Cats Help Shield Owners From Heart Attack US News & World Report
Investor group attacks banks over subprime Financial Times
Fitch, MBIA fight it out over request to stop ratings MarketWatch. Go Fitch!
The Picture Of Emperor Eliot DealBreaker. A nicely done essay on the sudden fall of New York’s Governor. I’m amazed that there hasn’t been further speculation as to what he was getting in the way of services for $5,500. Normally, for that price tag, you’d expect something extra, like drugs, to be included, but given the sting, that wasn’t the case. One alternative is that Spitzer was into very kinky sex. Those special requests cost a pretty penny.
Spitzer, the OCC, and the Emperor’s Club Stormy, Angry Bear. A Spitzer conspiracy theory…..
Citigroup Acts to Bolster Hedge Funds Eric Dash, New York Times
More Insiders, More Insider Trading VoxEU
More FNMA Book Cooking The Nattering Naybob
In praise of active investing Steve Waldman
Antidote du jour:
I’m amazed that there hasn’t been further speculation as to what he was getting in the way of services for $5,500. Normally, for that price tag, you’d expect something extra, like drugs, to be included
He was snorting monolines.
The guy takes on the Street – both Wall and K – and you think he is not going to have some big guns out to get his skin??
That was great.
About the Spitzer affair; without getting into gratuitous conspiracy theories, there are several unanswered questions as to how and who started this sting.
Actually, the Harpers article you cite goes pretty deep into gratuitous conspiracy theories.
Supposedly the Bush administration was out to get Spitzer, but Spitzer himself was very much out to get Joseph Bruno (Republican majority leader of the New York State Senate), and improperly involved the state police in his attempts to do so. Spitzer’s reputation was tarnished by this tawdry affair and his governorship was already a train wreck, with low approval ratings in the polls (33% as of November).
It would be quite nauseating if this story was given a revisionist spin to make Spitzer some kind of victimized noble crusading martyr. His chickens came home to roost, that’s all.