Ocean life under threat from climate change PhysOrg
City’s Chief Crane Inspector Accused of Taking Bribes New York Times
Ratings Raised a Red Flag: Moody’s Analyst Aired Concerns on CDOs to No Avail Wall Street Journal
More Downgrades to Monoline Bond Insurers Show Worst of Mortgage Crisis May Yet Lie Ahead Housing Wire
What happened to building 7? Financial Times. I’m surprised to see this piece run in the FT.
Swiss bank secrecy at risk as America presses UBS for 20,000 client names Times Online
Gambler’s Ruin Brad DeLong. Project Syndicate
Antidote du jour:
Regarding building 7: I don’t think there was a conspiracy, but why hasn’t anyone provided any plausible explanation for what happened? If this sort of obfuscation were occurring with an investment bank everyone would be shorting the shit out of it.
I say go short the US government. Pack of lying bastards
Pay attention to UBS stories. John McCain’s primary advisor on economic matters, Phil Gramm, is smack in the middle of UBS’s questionable practices.
Forget “conspiracy” (the Who and Why). The call for a new independent investigation, led by architect (and nonconspiracist) Richard Gage, focuses on the How.
MInd that, and watch his full 2-hour presentation: