A guide to buying edible insects Treehugger
False Promises: Avoid “Miracle” Rice and Just Eat a Carrot Truthout
The Night Phyllis Schlafly Went Over the Rainbow The Baffler
Class Warfare
And the Ship Goes Down Counterpunch (Dale)
Does Free College Threaten Our All-Volunteer Military? War on the Rocks
No Driver? Bring It On. How Pittsburgh Became Uber’s Testing Ground NYT
Facebook reverses decision on ‘Napalm girl’ photo Al Jazeera
Genetic Engineering to Clash With Evolution Quanta (David L)
The Killer Cats Are Winning! NYRB
Senators Burr & Feinstein Look To Bring Back Bill To Outlaw Real Encryption Tech Dirt (furzy)
It’s already too late to stop the AI arms race—We must manage it instead Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Sports Writer Robots; Will an AI Robot Writer Win a Pulitzer Prize? Mish Talk
Tim Gunn: Designers refuse to make clothes to fit American women. It’s a disgrace. WaPo
Guillotine Watch
The Debate: Economic Cost of Israeli Occupation Veterans Today (Judy B).
Kashmir unrest: Two more protesters killed in clashes Al Jazeera. Lockdown now crosses into its eighth week.
Our Famously Free Press
Wolf Blitzer Is Worried Defense Contractors Will Lose Jobs if U.S. Stops Arming Saudi Arabia The Intercept
Justin Trudeau Is Not Your Friend Jacobin
Japan’s lurch away from nuclear hasn’t caused fossil fuels to boom Ars Technica
Sunita Narain: Portrait of an Activist Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Discusses “climate justice”.
The Young Shall No Longer Inherit the Earth, Thanks to Skewed Global Demography The Wire
Police State Watch
North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police Independent. Coincidence that this is where the Dakota Access protests are centered?
After a terrorist attack, we grow fearful. Here’s what that does to our brains. Vox. Worth a read, despite clickbait headline.
How America Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the War on Terror Counterpunch
Donors in Most Industries Back Hillary Clinton WSJ
Clinton says she regrets labeling ‘half’ of Trump supporters ‘deplorable’ WaPo. So, how’s that voter outreach going, Hillary?
The Bitch America Needs NYT. At least they stuck this on the opinion page rather than trying to pass it off as news.
Trump’s Poll Patrol: Who’s Watching Partisan Poll Police? Truthout
Trump and the Truth: The Unemployment Rate Hoax The New Yorker
Hillary vs. Donald: The Benefit of the Doubt NYRB
What’s Behind Barack Obama’s Ongoing Accommodation of Vladimir Putin? The Intercept
Black Voters Are So Loyal That Their Issues Get Ignored FiveThirtyEight
Amid criticism, Times editor defends swaps of presidential-forum stories Columbia Journalism Review
How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money
The cleric, the coup and the conspiracy Politico. On the damage to US-Turkish relations following from the US resistance to extraditing Fethullah Gülen to Turkey.
What Happens After ISIS Falls? WSJ
Syria peace deal may be a real turning point in ending the war – but al-Nusra and Isis will unlikely go without a fight The Independent. Patrick Cockburn reports from Damascus.
Migrant Watch
Can This Man Save The Europe-Turkey Migrant Deal? Foreign Policy
Is The Merkel Era Coming To an End? Der Spiegel
Expert predicts far-right to win Austrian election Defend Democracy Press
Brexit or not, only a fool ignores the march of Europe’s new goose-steppers The Sunday Times
Two Belgians and a Frenchman walk into Brexit… Politico
Brexit camp abandons £350m-a-week NHS funding pledge Guardian
End of the NHS? TLS
Here comes biggest UK electoral map shake-up in a century Politico
Antidote du jour:
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du jour here.
The levels of irreverence and self-regard common these days trump (excuse the term) nearly any sense of decorum outside well-defined venues like funerals, though I’ve also been appalled at the inappropriate behavior of some funeral attendees.
Maybe someone from NY City Hall should visit the Ho Chi Minh museum in Hanoi for tips: you have to walk on a dotted yellow line from beginning to end, it’s made very clear that you’d better look and act very solemn, respectful, even meek, and one gets the impression that any of the grim-looking guards closely eyeing visitors would calmly empty his AK into anyone misbehaving egregiously. Not that they should take it that far!
So about how far are the hot dog stands and the trinket counters from the NYC hallowed ground?
Please! Some tourists have a sex toy at WTC and they should be fired from their jobs and deported. I guess he should have deflated it and put it in his pocket. People are taking selfies and its the end of the world. You could leave a sex toy on my Mom and Dad’s graves and I would not call for this. I would smile instead and so would they. It’s America and it’s a public space, prepare to be offended by something.
Amen. This is as at least as thin skinned as any “PC” whining about microaggressions. So this public space is supposed to be a “safe space” for ‘wingers and flag and uniform fetishists? Suck it up princesses.
That said, the men in question are for sure being serious douchenozzles, but either you have a First Amendment, or you don’t.
America is the bankers’ public space. The rest of us just pass through it by the Lord’s permission.
They should be fired and deported because their job offends public morality.
Exactly – the Wall Street crookbankers metaphorically fvck over billions of people with their ongoing government-abetted frauds, but that is somehow less offensive than some twits pretend-diddling a blow-up doll? But then again, MSM-stoked faux-outrage over this, that and the other has long been the elites 2nd-favorite weapon (right behind “rally ’round the flag! Let’s go kill some gooks/muzzies/nazis!”) for distracting from their own crimes.
