Brontosaurus Rising The New Yorker
Michael Bloomberg’s ode to his old boss is a perfect example of a Wall Street that doesn’t exist anymore Business Insider
Billy Salomon’s Leadership School Bloomberg
IMF warns of long period of lower growth FT. Cheaper servants and guards, so what’s not to like?
Record U.S. Capital Spending Is Last Thing the Market Wants Bloomberg
Repo Market Sees a Lending Shift as Rules Bite WSJ
Big Companies Pay Later, Squeezing Their Suppliers New York Times
The U.S. Job Market Is Losing Its Dynamism Bloomberg
It’s Hard to Lift Wages if the Fed Doesn’t Make It a Priority NYT
How the Geography of Jobs Affects Unemployment Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Wall Street wary of ‘audit the Fed’ campaign FT. Shocker!
TPP as Important as Another Aircraft Carrier: US Defense Secretary The Diplomat
Athens scrapes together cash for April but default looms in May FT
As Greece Battles a Debt Crisis, Its Banks Issue More Short-Term Debt NYT
Schulz warns Greece to stick to EU’s line on Russia sanctions: newspaper Reuters
EU attempting to unsettle Syriza government in Greece Guardian
Greek anti-establishment protesters torch cars, clash with police Reuters
The UK mood is shifting against austerity Business Spectator (Furzy Mouse)
In Photos: One Year Later, a Look at the Forming of the Donetsk People’s Republic Vice
All Praise To The Iranian Nuclear Framework—–It Finally Exposes The War Party’s Big Lie David Stockman
Is there any possible Iran compromise between Obama and Congress? Maybe not. WaPo
Iran calls on Turkey to help find peace in embattled Yemen McClatchy
Overstretched and Under Pressure, the U.S. Air Force Remains the Backbone of Current Operations CFR. When they get the F-35, everything will be jake.
New York Times Accidentally Undermines John Bolton “Bomb Iran” Op-Ed in Own Pages The Intercept
US military aid will further strangle Egypt’s democracy Al Jazeera
America’s Safari to Nowhere Counterpunch
The newest Duggar baby is named Israel, his father announced in an IDF T-shirt WaPo
China will struggle to keep its momentum Martin Wolf, FT
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch
U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades USA Today. Scoop!
Rand Paul Vows to Stop NSA Spying ‘on Day 1’ of Presidency Reason
Court mulls revealing secret government plan to cut cell phone service Ars Technica
Dogs killed over unpaid fines CNN
Utility cut power to home before 8 died of gas poisoning News22. Rule #2 of neoliberalism?
Colleges Launch Food Pantries to Help Low-Income Students WSJ
Ex-SCGOP official arrested on domestic violence charge Charleson City Paper. Also an Internet troll!
Power surge knocks out electrical service across parts of D.C. WaPo. Welcome to the Third World, America!
Emanuel Wins Second Term as Mayor of Fiscally Ravaged Chicago Bloomberg
Class Warfare
Rich People Are Great at Spending Money to Make Their Kids Rich, Too The Atlantic
Slack’s Stewart Butterfield, In His Own Words Inc. See “On the financial rewards of a successful startup,” and “On caring about your work.”
Maine farmers: Cultivating a profit from organics MaineBiz. (Here is the non-organic treatment of the same theme).
Economic history is dead; long live economic history? The Economist
America’s Endless War Over Money NYT
Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources [PDF] (Furzy Mouse)
Having Fun LRB. Public shaming on the Internet.
‘Sesame Street’s’ ‘Game of Thrones’ parody makes Iron Throne prediction Los Angeles Times
Dark Leviathan Aeon. “The Silk Road might have started as a libertarian experiment, but it was doomed to end as a fiefdom run by pirate kings.” In a totally rights-respecting manner, of course.
Antidote du jour:
Readers, I struggled to find French animals suitable for Yves’s visit to Paris, but the best I could do is this sheep maintaining the lawn at the National Archives, and while that’s the sort of initiative I support, it’s not a very good best. Thoughts?
