By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Readers, since this is a holiday, I’m going to publish an abbreviated Water Cooler, updating the election polling, with a second look at paths to victory in the Electoral College. –lambert
Days until: 29
Here are the RealClearPolitics polling averages from last week, compared to this week.
This week: 10/10/2016 | Last week: 10/3/2016 |
As you can see, Clinton picked up a couple of points in the national polls, bringing her more in line with her “natural” four-point advantage. She also picked up points in the state polls, both no doubt based on Trump’s Access Hollywood hot mike debacle. Whether Trump’s strength will continue to erode, and the effects of the debate, are at this point unknown.
Now let’s return to the fun Times interactive, “The 1,024 Ways Clinton or Trump Can Win the Election”; it shows the “paths to victory” in tree form. Try it yourself! [New York Times]. Here’s some data I put together to play with in the form of a table of swing states:
Swing State | Leader | Polling Margin | SoS Party | A.G. Party | Electoral Votes |
OH | C | 0.5 | R | R | 18 |
NV | T | 1.4 | R | R | 6 |
FL | C | 2.4 | R | R | 29 |
CO | C | 7.3 | R | R | 9 |
NC | C | 2.6 | D | D | 15 |
IA | T | 3.7 | R | D | 6 |
NH | T | 6.0 | D | D | 4 |
WI | C | 6.3 | D | R | 10 |
VA | C | 7.0 | D | D | 13 |
PA | C | 8.6 | D | D | 20 |
Legend: Leader and polling margin from RealClearPolitics. SoS’s party from WikiPedia. A.G’s party from Ballotpedia.
The table is sorted by SoS’s party (Secretary of State), and then by margin within SoS. [I blundered and gave election enforcement to the AG, when in fact it’s the SoS. So I added the SoS column (leaving the AG column in place, in case of litigation). Interestingly, despite my selection of bad data for input, the result is almost the same when the inputs are good: The only state that shifts position is WI, whose SoS is a Democrat. I’m still going to give WI to the Republicans, if only for the sake of the argument, on the assumption that Republican voter suppression efforts will be as effective as they have been in the past. Obviously, I shouldn’t have tried to do serious work so soon after processing a Presidential debate. My bad. –lambert]
Using the Times interactive, if we simply plug in the values from Polling Margin column, Clinton wins decisively, after picking up OH, FL, and WI.
However, if we assume that the SoS’s control of the electoral machinery could give Trump the win in low margin states*, then we initially give Trump OH, NV, and FL, after which the Times interactive shows that Clinton has only 17 paths to victory, and Trump 45. We give WI to Trump, despite the polls, because of Scott Walker, [the significant Republican voter suppression effort, and] the Republican A.G. At that point, Trump can win with PA. Na ga happen; we give PA to Clinton. NC becomes decisive. NC has a Democrat SoS, but there is also an active Republican voter suppression effort going on in that state. If Trump wins NC, he wins.
Of course, this is just light-hearted punditry, and not serious analysis. Nevertheless, it’s still a horse-race. If Trump, against all the odds-making of the political class, eats into Clinton’s lead in the coming weak, it’s even more of a horse race. (I also don’t mean to imply that Democrats wouldn’t use their own institutional advantages, as the Clinton campaign/DNC did in the primaries, but from the margins in the states the Democrats are winning with Democrat SoS’s, they won’t need to, NC being the exception).
* A nice example of “the party decides.” Also, I’m assuming that all the state SoS’s play the same role and have the same powers. That might not be the case. [Not changing this. Ballot access is a thicket of state-by-state exceptions and general weirdness. That’s one reason ballot access is hard! While at a high level SoS’s run the election apparatus, details matter, and I don’t have time to do exhaustive research.]
Readers, feel free to contact me with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, and (c) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi are deemed to be honorary plants! See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. And here’s today’s plant:
Masterful use of ground cover at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens!
Readers, yellow waders don’t come cheap. Please use the dropdown to choose your contribution, and then click the hat! Your tip will be welcome today, and indeed any day. Water Cooler will not exist without your continued help.
Readers, I am behind in answering contact form mail. I will catch up soon, beginning now!
DNC cronies bullying (that is the Democrat buzzword right?) Rep.Tulsi Gabbard for deciding to support Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. Dated February 29th, 2016
“How DARE you not give our Crown Princess the respect she deserves!”
