Links 7/11/16

A Quasicrystal’s Shocking Origin Quanta (original).

Vanishing Act: Why Insects Are Declining and Why It Matters Environment 360

Nowhere Fast: Drifting World Economy Skirts Worst But Still Lags Bloomberg

Wall Street analysts cut big banks’ profit forecasts FT

Something crazy is happening to the Swiss bonds, and it’s a sad sign for the world economy Business Insider

Bank of England mulls property fund shake up to stop panic sales The Telegraph

Deutsche Bank Chief Economist: “Europe is Seriously Ill”, Banks Need €150 Billion Bailout MishTalk


Brexit Adds to Pension Funds’ Pain WSJ

Grassroots Conservatives back Andrea Leadsom for Prime Minister over ‘metropolitan’ Theresa May Telegraph

Five questions for Angela Eagle Paul Mason, Medium

Labour leader and MPs set on collision course in a battle for party’s soul Guardian

Rules and Britannia The Economist

Japan’s ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house election Reuters

South China Sea: What to look out for in the UN tribunal ruling FT

Black Injustice Tipping Point

After Dallas, The Future of Black Lives Matter The New Yorker. Interview with Alicia Garza of Black Lives Mattter.

Black Lives Matter: The Baton Rouge photo hailed as ‘legendary’ BBC

Demonstrators Rally Against Police Brutality At Taste of Chicago And Beyond The Chicagoist

Baton Rouge police report arresting 102 at protest by ‘out-of-town’ agitators Times-Picayune

Man who Posted Alton Sterling Shooting Video Arrested 24 Hours Later on Fabricated Charges Photography Is Not a Crime

Dallas Police Killer Took a Sudden, Violent Turn WSJ

Walking While Black The Literary Hub (Kokuanani).


Vote preference over time Pew Research Center

Voters Add to Election Turmoil by Threatening to Jump Party Lines WSJ

Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump, or None of the Above

Why Going Negative and Staying There Is the Best Strategy in This Election New York Magazine

Democrats and the TPP: Who Speaks for the Future? CAF (Re Silc).

“An acquaintance from my days in the Clinton administration….” Robert Reich, Facebook. Must-read. Inside view of Clinton campaign’s thoughts on TPP in the Democrat platform.

Democrats Approve Stricter Financial Crime Language in Platform Bloomberg

The Clinton Contamination MoDo, NYT (DL).

Democrats Toughen Trade Stance—but Reject Formal Opposition to the TPP The Nation

Donald Trump Is Considering a Democratic Running Mate Fortune

Will Pence be Trump’s vice president? We’ll know soon. Indianapolis Star

Kasich lost GOP nomination, but now he’s finding a moment

Meet the N.J. politician seeking to stop Trump at GOP convention Star-Ledger

NYPD turns down request for Donald Trump to address officers WaPo. The “request” apparently coming from a Trump staffer who got out over his skis. That said, I’d be concerned if an official request to another police department was made and accepted.

How the World Fell Out of Love with Obama Politico

Obama: Out of Many Sides of His Mouth Consortium News

Obama plans major nuclear policy changes in his final months WaPo

Clinton Email Tar Baby

5 Reasons The Comey Hearing Was The Worst Education In Criminal Justice The American Public Has Ever Had HuffPo (Bunk McNulty). Must-read; a massive takedown.

Your Guide to Another Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Foreign Policy. The State Department investigation on clearances.

HC and Mark Shields on the Newshour – 8 July 2016 Sic Semper Tyrannis (Re Silc). When you’ve lost Mark Woodruff….

Police State Watcn

Federal Police Officer Offered to Pimp East Bay Teenager at Center of Oakland Police Sex-Abuse Scandal East Bay Express. Background.

Collingswood police questioned schoolkids about brownies, name-calling, a zombie drawing Philadelphia Inquirer (DS).

AP: Islamic State’s Twitter traffic drops amid US efforts AP

Voters deserve responsible nationalism not reflex globalism Larry Summers, FT

A rational nation ruled by science would be a terrible idea New Scientist

Antidote du jour (Chet G):


Chet G comments: “We live in terrible times, but there’s beauty in nature.”

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. abynormal

    re, Fell out of Love with Obama…”And Russia has ignored Obama’s warnings and asserted its influence in former Soviet states, sometimes at the point of a gun.” WHAT!

    “We thought he would save the world from the terrorists,” said Hiba Rustum, a 28-year-old computer science student. “But he did the opposite.” At least they got this right.

    lindsy bunkingham performed Big Love last night…fitting segue
    ‘that feeling you get when you here that perfect song…you’re not alone’~Roadies

    1. Katniss Everdeen

      So, the Egyptians didn’t get enough “human rights,” and the Cubans didn’t get enough “prosperity.” Boo hoo. We didn’t get enough here either.

      And the Ukranians didn’t get enough “protection” from Russia. obama (and the state department) ousted your elected government and replaced it with a Russia-hating, neo-nazi regime. What more do you want?

      Just wait until obama takes his rightful place at the clinton foundation. Then y’all will REALLY be sorry.

      1. Softie

        The message is very loud and clear. Neoliberalism demands 100% obedience. “I’m loving it”©®2016.

        1. WJ

          It looks like the police will be changing their “tactics”! Now we’ll be seeing even more paramilitary force, use of robotic devices, and more aggressive control of right-exercising citizens nationwide. Almost too convenient, that mentally deranged ex-army black man showing up when he did. Just sayin.

            1. reslez

              “We need to figure out a way to ensure that police officers don’t get targeted, because right now they do have targets on their backs,” said Andrea Edmiston, director of governmental affairs for the National Association of Police Organizations

              Maybe they could try killing fewer citizens. Amazing how the entire article goes on and on about everything but that.

          1. ambrit

            You should see some of the videos coming out of Baton Rouge from yesterday. One from a “tinfoil hat” site I frequent shows Baton Rouge police moving down a central city street with an LRAD (light armoured car) and two files of what look to be National Guard troops. Else, why the Camo BDU’s and what look to be M4A1 military assault rifles ‘at the ready?’

              1. WJ

                Yes, that’s a good catch, and it jibes with other reports of the police captain complaining that “outsiders” to the community were the cause of the violence–i.e. white people not cowed by the LA police. It reminds me of what I have read about the southern civil rights movement, and the attempt to disparage the white protestors as Jew Communists from the “outside” as a way of preventing a real and sustained outbreak of interracial solidarity.

                Much will depend, today, on how many and how quickly mainstream white people begin to march with and advocate alongside their black brothers and sisters. There will be an effort to prevent this from happening, and then to cast whites who do participate as “radicals” and “Occupy” types so as to discredit them with the Serious People.

                But the Minneapolis killing is already making this difficult, as the victim worked at an expensive private Montessori school made up mostly of the white children of lawyers, doctors, and corporate types. And they are pissed. (The Governor is well aware of this, btw, which explains his otherwise oddly explicit and almost servile apology.)

                The inference to be drawn from all this is what it unfortunately is.

                1. ChiGal

                  “Much will depend, today, on how many and how quickly mainstream white people begin to march with and advocate alongside their black brothers and sisters.”


                  1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

                    Our black brothers and sisters.

                    Earlier, they were low-information voters who overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.

                    Did they see the world differently, with whatever information they had?

                    Do they still see things that way, but we are moving our view, and are to march alongside them? We now see why they saw the world that way.

                    Or have they moved their world view closer to ours, so we are marching with them?

                    Or does this have nothing to do with how they voted?