“America’s Endless War Over Money” is a great read. But like all essays, it says more through what is not said, than what is said. There was a continuous struggle until 1914 … to end the bi-metallic standard for money as established by the Constitution. Rather than amend the Constitution, which is difficult to do, practical attempts were made to make an “end run” around the consequences of the Constitutional definition of sound money. These experiments with predecessors to the Federal Reserve, over the availability of gold (before the California Gold Rush), over the availability of silver (prior to the Comstock load in Nevada), over the ratio between the official price of gold and silver … over limited issue of both private and government script … took place in a backdrop over the political struggles of the early Republic, the need to finance both sides of the Civil War, and the continuous efforts by the British, Spanish and French colonial empires … to tame the US to their own purposes.
In 1914 that came to an end, the US became a Anglo-French colony again … with much assistance by President Teddy Roosevelt … not just President Woodrow Wilson. Those two presidents basically defined what a neo-liberal is today. The US hasn’t been financially independent since 1914 … though more independent that Greece is today, more like GB with it’s British Pound independent of the Euro. And given the fiat money changes in 1933, 1965 and 1971 … hard money has vanished into an ever growing “dark economy” of financiers … that threatens to consume the “real economy” of ordinary people. Politics and economics can’t be separated, and so aren’t describable by cold objective equations … it is time to restore political economy to its proper place as a discipline.
One simple equation:
20% x your income = inflation fighting sacrificial offering.
0.2 x INC = IFSO.
That money must die! It must be destroyed.
Yes, even in disinflationary or worse, deflationary periods.
Actually, that is not a universal constant. It can vary.
Define “Perform”. Does this mean their share price performance, their growth, or their earnings?
it would be interesting to consider a variable that measures the impact of the company’s industry(ies) being subject to actual competition on some spectrum from pure competition (with many buyers and sellers, not even 1 of which is powerful enough to effect the overall quantity supplied or price, as per the fantasy story of Econ101), to monopoly.
I would guesstimate if a company has a monopoly or oligopoly, rentier, etc position, especially in an industry in which one “enjoys” hybrid Government/private oligopolist enforced COERCED participation (like health insurance, other Sickcare Mafia “providers”, apartment rental/house mortgage, retailers forced to pay a cut to the CreditCard Oligopoly, etc), they probably extort profits greater than the median company, at ANY (including NO) level of capital investment
Oh. So TTP is a useless target, and can be sunk?
You beat me to it! Things are very scary when we have a US Secretary of Defense making statements like those reported for Ash Carter. I wouldn’t want that guy on my side in an argument at a cocktail party (not that I’ve even been to a cocktail party). Now I don’t need to wonder what sort of strategic or tactical thinking lead to the DoD dumping money into the F-35 and ship building for the Navy.
I wonder whether Carter acted on his own to embrace the TPP as part of our Defense stance or, as I suspect, someone gave him a nudge. I hope that means the TPP is in serious trouble. Are there still portions of the American public who can be swayed by such screwy arguments? And what is a Secretary of Defense appointed by a “Democratic” President doing preaching to the choir at the McCain Institute at Arizona State University? What’s his next stop?
Obviously, the DOD recognizes that the US defense contractors need to outsource design and manufacturing to Japan if we are ever going to get some quality weapon systems. Then the defense contractors can just mark up Japanese products prior to selling them to the DOD. This way the DOD will be able to buy grossly overpriced stuff that works.
Why not le coq gaulois?
I vote for the Standard Poodle. (Even though this dog breed is credited to Germany, most people associate it with France. France uses the standard size as a police dog.) See:
Image from “Lady and the Unicorn” tapestry at the Musee Cluny- bunny favors…a bunny image (e.g., below lion in tapestry with lion and unicorn between two trees).
Chanteclair is indeed the obvious choice and a good one at that, but just in case, here are some alternatives to le Coq Gauloise though many of them are human(ish).
Family Portrait
If it could be a person, I would vote for Obelix, otherwise I kind of like the dog, Idéfix (lower center).
Only one right answer here:
but will rand paul close guantanamo on day 1?!?!?
Be interesting if he has a house warming party at the Eccles Building on Day 1 as well.
“Everyone is invited!!!”
Presidents have no power to close military installations, and very little power to do much of anything else, since the national security apparatus that Truman set up has gradually, over the decades, seized more and more power. See “National Security and Double Government” by Michael J. Glennon. It packs a lot into 118 pages of text.