Hey it was a Saudi sex toy and had all the hallmarks of reverence including a Saudi passport and a receipt from Randcorp, PLUS he had a burka in his pocket for ensuring reverence for women.
People are so sensitive about the wtc remains that I despair sometimes.
Saw this last week, and haven’t a chance to read the details of the SEC approval to see whether there’s a big ticking time bomb in there or not.
“Mutual funds and money-market funds offered by the world’s largest asset manager could borrow up to a third of their assets in total – or up to 10 percent of assets without posting collateral – through BlackRock’s “InterFund Program.””
“BlackRock last year asked the regulatory agency to let the funds borrow cash from one another, for instance to meet a hypothetical spike in requests by clients to redeem shares.”
“Some other fund companies already can provide similar lending, including Vanguard Group and Fidelity Investments, yet BlackRock’s request came as regulators and Wall Street are putting mutual funds’ liquidity under a microscope.”
From my quick reading, if one of BlackRock’s funds has problems meeting cash requirements (say, because of redemptions caused by investors simultaneously heading for the door) and the fund’s investments can’t be rapidly liquidated, they can temporarily borrow cash from another BlackRock fund.
Fine, until there’s a significant liquidity crisis, and a number of funds find themselves short of cash. Then what? BlackRock goes to the market to borrow, the lenders smell a cash squeeze, and refuse to loan? This is form of what got Lehman and Bear into trouble. Maybe the collateralization requirements are sufficient, maybe not? Wonder what stress models they used to come up with the percentages?
Being able to borrow in-house certainly helps the parent hide the fragility of the house of cards until the last minute.
September 11, 2016 at 8:32 am
Its like Deja vu all over again…..
I’m sure the FED can supply all the liquidity Black Rock needs. And bail outs work so well….for the 0.01%
Couldn’t they just reduce their leverage from 30-40 to 1 down to, I don’t know, 10-20 to 1? Oh right, that would reduce profits and crimp lifestyles, can’t have that.
Of course MFA’s point “Fine, until there’s a significant liquidity crisis, and a number of funds find themselves short of cash” is almost too obvious, and yet….
Money market funds are not leveraged. But if the corporate paper market seizes up as it did in 2008, they can’t sell assets to raise cash for redemptions, which always come at the most inconvenient time.
Most funds pay a fee for a backup credit line to handle this eventuality. Allowing funds within a family to cross-lend probably is okay in a mild crisis. In a showstopper crisis, they become the Whymper party roped together on the Matterhorn, dragging all to their doom when one slips.
It’s not a problem, they can just break the buck now. Oh, look, presto change-o, the money in your “safe” fund “vaporized”….kinda like MF Global.
I thought cash is obsolete. If a fund is short cash why not make redemptions with securities?
Re Jane O’Reilly
Jane O’Reilly is right up there with Howard Zinn IMHO. I actually have an original copy of the first issue of MS magazine which has one of O’Reilly’s pieces “Click, The housewife’s moment of truth!” . I remember the “click” going off in my mind back then. Can you imagine, they actually used the term housewife back in 72? What an awful woman Schlafly was… Defeated the ERA and hated women basically. Hypocrit that she was – she actually had a law degree and neglected her kids as of course she didn’t support childcare support.
I like to think she has gone to a place where women are paid the same and have the same opportunities as men and the ERA is law.
“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
I like to think she has gone to that place where they have equal opportunity immolation.
She was a woman who went out in public to decry women speaking out in public. After reading Richard Evans Third Reich Trilogy I’m incapable of thinking about women like Schlafly without being reminded of the various Nazi women’s groups. Evans noted the inherent irony that should they ever have achieved the world they preached about, their groups would be disbanded and they themselves would be banned from the public sphere. They did succeed and that’s exactly what happened.
RE: Does Free College Threaten Our All-Volunteer Military? War on the Rocks
Some may argue that access to higher education is more important than the military’s ability to recruit. While that may be true, government’s traditional primary function has been national defense. It is national defense that ultimately enables all people — whether or not they have ever served in the military — to pursue higher education in peace and security. Nor does service preclude people from pursuing higher education. It simply delays it, while also equipping veterans with valuable life skills.
If Clinton is elected, she should take these concerns seriously and revise her current free college proposal accordingly.
“Revise her current free college proposal”–as if–to force people who can’t afford college, or whose families can’t afford it for them, to risk their lives for saudi arabia in order to “earn” an “education.” If they’re not killed or maimed or traumatized first.
W. T. F.
I thought that was an excellent piece, pointing out a problem with the proposed program — not that I’m in favor of letting the problem outweigh free tuition, as the author seemed to be. Even though my father went to grad school on the GI Bill after WW II, it hadn’t occurred to me that free tuition would take away the biggest carrot in our volunteer military’s recruiting arsenal.
Perhaps if our all-volunteer army were smaller, it wouldn’t be as easy for our next President to commit us to wars around the world [though, I’m sure he or she would order up more drones]. And perhaps if reinstating the draft were a serious topic of conversation, the public and even the Congress would have to get more engaged with the reality of what our empire has been up to the past 50-60 years, and whether the American public really supports the mission.
@Tom_Doak — Yes, Yes, Yes!
Without the draft, free college education is not as good as Basic Income.
Because free college education will just mean not-smart-enough-for-college kids will now have to defend the emp…sorry, the country.
The article is probably written by a college grad, looking at the world from a college grad’s point of view only.
I think it’s time we unwash our brains of the propaganda that smartness and college education is the only way to relate the world.
