Leopard savaging a crocodile caught on camera Telegraph
Hundreds of baby penguins found dead in Brazil PhysOrg
In the Lions’ Den – Part Two Chris Cook, European Tribune (hat tip reader dk). A post by Chris Cook formerly of the IPE, on on possible manipulation in OTC BFOE contracts
Finance and growth: When does credit really matter? Fabrizio Coricelli VoxEU
So a Gulf sovereign fund still has 60% of its assets in dollars? And SAFE is a SWF … Brad Seter
Uncomfortable Answers to Questions on the Economy Peter Goodman, New York Times
Antidote du jour:
Yves, I follow your blog for quite a while now, and I always find it very useful. But what gets me almost every day is your Antidote du jour! Where do you find those pictures, and do you have a separate feed for them? Thank you.
Shouldn’t those swans be black?
That Leopard is awesome.
tunning but I gotta say it anyway…my first reaction was “Photoshop” and everyone I sent this to seems to agree!
The consensus is….lots of bit banging here!