            1. MDBill

              What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

              We are now in the Fourth Stage and the media that you falsely believe represents the views of the American people are calling for a harder crackdown.


              While many may be cheering the idea of open insurrection, most do not understand the casualties and hardships associated with an insurgency. Since the federal government is unwilling to intercede, it is up to the American citizen to try to stop this from occurring. We have to take responsibility and stop the scenarios laid out above from happening

              Interesting and alarming analysis. Definitely worth reading.

          2. cwaltz

            My feeling is if the police escalate then so will the population they police. And since these days everyone is being taught to code and understand robotics it won’t be long before tactics they are using will be used against them.

    1. cnchal

      Is Ramsey Orta going to jail for filming the cops? Not exactly.

      . . . On Wednesday, Orta took a plea deal on weapons and drug charges. He says he has been repeatedly arrested and harassed by cops since he filmed the fatal police chokehold nearly two years ago.

      It is quite clear however that some police forces have become rogue powers onto themselves and are no longer under civilian control. Police brutality and killings have become so routine that one video after another shows up, and nearly invariably the police get to decide whether the officer was justified in their use of force, and nearly invariably decide yes.

      Ironic then, that the surveillance state, of which the police are a huge part, don’t like it when they themselves are being surveilled.

    2. Optimader

      … plainclothes officers from a Staten Island narcotics unit saw Orta stuff a silver-colored .25 caliber handgun into a 17-year-old female companion’s waistband after they emerged from a brief stop at the Hotel Richmond.

      The location, on Central Avenue, is a ‘known drug prone location,’ according to police.

      The unloaded semi-automatic weapon recovered was reported stolen in Michigan in 2007, police said.

      And records showed Orta has been arrested dozens of times since 2009.

      He has been charged with everything from jumping subway turnstiles and robbery to gun possession and menacing with a gun….

    3. different clue

      One thing the several million member strong BernieVoter proto-movement might do . . . among others . . . is to create legal and economic defense funds for citizen video-whistleblowers like this who are under government persecution in order to blind the eyes and ears of the public. These persecutions are designed to state-terrorise anyone else out of taking and posting such video. As long as the targets of this state persecution are left hanging alone for all to see, other potential video-whistleblowers will decide not to blow the video-whistle because they know they will be left alone and helpless under the weight of a state terrorist government.

      Whereas, if every video whistleblower receives the visible support of millions of people , both legal support through the duration of the state’s persecution and economic support to keep them out of the poverty that the state persecution is designed to plunge them into, then future potential video-whistleblowers will be less deterred from blowing the video whistle.

      Perhaps people from the Bernie movement and the BLM movement might co-ordinate on this. Perhaps people from the Electronic Frontiers Foundation might also get involved. Video Rights Matter!

  2. BruceK

    The Brexit news is already out of date.

    Andrea Leadsom has withdrawn from the race; Theresa May will be the next PM, and probably take over in the next few days.

    The BBC has a live feed going with the details.

      1. ambrit

        What happened? Did the Eurocrats blink? If not, May might be indulging in yet another bout of “magical thinking.” Didn’t the Eurocrats say no negotiations before Article 50?

        1. That Which Sees

          Merkel and her EU counterparts have no authority to force a filing. They now have two options; Negotiate, or; Have this drag on for many, many, many months.

          If Merkel refuses to come to the table, little “offical” will happen until the German elections, Sept 2017…. 14 months from now. Unofficial work, such as advocating other exit referendums, will be taking place. Germany will be much weaker when they do come to the table next year.

          1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            Maybe the Battle of Britain is over for leader Merkel.

            Next to go, Normandy and France?

            1. That Which Sees

              The next French presidential election is APR MAY 2017. This could further wound Merkel if National Front / Le Pen gains ground.


              Potentially more important is the little discussed Italian constitutional referendum.


              If the referendum fails, Five Star is highly likely to take power. The Euro skeptic parties in France and Germany are less likely to obtain clean wins.

            2. That Which Sees

              The next French presidential election is APR MAY 2017. This could further wound Merkel if National Front / Le Pen gains ground.

              Potentially more important is the little discussed Italian constitutional referendum.

              If the referendum fails, Five Star is highly likely to take power. The Euro skeptic parties in France and Germany are less likely to obtain clean wins.

              A version of this post with supporting links is in the moderation queue, sorry for any duplication.

      2. Sally

        Or delaying BREXIT until a fix that the global elites will accept that can be sold to the people who voted for leave.

        This has the whiff of a giant elitist conspiracy here. A remainer becomes PM though no one has voted for her. Even her own party voters have not voted for her. It stinks. All the major leavers in the Tory party have been knifed or moved aside, and the base of Tory party who are leavers have been ignored.

    1. ahimsa

      And May has committed to leaving EU (from press conference this morning):

      “…our country needs strong, proven leadership – to steer us through this time of economic and political uncertainty – and to negotiate the best deal for Britain as we leave the European Union and forge a new role for ourselves in the world. Brexit means Brexit and we’re going to make a success of it.”

      There is such a creepy sense of somnambulance about politics at the moment. In the UK, politicians marching toward Brexit (disintegration of the UK hiding in the fine print).. In europe politicians marching toward depositor bank bail-ins (disintegration of the euro lurking in the shadows).. American political parties determined to serve up loathsome and gratuitously dishonest presidential candidates (disintegration of civil order simmering)..

      Interesting times..

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        Marching towards depositor bank bail-ins….

        Won’t those who can, move their money out of the Euro area?

        To do bail-ins, isn’t blitzkrieg more effective?

      2. John Firestone

        I am not sure what to make of this. The first picture of the current, top story of the online Daily Mail, “New Tory Leader, Theresa May …”, has a picture of Ms. May with her fingers together forming a Merkel diamond. I hope it does not resonate in unhelpful ways with another one across the channel.

  3. Steve H.


    Pence could not hold the favor of business interests in the State of Indiana. He can’t be re-elected for governor of the state, much less be a useful VP candidate. Trump loves making the monkeys dance.

    I still like my best-guess: the VP candidate will have already paid for the spot when announced, so as to slip right into the Oval once the world has to say “President Trump” and he resigns.

    1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef


      I suppose in a free market, under capitalism, everything – endorsement, the VP spot, etc – has a price.

    2. different clue

      Well . . . in that scenario . . . if Trump picks a VP I would not like to see as P, then I will vote against Trump. If Trump picks the Seven Mountains Dominionist Cruz for his VP, I will vote for Clinton.

    1. Kulantan

      Also I just realised that May’s campaign slogan is “A Country That Works For Everyone, Not Just The Privileged Few”.

      I honestly have no words. I’m just going to sit here and try to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth.

      1. ambrit

        Rinse your mouth out with cheap vodka. If that doesn’t do the trick, you might be suffering from Political Gastroenteritis.

      2. Christopher Fay

        That’s much too long for Hillary to steal as a campaign slogan. May will have to contribute Labor or Eng Guv money much more generously to CGI now

        1. NotTimothyGeithner

          How is the slogan about Hillary? “I’m with her” is the primary slogan.

          Hillary wouldn’t appropriate the slogan because it simply isn’t about her.

          1. ambrit

            It can be done. How about; “A Country that Works For Hillary.” Short and to the point.

  4. Steve in Flyover

    Can someone tell me why they believe thay Hillary will pay any attention at all to anything in the party platform?

    As always, she will do the kabuki, then do whatever she wants if she is elected.

    1. ambrit

      She doesn’t even do “the Kabuki” very convincingly either.
      Watching the Bill and Hillary Show go on the road this year, I’m growing nostalgic for Warren G Harding.