“Is he smarter than me? Or am I smarter than him?”
Instead, maybe the ego switches to ‘Is she kinder than me? I so much want to be kinder than her.”
Fortunately, true kindness involves no ego.
Are you equating “not smart enough” with “unable to afford” ?
If college education is free, then (most likely*) those who can’t go can not be because they are unable to afford it.
*Maybe they have to take care a sick family member, for example.
Thus, I believe, with free college education, mostly likely it will those not-smart-enough, and not because they can’t afford it (theoretically, under free college education, they are able to afford it now), who will join the volunteer army. That is, they are not smart enough, but can theoretically afford it (under free college education).
And those not smart enough for college will still have the option of fighting for the country.
Back in the day, before “colleges” became ersatz vocational schools or enterprises peddling educational pap and attracting “customers” by churning a trillion dollars in unpayable “student loans,” it was widely accepted that only about 20% of the nation could successfully negotiate the rigors of “higher education.”
That was before actual achievement and recognition for it became a mortal sin, and was replaced by trophies for just showing up.
It was a handy homogenization that allowed graduates of the “elite” schools to claim the “superiority” they proceeded to deny most everyone else.
MLTPB – True kindness will arise only when there is a concerted effort by all to help it flourish in us all……as Matthieu Ricard says in his book ‘Altruism’, with kindness, “we all have potential, despite multiple, often selfish, motivations that run through and sometimes dominate our minds”. We simply need to recognize when this occurs, and instead, cultivate our altruism…….with practice, patience and regular maintenance!
In the Sixties there was a saying: “What if they threw a war and nobody came?”
I’m in favor of anything that makes that “problem” a reality. Especially when it is of infinitely greater value than what is currently espoused.
And perhaps if serious “education” were more widely available, americans could more reliably distinguish between national “defense” and maniacal elitist imperialism.
[the] government’s traditional primary function has been national defense
Note the Orwellian way that defense has been redefined to mean ‘unprovoked attacks on foreign nations’.
Exactly. For decades, in a dangerous neighborhood, Japan got by with spending one (1) percent of GDP on actual defense, as in protecting the nation from invasion or aerial attack.
In North America — safest neighborhood on the planet — the US spends close to 6 percent of GDP on “defense,” much of which goes to global military domination. A graphic from The Economist shows how out of proportion it is:
To transition to its new mission of global domination, the honestly named War Department became the Defense Department in 1949. Its name is a bald-faced Big Lie, making the Crimethink of believing it’s not defense linguistically impossible.
You are insufficiently versed in doublethink, Comrade Haywood. Off to Room 101 with you.
Good and interesting point, Jim.
It’s kinda like Paul on the road to Damascus when you realize (or continue to realize) how much propaganda we’re fed.
>I’m in favor of anything that makes that “problem” a reality.
Yes! The suggestion that we should not give people options for advancement that do not involve grave risk of death or disability is obscene. If a volunteer force cannot be produced without financial desperation, then a volunteer force is an inappropriate solution. Reinstitute the draft: it has a wonderfully pacifying effect.
A draft is never going to happen again, the US military/gov did learn one important fact from Vietnam, that a draft spoils the slaughter.
You end up with troops in the ranks and friends and families back home in large numbers who turn against the war, when you could otherwise keep them indifferent or even lite-supportive (excluding tribalist opposition, think dems protesting war during a repub war, and supporting or ignoring dem wars)as long as it stays ephemeral and they have no “skin in the game”.
In the unlikely case tuition was made free, they would probably just offer a 100K sign-up bonus rather than reintroduce the draft.
But not to worry “innovators” to the rescue! By 2020 30% of the military will be robotic, so fear not. “interventions” (indiscriminate civilian slaughter) can steam ahead full speed, with people more indifferent than ever.
The best part is these robots can be as effective as teslas “self driving” car, because in an imperial war it’s not about winning, it’s about spending.
Join the army today and destroy countries from the comfort of an air conditioned shipping container in Nevada, then hit the casino.
Then there are those new age hessians to consider !
…add in the corporate militias beholden to no one but the highest bidder, with the new and ‘improved’ corporate trade deals currently being hashed out … ??
Why have a sovereign fighting force at all ??
It’s how you make the slaves pay for their chains and dig their own graves… Just an accounting trick.
With a smaller volunteer army, I think we would go heavier on special ops, drones, training and arming armies w/ governments and leaders friendly to our interests.
If free college or less expensive college legislation were to pass and draw more potential volunteers away from the army, I think we would do more of what we did during the Iraq War in addition to stop/loss–lower the standards for entry to the military–more criminals.
Traditionally, ‘lower standards’ are the norm for militaries and police forces. One big lesson from the Irak ‘adventures’ that has been ‘conveniently forgotten’ is that, to win decisively, one needs “boots on the ground.”
Running an Empire ‘on the cheap’ is a mugs game.
It’s pretty standard for corporations nowadays to run on as much cheap as possible w/ respect to paying employees—when somebody retires, particularly if that person is well paid, either don’t refill position and have other employees pitch in to do the departed employee’s job or hire a relatively young and inexperienced person for a lot less than the experienced employee who left. Run the corporate empire on the cheap for employees, but that’s cause the elites gotta get as much of theirs as possible.
