Yearly Archives: 2012

Cleaning Up the Mess: What to Do About Teetering Eurobanks?

Yves here. The Financial Times and New York Times tonight both have good overviews on the state of play in the effort to contain a slow-motion Spanish bank run. On the one hand, the Spanish government is in a position to tell the Eurocrats that it will consider only a bank bailout and not be required to take on further austerity measures. Given that retail sales have fallen nearly 10% year to year, it’s hard to see how anyone could expect more austerity to be a good idea.

Although markets reacted as if a deal was imminent, the FT makes it sound as if quite a few details need to be ironed out. And no wonder…


Michael Crimmins: What the Press Refuses to See in JP Morgan and MF Global Scandals

By Michael Crimmins, who has worked on risk management and Sarbanes Oxley compliance for major banks

Two former finance and political influence gods (Jon Corzine and Jamie Dimon) have tumbled back to earth. Yet, troublingly, the mythology that’s cowed the political establishment and the financial press for so long remains very much intact.


Michael Olenick: How Banks and Their Lawyers Win at the Expense of Investors and Homeowners

By Michael Olenick, creator of FindtheFraud, a crowd sourced foreclosure document review system (still in alpha). You can follow him on Twitter at @michael_olenick or read his blog, Seeing Through Data

The focus of news stories on mortgage abuses often focus on the immediate victims, the borrowers, but that’s far from a complete tally of the losers. And they also typically fail to look hard enough at the winners and the way they are able, again and again, to burn everyone but themselves.


Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist

Yves here. Yasha Levine and Mark Ames have launched the S.H.A.M.E. Project, which stands for “Shame the Hacks who Abuse Media Ethics.” Its approach is to provide information about the background and funding sources of well-recognized journalists and pundits so that the public will be in a better position to recognize bias and hidden agendas in their reporting and analysis. You can find a S.H.A.M.E dossier on Gladwell here.

By Yasha Levine, President of S.H.A.M.E., an investigative journalist and a founding editor of The eXiled. His work has been published by Wired, The Nation, Slate, The New York Observer and many others. He has made several guest appearances on MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Show.

“I’m necessarily parasitic in a way. I have done well as a parasite. But I’m still a parasite.”
– Malcolm Gladwell


Wisconsin Recap: Thanks to Obama, American Left Lies in Smoldering Wreckage

By Matt Stoller, a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. You can follow him on Twitter at

On Tuesday, Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker humiliated his Democratic opponent, Tom Barrett, by easily turning back a popular recall attempt sponsored by unions and liberal activists.  The numbers in the election, which were supposed to be close, were ugly, in favor of the Republican.  But this wasn’t just any Republican, Scott Walker is THE Republican, the politician who made his governorship a referendum on a hard right agenda, in a blue state.


Neo-liberalism, De-capitalization/De-industrialization, and the Res Publica

By Tony Wikrent, who sells books (among them out-of-print manuals for equipment, including machine tools) at NB Books.

Lambert here. I’ve got a soft spot for theories of everything, and the thesis presented here, of neo-liberalism systematically de-industrializing/de-capitalizing America, and transforming it into an extractive economy (see under fracking, mountaintop removal, Keystone and Trailbreaker pipelines, etc.) with concomitant Second World-style political structures (elite impunity) has a lot of appeal for me.

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Bill Neil’s most recent exegesis, The Costs of “Creative Destruction”:  Wendell Berry vs. Gene Sperling, provides a devastating critique of the economic thinking of Democratic Party elites, using Sperling’s speech before the National Press Club on March 27, 2012. Sperling is Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic advisors, and his speech was entitled “Renaissance of American Manufacturing.” Neil writes:


Quelle Surprise! Treasury Inspector Audit Report Whitewashes OCC Fail on Foreclosure Fraud

Yesterday, various news and financial sites picked up the release last Friday of a report by the Treasury’s Inspector General titled “SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS: OCC’s Supervision of National Bank’s Foreclosure Practices“. The media accounts are workman-like summaries with titles like “Bank oversight office failed to spot foreclosure fraud, Treasury inspector general says.”

The problem is that these various accounts are narrowly accurate (in that they summarize the report) but missed the real story.


The Real Bombshell in the MF Global Post Mortem

The report that John Giddens, the bankruptcy trustee in MF Global, released Monday is thorough and confirms many of the observations made in journalistic accounts of the firm’s collapse, particularly regarding inadequate risk and accounting controls, JP Morgan’s aggressive posture greatly increasing the liquidity squeeze. But a stunning revelation that comes early in the account and is central to the failure of the firm does not get the emphasis that it warrants.


How the Media Covers for Corrupt Elites, Catholic Church Edition

By Matt Stoller, a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute.  You can follow him on twitter at

Here’s CBS New York, back in February.

The Catholic Church is closely watching the attention Archbishop Timothy Dolan is receiving this week in Rome, praise and adulation one expert says is exactly what it needs right now….


Manif de bonhommes

By lambert strether

Here is a super piece of artwork (original) from the Montreal red square “manifs” (manifestation, demon­stration). I say “super” because I like funny and playful (and I also like strategies of civil resistance that lower barriers to entry so that “all walks of life” can participate, as they are so clearly doing here.) Be sure to use the scrollbar at the bottom to keep scrolling right, so you can see all the marchers in panorama!


Frick, Lassmann, Mikosch, Neuwirth, and Suellow: How do economists assess the european economic crisis? A survey

Andres Frick, Senior Researcher at KOF Swiss Economic Institute of ETH Zurich, Andrea Lassmann, PhD student and researcher at KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Heiner Mikosch, Postdoc Researcher at KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Stefan Neuwirth, PhD Student and Researcher at KOF Swiss Economic Institute, and Theo Suellow, Intern at KOF Swiss Economic Institute. Cross posted from VoxEU.

How do European economists assess the economic crisis in Europe? This column presents results of a survey of members of the Association of European Conjuncture Institutes on various issues related to the European economic crisis, such as the likelihood of Greece leaving the Eurozone, the likelihood of Europe falling back into recession, and the role of the European Central Bank.


Yanis Varoufakis: Why Europe Should Fear Fine Gael-like ‘Reasonableness’ Much, Much More Than it Fears Syriza

By Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economics at the University of Athens. Cross posted from his blog.

The establishment view in Europe is that the problem is too much debt (by profligate countries like Greece) and, therefore, that the solution must involve (a) austerity and (b) structural reforms (which increase the competitiveness of the weaker states). The problem, however, is that the establishment view is profoundly mistaken and, as a result, the proposed treatment poisons the patient. If this is so, Europe (and the world) have a lot more to fear from the ‘reasonableness’ of political parties like Fine Gael et al than from the ‘ultra-leftists’ of Syriza.