How DARE you have an independent thought.
it’s not bullying, donkeys go tut tut
I sort of enjoy the typo in Podesta’s intro to the forward, if not the sentiment aka gloating that a couple of CAA agents decided to punish Gabbard for supporting the better candidate. I mean they are clearly a couple of pigs.
What was he trying to say? I was not familiar with that expression.
First off I got it wrong, it was Storm who forwarded his own email to Podesta and Clinton,
but what he was trying to say was “Hammer dropped!”
But like I said Hammed as in hams works for me.
Oooooh! now that makes sense! I was wondering where the heck “Ham” came in haha
More wikileaks, some interesting detail on Hill’s emails I hadn’t run across before:
My emphasis
From Erika Rottenberg (former Linked In General Counsel)
To Stephanie Hannon (CTO of Hillary For America), Ann O’Leary (senior policy advisor)
CC Lindsay Roitman
Fwded to Podesta
That sums up the Clintons right there:
It smacks of acting above the law
I’ve been browsing through #PodestaEmails2 and jeezus, there are some pretty incriminating docs there. Of course the MSM are doing their best to ignore them, but it looks like a real firestorm to me.
time for comey to the rescue.
‘We comeyed some folks …..’
More like, “We immunised some folks!”
same diff !
October 10, 2016 at 5:44 pm
“Comeyed” is better, cause it sounds dirtier…..
Well …that’s because it IS dirty …. dirty rotten lies !
‘All the things that come out of the mud …..’
She has apologized for her mistake, so let’s move forward.
financially squeeze those not with status quo…
guess they object to woman patriots that want to serve “all the people”??…..telling
Is this enough to enrage Gabbard into reaching out to other dissed-democrats to form a Movement to Defeat the Hillarrhoid Scum?
Tee Hee, seems Clinton’s minions don’t even care, like anyone else, to follow the blurb after the signature. and circulated the hell out of that email Not that it means anything legally, but at least morally it should:
I don’t think Darnell Strom is actually with the DNC, so I don’t think it is at all accurate to describe him as a DNC crony or that the DNC refuses to raise money for Tulsi (I’m not saying they do or not, just that has nothing to do with this email, it seems to me).
So who is Darnell Strom? He seems to be a PR flack heavily involved in Clinton initiatives. So duh the news is Clinton suck up is a Clinton suck up. Now he comes across as a real condescending jerk here, what an @hole! But I’m not sure that has any larger significance, beyond, wow is this guy a jerk.
No, he’s bigger than that. He’s an agent at CAA, which used to sit atop the entertainment industry, and still has a lot of power. He used to work directly for Bill Clinton and the Foundation. There aren’t that many places you can go to raise campaign money. He may not have been speaking officially for the Clintons, but that’s not how this works. He threatened Gabbard that Hollywood was now closed to her. She would have known his close position to the Clintons. Because all these people form a tight web of connections, even without official confirmation of his threat from Clintonland, it would have been very hard for her to get around him to raise money from the entertainment industry. This was a real and serious threat. The Clintons are a crime family. Threats and intimidation are how they roll.
I don’t know what the deal is with that NYT electoral chart (formating?), but the far right column showing the states’ electoral votes is all wrong: OH has 18, not 8, and FL has 29, not 9.
Fixed, thanks. Typos when I was formatting the table.
I live in Iowa and am surprised a bit by Trump’s strength here given the fact that Iowa has gone republican only once since 1984, voting for Bush in 2004. Iowa has dozens of small towns/cities that have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing jobs, but so do most states hereabouts. My take is that Iowans’ dislike of Hillary goes back to their support of Obama in the nasty 2008 caucuses (Hillary placed 3rd to Obama’s 1st) and reflected in Sanders tie with Hillary in this year’s caucus. She just doesn’t resonate with Iowa voters and has spent enough time here campaigning for Iowans to register their disgust.
Of course the msm attributes it to Iowa being a white state with a lower than average college cohort (the kids all leave after they get their education)
Not sure if this has made the rounds on NC yet, but there’s a lawsuit out there accusing Trump of raping somebody with known pederast Jeff Epstein.
Will there be a November surprise in addition to the customary October surprise?
Possibly, it will be interesting to see if the Clinton camp is going to use this, and if so how Bill will be protected. Could be a case of Mutually Assured Destruction.