Right, sponsoring neo-nazi coups in Ukraine, and arming “moderate” head cutters in Syria is what enables people to persue higher education in “peace and security.” Seems to me that we need to fix the definition of “national defense” to exclude imperial persuits that benefit only the elites while accruing ever larger number of enemies for the rest of us. Admitting that America is in fact an empire would go a long way to separate legitimate national defense from imperial adventures. I am so sick and tired of warmongering dressed in the despicable clothes of exceptionalism, “freedumb and democracy.” I am sick and tired of the mindless flag waving and war cheerleading of the indebted classes.
I am so sick and tired of warmongering dressed in the despicable clothes of exceptionalism, “freedumb and democracy.”
And death, destruction and displacement dressed up as “humanitarianism.”
Today the “horror” of 9/11 is being endlessly and reverently “personally” recounted, 15 years after the fact. That the u. s. has been visiting this same “horror” on tens of millions of people who live 7000 miles away from here, every day for the last 15 years, and precious few find much to lament in that reality must surely be the eighth wonder of the world.
Much too self-absorbed to recognize the pain of any Other.
There are just too many truths that are simply too painful to face up to, I get how Americans built the conviction that we are a shining light of good in the world, especially after we saved the world from fascism in WWII. But acknowledging what we are today, in fact, would demand a re-examination of each of our founding narrative myths, it’s much easier to pretend none of it’s true, we don’t kill kids in hospital beds, we don’t overthrow democratically-elected leaders, we don’t extract usury from the world’s desperately poor.
“…especially after we saved the world from fascism in WWII.”
I think Russia might take issue with that statement.
Touche. Though the Pacific war was almosr all ours
If you haven’t read it, Tom Engelhardt’s “The End of Victory Culture” is a pretty good analysis of some of these themes.
I very seriously doubt free college would put a volunteer force at risk. The military provides a lot more benefits besides the GI Bill which requires you to pay a stipend to participate in to begin with. While in the military health care/dental is free. Housing for singles is free and partially subsidized for families. They pay you a food stipend monthly. They pay you a uniform allowance annually. You can retire after 20 years. Additionally you have things like the VA program to help with purchasing a home or covering health care.
Now mind you Congress is screwing with some of those things too, retirement is on the table now and they are pushing 401ks like no tomorrow something every taxpayer should be against since they plan on using your tax dollars to “match” the soldiers(and heartily working to cut retirement costs) and the proposals for health care costs to increase for everyone except the service member have been going on for well over a decade.
Besides as you’ve pointed out , No one should have to risk life and limb to get an education. The idea that they should is a travesty.
On the contrary, everyone should have to risk life and limb. A universal draft, with primary deployments determined by blind draw, where Jaime Dimon’s kid has a real chance to go in harm’s way, is the best way to end these imperial adventures. And by universal, I mean the only people who don’t have to serve are those with such severe physical and mental handicaps that they need full-time care for life. (Spinal bifida, muscular dystrophy, severe retardation, etc.) No college deferments for anybody, including athletes. Three months after high school graduation, or turning 18 if you’re a drop-out, off you go to basic training.
And after basic training, those who are not deployed abroad are put to work domestically, doing everything from environmental restoration to school tutoring. They can even be loaned out to state and municipal agencies to augment regular staff. Imagine if you went to a government office and there were enough people behind the counter that you didn’t have to spend half a day to do whatever you come to do.
Uh drafts have never worked that way.
Trump, Cheney, Limbaugh and whole host of others prove that drafts aren’t fair. Additionally the service itself would put special rich snowflakes in the military band if somehow or another there was a draft. Don’t fool yourself. The environment of the military is incredibly political and you aren’t going to change that with a universal draft.
Additionally, I’m pretty sure working the DMV doesn’t qualify as risking life or limb and what would happen if that happened is each place would use this as an opportunity to reduce their civilian workforce and protect the special snowflakes like Trump. So yet again it would be poor kids really risking life or limb, while yet again people like Trump get to collect the benefits of working in the military while risking nothing behind the counter stateside.
False framing. Joining the military isn’t just about ‘risking life and limb’, though our propagandists would prefer if you only think about it that way. It’s also about being expected to kill other people whom our government deems a threat.
You bring back a draft and expect me to murder for you, well, pardon me, family blog and all, but fuck you, and that’s the day I genuinely start making plans to leave the country.
The smart kids will frag their chain of command all the way up.
But Trump says all his wars will not require people and/or he won’t send troops without some other country paying for them, so why not divert the defense money saved by his “ideas” to those who are qualified for college but can’t afford it. After all, he has 88 retired military who believe he has a great plan. /s
And yes, I used the GI Bill circa VietNam.
“The Young Shall No Longer Inherit the Earth, Thanks to Skewed Global Demography”
This guy sounds like he sources all his data on millennials exclusively from the Institute of Grumpy Conservative Grandpas. How about actually having a conversation with one? You’ll quickly dispel nearly the entire second half of your article and you might just learn a thing or two about how the world works nowadays.
RE: Wolf Blitzer Is Worried Defense Contractors Will Lose Jobs if U.S. Stops Arming Saudi Arabia The Intercept
“So for you this is a moral issue,” he told Paul during the Kentucky Republican’s appearance on CNN. “Because you know, there’s a lot of jobs at stake. Certainly if a lot of these defense contractors stop selling war planes, other sophisticated equipment to Saudi Arabia, there’s going to be a significant loss of jobs, of revenue here in the United States. That’s secondary from your standpoint?”
I wonder if this was before or after wolf jumped on the “Gary Johnson doesn’t know that there’s a tremendous ‘humanitarian’ crisis going on in Aleppo and so he is ‘unfit’ to be president” bandwagon.