It is ironic indeed that “our” Defense Secretary Ash Carter would be so blatant about who runs the country as to tout the toxic TPP. We all suspected that the national security apparatus was running more than the military, the spy agencies, “homeland security,” and all the related trappings of “national security.” But for them to come out and say so as a matter of course without apparently expecting anyone to take exception is, uhm, telling. Let’s hope that folks outside the NC community are listening to what Carter is telling us all.
Re. the Glennon book: Here is a PDF version freely available online at the Harvard National Security Journal website.
Carla, feel free to snarf the link and use next time you recommend the book.
I really suspect that the purpose of the TPP are the reasons given. Corporate rule is a byproduct, is pork, or is necessary to maintain dominance of particular parties. But it reflects “our values”. People really should listen when they tell us what “our” [u.s. government] “values” really are and it would be the end of illusion. Because it’s these same “values” we will be told we need endless war for. Oh so “our values” include corporate rule, do they? That’s what is being said. Remember that the next time they tell us to kill and die for “U.S. values” Not my values!
Yea, I thought of the same promise. Although Rand Paul has the virtue of not having betrayed the promise yet (and will probably never get the chance to). I was skeptical about Obama but when it looked early on (first year of his presidency) he would close Gitmo, I was willing to be positively surprised. One more notch in the cynicism belt.
The so called “liberal” media is surprisingly quite on Rahm’s victory and the crushing defeat of sanity/progressives in Chicago. No headlines yet in Huff or DailyKos. RealNews has a brief report and touches on a few things that went wrong.
There is no way to spin Rahm’s victory. Progressives can’t win working within the Democratic Party. Look at all the money Rahm got to further his agenda of public school privatization. Blacks voted for Rahn. How crazy can it get?
If Rahm can win and get black and liberal votes after all the kicking he did to them, what next? Dems are no better than Republicans. Obama is no better if not worse than Bush, and Dems are silent and even bristle if you point that out.
I don’t get why progressive are not voting third party. Markos at DailyKos has become mostly delusional. I used to love they way he attacked Bush’s Iraq War. Now he is out of touch and pushing a failed party.
I’m not so sure. The candidate matters. Karen Lewis would have been a lot better IMNSHO.
ok, now that it is over…a little about chuy and the area he is in…
it is lawndale…I worked trying to bridge the gap there, but the battle lines were drawn back in the
60’s and 70’s when the machine pushed forward and expanded the mexican community to try to force away the black community and crush it. Mexicans and other latinos physically attacked the black community and basically got away with it and the school “chuy” got for little village was from money that had been put in place to have the school placed further north, in the historic black community…but daley and others in the mexican community wrestled the money south of ogden avenue (ogden being old route 66…)
also…well…let’s just say, he aint done much for black foke…
but obviously things are really bad when bobbi steele, danny davis and timuel black all decide to hold their noses and say
please…anything but rapid rahm…
it was the wrong candidate…the machine survives as it always has…play divide and conquer…make sure the US atty is going to do your political dirty work for you and attack the low hanging fruit while leaving behind the real charlatans to keep the merry go round playing…
nothing much seems to have changed from when I was across the street from the offices of “In These Times” keeping the congress theater from becoming just another vanilla box retail store… its a grand old space…it was fun fighting for its survival…from empty to the raves to medusas to house of blues all within 180 days…one of my finest works of art…ithaki always wins…but we are always not quite on german time…(argos…the argonauts…meaning…never quite on time…at least not most people definition of time)
Rahm sucks but C.Garcia was no prize either.
It was C.Garcia’s election opportunity to loose. Frmr alderman now radio talking head Cliff Kelley’s analysis was correct. C.Garcia offered nothing. In such a target rich environment, Chuy “should have been issuing two white paper a week” critiquing Emmanuel but C.G. and his peeps apparently didn’t have the horsepower to do that. The two TV commercials that C.G. was running were counterproductive because he had no message. ” I am for neighborhoods” and “I will listen to you”. Ok , that’s great, now what?
I thing C. Garcia’s fate was pretty well sealed when refused to endorse him. IMHO, She is one of the smarter elected officals in Chicago and she sized him up. Frankly T.P. probably could have been an excellent candidate in this “anyone but Rham” window of opportunity, but I guess she is happy consolidating her power where she is presently as president of the cook county board..