Don’t think Clinton can use this:
The One Percent
The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
“Trump’s supporters have long wondered whether he’d use billionaire sicko Jeffrey Epstein as ammo against the Clintons—until a lurid new lawsuit accused The Donald of raping one of Epstein’s girls himself.”
There’s plenty other stuff if you google “Jeff Epstein” and “Bill Clinton”
It’s all pretty vile but not at all surprising for what these overage, entitled “stars” do behind the scenes. I never got a chance to respond to Yves’ comment to my comment about Schwarzenegger a few days ago. Three women came forward to accuse him of groping (or whatever – I, mercifully, forget the details now). Arnold, with Maria standing dutifully by his side, publicly apologized and it all went away. My contention is that: 1) there were many, many more women who didn’t come forward (the threat of never working again in Hollywood is very real – Arnold was represented by one of the most powerful and nastiest law firms) and 2) it all disappeared quickly from the media because Arnold was able to buy off and intimidate the media. But the stories I read in alternate media at the time were pretty awful. I can only imagine the lewd bragging Arnold did behind the scenes. Don’t forget that Arnold was screwing the nanny and sired a child with her while the nanny was living under the same roof as him and Maria. “The rich are different than you and I.”
one woman said she was raped by arnold and other weightlifters at some gym they frequented, iirc.
I saw that case long before the latest round of accusations and don’t regard it as credible. That’s a very old case and the fact that she filed it not just way after the incident but way after she became an adult is really sus. How is a 13 year old sex prisoner of Jerry Epstein, who has no access to media whatsoever, going to know who she is having sex with? He certainly didn’t say, “Hi, I’m Donald Trump, pleased to screw you.”
Trump didn’t become a well-known face outside NYC (and even in NYC, only to readers of New York Magazine, which loved to pillory him) until the Apprentice aired, in 2004. By then he looked different by virtue of age if nothing else.
It’s horrible for her to have been abused this way, but it is hard to think she can identify targets so long after the fact when she would not have known who they were at the time. Even ID from lineups by witnesses to crimes within a day or two have a pretty high error rate.
“Nevertheless, it’s still a horse-race.”
I really don’t think so. The first debate plus HotMicGate have taken a huge toll on Trump, who is now down as much as 14 in recent national polls. The steady stream of email and other leaks will perhaps erode her lead somewhat, but it will take a truly gargantuan revelation to flip the race completely.
Trump is seen as not only vulgar and disgusting but also a clown who is bumbling his way through this whole process. HRC is seen as a liar and corrupt, but garden variety for a politician. It’s an awful choice for both the country and the world, but I think the “swing” voters will opt for corrupt but competent (that’s not my opinion but what I think the general perception is) over the reality show clown.
There are a couple of wild cards. Wikileaks is continuing to release material that would be extremely damaging if Trump wasn’t the sole focus of the MSM. And several of the Clintons’ assault victims are publicly reiterating and standing by their stories. Since the MSM has already had decades to take these accusations seriously and has yet to do so I wouldn’t hold my breath for their doing it this time around, in fact it will most likely be spun as an unfair smear of the Clintons.
One thing to keep in mind is that even though the Clintons are almost certainly headed back to the White House the GOP leadership in the House of Representatives already has a couple of years head start in litigating some of these issues against them. She’s going to be spending a lot more time fending off investigations than advancing any putative agenda. She won’t be able to do much of anything except launch unilateral executive military actions, which she was going to do anyway.
I like the RCP numbers because they’re averages of all polls. I don’t really see much point to following individual polls, especially this year. We’ll see how it all shakes out this week, whether the political class is trying to talk itself into something, or whether something’s actually happening. (I would like to know about non-college white women.)
Sure, there are a lot of imponderables, many of which you list. That wasn’t the point of the post, however, which was to point to the potential role of Republican attorneys general.
I believe RCP deconstructs and uses the raw data of all the polls to produce a new number.. They don’t simply average them in the style of CNN’s old poll of polls.
It’s why they are more accurate, a larger sample size. The major issue is still the modeling.
I believe the best polls are the flagship poll produced by a college in an individual state even with smaller sample sizes. I don’t know if every state has one, but in Virginia, Roanoke College (not Sabato or more accurately Sabato’s lackey*) nails every election in the Commonwealth. They do the work themselves and don’t contract out to a call center. If they are receiving push back, they reflect that push back. Signs don’t vote or change minds, but they reflect an attitude they might find on the phone.
*The better Sabato does is directly correlated to how much control over his crystal ball his lackey has.