That the elites don’t have a “humanitarian” bone in their bodies, and this phony “R2P” veneer is paper thin should be “intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.”
If anyone cared enough to put away the selfie sticks and blow-up sex dolls at the “sacred” 9/11 memorial and pay some sort of attention, that is.
The whole thing is just unbearably twisted.
Katniss Everdeen
September 11, 2016 at 9:43 am
So I posted a link yesterday about Dell laying off people and replacing them with H1b visa holders….
So, not being a CNN watcher, tell me Katness, I guess you must get pretty sick and tired watching Wolf go on and on and on about those Americans losing jobs to H1b holders – I mean, CNN being soooooo concerned about American job losses….
WHA?!??!!! Wolf has not once mentioned American jobs lost to H1b holders??? Say it isn’t so….
We need an H1B visa Wall.
Make that a Great H1B Visa Wall.
(A wall with guarded entrance gates though…monitored by past victims).
And some countries can pay for it (to prevent brain drain).
Probably the cheapest, most effective “jobs program” ever invented.
Wolf Blitzer Net Worth is $16 Million.
“Commenting on her appearance at a Women for Hillary event in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer called Chelsea Clinton a “pretty good campaigner.”
“Chelsea Clinton not surprisingly strongly supporting her mother to become the next president of the United States,” Blitzer said. “She’s a pretty good campaigner for her mom right now. And her mom has a whole bunch of other excellent surrogates as well.”
oh yeaaaah, he’s a donor
Most of these same defense contractors can produce sophisticated equipment for the space program. If it’s about preserving jobs, we can spend the money on fabulously expensive projects in space exploration (and planetary defense from killer asteroids). Thus, the self-licking ice cream cone can continue to licks its insatiable doodads. That *is* all they want, right?
Were those cocky British bankers doing God’s work while on their stag weekend, or was it strictly just for laughs? I remember seeing people jump to their deaths on that day. The sickening, terrifying feeling. The sheer horror. What those poor souls went through. Words fail. Still, glad the chaps had a right old knees up. Bastards.
The museum seems somewhere between creepy and appalling, too:
Oops, link posting didn’t work: https://www.buzzfeed.com/stevekandell/the-worst-day-of-my-life-is-now-new-yorks-hottest-tourist-at?utm_term=.qhQGRGBLEo#.uaQaOa51gN
Thanks for the link. I decline to visit memorials, war graves, concentration camps, etc. How do you capture the ineffable without tragedy turning to farce?
“My sister is among the many for whom there have been no remains recovered whatsoever. Vaporized. So there’s no grave to visit, there never will be. Just this theatrically lit Ikea warehouse behind a panel of glass.”
The Ground Zero memorial is striking and in surprisingly good taste, given the political circus that surrounded its design and construction. The behavior of many visitors to the memorial (not all, of course) and trinket vendors, on the other hand, is appalling. But it’s not unique to Ground Zero. The selfie culture is destroying the concept of public space as a commons and turning it into a stage for narcissistic posing. This is happening everywhere – parks, museums, restaurants. The tragedy of the commons, Instagram edition.
Better for the elites to see that narcissism is nourished rather than the flames of revolution for change. Who cares about change when you’re too busy loving number one.
The museum / memorial has a wall commemorating two early Roman rapist / child murders who were caught in the act and slaughtered in turn. Maybe that’s appropriate for the bankers, insurance fraudsters and others who work in the building, though some might argue janitorial staff don’t deserve the same, then is killing children in their name more obscene?
All in all it seems a fitting act to commemorate the whoring of the American State by the pimps running the show.
Trump and the Truth: The Unemployment Rate Hoax The New Yorker
It’s in those deeper stats that we learn about discouraged workers, those who want work but are so despairing of finding it that they no longer search for a job. Sometimes, when Trump claims to have discovered a previously secret unemployment rate, he seems to be referring to this result, one that is publicly released by the government every month and widely discussed. There are six different official unemployment rates in the public release, allowing us to see, with precision, various trends in how people are finding and not finding work. The highest number, known as U6, includes not only the officially unemployed and the discouraged but people who have part-time jobs but wish they were working full time. This number, currently, is 9.7 per cent, which is high, but nowhere near as high as Trump’s “close to twenty per cent” or even the “eighteen to twenty per cent” he cited in his Presidential-campaign announcement speech, last year.
Funny how the duopoly makes the “official” unemployment rate the lower rate. Funny how the “establishment” or right thinking people go along with it….
If there is U3 and U6 unemployment, WHY exactly is the “official” (i.e., defacto, widely reported) unemployment rate reported as the lower number??? Cause it advantages the duopoly…..
I compare it to inflation. The BLS does not include heath insurance premiums in the cost of living – from the BLS website:
“Although medical insurance premiums are an important part of consumers’ medical spending, the direct pricing of health insurance policies is not included in the CPI. As explained below, BLS reassigns most of this spending to the other medical categories (such as Hospitals) that are paid for by insurance. The extreme difficulty distinguishing changes in insurance quality from changes in its price forces the CPI to use this indirect method.”
As the church lady would say, “how convenient”
If one takes declining flat screen TVs, and doesn’t include heath insurance, one gets low inflation. Now, what the insurance company pays for “health” insurance, may not be rising too much – maybe even declining in some cases. But if your deductibles, “adjustments,” c-pays, and addendum’s are ever increasing, i.e., you are paying for things that your insurance used to cover. and pay more, and getting less…well, is that inflation? What ever you call, your paying more for less.
