to completely avoid machines in relevant states? I gather if I had just held my VBM ballot until election day and mailed it, it would have actually been counted by hand. Then it just had to get past the white-out and shredding. Is that sort of thing possible in Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania? I know there are states that don’t allow people to do absentee unless they have one of a handful of reasons.

    3. Jeremy Grimm

      I am a Sanders supporter. I will not vote for Hillary or Trump. My only concern at this point is whether it were best to write-in Bernie Sanders, vote for Congressman but simply not vote for President or vote for Jill. I want to register a clear “NO” vote that will be counted and recognized as such. I am inclined toward voting but simply not voting for President. I recall reading someone — but don’t recall where — that write-in votes often fall through the cracks until long after the election is over but under counts are noticed immediately once the votes have been counted.

      1. sd

        Write ins must be registered as candidates in a number of states in order to be counted. Check your state election rules.

    1. human

      But did Mateen even shoot anybody? According to FBI documents seen by Judge Andrew Napolitano, nobody died in the Pulse nightclub until the SWAT team entered, three hours after the incident began. This news potentially blows an even bigger hole in the official cover story than the revelation that Mateen was gay. No wonder the FBI is ordering a total blackout!

      Are you sure that you read the article?

        1. DarkMatters

          Yes. Seriously. Let’s break it down. We’re faced with 2 contradictory reports, (a) the now-familiar story told by witnesses describing Mateen entering and immediately shooting, and (b) Napolitano’s claim that the FBI transcript said that no one was killed until the SWAT team entered around 5:15 AM. (The video on that page is Hm, odd, but not necessarily a big deal.

          OK, now what would we expect? Well, reporters from major news outlets will simply get clarification from sources in the FBI, right? …er, crickets. OK, then any interested individual can clear all this up by requesting the transcript themselves, right? Well, no, the FBI is suddenly in info lockdown. Now we’re past odd.

          Is it completely surprising that some are scrutinizing the credibility of the original witnesses? What the heck are we now supposed to think? What’s keeping the FBI from just opening the reports, resolving the contradiction, shutting down speculation, and putting the crazies in their place? What’s there not to like with that, one wonders?

          And don’t try to get me to speculate by asking, “Well! Then what do you think happened?” After all, I asked first.

          1. Teejay

            I appreciate your brief but thoughtful analysis. The two red flags for me on this false flag story: Fox News “reporting” and Veterans Today where conspiracy and false flag operations abound. Obviously it’s possible for victims to have been shot before police got there and died after they arrived.

    1. OIFVet

      Wow, it is a Fourth of July miracle that the eagle didn’t die of a heart attack in the process of being rescued…

      1. vidimi

        150 shots. geez, some marksman. at least he didn’t shoot the eagle like a cop would have.

  27. Oregoncharles

    “Exile in Political Guyville” Salon:
    Complete trash, but the comments are…interesting. This is the most thoroughly, passionately shellacked article in modern history. Multiple references to Sarah Palin and Maggie Thatcher.
    And then Alternet reposted it.

    OTOH: Very effective clickbait. And it provided an opportunity for a greatmany Jil Stein endorsements.

  28. Hussy

    Plutoniumkun re 4:09, true, for the NATO satellites Leave is an excuse to unleash an unprecedented wave of privatisations and cutbacks. For the NATO satellites everything that happens is an excuse to unleash an unprecedented wave of privatisations and cutbacks. That’s the Western Bloc’s eternal Five Year Plan. As that preeminent statesman Mike Tyson said, Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face. And everybody has a plan until their hegemonic bloc gets ripped apart.

  29. ewmayer

    These are the headlines of all the articles in my Reuters newsfeed today … can’t shake the nagging feeling that there is a propagandistic subtheme at work here, but nah – that’s just tin-foily:

    o Tight security at July 4th fests to counter terror fears, gun violence
    o It wouldn’t be the 4th of July without Willie Nelson’s moveable ‘picnic’
    o Bomber killed, two police wounded in blast outside U.S. consulate in Jeddah
    o Tourist badly hurt by blast from homemade firework in New York’s Central Park
    o Muslim doctor shot near Houston mosque on way to prayer
    o Father of toddler killed at Disney resort says two alligators were involved
    o Californians seek pot of gold in marijuana legalization
    o California wildfire prompts new round of evacuations
    o Muslim man beaten outside Florida mosque attended by Orlando gunman
    o New York City deploys new explosive-sniffing dogs for fourth July

  30. low integer

    A quick update on the Aus. election, courtesy of a Guardian commenter named Michael_GPF:
    Malcolm’s now looking a fool from every angle. He’s carried the can for Abbott’s disastrous prime ministership. And now the Abbott extreme right is saying it’s all his fault! Delicious.

Comments are closed.