Sure, an AG can monkey with the process, as we saw in Florida 2000, but that was a razor thin race, and unless something dramatically changes this one isn’t going to be close. RCP is currently Clinton +5.8 (2-way), +5.1 (4-way), Pollster +6.3, and those numbers haven’t yet fully priced in the fallout from the hot mic, they’ll probably get worse before they get better. I just don’t see him climbing out of this hole unless there is a truly startling revelation.
Neither is good, but if Americans would rather have a known criminal for president over a braggart then America deserves to go down the drain.
The only problem is that America could down all life on earth with it under the criminal.
Potential role of R AGs? Eh? I could be mistaken, but most of them aren’t on the Trump Juggernaut, are they?
Given that Mrs. Clinton is basically running as the favored Establishment Republican candidate, if there were to be any AG jiggery-pokery, it would more be in favor of Herself rather than… DT.
You might want to probe the Secs of State to see where they stand. Plenty of them seem to be working to curb the D vote as much as possible without triggering inconvenient DoJ investigations, but I don’t know that that’s actually in Trump’s favor — on the assumption that the R vote has been effectively split already. It’s more for the benefit of downballot Rs.
Nah, I don’t think it’s a horserace any more. But it is still Hillary’s to lose.
If Republican Attorneys General decide to “play a role”, wouldn’t they decide to play it on Hillary’s behalf? Wouldn’t they do their part to sink Trump the way institutional Democrats did all they could to sink McGovern in the McGovern v. Nixon election?
Possibly. Whatever they do, we can be confident realpolitik will be the driver.
I wonder, to whom did Andy W. Mattes (Diebold’s CEO) donated to for this election?
I believe it’s been confirmed he’s a big Clinton donor.
I spent a lot of today angry, so I’m not going to do the search myself, but there are articles out there with data analysis showing that counties that use voting machines from TWO different voting machine companies whose CEOs donated to Clinton showed a consistent clear Clinton advantage in the primaries that were more than the polling and more than the counties without those machines. Correlation is not causation, but it was certainly eye-opening.
I haven’t bothered to check that deeply, but alt-right media is claiming there’s proof that a Republican establishment insider, Dan Senor, leaked the Trump “pussy” tape. I’ve been saying (here, even) for months that the issue isn’t going to be R states vs. D states. It’s going to be Koch-owned R AGs vs…well, who, exactly? What swing states WON’T be rigged in favor of Hillary, at this point? The only thing I can imagine keeping that from happening is that Ryan and the others that tried to throw Trump overboard got booed by voters this weekend. The Kochs and Clintons can’t hired all those pols if they get voted out.
Can they?
The question is whether they show up. I have a feeling there will be a lot of empty polling places out of complete disgust.
If they are in the dying demographic group, they will most likely reject competently-corrupt.
Competently corrupt means dying sooner and more painfully.
Pollsters are mostly using likely voter models now.
Forgetting to vote. Many voters have to be dragged to the polls, or they simply won’t vote. The 50 state strategy wasn’t just about running in every district but driving everyone in blue areas put to vote. One issue is people in very partisan areas will simply not be bothered to vote because “they know no one who voted for Nixon” so they don’t need to bother.
This is why I thought Obama was a superior choice over Hillary in 2008 given some of his questionable friends (Holy Joe Lieberman).
It doesn’t even have to be disgust just apathy. Kerry and Gore would easily be President if they focused on registering voters instead of worrying about how windsurfing would be portrayed and elevating Joe Lieberman.
People with senate races would provide the best insight to how things are going on the ground.
More evidence Larry Summers is in recovery from autistsm-spectrum economics?
link to Summers blog
Too little, too late.
The time for him to speak up was late 2008 – early 2009.
Actually, Summers did speak up. And the rest is history.
You bourgeoisie had better can the autism insults or you’ll find yourself in a world you no longer understand because your “inferiors” told you to take a long walk off a short pier.
It is perfectly economically rational for any one of us to go medieval on you, every bit as much as it is for a Black man to cap you for using the N-bomb. Get over yourself. Now.
Being on the autism spectrum myself I take exception to your rash mixing of metaphors.
Well, even if his lips are moving and the words seem to be coming out right, should Summers get anywhere close to implementation (God forbid), he’ll screw it up or corrupt it catastrophically.
It’s what he does. Fails upward and sideways and diagonally.