      1. Christopher Fay

        I’m nostalgic for W C Fields, the generation that gave birth to the Greatest Generation.

        1. ambrit

          Ah yes.. A man who could juggle an even number of objects, including live mice! H Clinton can’t even juggle her schedules properly.

      2. redleg

        Chester Arthur. He implemented civil service reform, equivalent to breaking Citizen’s United today.

    2. Bugs Bunny

      Bingo. Someone dig me up a copy of “Putting People First” from Bubba’s 1992 campaign.

      Bet you a dollar that not one of those promises were kept.

      1. That Which Sees

        Hillary supports TPP because she actually believes in it…… Ignore those massive contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

        When will they add «sarcasm» tags to the HTML standards? Life would be so much simpler.

    3. Optimader

      Also my premise. She will say anything that she and her numbnutz campaign flunkies think will acquire votes.
      Double down on Bho, the difference bring he spoke in platitudes and constutuentcies filled in the white space with hopes and desires. Hillary need not practice ambiguity as she already is well established as a liar.

  5. ambrit

    “When you’ve lost Mark Woodruff..”
    You’re too clever to have let this one slip past. Would you be suggesting some sort of “incestuous” relationship going on between the NPR Nomenklatura and out Valiant Journalists for Freedom?
    What next from our Right Thinking team of Judy Shields and Kix Brooks?
    “If that ain’t country, you can….”

  6. Jen

    Posted at yesterday morning by a certain wily? cagey? irascible? VT Senator on his facebook page yesterday morning:

    “How insane is it for us to literally discourage bright young people from attending college because of how much money their parents make? Kids in this country are saddled with $50,000, $100,000, $200,000 in student debt. That is absurd. If we are going to solve the college debt crisis in this country we must make public colleges and universities tuition free

    Noise? Signal? Perhaps balancing all and bringing all to mind…

    1. marym

      Is he saying that Clinton’s means tested neoliberal proposal is insane and public colleges should be free to all? or that the current system is insane and a means tested neoliberal proposal is somehow a good substitute for a democratic socialistic universal plan?

      1. Christopher Fay

        If rich people start putting their kids into public colleges that’s a major force for improving the quality of public education. If there is one take away from this year it is that rich people are great at self-organizing to make it better for themselves.

      2. Jen

        Dunno, but I find it interesting that he is not saying “we must support Secretary Clinton’s plan….” not terribly long after giving her a pat on the head for making a good start.

        Noise? Signal?

        1. different clue

          That’s for him and the Berniecrats to know and for Clinton and the Clintonites to guess about.

    2. Micky9finger

      Well university education is free in Germany to all comers.
      I think Latvia too.
      No doubt many others I don’t know about.

    3. ewmayer

      “If we are going to solve the college debt crisis in this country we must make public colleges and universities tuition free” — How about also – in fact this must needs be the first step in a viable scheme – working to once again make a decent college education *affordable*? As the housing bubble(s) vividly illustrate, government subsidies have a profound tendency to have the opposite effect of what is their stated intent. Especially when one’s government is in bed with the debt merchants, credentialed elites (from which the vast majority of modern edu admin-types are drawn) and big for-profit _______ [insert industry benefiting from expensive college here].

      And note that “the Europeans manage to do it” dosen’t fly here, because, as with medical care, they never let the cost and incentive structure get so insanely out of whack to begin with. Imagine the effect on “the European” national budgets if they provided the same edu/med guarantees to their citizens based on US-level bloated costs of same.

  7. rich

    Carlyle Group Like Hillary: No Consequences for Unauthorized Mountain Water SaleThe Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported:

    When The Carlyle Group purchased Mountain Water in 2011, it had also agreed not to sell the utility without PSC approval.

    The Carlyle Group did just that in January.
    The $150,000 fine for failing to fulfill Carlyle’s original commitment is not coming out of Carlyle’s pocket.

    A Missoula water company (Mountain Water) has agreed to pay a $150,000 fine over its unauthorized sale and the new owner has agreed the utility can’t be sold again without Public Service Commission approval.

    Mountain Water is paying the $150,000 fine. The new promise sounds alot like the old promise which Carlyle reneged upon for profit purposes. This is hardly justice.

    Just as no reasonable prosecutor would charge Hillary Clinton for her negligent e-mail activity, no reasonable regulator would penalize the PEU that profited handsomely by ignoring their stated regulatory commitment.

    Political royal families and private equity underwriters (PEU) share an ability to remain above the law.

    Update 7-9-16: ZeroHedge called it impunity which fits with The Carlyle Group. IMPEUNITY

    trailblazers..more to follow

  8. pe

    On Lambert Strether’s curated twitter stream a man called Peter Doao has been unleashing a quite extraordinary torrent of vitriol against the article you linked to about Clinton in NYT.
    Must have hit a nerve ?

    1. cybrestrike

      Peter Doau is a Democratic Party loyalist and writer at Blue Nation Review, a Clinton supporter website. He is an HRC loyalist as well. He’s been that way for quite some time.

      MoDo wrote a brilliant article, but committed the “sin” of calling POTUS “Barry” in her piece, which his supporters have twisted into a racist dog-whistle (seriously) that they use against anyone who dares to criticize the neoliberal establishment in charge of the party. She also called out HRC and Bill’s open and blatant corruption, which party loyalists like Daou take great offense to.

      To Daou and his ilk, HRC must be defended at all costs. Ezra Klein, Josh Marshall, Marcos Moulitsas, Jerome Armstrong, and their sites are the veal-penned vanguard against any left-leaning resistance to the toxic neoliberal Clinton establishment.

        1. cybrestrike

          I’m black, and even I don’t understand why it’s considered racist by his hardcore supporters. It’s like they’re reaching for something that isn’t there. And yes, POTUS did go by “Barry” back in the day. I even imagine that FLOTUS calls him that behind closed doors sometimes.

        2. NotTimothyGeithner

          I don’t like 0bozo but here we go:

          -this goes back to black yuppie concerns of the 1980s and becoming too white. Obama didn’t face the obstacles someone born ten years earlier faced born to a similar class. Doug Wilder was elected governor of Virginia in 1989.
          -we can’t forget the backdrop of black power and identity and the “might white of you” expectations.
          -“Barry” is an anglicized nick name
          -where do these names come from? Often plantation owners. If you have the last name as a Founding Father, you are likely black. The free slaves picked those names in an attempt to fit in.
          -over time after the Civil War, a concept of “white” came into being.
          -the young then “Barry” clearly had identity issues being raised in non-black environments while being black in the U.S. and suffered father abandonment issues, even writing a book about it. This is a man with identity questions, beyond the average person’s. Interracial people have interesting thoughts on their place in America. They are often rejected by the black community and aren’t white enough to fit in.
          -speaking for Obama is difficult, he isn’t that deep, but he did choose to reject his “anglicized” nickname in favor of “Barack”. Personally I suspect because it was trendy. There was an SNL sketch about black yuppies ridding themselves of slave names.
          -let’s pretend Obama isn’t shallow and wasn’t being trendy, going from “Barry” to “Barack” is a significant rejection of the idea blacks need to act “white” to fit into American society.
          -therefore it would be appropriate to not use Barry in a professional or academic standing except to clarify Obama if you are discussing his youth.

          MoDo tends to use insulting nicknames, so it’s par for the course for her and fits her style. If she want using phrases for 41, 43, Clinton, Gore, and everyone else and then proceeded to just call the President “Barry,” that would be a different matter.

