Yearly Archives: 2012

Mr. Market Says the Military Industrial Complex Will Be Largely Spared in Upcoming Grand Bargain

It’s been remarkable to witness the public complacency in the face of the certain-in-trajectory, less-clear-in-details “Grand Bargain” that Obama and Romney are determined to foist on the hapless middle class and poor in this country. One part of the deficit equation that has gotten comparatively little attention: the fact that the military appears likely to be spared the budget axe.


The Democrats’ Dubious Record on the Supreme Court

One of the rationales generally regarded as a knockout among center-left types in the “who is less terrible, Romney or Obama” debate, is the idea that Presidents nominate Supreme Court justices, and Romney’s picks would be further to the right than Obama’s, particularly as far as their position on social issues like reproductive choice and gay rights are concerned. However, the power to nominate is not the same as the power to appoint. It’s disingenuous for Democratic party operatives and their allies in the punditocracy to act as if the move of the court to the right is solely the doing of evil Republicans.


FrankenStorm Watch and Possible Weather Related Service Changes (Updated)

This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. Over 80 donors have already invested in our efforts to shed light on the dark and seamy corners of finance. Join us and participate via our Tip Jar or read about why we’re doing this fundraiser and other ways to donate, such as by check or WePay, on our kickoff post and one discussing our current target.

Given that the approaching storm has become the event that it eating news coverage, at least if you live in the Eastern US, I thought readers might want to discuss what they are seeing locally and how it tracks with the weather predictions.


Michael M. Thomas: Naked Capitalism – An Insider’s Guide

By Michael M. Thomas, who figured out Wall Street was not all it was cracked up to be before most of you were born

More than any other forum, Naked Capitalism consistently suggests and proposes new ways to bridge what I consider the abyss that will one day sink us all if Koch brothers-style politics and capitalism have their way: the chasm that lies between what we need to know and what we have been (and will be) allowed to know.


High Crimes, Great Crash Versus Now (Rajat Gupta/Richard Whitney Edition)

It was stunning when the news first broke that Rajat Gupta, former head of McKinsey, and member of blue chip boards, most notably, Goldman Sachs, Proctor & Gamble, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was charged with insider trading. Why would someone who was already rich, and more important, already had the most important commodities can buy, namely status and access, think he needed more?

Contrast Gupta’s behavior with that of the highest profile conviction after America’s last financial crisis, Richard Whitney.


Launching the NC 2012 Fundraiser!

Last year, around this time, NC held its first fundraiser. You helped show that Naked Capitalism was a valuable place for honest discourse, a corner of the world where we could peer into the abyss, together. It worked. Your generosity helped us upgrade the site’s infrastructure, bring in a series of guest bloggers, and in a host of ways large and small, aid us in ruthlessly describing the destructive impact of growing power of elite finance in the US and abroad.

As we move toward the elections, I’m going to ask all of you to join me once again.


Neil Barofsky Discusses “Incestuous Orgy” Between Washington and Wall Street on Bill Moyers

It was Bill Moyers who used the expression “incestuous orgy” in this interview with former head of SIGTARP Neil Barofsky to describe the relationship between major financial firms and the Federal government. That beats the anodyne “revolving door” all day and I hope becomes part of the lexicon for describing the capture of Washington by Wall Street.


Rentier CEOs Advocate Austerity for America

Felix Salmon did an admirable takedown of a “CEOs [sic] Deficit Manifesto” in the Wall Street Journal. It’s yet another entry in the long-running, dishonest campaign funded by billionaire Pete Peterson to pretend that all right thinking people (and of course CEOs believe they have the right to think for everybody else) should be all in favor of trashing the middle class and the economy through misguided deficit cutting.