He is the model of failure of an entire generation.
Yep. Too right; your first sentence is on the money.
He is the model of failure of an entire generation.
Millienarian Gilbert & Sullivan acolyte write the opera
In today’s language lesson we will learn how to say “There Is No Alternative” in Portuguese:
Temer: Não Temos Um Plano B
The Brazilian lower house voted 255-9 to amend the 1988 constitution to freeze government spending for 20 years. Last month, Temer (who is ineligible to run for the presidency for 8 years) publicly admitted that he and his highly unpopular colleagues impeached Dilma Rousseff not for corruption as claimed, but rather for her refusal to agree to their plan for fiscal austerity.
So essentially, Brazillians have categorically rejected austerity in every election since 2002, but it will now be imposed upon them nonetheless by a governement that no one elected, because “Não Temos Um Plano B”.
i’m pretty sure trump is trying to throw this election given his middle-finger-up attitude to HRC, the Rep leadership and the debate. it’s clear to me he has no choice but to do what he’s doing otherwise he loses his base. he’s hoping for the closest possible defeat so he can say “we was robbed.” it’s all about building his brand for a right wing radio/tv show guaranteed to have a natural audience.
I am not so sure of that. I would like to know why Clinton was calling him before the primaries. Regardless, it would be the greatest thing if you are right and if he, being an anti-democratic force like the rest of the establishment, “lost” to the people who elect him anyways. At least we can say Democracy won in the end, which is the most you’d be able to say about this election.
He didn’t look like someone trying to lose last night. And given how badly the R establishment wanted him out after the sex tapes broke, he could have extracted a huge price from them for a dignified exit.
Bingo! Trump has *always* been about receiving as much narcissistic supply as possible – clinically speaking, he’s a classic egomaniacal narcissist. Narcissists, even egomanial narcissists *require* the adulation of others; it’s called “narcissistic supply”. The pool of water that Narcissus gazes into represents narcissistic supply.
Trump is a *deeply* wounded person who, without the advantage of wealth, would have just been another schlub. I don’t even believe that he got through Wharton without underground assistance on exams and papers. Some time ago (can’t find the link), Trump was unable to define “net present value” when queried about it by an interviewer. Does that sound like someone who graduated Wharton?
Returning to my point: Trump *requires* adulation. The irony about narcissistic supply (NS) for someone as famous as Trump is that once his kind of narcissist tastes massive amount of NS, they must maintain that level of supply, because it is ONLY NS that defines the entire interior being of a pure narcissist.
So, as long as Trump can rile up a crowd, and as long as he can continue to rationalize (in spite of polls showing a decline) that “the people still love me” (heck, we ALL lie to ourselves, from time-to-time), he will continue to do what he’s doing.
Really, Trump is a is pathetic (in the true sense of the word) as he is revolting. I can’t stand the man, but there is something in his face, in unguarded moments, that gives away great, wounded vulnerability.
Remember, when a narcissist is threatened with the loss of NS, they panic; they become desperate; they strike out – sometimes with great fury, because they are *literally* fighting for *who they are*. When a narcissist loses NS, they can disintegrate to point where there is complete and total breakdown. they can cover up the beginnings of that breakdown by any number of actions – rage, threats, pleas that don’t diminish the self, blaming others, etc.
Trump is the stuff that tragedies are made of; he’s not exceptional as great narcissists go, except for the latent capacity to have him running a country that is barely managing to hold on to all the fraying puppeteer strings that it has in the past controlled with ease.
We live in interesting times.
Read now before it goes behind the paywall:
Curricular Cop-Out on Co-ops: Business Schools Ignore a Key Form of Enterprise ~Chronicle of Higher Education
Nice find. Side topic: Did you give up making the YouTube videos?
Pretty much. Time intensive, I’ve got IRL projects brewing, and I ran out of harddrive space….I keep thinking about doing another, though, so you never know.
She needs to be talking to this organization:
Good outfit. I worked for them in the 1970s and am proud to say that I am still a co-oper. As in, shopping at a food co-op and keeping the money in a credit union.
Oh, I’m pretty sure Annie knows about NASCO. They’re well known in the co-op world. Cool that you worked for them back in the ’70s!
Back in the day, Naomi Klein did a documentary on those Argentine cooperatives mentioned in the article.
It’s on the youtubes.
Today the tech-oriented Nasdaq 100 index set a marginal new high, two points above its old Sep 22nd record.