          Is it the same as refusing to call Kareem and Ali, Kareem and Ali? I would say not because of the context, but if “Barry” your employee or coworker came to you and said call me by given name “Barack,” it would be in poor taste to call him “Barry.”

          The Obama worshippers can’t stand criticism of the President and will sink to drown it out much like Clinton supporters. If these people aren’t perfect, maybe they shouldn’t be devotional objects. Every critique has to be demolished somehow.

      1. sd

        It looks to me like DailyKos has hemorrhaged a significant chunk of its members. The other item of interest is that most of the front page posts are about Republicans, albeit critiques, showing there’s more interest in following what Republicans are doing than what Democrats are doing. And that’s coming from an ostensibly Democratic leaning site.

        1. JTMcPhee

          I made a mildly critical-of-Clintons fact-based comment there a day ago and was given the penalty box — had to acknowledge receipt of the notice that my comment had been exorcised, due to community response, before I could post again (Stop me before I post again!) I was also chastised by one responder, “the good witch,” who typed

          “Do you know that DailyKos is about electing Democrats, in particular Hillary Clinton for President?”

          Who effing cares any more?

            1. Pat

              You should. I didn’t walk for almost two more years.

              Despite what my friends think, I’m apparently still not cynical enough as I admit to having been shocked that Moulitsas didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was of the Borg and no deviation would be allowed.

            2. optimader

              Like never having eaten a White Castle slider, at this point I’m curious to see if I can live out my life w/o giving the site a click

              1. pretzelattack

                i think i’ve clicked on it 5 times, which which would exceed the number of sliders i have ingested.

                1. Mudduck

                  We live two blocks from a White Castle. The company is family owned and operated, there is little staff turnover, and the people behind the counter know us when we come in. I don’t much like WC terminology — “sliders,” “crave” — I’ll order “a double White Castle” instead of a slider. The combination of meat, onion, and bun is like a handful of meatloaf. If you don’t like the hamburgers, the chicken is excellent.

                  1. Optimader

                    Im sure they’re nice people getting along doing what theyre doing. But i figure, who knows, its worked out not having one so far. Does the compulsive alcoholic only find out they’re an alcoholic after the first drink??
                    I may have -five decades of slider catchup (no pun intended) to contend with if i start now! (If my lack of moderation with the family meatloaf recipe is any indication) it could be a. Very ugly inflection point for me.
                    If i wernt so lazy at this point and could get up at odarkthirty i would do a cash only food truck in the loop serving only the meatloaf, vietnamese springrolls and real draft root beer.. Ok maybe pesto too…

        2. cybrestrike

          Markos Moulitsas issued a decree back in March that any criticism of Clinton would not be tolerated. Even constructive criticism based in fact. Many members have jumped ship (myself included–I was there since 2007) and moved off to other sites. Daily Kos is now Clinton central.

          Their front page has always focused on Republicans and their antics, while steadfastly refusing to discuss the ills of the Democratic Party on an ideological level (save for one or two front page writers, specifically Meteor Blades). Their current membership succeeded in driving off many progressive contributors and actively gang up on anyone who dares call out the Clintons.

          Their front page supports centrists and neoliberals over most progressives. They support Patrick Murphy over Alan Grayson in Florida. They supported Chris Van Hollen over Donna Edwards in Maryland not too long ago.

          DK has gone from a hub of progressive thought to a Democratic booster club that has no interests outside of the party winning elections. Ideology has taken a back seat to cheerleading.

          1. NotTimothyGeithner

            All things considered, I still believe 2009 will be a good year. What was that about DailyKos not being a hot bed of racist and sexist arguments and blind cheerleading but progressive thought?

            There is Meteor Blades, but it was a cesspool in 2008 and probably always was.

  9. bob k

    i used to see honey bees in the garden all the time in great i can’t recall seeing any for the last two years. so sad.

    1. Stephanie

      I have not seen any honey bees recently either, but I have noticed the borage I let take over one of my tiny plots attracts bumble bees by the dozen. There is also bachelor button out there, and flowering dill and cilantro, but from what I’ve seen they’ll ignore all that for the borage. That they will dart around like 8-year-olds at a buffet.

      1. katenka

        They do love borage immoderately! (I have all sorts of bees all over mine, all the time.) I have found only one flower that they seem to like more than borage — oregano. If you plant oregano and let it blossom (and I should warn you that it is an aggressive and immortal plant, so act accordingly), I can pretty much promise a constant manic seethe of bees, hoverflies, butterflies, flies, everything imaginable!

        1. bob k

          i have oregano and dill but no honey bees. and i don’t believe bumble bees do the same for pollination that honey bees do. :-(

          1. katenka

            Bees of all kinds will go pretty far to get a slurp of oregano flower — I am so sorry that you’re evidently in such a dead spot! But, the flowers you put out will help push back against that (and give the remaining pollinators — all of whom we love and value, including the less effective ones ;) — a clearly much-needed oasis). My garden is in the middle of Chicago. In the city, we have tons of pollinators and flowers and organic gardens and so forth…while not too far outside the city, there is of course the big ag hellish monocrop Roundup wasteland. When I see the (still rare) Monarchs here, I remind them to fill up while they can — it is a tough trail ahead of them!

          2. katenka

            (Apologies if I’m replying twice — my previous message seemed to vanish, although now that I’ve decided it’s gone, it will probably reappear.) I am very sorry to hear that you are in such a honeybee-less zone that they aren’t even close enough to respond to the irresistible siren lure of oregano! But, you are doing other pollinators a great service (and we love and need them all, including the less effective ones ;) ). My garden is in Chicago, and in the city we have lots of pollinators, flowers, organic gardens, etc. Not far outside the city, it is a hellish big ag monocrop Roundup desert that stretches on and on and on. When I (rarely) see Monarchs here, I advise them to eat while they can — it is a long, hard path ahead of them.

      1. polecat

        In my yard (s) i have growing sages, leeks, agastache, lambs ears, lobelias, mimulus, scrofularias, penstemons, epilobiums and lithiodora…….. I have insects galore !!

        …and absolutely NO pest problems!

        1. optimader

          pretty much the same deal, different plants but not short on insects — other than mosquitos thankfully.. Has been hot here which may account for that, and I do see the occasional bat at dusk, so I know they are out there chowing down on whatever is aflight
          The bats are cool, building a couple bat houses was on my puttering agenda for spring but haven’t gotten to it yet.

          1. polecat

            I haven’t seen any bats here where I live…too bad …. I’m rather fond of them…..

            …maybe, living in town, they’re not as prevalent…although we’re surrounded by Douglas Fir/ Spruce forest, and their associate plant species…….

            here’s to the small denizens of the natural world!

    2. Waldenpond

      Not a good year here either. I finally have a group going after the oregano but the lavendar, b buttons, thyme, peas, beans, dahlias etc just barren. I have up a couple of bee houses and normally there are about 8 holes plugged on each by this time…. I have one.

      No ladybugs either. I don’t clip the lawn till very late (mid-May) and only a couple. Hover flies are few and far between. Less than half the plums, some apples have done fine but only a few pears.

  10. Christopher Fay

    Robert Reich, An Acquaintance from my Days, “Hillary, DWStweets, Nance, Dick Disturbing, Larry,” un huh, my favs when I look for leadership, “Chuck.” I remember a New Yorker profile close after the Greenspam housing bubble for Bush collapsed, which skated around the elephant in the room of Chuck’s Wall Street relationship. That relationship Hillary is proud to say she was for Wall Street before and after it collapsed our economy just like those Twin Towers that crashed that day. Chuck working hard for himself “for publicity; he holds press events on many Sundays, to take advantage of what tends to be a slow news day,” on the day of rest for the rest of us

  11. John Morrison

    “A rational nation ruled by science…”

    I agree fully. I sometimes use this example to characterize science: Science tells us, “If you fall a mile, you will go splat.” Science has no authority about whether going splat is good or bad.

