“A Seriously Bad-Ass Online Newspaper”

I’m very gratified by your responses over the course of this fundraiser. We are at 960 donors, which means only 40 to go before we hit our contributor target, and $12,400 shy of reaching our current financial target, which is $16,000 for more original reporting.

Over the next year, I’m excited to work with all of you to continue to puncture the perceived monopoly of wisdom that Very Serious People have over economics and finance. This is a collective endeavor because ideas cannot be divorced from the networks of people who carry them. It’s remarkable that we are actually a community, as well as a website. And as we’ve stressed, our most important original stories have come because whistleblower and experts recognize that Naked Capitalism has a smart, involved readership, one that is genuinely interested in and able to grasp the complicated forms of chicanery and looting that have become Americas’s biggest growth industry.

I’ll be thinking hard about how to make sure we manifest that going forward. We’ve gotten input and encouragement from many of you. I thought I’d share a few messages from my inbox this week:

I am a muni trader and your insightful work during the financial crisis is what drew me to your site, however, I find Naked Capitalism to be an invaluable source of news and social commentary. This is a seriously bad-ass online newspaper.

I imagine I started visiting NC in 2008, and I’ve been a daily reader ever since that time. The small amount I donate throughout the year and during Oct. is a pittance when placed against the value of everything I’ve unlearned and then re-learned from your site.

The work you do is valuable to me, and I dare say, to the world. (Fingers crossed.) I’ve learned a ton about economics, macro, and finance through the NC site. Given limited time, it’s my primary source for news that I care about. As a leftist, I find it’s way solider information and more consequential than most blather blogs I’m aware of. Yet it’s not so wonky I can’t digest it.

Thanks for all your continuing efforts at Naked Capitalism. You should be commended for being a torch bearer bringing so many of us out of the darkness regarding all that is going on around us.

Lambert and I and the other regular writers on the site are incredibly grateful for your votes of confidence in our work.

Help us keep Naked Capitalism unbought and unbossed. There are multiple ways to give. The first is here on the blog, the Tip Jar, which takes you to PayPal. There you can use a debit card, a credit card or a PayPal account (the charge will be in the name of Aurora Advisors).

You can also send a check (or multiple post dated checks) in the name of Aurora Advisors Incorporated to

Aurora Advisors Incorporated
903 Park Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10075

Please also send an e-mail to yves@nakedcapitalism.com with the headline “Check is in the mail” (and just the $ en route in the message) to have your contribution included in the total number of donations.

Donate now to Naked Capitalism. If you can’t afford much, give what you can. If you can afford more, give more. If you can give a lot, give a lot. It’s about saying you are tired of the lies you are being fed for free, and are willing to put your valuable resources into reshaping how information in our society flows. It will help policymakers understand that if they make good decisions, they have allies, and if they don’t, they have enemies. They may not do what you want, but they will at least by forced to hear that there is an alternative. And that, my friends, is power.

Join us.

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  1. proximity1

    I agree. I wish I could cite another site like this but–very unfortunately–I just can’t. Here’s my “jacket-blurb” as contribution in lieu of the money I just don’t have [any competent financial advisor, if asked, would counsel me: “Uh, look, just in case you don’t already understand it, you can’t afford to donate to NC. Sorry. That’s a fact so accept as best you can.” ] —

    Even if we had a system which could be rightly called democratic, we’d still need both Naked Capitalism and other sites like it. But, as we have neither anything like a democratic system nor anything else quite like Naked Capitalism, this site is one of the necessary prerequisites to our ever eventually coming to have them.

  2. Paul Handover

    Said it before, but will say it again: Well done the team. Actually, will add that saying that seems spot on for NC followers. “All that evil requires to succeed is for good people to do nothing!”

  3. Rick Cass

    Gave a little this year to NC, more than I can afford, but I have learned so much, and the links are so fruitful that I had to domthis. The Coffee Break is another wonderful addition to this site. While I do not always agree( I like Obama Care as a start toward rational health care) I value the honesty and breadth of coverage.

  4. Dave

    It’s great to see so much support for everything you do. I echo the sentiments expressed and will make my usual donation here in a bit. You will accept late contributions I presume.

  5. Carl

    I could not have said it better than did that reader. “…a pittance when placed against the value of everything I’ve unlearned and then re-learned from your site.” Here, here!

    I discovered NC several years ago from an interview with Yves on Le Show, and have been hopelessly hooked, better educated about business and econ, and more broadly informed ever since. And let’s not forget the antidotes!

    I sent a few $$ last week and (as a former public-radio broadcaster I can say this in my sleep) if everyone who reads this site gives at least a little, etc, etc. Sincere thanks to Yves, Lambert, and all.

    1. Lambert Strether

      Thanks! It’s the usual thing: If every unique visitor gave $1.00 a month, we could blow the doors off with original reporting. For whatever reason, that doesn’t happen….

      1. proximity1

        RE: “If every unique visitor gave $1.00 a month, we could blow the doors off with original reporting. For whatever reason, that doesn’t happen….”

        Okay, then. I can do that. One-year’s subscription (at that rate) will go in the mail quite soon.

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