All of the Fab Five (Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon) were up, with Apple reaching a new 2016 high.
Have you hugged your smart phone today?
What, do I look like a suicide bomber?
The new Samsung will be both a smartphone and an e-cig.
Incinerate the World, Cremate the Future.
” I’m assuming that all the state A.G.’s play the same role and have the same powers. That might not be the case.”
Not in Oregon, and I thought it was the S.O.S. that usually controlled election machinery. It is in Oregon, Ohio, and Florida. The AG would come in if there’s legal action, like someone suing the SOS or going to court for a recount.
In California, it was the pro-Hillary Secretary of State who was said to be responsible for the electoral hijinx that gave the CA primary to Hillary.
You are correct and Lambert is not, and I don’t know why he wrote that, since I’ve told him more than once that the Secretaries of State control elections.
Thanks for the confirmation. We all have our moments.
His analysis could be done again based on SOS’s; they were very important in Ohio and Florida, and Oregon had one that was operating in a visibly partisan manner. Oddly enough, his political career ended after that.
He didn’t get into the decontamination room quickly enough after last night’s debate.
Found this via Stein email blast today – a recent interview with Maria Shriver.
A contentious interview, but Dr. Stein handles Shriver well. I dare say the MSM and its lackeys are faring as bad as any in this clusterf*#k of an election.
The Gray Lady suggests Chelsea is winning a power struggle:
Zero Hedge quotes the meat of the problem, Podesta’s fear that Chelsea’s nosing around in Clinton’s recently privatized pal Doug Band’s influence peddling could blow stink up on everyone:
Chelsea seems well-motivated in all this–earlier she wrote her parents from Haiti that NGOs, including their own, weren’t helping anyone, and that the UN’s squalid peacekeeping camp had introduced cholera to the country, with disastrous consequences that the UN denied up and down. Poor kid obviously didn’t learn much about politics from her parents . . .
‘Poor kid’ ….. ??
Hardly ! …… She’s just another special elite snowflake who walks on rose petals …..
and believe me …. she’s learning the ropes of how to obfuscate, cheat, and steal … just like mommy and daddy have done their entire adult lives !!
I have no sympathy for her, or them, what so ever ..
Chelsea speaks:
Sounds just like her mom at that age — full of herself and her faux idealism.
Such lofty thoughts ring truer in a $10 million Manhattan apartment. :-)
My dad got in trouble during communist times for daring to ask the director of his plant how come some families only produced directors, while other families only produced working stiffs. Aristocracy thrives under any ideological system, as Chelsea and her friends demonstrate.
All systems have the fair and the more fair
Yes, no one held a gun to her head and made her work for her parents.
Or get a graduate degree in public health and then pretend in a speech for the benefit of her mother’s career that that single payer healthcare would strip millions of their health care access.
Or take enormous amounts of money from NBC to do a job she had no talent for, no interest in, and had not prepared for in any way.
The list of disgusting* things she has done that no one forced her to do would be pretty long.
* That’s probably somewhat bombastic for things like the NBC gig, but I’m pretty mad today. Maria Shriver last night thought it was appropriate to sanctimoniously claim that she was horrified to think her children might meet a bully like Donald Trump someday. Bear in mind that several of her ex-husband’s victims stepped right up when he ran for office. Actual women who he had abused. So I’m pretty sure Trump wouldn’t shock her kids. Michael Moore, of all people, was Twitter storming today about how Hillary is a good Christian woman who forgave her husband his infidelities, and various media figures called Bill’s victims tramps. Ok, then.
yes that remains an incredibly Freudian quote. She never has needed to have any concern about money, thats the thing. Leave that concern to those that dont have any!
At some level she is another casualty of her parents. I cant even imagine the level of rationalization it must take to associate with them.
One day in a moment of self awareness she may go catatonic. She is one of those people that should probably not ever take a hallucinogen. I would expect there would be some pretty dark reflections.
I think you give her far too much credit.
I’d rather give her the benefit of the doubt. Despite being born just a few feet from home plate, I don’t envy the rather steep hill she has to climb to join the rest of us in the human race. Imagine how it must have felt for her last night to sit next to D.O.D. in the same audience with (just a few of, I’m sure) the women he abused, humiliated and ruined.
But yeah, as she reprises her role as first daughter, she’ll either go this way or that. She could actually turn her life into something heroic, but that requires … heroism. Either she has this, or she doesn’t. And either way, for the rest of us life goes on.