    Human decency tells us going splat is bad. Sociopaths arguing “free-gravity physics” (this field’s version of “social darwinism” and “free-market economics”), argue that going splat is good because gravity declares it. Something of the sort.

    1. Raven on a Coyote

      Heaven and Earth are impartial
      They regard myriad things as straw dogs
      The sages are impartial
      They regard people as straw dogs

        1. diptherio

          The Dough Ka Ching, by Louts Sue…a classic of the modern era. “The con that can be named is not the eternal con.” “The wise man becomes rich through the labor of others/this is the way of doing by not-doing.”

          1. ambrit

            I at least expected a quote from Louis Wu, not that reprehensocrat, Lotus Sue. What next, quotes from the Pho Doh brothers? “One Ringworld to bind them all.”
            Much love from the Insignificant One.

            1. RMO

              How about his father Carlos Wu “Reality trumps theory” A brilliant polymath who works in many fields but, as you can no doubt tell by the quote, not an economist.

        2. Raven on a Coyote

          HA! Yes! Dough de Ka Ching! Thank you! Maybe I need to do a re-write of the classic.

          Splat is just splat, the universe does not care if it is good or bad.

          The first mistake the Tyson makes is that he still creates and relies on the duality of good and bad. His morality creates the superior and less superior and the resulting science will enable the systems to control and categorize people.

          Evolution itself is random and proceeds without logic, and that randomness enables diversity that helps ensure survival of a species in the face of an ever changing illogical environment. If you take logic to its end you will be forced to concede that logic is flawed when applied to living systems.

          Science is about controlling the world, and that is impossible and dangerous. People who wnat to control the world have only one goal in mind; profit.

    2. Praedor

      I disagree. Science tells us we MUST protect biodiversity or WE go “splat”. Science tells us we MUST stop emitting CO2 and methane (directly and indirectly), stop acidifying the oceans, over-fishing the oceans, or WE DIE. The rational and ONLY correct response is to act on the science: STOP DOING IT.

      Science tells us that perpetual growth is fantasy and impossible. Economics tells us that perpetual/permanent growth (in population, in economic growth, in extraction, etc) is possible. The former is fact, the latter is fantasy. Fatal fantasy.

      I’ll toss in my lot with the scientists rather than the blindly greedy, religious, fantasists, delusional.

      1. ahimsa

        Do you really mean you’ll toss in your lot with “scientists”, or science? For Science is only as honest as its practitioners.

        Are scientists really less susceptible to human foibles such as selfishness, conformity, wishful thinking, or confirmation bias?

      2. Brian

        +1, if we don’t listen to real science, we continue as we are and our species and those we affect are a write-off, a charge-off, a non performing loan, a currency war, currency collapse
        something important for a change?

        1. Raven on a Coyote

          Listening to “real science” is what got us into this mess. This is not to say I want to continue as things are, but rather, let go of it all; all the attempts of being better, getting more, living longer, etc.

          1. pretzelattack

            i dont think science has that much influence. how would listening to climatologists make our lives worse? so far the listeners that count listen more to the fossil fuel industry.

            1. Raven on a Coyote

              The only reason that we need to listen to climatologists is because of the science that extracts more and more fossil fuel from the ground.

              Climatologists will not save us from climate change.

              1. pretzelattack

                but listening to the advice might, if we do it soon enough. “science” doesn’t extract fossil fuel from the ground. that would be oil and coal companies using mining engineers. “we” Ior at least the people that have the most influence” are operating according to greed, not science.

              2. different clue

                It isn’t science that extracts more and more fossil fuels from the ground. It is profit-seeking bussiness using applied technology selling extracted fossil fuels into the market society we are today.

                Saying “science” extracts the fossil fuels is like saying “science” extincted the passenger pigeon and the great auk.

      3. Stephanie

        …Science tells us we MUST protect biodiversity or WE go “splat”. Science tells us we MUST stop emitting CO2 and methane (directly and indirectly), stop acidifying the oceans, over-fishing the oceans, or WE DIE. The rational and ONLY correct response is to act on the science: STOP DOING IT.

        I agree with your last clause, but simply gathering facts (“science”) does not tell us that. The thing telling us that is the sense of human decency John Morrison mentioned. Absent that, there is no reason to care whether or not some (or most) of us die, or how many other species we take along with us. The things that physicists and chemists and biologists study will continue happening, even if facts are no longer gathered about them.

        Moreover, the people who insist on not stopping the things that are killing us are not necessarily “unscientific”. In my experience what they mostly are is greedy or fearful or caught up in a system they have very little power to change, or some combination of all three (Or they may simply be skeptical – it seems to me that “science” has the ungenerous habit of reserving the right to skepticism for itself.).

        None of these characteristics is likely to disappear with the acquisition of more facts. They may however be tempered with policy and peer pressure, and, ironically, religion has had a strong track record of influencing culture and behavior using just those tools…

        1. polecat

          I think George Carlin had it right……….

          “The earth doesn’t care about you…….the earth will go on…..doing what it always does……”

          1. jrs

            only as a dead rock though. I mean come on noone seriously doubts the ability of the human race to take most species with them do they? So yes an earth without animals or plants, basically a dead lifeless or near lifeless rock will go on. Not exactly Earth or even Eaarth, but some dead rock floating in space.

            It’s much more pleasant and soothing of course to imagine some, even if a much smaller variety, of animals and plants survive long after humans are extinct. Probably what most imagine when they imagine the “earth going on” But it’s not at all certain even that would survive if we fry the planet entirely.

        2. JTMcPhee

          Tools, including selected text bits from the Holly Bibble where the writers tell us that man is the capstone, has dominion over all the earth, and if you pray hard enough and do the right dance steps and send all the money you presently have to Pastor Osteen or Pastor Angley or Pastor Benny Hinn or Pastor Jimmy “The Weeper” Swaggart or the rest, you will have Seeded The Fields and will Reap The Rewards of Prosperity. And for a Seed Offering of only three payments of $19.99, they will send you a bottle of personally blessed bottle of Spikenard Anointing Oil and a CD with all my sermons since the Second Millenioum…

          Been a churchgoer for 60-plus years, Presby to Anglican to Methodist, sick of the hypocrisy and fraud and the use of “sacred immutable texts” (from a collection of documents out of an assortment of tracts and supposed testimonies drafted over millenia, building the case for cruel patriarchy and gentle submission to self-proclaiimed authority) that currently is published in over 400 competing and inconsistent versions). And of course the politics, and the sanctimonious fellas and gals that seek to dominate the group with assertions that begin with “And God has laid it on my heart that” going on to state as immutable truth that “we shall kill cats in the alley behind the sanctuary”…or similar lunacy).

          Yes, some good stuff, community and comity in bits and pieces, and comfort to the dying and the survivors and the oppressed (“The meek shall inherit — what ever is left of — the earth,” and “your reward will be great in Heaven — so do what you are told to do.”) Just another way to hoodwink and bamboozle and take full advantage of well understood (by scammers) human needs, behaviors and limitations…

        3. NeqNeq

          Nicely worded Stephanie. I am curious, however, how to fill in the ellipses at the end.