I suspect the same thing happens with the unemployment figures. How exactly are “discouraged” workers determined??? – the BLS states
“These questions form the basis for estimating the number of people who are not in the labor force but who are considered to be marginally attached to the labor force. These are individuals without jobs who are not currently looking for work (and therefore are not counted as unemployed), but who nevertheless have demonstrated some degree of labor force attachment. Specifically, to be counted as marginally attached to the labor force, they must indicate that they currently want a job, have looked for work in the last 12 months (or since they last worked if they worked within the last 12 months), and are available for work. Discouraged workers are a subset of the marginally attached. Discouraged workers report they are not currently looking for work for one of the following types of reasons:”
So as far as I can determine, the BLS doesn’t really explain HOW it measures discouraged workers.
“…they must indicate that they currently want a job, have looked for work in the last 12 months (or since they last worked if they worked within the last 12 months), and are available for work”
I get the impression the BLS asks the above factors when people collect unemployment – but if your unemploymnet runs out, how many useless trips to the unemployment office are you willing to make?
I also had a really hard time determining HOW exactly the BLS does their surveys when I was researching for my “podcast”. My educated guess (having done Economic surveys in a previous life) is that they’re doing the ol’ call random phone numbers method. There are a lot of reasons to disbelieve the stats, or to assume that they are under-reporting. I went into it all in depth here:
I once received a BLS survey about household employment in the mail. It was quite detailed, in addition to employment data, it asked for demographic information, including how many restrooms were in the dwelling, whether there was hot water, how many people lived in the household, etc.
So our household was a participant in one of the surveys. Only time I have ever received one. At this stage of my life, you would think I would have received more of than one.
I couldn’t even read that whole article, because I caught wind of where it was going (Trump lies — wow — stunning news. NOT) But Trump is correct that the numbers we’re fed are bogus. For a long time now, the government has gamed the data to produce an “official unemployment rate” that is flattering to itself. The official rate, for instance, subtracts discouraged workers (longtime unemployed), counts part time lawn mowing gigs as “jobs,” and further invents stats with the unsupportable “birth/death model.” Many have written about this, including Paul Craig Roberts (two links offered below).
Similar to how they game the CPI to tell us “there’s no inflation”. Uh, I dunno about you but the price of nearly *everything* I buy has risen dramatically. Here’s a guy who actually went to the store to come up with inflation numbers from the real world, it’s running around 10% annually. Did you get a 10% raise in the last year?
Thanks for that info. I wonder why it’s so hard to find from the source…
September 11, 2016 at 10:12 am
I don’t know what happened to my first reply to you – moderation seems to be run by hungry, hungry hippos today.
So thanks again. I had some further comments on telephone surveys but I have yammered enough.
Has not the methodology changed for calculating employment? If we counted unemployment as we did in the 1970’s, would we not have 20% unemployment now? If we counted as we did in the 1990’s, would we not have 15% unemployment? If we counted as we did in 2001, would we not have 13% unemployment?
The only thing that has changed is the method. The method has been “massaged” to make it look much better. When 90 million don’t have jobs and want them, what does methodology and massage really mean?
No, we have about 23% unemployment now based upon addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It is not so easy to reduce math to base 9, or perhaps 5, just to give you a figure good for public fodder.
And as to the adjectives used to describe types of unemployment are there only to deceive. There are few adjectives in mathematics, or is it none? The adjectives used to describe someone that can’t find work are usually slacker or some other pejorative. Why? Because they have to revise the means of counting until it has been done effectively to show what fantasy is the soup du jour.
Some simple things in our world are beyond manipulation because we can count and determine the answer on our own. We need not rely on what we are told about reality by those that can not afford reality, or allow it to influence their claims to the contrary. They never do any polling to people out of work because the counting would become far more simple, and disturbing to the people that must be deceived at any cost.
September 11, 2016 at 10:52 am
Well, your exactly right! And what is bizarrely amazing, is that this OPEN manipulation is so passively accepted.
How soon will the average income be 1 million?
The complaint is that the BLS reports are hard to understand so rather than taking the time to read and learn – just blame the big bad Fed. The definition of who was unemployed was modified, because the length of time that a person could draw unemployment was extended from 1 to 2 years after the Wall Street bankruptcy. googling a question is not all that difficult, but like dragging a dying entity to water, who makes them drink? Do people read an explanation if it is more that a few paragraphs long.
Seems some here miss that what ever disagreement they might have wrt methodology in figuring out UE… is that – El’Trumpo – makes it up as he goes too…
Disheveled Marsupial… the bit about Stockman as one of Trumps spiritual advisors… oops…. economic advisors is just a delirious cheery on top… hope everyone is aware of Stockmans inglorious past…
Update on the #NoDAPL protests, from the Standing Rock Sioux facebook page:
Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end for the project.
At the risk of seeming to engage in unseemly promotion of my own work, I posted on this yesterday and concluded that DAPL would proceed with more or less minimal changes. If you get to read this, please let me know what you think. The pipeline company needs to agree to “voluntarily” comply with the halt on construction around Lake Oahe but can continue with all other construction. They are undoubtedly going to press on to meet their completion deadline as they have supply contracts that will come due (as mentioned in the judge’s ruling, which I linked to). I also linked to the full text of the agency statement.
I’m inclined to agree with Jerri-Lynn. An arrest warrant was issued for Amy Goodman for the criminal offense of, basically, reporting what private security were doing to protestors. Here’s the link.