I am betting she doesn’t. Marrying a hedge fund broker and buying 10 million apartment is not a path to be doing corporal works of mercy. I am not expecting her to be walking down any poverty corridors unless there’s a vote to be got or poor pocket to be picked.
Chelsea looked fat-faced and sickly, hardly like the wife of a hedge fund mensch.
Is there something wrong with her? Or, is she pregnant again?
She had a baby not that long ago, and she’s just not that attractive to begin with.
She’s not the wife of a hedge fundie. Her parents bought her a husband, and then bought him a hedge fund (Goldman staked him), which he promptly ran into the ground. Neither one of them has succeeded independently of the crime syndicate.
You mean while she’s pulling down a cool $900,000 p.a. managing the Foundation? Oh, the misery!
The NYT is finally rooting for Chelsea Manning?
Oh wait. Nevermind.
Root is an offensive Australian slang verb meaning “have sexual intercourse with”. Announcing to an Australian that you “are a cheerleader, so you don’t see many football games because you are in the stands rooting” will give a misleading impression about your devotion to the team. 2.Feb 29, 2016
Disheveled Marsupial…. now its in your brain…. muhhahahah
Sorry! Sometimes my English is not the best. I just wanted to say ironically they are in favour of Manning instead of C. Clinton.
Poor attempt at humour :(
Chortle…. its not English its Straya (ozzie – ozzy)… so yes I thought it was funny – NYT rooting for Manning….
Center for American Progress Advised Clinton Team Against $15 Minimum Wage, Leaked Emails Show
From CAP’s mission statement:
One $12/hour rung at a time.
Why don’t they just drop the pretense and merge with AEI or Mercatus?
Because pretense is the point. Hate them for existing, not for honoring their natures.
another sign HClinton & her hackeys (hack lackeys) are hardcore members of the Real #BasketOfDeplorables
Why is the electorate seemingly more concerned with someone who is antagonistic towards certain women than someone whose policies are antagonistic to whole nations and regions. Why aren’t the Wikileaks email revelations getting more traction or generating more outrage?
Um do you think the fact that
PravdaCNN is extolling the virtues of the One Party Candidate nonstop has anything to do with it?oh i thought the post was pravda and the nyt izvestia. but then there’s the guardian and cnn and the rest of the sad industry.
That’s capitalism for ya :)
True. BigMedia is barely covering the Wikileaks story. My summary is that HClinton has a fake “public position” & a genuine private position, that is pro-Grand Ripoff SS & MC cuts, & pro-TPP. It should be a huge story, in that it calls as questionable any of HClinton’s stated policies, & given that Sanders repeatedly made the Wall $treet transcripts a major issue in the Primaries.
It takes a USian with intellectual curiosity, some free time, & enough critical thinking to go to one of the few internet sources like nakedcapitalism or SecularTalk that actually will cover the Wikileaks story honestly. IMHO sadly this is a small minority of the US eligible voter population.
BTW for Sanders to maintain my respect, he needs to “make news” in BigMedia by saying something like “my support of HClinton is contingent on her ‘public position’ the approves the 2016 D party platform, which is anti-TPP & anti-SS & MC cuts. If HClinton is elected & signs the TPP or SS/MC cuts, she will be strongly primary challenged in 2020, & I will not support her if the Rs ever impeach her”
….one of the few internet sources like nakedcapitalism or SecularTalk….
Don’t forget Mike Norman Economics. He supports MMT as well.
it’s funny (or not) but there’s absolutely nothing on the email leaks on the guardian’s website.
i suspect that, in a few months, when their readership is lost, they’ll have a heart-felt mea culpa examining where it was they went wrong
If nothing else, the I’m-with-her whole hog approach of the media to this election should put the lie to the notion that we have anything resembling a functioning press.
Just one example–I listened to some Clinton operative on msnbc radio today who was giving his weaselly spin on Hillary’s private position v. public position statement and who said that it was only a few sentences out of an entire speech and needed to be viewed in context. Chuck Todd, I think it was, never made note of the fact that there is no context to those statements since the speeches have not and will not be released. There is no available context and Chuck just muttered uh huh and let it pass.
Additionally, the blind adherence by the press to Hillary’s spin that Trump would put her in jail amounts to a dictatorship ignores the fact that previous to that statement Trump had said he would push for a special prosecutor. IOW, a completely legalized, judicially approved criminal investigation.