          It seems , to me, that there are numerous ways to fill it in which are consistent with the original article and your comments; but that are inconsistent or contradictory wrt to each other.

          1. Mudduck

            The Bible we read isn’t an original — it’s a collection of translations of writings of mostly unknown origins. Translators are strongly tempted to produce a text that makes sense in the target language, even if the original is obscure or incoherent. (Obsolete sexual slang is a big problem.)

            The Hebrew scriptures are a great national epic along the lines of the Iliad. They were assembled or created for King Josiah in the 7th century BCE to give identity to the tribes under his rule. They were a great success at that, but there’s no archeological evidence for any of it up to his time. Abraham and Moses are at best legends, and even David and Solomon are as mythical as King Arthur.

            The Christian writings are all decades after the fact and none by eye witnesses. The Jesus movement was drifting into various forms of gnosticism and Arianism when the emperor Constantine called some bishops together at Nicea and told them to come up with a religion to unite his empire. They also succeeded brilliantly — the Trinity, anyone? The local variations of the Jesus movement were labeled heresies and suppressed by force, along with the religions of Isis, Diana, Mithras, and many others.

            Religions are forms of opinions validated by tradition and authority. Truth, which demands evidence, has nothing to do with it.

            1. Eustache de Saint Pierre


              Thank you for your first paragraph & the laughter it caused, but in terms of the good bits, it is a crying shame that they are tainted by the shysters. It is something that is in no way as prevalent in England, but church going for the most part is only reserved for rituals, as in weddings funerals etc.

              The scientist Rupert Sheldrake who is a practicing Christian has I think very interesting ideas on religion, for which he has been attacked by materialists. His ideas cut out the man made dogma & include such notions as the whole cosmos being alive including planet Earth, with God being unknowable for us in our present state, rather than being some angry old fella who has an appetite for smiting.

              I am not totally on board, but as an old agnostic, he has made me think & I do consider that in terms of community something has been lost – although when Rupert is playing the church organ in his local village church on Sunday mornings, I very much doubt if he has to put up with the idiocy you describe, which sounds almost like the medieaval relics market & the Renaissance practice of paid for indulgences.

          2. Stephanie

            Mostly that human behavior is seldom strongly influenced by “rational” arguments, and that perhaps folks who are interested in making practical change might look to institutions that have succeeded in that regard. You don’t have to agree with teachings to learn tactics. Sharon Astyk has a chapter on “The Church Model of Community” in Depletion and Abundance that might serve as a starting point.

        4. Aumua

          Daily reminder that Trump is an active climate change denier, and intends to do as much as he can to reverse and relax restrictions on continued carbon output to the atmosphere.

      4. Jake Mudrosti

        The thesis of the linked article is right on target. Tyson once again engages in bad philosophy.

        For starters, consider the number of STEM-field graduates currently employed by fossil fuel companies. The term “fossil fuel industry” is not separate from the word “scientists.”

        And look no further than Sam Harris and his fire-breathing supporters for an example of delusion, cultism, and scientism; tied to militarism, torture, and exceptionalism — while figuratively kissing their “rationality” biceps.

        What more needs to be said about Tyson? He often blathers things that strike him as good applause lines, while figuratively unzipping his pants and pissing on the efforts of many top climatologists. As mentioned in several prior NC comments, the faculty page of Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan shows immediately, starkly, conclusively how out of sync Tyson is with some leading climatologists on these cultural and social questions.

        The current Sam Harris and Tyson social phenomena can be well understood through the concept of Collective Narcissism. The wikipedia page is useful. Sample characteristics: “If my group ruled the world it would be a much better place,” and “My group is extraordinary.” Also: “The mirror-hungry personality typically seeks a continuous flow of admiration and respect from his followers. Conversely, the ideal-hungry narcissist takes comfort in the charisma and confidence of his mirror-hungry leader.” Such framing is especially useful in any discussion of Sam Harris and his teeth-and-claws fans.

        1. pretzelattack

          exxons scientists told them climate change was happening, due to fossil fuels. they didn’t listen. they decided to fund a propaganda campaign, instead, and hired the advertising firm that had worked for the tobacco companies to craft it for them. the article talks about psychology and sociology, not hard science.

    3. tony

      Scientiists have little in the way of checks and balances. Which means that their conclusions tend to be determined by what makes money for their paymasters. But there is a more important point. Even if you managed to have honest science, rationality is inherently weak.

      Engaging in political activity presents very real costs, while providing next to no benefits to the individual. A rational person would not even vote or read the news etc. Similarly, an irrational person can commit to a course of action, such as robbery or conquest, and make a credible threat that will cause rational person to simply let them take what they want. A rational person would not call the cops if that meant risking the offender killing his kids.

    4. low integer

      Science is simply the body of knowledge that seeks to describe the mechanisms through which nature operates. It is an open system that is willing to update and correct its theories when presented with new evidence. Science does not make value judgements, seeking only to link cause and effect. The skewed interpretation of scientific data and design of biased systems of data interpretation to serve various ends are not the fault of science. The choice of which ends to direct the capabilities provided by the application of scientific knowledge to our surroundings is also not the fault of science.

  12. Katniss Everdeen

    RE: 5 Reasons The Comey Hearing Was The Worst Education In Criminal Justice The American Public Has Ever Had HuffPo (Bunk McNulty). Must-read; a massive takedown

    Yes. Massive. In more ways than one. Including this:

    And certainly, none of this explains Comey’s (again) gymnastic avoidance of stating the obvious: that crimes were committed.


    And so tremendously persuasive and egregious that he still plans to vote for the criminal “if her major-party opponent is Donald Trump come November.”

    What a fool. If you want to know how this unequal system of “justice” is institutionalized, mr. abramson, that’s how. Keep voting the criminals in.

    1. Carolinian

      Lawyer Glenn Greenwald says Comey made the right decision and that’s it’s more about hypocrisy than the sanctity of the law. Says Greenwald, this is a case where the voters should be the ones making the verdict.

      Clearly on that future jury in November Abramson is voting not guilty or perhaps not guilty due to extenuating circumstances (Trump is scary). Clearly his high minded respect for the law has its limits.

      1. Katniss Everdeen

        Says Greenwald, this is a case where the voters should be the ones making the verdict.

        So then, is all this “campaigning,” not to mention a Sanders “endorsement,” an attempt to taint the jury pool?

      1. ambrit

        First, how many times will you vote?
        Second, how much ‘walking around money’ comes with those votes?

    2. Micky9finger

      Couple of comments:
      Is Comey the prosecutor? Or the cop?
      Where is the email from State’s IT department saying that they have noticed the SOSOUS- that’s Sec of State – is not using the State Dept servers as per regulations and here is a reminder of of the rules and policies for email and State Dept info?

      1. Yves Smith

        I am not on top of the details but I recall news stories discussing the fact that more than one State Department staffer raised the issue. They were not only told, falsely, that the legal department had blessed the arrangement, but also to not mention it again. They were basically gagged.

  13. Butch In Waukegan

    Another whopper?

    Looking for a link to the story of 5h3 marine accused of mishandling classified information using Comey’s Hillary decision as a precedent, I came across this.

    Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine, NYT 1994

    Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines.

    1. Christopher Fay

      I remember that. And Andrew Dice Clay was waiting in line behind her, Hillary got offended and left the building. That’s why we can’t support single payer today.

    2. Roger Smith

      I have read about this in the past. It is why I fear her triangulation motive to become the war winner that no recent male president has been (as a way at getting back at the officer and institution that wouldn’t let her sign up/combined with her family background).

