StopServicerScams Petition Featured on Dylan Ratigan

Reader Doug T took note of the mention of the StopServicerScams petition on the Dylan Ratigan show today (a bit after the two minute mark):

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Although Ratigan’s comment was in passing, this is more important than it might appear. The officialdom is sensitive to media coverage, so the fact that mere “grass roots” efforts are getting television coverage is a sign that the damage and public backlash are becoming too big to ignore.

I also skimmed the comments to the petition. Many were from homeowners who gave their horror stories with banks and loan mods. Quite a few called for adherence to the law, or pointed out the double standard: bailouts for banksters, foreclosures for the masses. And some were from banking industry employees, lawyers, and former regulators deploring the lack of enforcement.

Thanks again for your interest and support!

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    1. paper mac

      I mean this as criticism of the AG, not Yves or the petition, by the way. Keep up the pressure!

  1. readerOfTeaLeaves

    Well, the powersThatBe can scoff all they want, but 12,000 names on a petition (over the holidays) ought to rattle someone’s cage in D.C.

    I agree with Ratigan’s point that a whole lot of people are starting to connect the dots. That’s a silver lining…

  2. chris lahaie

    I appreciate Ratigan’s direct and to the point description of what has happened to the country. His reference to the banks running the country was spot on as far as I am concerned.
    I think people are connecting the dots but still more people have no clue to the criminal activity going on in the mortgage and servicing business. How can we expect anything to be done criminally to the bankers when Obama is courting another JP Morgan exec to join the White House?
    It is one more friend for Wall Street in the government, as if “H. Paul” was not enough.

    I think it has been brilliant work by the likes of Yves and others who have really dug into this story but politicians have been in bed with the bankers too long and 12000 signatures will seem insignificant when compared to major campaign contributions.

    Those who have the money have the influence and they have purchased plenty of return favors from Washington. They are going to be cashing in those chips very soon so they can walk away from this fleecing on top.

    I never thought there would be anyone held accountable at the banks, especially since some of the major players…Ceos at Wells and BofA jumped ship asap. Whatever they didn’t know, they certainly did not want to find out and be held accountable. As of now they can play dumb and walk away without a scratch.

    1. psychohistorian

      Come on folks, think a little deeper.

      Who owns the banks? The buck does not stop there.

      1. catlady

        Please elucidate your cryptic comment. I’m all ears. (Really, not meant to be snarky, just that I’m a bit dense.)

  3. david

    Did I get that right? He said that a deal with the AGs would mean that individuals could not pursue a right of redress for their own harms? Their right of redress would be foreclosed by the AGs? How do you get that from the constitution? The right of individual redress is as individual right identified and named in the First Amendment. It is not a collective right. Is anyone onto that aspect of the AG action? That it claims to foreclose the individuals right of redress?

  4. frankBel

    “And some were from banking industry employees, lawyers, and former regulators deploring the lack of enforcement.”

    I’ve been wondering, why haven’t we be seeing scads of stuff on WikiLeaks or OpenLeaks emanating from the financial community? Why hasn’t tons of stuff hemorrhaged out, to be picked up by the mainstream media? There certainly isn’t the draconian secrecy infrastructure (classification, criminal and civil law, investigative capability, etc.) that exists to prevent leaks from the military/national security community.

  5. Steve

    Never going to forget the damages done. Fraud the loans and take the home was the whole game. They steal my home, savings and created stress levels to the point I lost a future with the one I loved the most. Hiding truth and justice is no way to run a country.

  6. Lynn Chu

    I would worry about bank liability getting waived somewhere in the devils of the details of any multi-State A.G. contract. The banks will use any negotiation with State A.G.s, now corralled here in a group, to try to eliminate liability to individuals. The packing of all State A.G.’s complaints into one for disposition in a single negotiation must be seen as a first victory for the banks, whose main goal will be to escape responsibility by making one sweeping “settlement” of all possible individual and/or State claims related to their frauds. Maybe even including securities fraud.

    Claims issues may very well vary from state to state. They certainly will vary from individual to individual.

    In numbers there is power. Individual interests and causes of action can’t be collectivized in a snap to be simply disposed of by generalizations emating from third parties, even that of one’s own State A.G. And beware of politicians. Their interest is to turn a suit into something “big.” They will naturally prefer to lump everyone’s interests into a group — its a bigger photo op that way, before they move onto the next topic d’jour. Hidden in the devils in the details of any legal document (rather like a mortgage or collateralized debt obligation document), individual rights to sue might be being snuffed out.

    What is really needed here are legal clinics to help bring individual claims individually. Death by a thousand cuts may be a better way to deal with the banks and it might yield more accurate information and more justice, than this.

  7. Jaxter

    The banksters are feeling the heat slowly being turned up but there is still a safe haven for them in non-judicial foreclosure states such as California. In these states there is an assumption of standing so all the mortgage holder need do is file a notice of default with the county recorder and then start the process with the county sheriff compelled to enforce the foreclosure. It’s a matter of simply saying, “The house is ours so, Sheriff, throw them onto the streets” with absolutely no evidence of standing required.

    Banksters are bulldozing homeowners in these states with complete impunity. The vast majority of hapless homeowners lack the resources to challenge the banksters in court; after all they’re in foreclosure for a reason – loss of income. Those who can afford counsel often come before superior court judges who simply toss the challenge out because their calendars are overflowing or toss it citing California being a non-judicial foreclosure state. Those who do get a judge to accept the case never get to a courtroom as the banksters’ attorneys drag the matter out with one filing and challenge after another until the homeowner finally capitulates having been outspent.

    The public outrage will only be fully fueled when the government enabled criminal abuses in non-judicial foreclosure states is exposed. Once the full scope of this nationwide crime spree is exposed government will cease token regulation and come down fast and hard on these thieves in $25,000 suits.

  8. Donna Platzer

    I am so damn mad, I Don’t know where to start, How? What in the hell is it going to take?


    and the government is afraid the banks will have to do whats right ,and in doing whats right, all go under? for their greed this has to be the answer , someone please tell me i am wrong?



  9. Charles

    I think the citizens of The United States need to take action against our Goverment and Federal Agencies.If they are not doing their jobs as signed (swearn) into doing,then they should get a public notice of termanation,not a petion. Plain and simple.

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