Karen Lewis? No way.
Curious why you don’t think Lewis had a shot. She is smart, well-known, and would likely have the full backing of the Chicago Teacher’s Unions, an enormous bloc that probably brings some smaller blocs with it. It’s not like the city is in love with Rahm, so Lewis(in my amateur opinion) would have offered a credible alternative.
Agree with you 100% on Chuy – there was just no “there” there.
How many voters in Chicago are “Progressive” Identity voters? How many are “Black” Identity voters?
How do the two different Identity voter populations compare?
What percent of Progressive Identity voters voted against Rahm? What percent of Black Identity voters voted against Rahm?
Once those numbers are known, some analysis may be made.
French Bulldog. Or a Chartreux.
Stockman is right, of course. But remember what happened to Saddam Hussein when he accepted the ultimatum of UNSC Resolution 1441 (2002). That also exposed the fake enemy threat once and for all.
The US attacked him anyway.
stopping the TPP/TPIP is going to be our fight of a lifetime. at least until the next monstrosity comes around to enslave us.
on the other hand, if it is passed, maybe it will hasten the collapse of this evil, predatory Neoliberal civilisation?
Only, alas, in the same way that the Treaty of Versailles hastened the collapse of German aggression.
Sometimes, the best offensive is defense.
It just seems like they are always on the offensive.
I suppose they have
1. Time (serfs to do daily chores for them)
2. Money (the Omnipotent Father in Washington smiles upon them; Fortune favors the greedy, I guess)
3. the most ‘intelligent’ college grads money can buy
I rather hope the collapse of neoliberal civilization comes FIRST before the TPP has a chance to pass. In other words the world economy is slowly unwinding, U.S. dollar dominance is slowly unwinding. The latter is a very good thing for the world. Since all of this is happening, lets hope it beats the TPP, the cementing of corporate rule, to the finish line.
Stewart Butterfield actually sounds like a human being, despite being un-gawdly rich. Exception that proves the rule, I suppose…
Good on him for calling a spade a spade. Our current economic system is unfair. Such a simple way of putting it…
Re: The UK mood is shifting against austerity …
Talk about learning a lesson the hard way. But finally — finally — I think the penny has dropped and the UK, as a country (helped by a good example from Scotland, it has to be said, which has actually provided something like political leadership) is now having an election based not on an endless, go-nowhere mantra of “we can’t afford it” but onto a territory which sounds to me like “there are some things which we are not prepared to live without, so how do we find the money to pay for it?” Which is progress. Of sorts.
Whether this popular sentiment results in a government which receives a mandate that reflects this national mood, that depends on the vagaries of our electoral system. Still, at least I’ve more cause for optimism that I would under the U.S.’s One Party State (apologies; you do have a choice — you get to choose between Red or Blue neoliberalism).
Do you know where your money is?
Repo Market Sees a Lending Shift as Rules Bite WSJ
“Repos are short-term loans, often made overnight, that serve as the lifeblood of Wall Street. In a typical repo, a money-market fund lends cash to a hedge fund or other borrower in exchange for bonds, with the borrower agreeing to repurchase the bonds later at a slightly higher price.”
Do most people know that the funds they have in their money markets are the ‘lifeblood of Wall Street’? The threatened collapse of these funds in 2008 led to some pretty extreme measures.
It would be safer for the Fed to guarantee a standard 2-3% interest rate on basic money market funds.
If you want to participate as the ‘lifeblood of Wall Street’ that should be a separate issue with more yield for the risk and no bailout provisions.
‘Life blood of Wall Street.”
The ‘logic’ goes that
1) they are too big to ever fail
2) therefore you should be charged a fee for storing your money under their ‘protection.;
I think most people would be shocked to know that you could be a Lehman investor and get a .25% return for it. Risk/Reward got tossed out the window long ago.
“The consensus in the profession is that widening inequality must be the result of deficiencies in the skills of the workforce, rather than the result of structural disadvantages inadequately addressed by government.”
Hmmmm. Structural disadvantages??? How about just good ole plain corruption??? Like failure to prosecute, or write laws…er, more accurately, let the oligarchs write the laws and than just pass them. ESPECIALLY tax and “trade” laws, and laws dealing fiduciary responsibility….