      1. clarky90

        Hitler Fails Art Exam

        “After dropping out of high school in 1905 at age sixteen, Adolf Hitler spent the next few years in brooding idleness. His indulgent mother patiently urged him to learn a trade or get a job. But to young Hitler, the idea of daily work with its necessary submission to authority was revolting………….

        He decided to attend the prestigious Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. In October 1907, at age eighteen, he withdrew his inheritance money from the bank and went to live and study in Vienna. Hitler’s mother was by now suffering from breast cancer and had been unsuccessfully operated on in January. But Hitler’s driving ambition to be a great artist overcame his reluctance to leave her.

        He took the two day entrance exam for the academy’s school of painting. Confident and self assured, he awaited the result, quite sure he would get in. But failure struck him like a bolt of lightning. His test drawings were judged unsatisfactory and he was not admitted. Hitler was badly shaken by this rejection. He went back to the academy to get an explanation and was told his drawings showed a lack of talent for artistic painting, notably a lack of appreciation of the human form.”

        I am praying that History does not repeat, or even rhyme.

    3. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

      Is it time to put it behind and unite the D party?

      Is Sanders really going to endorse Hillary tomorrow?

  14. Carolinian

    Correct title for New Scientist article: A Nation Ruled by Pseudoscience Would be a Terrible Idea. However one can understand how the author, being a sociology professor, might be confused on the key point of what science is. His complaint seems to be that science doesn’t know enough about certain topics and therefore can’t be depended upon. But if certain so-called scientific disciplines choose to promote dubious ideas, to “assume a can opener” for example, that’s not a fault of science but of terminology. Lots of people are calling things science that aren’t. The author is adopting the usual weak argument tactic of attacking a straw man.

    In a rational world an article pooh poohing rationality might be considered quite silly but then the final tag does explain it all: “This article was first published by Slate.”

  15. Tom Stone

    I thought the Comey hearing was an excellent education in the American Criminal Justice system.
    It was an in your face excuse for corruption.
    “It’s who you know, not what you know”.

  16. Tom

    @Yves & NC Staff – Dont you guys go crazy reading all this stuff everyday! Especially the negative stuff?

    1. Yves Smith

      Yes, it is distressing but what is most distressing to see the reader comments, that many readers are getting more irritable and doctrinaire.

      1. Tom

        Hmm… maybe its because of the nature of the website. A relatively constant stream of what’s wrong with the world of capitalism and on top of that the ‘links’ section to fill one’s day everyday! Please dont get me wrong, I really do like this website, has taught me a lot but recently I have become quite concerned about this.
        How do you and the staff manage your mental health?

        1. Yves Smith

          The nature of news is that it is not pretty. But the news now points to vastly more serious and intractable problems than in past news cycles.

          1. Tom

            Ok. But then I dont think NC should add to the fears and anxiety of its readers. I think it should definitely tone it down. Instead it should highlight more avenues that can empower its readers. For example, movements where they could get involved or guides to alternative economic systems, articles and interviews by people working in such areas, scholars exploring alternatives to the current neoliberal nightmare. Basically break this cycle of despair, cynicism and constant negativity and helping the readers to feel that all is not lost. That their energies can be used to improve the world and turn it around for the better.

      2. polecat

        a sign of frustration at not having the ability to effect forceful, but positive change because of overwhelming greed & stupidity……

      3. beth

        Yes, and I’ll add more boring and a waste of time.

        You have mentioned this before. I think people are losing hope since Bernie is expected to lose the Democratic nomination, so need an outlet for their frustrations.

        My recommendation is that people suggest outlets to further the cause instead.

  17. Katniss Everdeen

    Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a possible Trump VP pick, “raised eyebrows” yesterday when he “appeared” to support a woman’s right to “choose.”

    “That’s a difficult ‘legal’ decision but, I think, women are so important in that decision making process.”

    Gee, ya think?

    No mention of safe or rare, but the recognition of the role of women in pregnancy seems like some sort of “progress.”

    1. ambrit

      Sorry KE but the phrase you used, “the role of women in pregnancy” made me laugh out loud. Any man who has lived through his partners period of pregnancy cannot in good faith overlook that connection. He does so at his peril.

    2. Anne

      A sad commentary on where we are that regarding women as anything more than incubators is considered progress.

  18. Anne

    Okay, so this is disturbing, although not entirely unexpected – just really, really not ready for it:

    Sanders to campaign with Clinton Tuesday:

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will campaign with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, according to Clinton’s presidential campaign.

    Sanders is widely expected to endorse Clinton at Tuesday’s event.

    The Clinton campaign said Sanders would join the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee during an event in Portsmouth, N.H. The two will discuss “building an America that is stronger together and an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.”

    Clinton has taken several steps toward Sanders in recent days, including by calling for a public option to be added to ObamaCare.

    Sanders praised Clinton over the weekend after she released her expanded healthcare platform.

    There’s a lot I could say, but I’m not sure to what end. I get that he wants to defeat Trump, but I have no idea how you build and maintain a revolution by surrendering. You can put a fork in whatever leverage he had – it’s done. I don’t see any reason now why Clinton does more than pay lip service to him or his supporters.

    1. pretzelattack

      yeah, very disappointng. i wish he had held out till the convention. anyway, it’s the movement, not sanders himself, as he has said. the platform is trivial, and they won’t even oppose the tpp in the platform, or fracking, from a cursory read.

      1. Vatch

        Very disappointing, if true. The convention ends on July 28. I hope he waits until then before endorsing The Harpy.

      2. ewmayer

        it’s the movement — Which movement would that be? The one dutifully back into the neolib etsablishment fold “now that our concerns have been heard”?

        I mean, really.

    2. dale

      It’s hard to believe now that Sanders believes anything he has said the last six months. He led the fight against corruption but then joins in. Good God, is this his way of saying vote third party?

      Also, B. Clinton money article,

    3. sd

      So far, I don’t see anything from the Sanders side. All of the news articles are coming from the Clinton side.

      1. pretzelattack

        you’re right. i had misread a story in the guardian, which announced that sanders had agreed to endorse, but the only quotes in the story pertained to an earlier meeting with clinton.

      2. Jen

        Ding! We have a winner.
        Meanwhile berners are mobilizing to attend the event, and not to support hrc

        1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          Boycotting her financial supporters from the safety of one’s computer is less physical taxing, but may be more effective???

          Less emotional satisfying, and less visceral, but with persistence, can deliver the message better.

    4. John Wright

      The MSM is arguing that Bernie got something from Clinton.

      Noting was achieved by Bernie’s people of any substance, while the MSM is asserting Clinton gave him something.

      Clinton’s people were so sure of themselves they would not put in non-binding platform provisions to oppose the TPP or fracking.

      And as Yves has discussed, Clinton’s “Public Option” is a poison pill for killing the single-payer Medicare.

      Bernie’s campaign is not ending with a bang, but with a whimper.

      I hope he gives Clinton an obviously paid-for/forced endorsement, akin to LeBron James endorsing a basketball shoe where the entire world knows he was well paid for the endorsement.

    5. NotTimothyGeithner

      Does it matter? Hillary needs the resources and time of Sanders voters more than anything to get the votes of sometimes voters. Fear is a terrible motivator. Obama turned his numbers around when he found his “progressive voice,” but the Democrats have already promised to deliver. People will accept promises but not promises from people who break promises. 2014 is a perfect example. ACA didnt deliver, and voters arenstill waiting on the Summer of Recovery. Voters simply didn’t care about losing the Senate. The Supreme Court isnt driving Democratic membership or activity.