When push comes to shove, they’ll get rid of or intimidate anyone still reporting on this, and the government will go back to treating indigenous peoples the same way they always have.
I have often thought there ought to be more penalties for abuse of the legal process. In some states, I believe, false accusation or arrest on a felony charge is a criminal offense, but where the charge is only a misdemeanor like this absurdly alleged criminal trespass the only remedies are civil. To me, a government official who uses legal tools to suppress people’s rights in this way is committing a heinous offense and should face serious consequences.
Well, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right? I didn’t get a chance to read your take yesterday, but I’ll give it a look today.
The real issue, in my mind, is that we all need to stop using the flippin’ stuff (fossil fuels and petroleum products). Until we do that, there will remain the imperative to take it out of the earth and ship it to various places. Pipelines are the safest way to do that (compared to trucks and trains). The problem with our pipeline system is that it is privately operated with a view towards maximizing profits, not safety. The only two long-term solutions, to my mind, are a drastic reduction in energy usage (I’m looking at you upper-middle class) and a transfer of pipeline ownership to the public with safety as the number one goal.
My two centavos.
Hard to tell much from just that data. Yes, the trend is down, but I’d like to know how much of that is due to increasing inequality. Reducing 99% of the population to penury would be one way of decreasing energy use, but it’s not something I’m prepared to recommend. Just sayin’.
The other relevant question seems to be what is an actually sustainable level of consumption? Sure the trend is down, but is 89.6 million BTU per household sustainable? What about 40 million? What number should we be shooting for?
My personal answer is: as little as possible. I’m still working on that one, given that I seem to fly somewhere on a jet at least once a year…
The first crack at sustainable level is usually total solar input. But I suspect the vast amount of stored and emergent heat below our feet is a long-term way to boost usage above that. The problem is the heat dumped.
Tho there may be hope.
I’m surprised the Indian Protestors did not bring their own dogs, a lot more dogs, (and more horses)?
I’m sure I’ll get flamed,but scrolling through the video w/no sound attack IMO is a strong word.
In historical context, this is attack:
I would use the word intimidate
wrong nonethelless
Some of the protectors did have their own dogs. I saw at least one (looked to be a pit bull) in the Democracy Now video. But the protectors kept their dogs under control.
So far as attacks go, this was low-level, but the dog handlers were clearly encouraging their dogs to attack the protectors, so I don’t think the word is entirely off the mark.
But I think we would have both been happier to see the headlines read something like “Private Security Fails to Intimidate Protectors with Attack Dogs in Standoff”…something like that.
That would have been a more accurate headline IMO
Protestors should bring their own reservation dogs and horses out in force, and buckets of cooked bacon with peanut butter.
One never really knowshow one will respond until you’re in the moment, but I am sad to admit if a dog handler provoked a G Shepherd to target me, as an intimidation or otherwise, I would be obliged to injure/disable the dog, then presumably the handler.
Thats a good it best I never attend a nonviolent protest s.
Ok, I read your piece from yesterday and I don’t have much in the way of disagreement or alternative takes…apart from this: I think the Native protectors are much more willing to engage in direct action, regardless of federal law/regulation, than your average environmental activist. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see tactical escalation at this point. Not violence, mind you, at least not against persons, but more radical action than were used to seeing (I’m thinking of actions as bold as the occupation of Alcatraz in ’71 or the takeover of the BIA headquarters in ’72.). I just hope all their non-Tribal allies will be ready and willing to support them when that happens.
While I would like to be optimistic, the following, from Jeri-Lynn’s post yesterday, is making that more or less impossible (bold is mine):
For me, the larger question is about the entire project, not just the part that traverses native land. One thing’s for sure, though, it has never been clearer how corporate interests control and prevail over human and environmental interests.
The pipeline does not appear to traverse any Sioux-controlled land. This is why the Standing Rock Sioux are having such a hard time of it; the land they are concerned about isn’t under their control. They have an interest in the land, or more particularly the waters, that the pipeline crosses, but it’s not one they have much legal standing for.
They have sacred sites on that land, which means they have more legitimate claim to manage it than anyone else, the law not withstanding. The law is meant to protect the rich from the poor (to paraphrase Adam Smith)…I don’t know how much stock most Indians place in “legal standing.” They know from long experience that the law is a bludgeon, not a protection, and certainly not “just” in any meaningful sense of that word.
The law is meant to protect the rich from the poor (to paraphrase Adam Smith)…
Bullshit, the Law is meant to deliver equal protection, your statement accepts corruption of the Law as the standard. Is that not correct Jerri-Lynn?
They have sacred sites on that land, And I have a sacred site at 400E Ontario in Chicago that no one seems to respect. The most obvious legal angle is the threat to a source of fresh water, not spiritual claptrap which becomes a religious slippery slope for anyone with a “spiritual site” that isn’t consistent with land title..
“Bullshit, the Law is meant to deliver equal protection”
Yet is that even remotely true in practice?
Do you really think the founding fathers wrote the Constitution in order to make everyone equal with them? Hardly. And I don’t see anything in our history or present state to indicate that lawmakers since then have had that interest at heart either.
The law has never treated all people as equal under it. Ask a Native American. Ask a Black person. Ask a poor person. The entire structure of the legal and judicial system is designed to lock the wrong type of people out, to ensure that no one who can’t hire a lawyer can make use of it, no matter what the law says or claims to intend.
I’ll repeat once more: it’s clear that we have a legal system, it’s not at all clear that we have a justice system.
