Final Hours of Fundraiser, Getting Closer to Our Targets

The Naked Capitalism community is speaking! You’ve said you want this site to be even more valuable and you’ve been willing to provide tangible backing for your desire to have us demystify finance, call out chicanery, parse propaganda, and in our small way, help promote the creation of a more just society.

We’re closer to both our donor and financial targets. We are at 880 donors towards our goal of 1000 and at $1100 towards our last goal of $8500 for intern support (read here why they aren’t free!). Let’s see if we can meet these goals before the close of this effort, midnight PST. Join us and participate via our Tip Jar, WePay, which is a credit card portal, further down in the right column, or you can send a check made out to Aurora Advisors Incorporated to Aurora Advisors Incorporated, 903 Park Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10075

It’s also been great to get so many appreciative reader messages. Some new ones:

Thank you very much for your work. It makes a difference.

The “impenetrable fog of complexity” trick springs up a lot in science, as well as finance. Seems like most people just shut down when these subjects come up, under assumption that they couldn’t possibly keep up. Thanks again for cutting through the fog!

I look forward to reading your blog every morning. Keep it up!

NC is the first place I go every morning for links and more. I continue to be amazed at how much energy and time you commit to the site.

I particularly like that you try and balance the bitter cup of outrage w/an antidote! Late Empire can be so disillusioning. Keep it up!

If you give, even a little, please do. If you can give more, give more. If you can give a lot, give a lot. Those of you who donated early, I thank you, and if you are able, consider chipping in another $10, $15, $25 on behalf of those in the NC readership who are cash strained but value their participation in the community. We only have a few hours left and on behalf of all of you who contribute, by guest blogging, financially, in comments, by providing links, or the occasional tech advice and prodding, I’d like us to make this effort as big a success as possible. Thanks again!

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  1. Paul Tioxon

    I won’t default on my obligations! Count me in for $50 by United States Postal Service. I’m thinking of starting a political scoring index for elected officials based on NC gripes, complaints, trenchant analysis and valid concerns. I’m thinking Congressman Allen Grayson would be a good baseline. Good Job. I hope we don’t have too much actual economic fall out to discuss in the coming days due to last minute capitulation by whoever! If we’re lucky. Sometimes, it’s better to be lucky, than good. Random selection.

  2. skippy

    Don’t forget to tell your friends!

    Skippy… in a strange unphysical way I feel like Yves pimp.. in my part of the Jungle… mate look at this… nice eh… want some… guaranteed to satisfy!

  3. P. M.

    Love the “Late Empire” reference. If you haven’t read “Immoderate Greatness: Why Civilizations Fail” I’d highly recommend it. The US is in a classic “Stage 4: decline” right now.

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