And maybe, just maybe, an economy is NOT like a harbor full of yachts, and a rising tide does NOT lift all boats….Maybe holes get shot in boats that the “admiral” doesn’t care for, while other boats that sink get salvaged cost free…
“But Mankiw and others may forget that the market structure we have was not handed down from the Almighty by an invisible hand, it is the creation of humans — mostly men, mostly wealthy — who used their political, economic and social power to construct the best possible world for them.”
To me, the question isn’t that there are a few megalomaniacs – the question is: why do we buy that their gains help us? We now have lots, and lots, and lots of evidence that a growing economy is doing nothing for the vast majority of people. Tell me again, what does Lloyd Blankenfein ACTUALLY do? And tell me why, Goldman Sachs when it made poor investments, should not be bankrupt?
The lack of skepticism regarding the Iranian non-deal is astonishing.
M$M pushes the notion that a deal was struck (that that is not true might get a mention way down the page) and focuses on the partisan reactions.
This superficial reporting generally ignores deeper issues like US+US allies direct and indirect support for sectarian war. A war that is largely against Iran interests.
Then there is the ‘big picture’: Iran’s likelihood of joining the SCO+BRICS. And lets not forget that neocons believe that Ukraine and Iran must be in the Western camp for the West to ‘win’ the neo-Great Game.
Lastly, Obama has struck many ‘deals’ that soured later:
It’s one ‘hope and change’ headfake after another. So why would anyone believe that the Iran non-deal will result in a real deal? Clearly, any failure to reach a real deal will be blamed on the Iranians. And the neocons, who hold sway in this WH as much as they did in the Bush WH, are not ones to compromise.
Those who have become cynical after all these years of war and chaos can not help but to wonder if ISIS’s sectarian war IS the response to Iran. And all these peace talks just buy time for them to strengthen and continue this ‘proxy war’.
We shall see. But I am pessimistic. Obama the deceiver being hailed as a ‘peace-maker’ seems very dangerous to me. AFAICT, he has never been reluctant to wage war. Recall that the US left Iraq principally because Iraq demanded that US forces be subject to legal action for abuses in the country.
Obama has ‘banked’ an undeserved political/propaganda victory. How will he use that political capital? It strikes me that only a ‘peace-maker’ can wage a ‘just’ war. And the Obama Administration has no lack of ‘war’ opportunities (though, I think Syria is probably highest on the list).
in order to go after iran they need to substantially weaken russia first. they’re doing their best, but the russians seem resolute. china knows that, while the u.s. is bullying other countries around willy nilly, they need a strong russia so they are supportive. i do get the impression that the americans are fighting a losing battle as it will be their allies in europe who cry uncle before the russians do.
Big companies pay later, squeeze their suppliers.
Squeeze, also, their workers.
And really big companies squeeze governments around the world too.
It may be that we have to give free money to small businesses ($100,000 per year per worker, for a companies of less than 5 workers) to make sure they are around to offer some competition.
It’s hard to life wages if the Fed doesn’t make it a priority.
Priority number one, not just today, but for decades (so they have expended a lot of time and energy on this) – exterminate wage inflation.
“Please, don’t be confused* again!!!!”
*It’s confusing to this commenter why people should be confused. The message is broadcasted every day all over the information highway.
——Dogs killed over unpaid fines CNN—–
Turning animal control and animal shelters into profit making centers. What sort of society produces monsters that would kill pets over money? I swear if that were to happen to one of my animals, there would be blood in the streets.
Disgusting, just another way to fleece ordinary people who don’t have clout. Other fleecing methods: adjustable mortgages; Fergusson policing model—fining its citizens outrageously and then jailing them; privatized parole; charter schools run by scam artists; the student loan industry; sky rocketing energy bills. I assume water and food are next on the list.
So when do the pitchforks and torches come out? Food and fuel could do it.
Tracking billions of calls for decades.
Does it mean, they know what our tomorrow’s leader is saying today…and yesterday?