      The Democrats will run on fear, and whether they like it or not, the old adage about flies, honey, and vinegar applies to people. No one will volunteer or donate to Hillary because Bernie endorses. It’s that simple. Those people would have done it regardless.

      The volunteer hours are worth more than the votes. The Democratic primary still represents a fraction of what Democrats need to win. The question is what is the state of the broader electorate. Most people don’t pay attention until the last two weeks. Conveniently registration deadlines are past by October 15th and earlier in many states. It requires labor all Summer to register everyone who has moved in the last four years. Who is going to do this especially in such a negative environment? It’s anecdotal, but I told kid registering voters to be aggressive and she wouldn’t stop talking about how mean everyone was. Apparently I was the first person who even engaged. I’ve registered voters, and people are exceedingly nice all things considered. She was in a very safe environment. If the externally non partisan voter registration worker (probably a Hillary supporter) was getting crap, it’s going to get nasty for the Hillary and Democratic volunteers when they go beyond strong and lean D’s to majority of voters.

    6. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

      The revolution ends not with a bang, but a whimper, if that is what is going to happen.

    7. neo-realist

      Maybe its about the revolution mainstreaming its appeal by association w/ establishment candidates and figureheads while continuing to press its issues in down ticket candidates who support the revolution so that they can eventually become the power in the democratic party.

      The losers of the primary were obligated to endorse the winner. I would be chill with an unemotional formal endorsement.

    8. Elizabeth Burton

      May I offer a suggestion? Ignore any and all reports in the media that state Bernie is doing anything with HRC or the Dems other than working to improve the platform. It is in all the opposition’s best interest to discourage those of us who have stated we trust Bernie because of his integrity, and a lot of those people are still shaky about trusting anyone from within the Beltway.

      Where the DNC propagandists and their hired media err is in thinking undermining Bernie will cause his people to flock to HRC. Their level of ignorance is both sad and appalling, and a clear indication (in case anyone need it) of just how totally disconnected they are from real people. The idea of anyone standing up for principle is so beyond their comprehension it might as well be written in an alien tongue. Which, for them, it is.

    9. Waldenpond

      Sanders has been consistent for decades. His philosophy has always been to influence the Ds from the inside. He is not going to lose any leverage he did not have as his colleagues are very familiar with his decades long strategy. They have always paid lip service to his speeches and know they can count on his vote.

      He wanted to have a conversation. He did. He wanted to sign up new voters he did. He supports the system and thinks it needs some minor tweaking. He gives a speech against a bill, people cheer him on (he does give a good speech), he goes into the chamber and votes for it, and people groan. His campaign has been very successful for him and the Ds.

      People can use his words for their own means. I would like to see numbers on registrations for socialists in those states with a relevant party.

    10. aab

      There were discussions on Twitter — which included what looked like pretty solid documentation — that DNC rules would allow them to ban him and his delegates from the convention if he did not “appear” with the presumptive nominee. His campaign has explicitly said today he won’t endorse tomorrow or suspend his campaign before Philly.

      That sounds right. They’re squeezing him, using the media to frame the narrative and alienate his supporters. It’s working, to some degree. Perhaps Hillary has decided driving Bernie voters to Stein works for her. I don’t get why his supporters haven’t yet figured out that the media is not trustworthy, but I do understand how suspicious people generally are, and with good reason. All part of a Clintonian world.


    11. TheCatSaid

      The recent progressive meetup in Chicago seemed to involve lots of strategizing about ways to move forward. If planning by various groups is not particularly public at the moment that could be deliberate.

    1. Katniss Everdeen

      How is Purdue Pharma still in business?

      There is no “evidence” of “intent.”

    2. abynormal

      like the piece states…with a direct line to gov. officials:
      After the settlement, Purdue touted a high-powered internal security team it had set up to guard against the illicit use of its drug. Drugmakers like Purdue are required by law to establish and maintain “effective controls” against the diversion of drugs from legitimate medical purposes.

      That anti-diversion effort at Purdue was run by associate general counsel Robin Abrams, a former assistant U.S. attorney in New York who had prosecuted healthcare fraud and prescription drug cases. Jack Crowley, who held the title of executive director of Controlled Substances Act compliance and had spent decades at the DEA, was also on the team.

    3. Gareth

      I had a minor operation three years ago that left me in pain for couple weeks. I ran out of oxy so asked the doctor for a few more days worth to get me through. When I picked up the prescription at the pharmacy they handed me a bottle of 60! It seems this was fairly typical at the time, so it’s no wonder that excess pills flooded out into the black market.

      1. sd

        Did you read the article? One doctor was prescribing more pills in a week than most doctors prescribe in a month. The volume was so high, the sales reps reported their concerns of a drug ring to Purdue Pharma – who instead chose to take the money and kept their mouth shut to the DEA.

        1. abynormal

          unreal how the industry was told to police quantities and Purdue hires FDA & GOVT officials…if people only knew T H E Y * D O N ‘ T * C A R E * W / O * $$$ * !

  19. Take the Fork

    HC and Mark Shields on the Newshour – 8 July 2016:

    Clinton looked unwell and sounded like an android. Is this why she has no had a press conference in a coon’s age?

    The quality of both NPR and PBS Newshour has declined noticeably the past few years, but at least the latter occasionally shows glimpses of its former self.

    Partial corrective

  20. vidimi

    i’ve enjoyed watching paul mason become more and more progressive in the years i’ve been familiar with his work.

    1. TheCatSaid

      He recently had an interesting interview with Laura Flanders. It was on The Real News Network. It sounds like he’s really trying to move to more outside-the-box thinking. He made a good case for it.

      Personally I think David Martin is out there doing it. Just watching a few clips from Future Dreaming gives me hope for the world. (Scroll down on the film website to watch some of the short excerpts. They are amazing.) The music and images are also inspiring. This is food for the soul–much needed, as per Yves’ comments above about how bad the news is these days.

    1. Kokuanani

      I thought so too. It was forwarded to me by a friend, and I thought folks here @ NC would appreciate it. It deserves to be widely read.

      A picture, not a polemic.

  21. peter

    Unclear who wrote the FT article. Did Summers or was Summers merely quoted and the placement made it look like he did? At the bottom:
    “The writer is Charles W Eliot university professor at Harvard and a former US Treasury secretary “

    1. aab

      Summers is the Charles W. Eliot professor.

      Sadly or appropriately, I can’t decide. (Eliot helped make Harvard desirable and useful to business, although that’s an arguably unjustly limited description of his intent.)

  22. Pat

    Not likely to be acted upon particularly since at one point the chairman of HBO flat out said that sharing of HBO Go passwords enhanced their brand. Although that was before they launched HBO Now. Anyway apparently you are not allowed to share passwords without the system owner approving, meaning the service or website as the 9th District Court finds it violates the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The case didn’t have anything to do with Netflix or HBO, and Facebook was merely a mention in the dissent. But that is the media hook….

  23. Elliot

    RE: Tyson & his bad advice: He is such an egotist I can’t bear to watch or hear him any more. Maybe he always was and I only realized it in the past year or so. There have been several science programs he has ruined for me, with his having to be in almost every camera shot, and his pseudo-chummy delivery. He’s almost as bad as that creepy guy who did the series on the history of inventions like electric lighting and sewers for public TV last winter (there’s a guy who lives for the camera, it’s freakish).

    And now that Tyson’s Famous outside of science geeks, he pontificates way out of his areas of expertise.

    And thanks for the term ‘Collective Narcissism’, that explains a lot about his followers and several other groups.

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