Bear on loose in suburbs of LA BBC
Wikipedia approaches its limits Guardian
Video game sales in freefall CNet (hat tip reader John O)
Not So Fast, Obama Noam Scheiber
Twenty Notes on Current Risks in the Markets David Merkel
Hussman on Post-Crash Dynamics Michael Shedlock
How Much Credit Card Debt Do Bankrupt Consumers Have? Angie Litwin, Credit Slip
Container Lines ‘Tough’ Talks May Fail to Lift Fees, End Losses Bloomberg (hat tip DoctoRx)
Blackstone’s Schwarzman tops U.S. CEO payroll: study Reuters
Toxic Loans Topping 5% May Push 150 Banks to Point of No Return Bloomberg
The Icesave bill Economist (hat tip reader Robert)
The new bull market fallacy Naufal Sanaullah
Antidote du jour:
Are bears unusual in LA? In suburban NJ we'd have to laugh at that. There was a bear in my yard just last weekend, the third time I've seen him on this street in the last two weeks.
(I don't know what symbolic market implications that may have.)
"It wasn't that long ago that many people were making the argument that video games–because of their relatively low cost and many hours of entertainment value–were seen as close to recession-proof"
Uh, a product bought by underemployeed guys living in their Mom's basements is recession proof? First thing to go!
By the way, I didn't know we still had any bears in CA. Thought we kept them on the flag for the sake of nostalgia.
animals wearing those sort of animal costumes always look miserable.
San Dimas is a *distant* suburb to Los Angeles that borders an area generically described as the "San Gabriel Mountains" on the north. The San Gabriel Mountains is various huge parcels of State/National forest.
Bears are common there, but quite reluctant to making themselves known. If one is coming all the way down to town, that's not good. It's a long trip. Hopefully, it didn't get a taste for trash picking. It's should be killed if it hangs around eating trash.
The bear on the California flag was hunted to extinction. (black bear I believe) This bear is a brown bear of some kind.