I agree about the press becoming so bought over by Hillary. Watched some speech Trump was giving a month or so ago and he talked about Iraq as I recall and the press totally spun it into some different meaning altogether. Funny thing was the next day Trump was giving another speech which I also happened to see and made mention of what he said the day before and what the press turned his comment into – from that point on I became very leery of believing anything they tell me. I too was amazed that almost immediately last night the press began reporting that Trump was talking to a dictatorship by saying he wanted her in jail when in fact that was completely taken out of context as well (as you mentioned above).
I think the press has become very scary with all the power it has to twist the truth or what has been said as easily and quickly as they do. They must be very frightened by Trump.
All you need to do is take a look at who owns the “press.” The whores they hire are too scared to lose their jobs or blinded by ambition.
the context was her giving a $200,000 speech to a predatory corporation pushing for trade deals
Wake up! Trump has the credibility of a bankrupt steak salesman. Trump is just as much a product of the system as Clinton is. Anyone starting a sentence with, “Trump should . . .,” needs to stop. Forget it, he is crazy, so there is no need to imagine Trump changing a thing. Crazy don’t listen.
this is true. portraying trump as some sort of saviour is delusional
Sitting in the local WiFi-enabled java joint, happened to notice outside on the patio there is a group of a half-dozen students from the community college across the street, talking with an older fellow (my table-neighbor informs me he is a Jill Stein campaign operative). The students have a large cardboard sign propped up next to them, with the following wording:
[much smaller subtitle, app. added later] (formerly De Anza students for Bernie Sanders)
Bernie is Moses — led his followers to the promised land, but couldn’t enter himself.
Mission accomplished!
Ha! Eddie Munster thinks he has a chance in the following election cycle if HRC is elected!
Here’s the unauthorized Shepard Fairey Hillary poster:
Hillary Clinton got a fly on her face. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, got a bird on his podium. Both episodes were so very appropriate! Remember Birdie Sanders?
King of the [peace] doves … or Queen of the flies?
This symbolism is more real than people think.
Nature is not deceived.
Ohhh… thats good
States struggle with rising Medicaid drug costs [The Hill]
hard decisions. Because you can’t bend a cost curve omelette without breaking some Rx eggs.
Anyway, Zeke Emanuel says that we shouldn’t want to live past 75, so who needs meds.
No school today! I’m hanging some speakers out the window into the quad.
Randall Bramblett – Roll
Edsilia Rombley – Metropole Orkest – Get Ready
John Mayall – Undercover Agent For The Blues
Brooklyn Funk Essentials – Dance Or Die
The Band – Ophelia
A little comic relief: Bad Lip Reading – the 1st Presidential debate.
It was at least no worse than the real thing…
A holiday to celebrate a true bastard.
Chris Columbus, a man of his time,
Slaughtered Arawak natives to further his kind and they state of mind,
And their take on the divine, allowed them to be so inclined
To send ships with guns,
Filled with men with swords so filled with the love of the Lord,
That they do whatever’s necessary, for their position!
Death is the decision, when they on a mission!
Death is the decision, when they on a mission!
What we talkin’ ’bout? IMPERIALISM!
“I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of 10 are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the 10th.”
PA could be the swing state. Slightly more dems voted in the primary than reps, but of these 44% voted Bernie. What will the reps do? Most will show up, and even though neocons will go for her, that’s a small number… Most hate her, will hold their nose and vote trump.
On the dem side, what will Bernie’s do? Split 3 ways… Maybe 1/2 for her, 1/6 3rd party, 1/6 trump, 1/6 stay home?
If so, he wins easy, even if weather is good. If it rains in philly and dems stay home…
Plus, polls missing millennials on cells…
Granted he’s a terrible candidate since the primary, but IMO he does want to win… Bringing those four women, and saying he’d jail her, means he’s burnt whatever bridges were left. And sure to fire up all the anti-clintons in both parties.
Used to have a business customer in NE Pennsylvania, north of Scranton.
On the first day of day of deer season, they had to close the factory. Because nobody was there.
Are those guys gonna vote for Hillary? In a word … NO.
It’s like drug prices just increase because you know gas is more expensive and running labs that are outsourced to cheaper provinces increase cost, you know, everybody knows
A Monday evening Stumpf dump, courtesy of Vice News:
The Clinton repatriation tax plan: