Planet Robo: Population Will Exceed 1 Million Worldwide by 2010 Planet Galaxy (hat tip reader John D)
Domestic violence as pre-existing condition? 8 states still allow it McClatchy (hat tip reader John D)
Goldman to be paid $1bn if CIT fails Financial Times
Xmas Season Orders Don’t Bode Well for Chinese Exporters China Stakes (hat tip reader Michael)
Report on Bailouts Says Treasury Misled Public Louise Story, New York Times. This is almost dog bites man at this juncture, but having the particulars is nevertheless useful.
The mystery investor who is turning the tin market on its head Telegraph
The Politics of Spite Paul Krugman, New York Times
As Layoffs Persist, Good Jobs Go Unfilled Huffington Post
EPI report on the long term consequences of unemployment Economic Populist
Wall Street’s Near-Death Experience Andrew Ross Sorkin, Vanity Fair
Schumer and Cornyn – “We Agree on Tax Credit” Bruce Krasting. Today’s must read.
Antidote du jour (hat tip reader Vol):
Are those real bears? And were they really standing like that? And was that picture taken at jellystone national park?
Hilarious. Looks exactly like right bear is showing left bear how to reply in a block-and-counter sparring drill.
Re: Wall Street’s Near-Death Experience Andrew Ross Sorkin, Vanity Fair
I feel mentally violated upon viewing its content in so many ways.
Skippy…LEAD deposits seem *almost* a sound generational investment compared to GOLD.
your “recent items” gadget still isnt working like it used to…formerly, when i would refresh an old opened post, it would show new ones; it no longer does so; furthermore; i was at the faber article and clicked to here, and now the faber article no longer shows in “recent items”
math by robots is like quant trading
five and a half million now grows exponentially to one million next year?
What is going on at HSBC?
On the surface, they look very well capitalized.
Yet, they are rushing to sell their HQ in US, and elsewhere in what looks like a mad dash for cash.
The CEO is moving to Hong Kong, which is the only place that can bail out HSBC.
Is there more than meets the eye?
forget robots … what about poeple?
this story didn’t seem to get much coverage, so far:
“It is really hard for me to comprehend that in the next 50 years, we’ll have to produce as much food as we have ever produced in human history.”,25197,26146751-26103,00.html
For Vanity Fair’s “Wall Street’s Near Death Experience” -see here for missing background music.
I too miss the’preview’ feature.
missing link here
One comment and one question.
The bear on the right – If I get my Buddhism right, that’s Bruce Lee’s current incarnation. We would need a Tibentan monk to validate that.
The question is that: Is it legal to marry a robot, or can it only just be a love partnership without any legal protection?
best… antidote… ever.
Always one to be found emersed in profundidites, Paul Krugman – God forbid, did I neglect to insert the obligatory, “Nobel Prize winner and Princeton economics professor” – today lays aside what emotional maturity he posseses, and believe me that’s not much, to criticize Rush Limbaugh for doing the same in wishing Obama’s recent Olympic sales campaign ill. One would think that a regular New York Times columnist, Nobel Prize winner and Princeton economics professor could escape the grasp of such an obvious tar baby but not Paul. Always the creature of the system and with an ego the size of the national debt, Paul never neglects an opportunity to should all over himself. Would someone kindly suggest a change of emetics to this zero. The world might even pause in relief.
Re the HuffPo piece about the alleged difficulty in filling some high tech jobs, despite high unemployment:
I can’t help but think that the at least some of the difficulty these firms have in hiring is directly traceable to benighted attitudes about training and human resource utilization. Someone in the article states that even if they hired an ex-IT person, he or she “would be no good for a year” because of the presumed learning curve on building codes or other esoterica related to alternative energy.
Is that really true, or is it just that, once again, companies treat training as Someone Else’s Problem, naively assume that their industry or their company is unique, and refuse to invest the time or resources in growing good employees via training or “hiring talent” rather than just attempting to poach employees from competitors.
Sure, in some industries, like IT, experience has become the coin of the realm. But that was not always so, and this focus only on narrow skill sets is particular damaging in new technology fields. Go and read in Where Wizards Stay Up Late how ARPANet, the grandfather of the Internet, was built. Few, if any workers had any real experience in what was then a brand new field — but they hired the smartest folks they could find, irrespective of background and it worked. No one really knows how to build a technology until it is built, and I would think that any sort of cutting-edge alternative energy start-up would know this.
Employers are reaping what they have sewn — you treated employees as disposable (and disposed of them whenever it suited), you neglected training, and you told them how lucky they were to have a job while cranking out strategic plans that said, quite openly, that you didn’t know what business you’d be in in five years. And surprise, folks don’t want to invest 100k and up in getting a specialized Engineering job for the few positions whose pay you are cutting even now.
If out-of-the-box thinking is required, I fear for the future of American business.