Can they combine Artificial Intelligence with Surveillance (two top academic fields) and use the data to predict the next genius? A tool for such an analysis shouldn’t to be difficult for our programmers.
my thought on the article was was it really a scoop, or were they just sitting on it for 20 years only to release it now with the public completely apathetic?
My suggestion for a very French animal to commemorate Yves’ trip to Paris? Le bouquetin.
Les bouquetins are mountain goatish animals that inhabit the French Alps, living at very high altitudes during the summer but venturing down to lower altitudes during the spring. The French are particularly fond of them; driving up from a trip into Chambery or Grenoble, to the tiny village where we were living, we would find cars pulled over to the side of the narrow winding road, and people standing in the road (blocking traffic but nobody was upset) and pointing up to a rocky slope, uttering joyous cries of, “Les bouquetins, les bouquetins!”
Some neighbors invited us for a picnic one weekend, assuring us they knew of a little meadow where we could view the bouquetin moms and their babies. Sure enough, we caught sight of the little ones …
Like Yves, they are agile and sure-footed, scaling heights and slopes that lesser mortals would not attempt.
re: grexit
should we be putting 2+2 together with the back-to-back headlines “EU attempting to unsettle Syriza government in Greece” and “Greek anti-establishment protesters torch cars, clash with police”?
is this another colour revolution about to take place (e.g. brown)?
Police and witnesses say Scott tried to run from Slager before turning to fight for the officer’s Taser. It was during that scuffle that the officer fired his service weapon, fatally wounding Scott.
According to an incident report, officers heard Slager say over the radio that he had deployed his Taser and “seconds later” he said “Shots fired and the subject is down. He took my Taser.”
Attorney David Aylor released a statement Monday that reiterated the police report.
“This is a very tragic event for all of the families,” Aylor said. “I believe once the community hears all the facts of this shooting, they’ll have a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding this investigation. Officer Slager believes he followed all the proper procedures and policies of the North Charleston Police Department.”
how many times have we read this story?
oh, hey look, there’s video..
what shame.
even worse..
This is what’s known as a pretext stop. Tail light out, failing to signal for a turn, etc. Then the cop gets to interrogate the driver and passengers, eyeball the inside of the car, ask them to step out and be temporarily handcuffed “for my safety”, and then say, “Hey, you don’t object to me searching your car, do ?”
Of course, if you object they counter with, “We can get a search warrant but it’ll take a long time. Wouldn’t you rather just be on your way? It’ll only take a minute.”
If you still object they announce, “You obviously got something to hide,” search the car anyway, and lie that you gave permission.
So he ran away, then allegedly inexplicably came back to fight (unsuccessfully) over a nonlethal weapon then ran away again, then got shot in the back?
Looking at the picture I’d guess abt 40ft separation, did the cop think he was giving the guy a sporting head start before shooting him in the back?
WTF, and all for what? a taillight??
That 40ft looks like premeditation to me. Dropping the Tazer seals it, that was 1st degree murder.
So, in bizzaro world will the photographer be arrested?
i’ve been pretext stopped. i’m still here.
that’s not my dismay. the outrage is that the mediapolicecourtcomplex circus already has a template to “deal” with this.
how many other non-video “he grabbed my taser” murderers are still out there?
i think this planet seriously needs a nice long vacation. there’s gotta be another star who will take us in for a while..
French animals
No antidote ready pic, but I got the youtube for it.
This snail is drinking beer. Red wine would have been more appropriate, I think, if snails are paired with red wine. Maybe Yves can clarify that point when in France there.
TPP as Important as Another Aircraft Carrier: US Defense Secretary
In reality an incredibly ambiguous statement.
Perhaps someone can tell us whether a new aircraft carrier is more cost effective or a new fleet of drones.
My guess is the latter.
how about a State Dpt that is worth a sht?
Maybe we merge it with the Pentagon.
You’d better sit down…
The President of the United States is named Schiklgruber.
ouch. Kills the thread with the thinking-mans Hitler Card
check this out
Only if you are already predisposed to Subversive Thoughts such as, “How much value genuinely inheres in having yet another Aircraft Carrier? And then, if my answer to this is ‘dubious value’, then what does this imply about the TPP?”
Go ahead, pull on that loose thread, and see what happens. You bad boy, you.
UK Greens unleash the power of boy band treacle on British TINA and the election.