I appreciate that we have lawyers doing good work. I’m friends with a couple. They’re doing the best they can with what we’ve got, but the game is rigged against them, structurally. My hypothesis is that this a feature, not a bug, of our legal system.
From Wikipedia
“In the U.S. federal court system, the conviction rose from approximately 75 percent to approximately 85% between 1972 and 1992. For 2012, the US Department of Justice reported a 93% conviction rate. The conviction rate is also high in U.S. state courts.”
A 93% federal conviction rate, and it’s likely the same or higher at the state level, to me means the legal system is largely for show. All the stories of corruption and injustice in the “legal system” make it abundantly clear that the conviction rate is not that high due to solid legal work done by DA’S prior to moving forward with charges.
The flip side is that we have the most just, effective and fair legal system in the world and the 93% that are convicted are all guilty under the letter of the law. /s
What we have in reality is a conviction system not a legal system , thats only purpose seems to be to legitimize the imprisonment of large segments of the population, behind a veil of pseudo legalism.
I’m sure that 7% is largely made up of the wealthy who can afford to keep lawyers on retainer indefinitely. To me avoiding a conviction is less about the law, and more about having the money to outlast the other side.
The one with the most money almost always wins.
American incarceration rates now exceed those of Stalin’s gulags. So there’s that.
You need to post a link, I don’t think that is accurate
“your statement accepts corruption of the Law as the standard”
That was also the late Michael Ratner’s conclusion, after decades of working as a lawyer.
optimader, no, equal protection is an aspirational conceit at best. Power, by definition, by achieving planned outcomes, corrupts what is. One should always assume that people in power see you as their personal livestock; it’s more explanatory and predictive than all these foofy liberal theories of goodwill.
Call me a cynical aspirationalist. A patient one at that.
I believe the basis for a fair society/legal system exists, and I do not believe the present status quo is stable or sustainable.
What may appear perpetually stable can change very quickly indeed.
To accept corruption as a standard is wtong. Eventually more people will get it, i consider it an inevitability.
A classic example i offer people is the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. The regime that replaced him sucks of couse, but thats not my ooint.
The Peacock Throne is a case study for the will of people to overcome a corrupted regime wielding the best available technology. A tear befire tge colkapse of the Pahlavi’s would have been a fools ber.
A year before, the collapse of the Pahlavi’s would have been a fools bet
Spencer Ackerman’s three parter at The Guardian on the Senate’s CIA torture report and the pushback from the CIA is really superb. A lot of this has been reported before, but there are new nuggets, and Ackerman weaves it all together in a great (if long) read. Part of Obama’s legacy that he will never be able to wash out.
Yes, I agree an excellent three part series which includes in each article short videos of the culprits.
Will Obama be able to wash out his protection of the establishment from his legacy? My hunch is that it depends on what happens in the next few years.
If the economy collapses, his lack of prosecution of bankers and the failure to reestablish Glass Stegall, among other actions to regulate finance, all this will come out.
If it becomes clearer that CIA torture, drones, and the special operations forces now in over 130 countries in the world, if becomes clear that all of this “war on terror” destabilized the world, then the dormant anti-war movement will lay out the story.
If the environmental collapse continues, and likely accelerates, Obama’s support of energy extraction will be seen as a missed opportunity that he cannot hide from.
In the primary campaign, through the work of the Bernie movement to bring issues into public view, and the work of many including Thomas Frank in Listen Liberals to lay out Bill Clinton’s trashing of the new deal, and Hillary’s ongoing tie to oligarchs and other establishment forces, many more people realize what is going on. The youth support of Bernie movement, and the move of Hillary toward Republicans show two forces in opposition.
In the mean time, if there is a global collapse of some form, and a collapse in the US, the practice of our global military operations brought home in the suppression of occupy wall street and the militarization of police forces, all this can be easily deployed to put down rebellion at home.
As the three part article shows, the constitution is so quaint when the goal is National Security.
I’ll make my case again: Obama is the Worst_President_Ever, and yes I’m counting Millard Fillmore and Andrew Johnson.
I never seem to see any list of his (or Hilary’s) “accomplishments”, but his failures have been truly world-class, especially given the open playing field for real reform he had when he was inaugurated:
1. Free pass for all banking crime resulting in runaway financial theft
2. Maintenance and expansion of Bush-era international war crimes
3. Expansion of state-sponsored pre-crime murder by drone bomb
4. Expansion of state surveillance of domestic citizens
5. Expansion of whistleblower suppression and government secrecy
6. Completely disastrous health care “reform” designed to benefit insurance billionaires
7. Ongoing active aiding and abetting of corporate offshore tax dodges
8. Doubling of the national debt in 8 years
Whew! That’s quite a list. But hey, he’s a smooth-talking brother, I’m sure he meant well and the other team just got in the way. Not.
Haven’t been one to yet be convinced Clinton medical problems are beyond what any normal 68 yr old can have but some interesting breaking news on that front:
Hillary Clinton has ‘medical episode’ as 9/11 ceremony, source says
Hillary ends speech early in order to hide and cough
Above has video of Hillary coughing.
As they used to say on Saturday Night Live skit…..”BUT YOU AIN’T HEARD THAT FROM ME. OH NO MISTER NOT ME…BLESS HER SOUL.”
The Guardian’s headline is a lot less inflammatory than Fox’s:
Since she was wearing a formal pantsuit with temperatures in the low eighties, and in a crowd of people, I’m not surprised she felt overheated, and since the perverse social conventions seem to be against her drinking water in public she was at a disadvantage. I could easily down a pint in those circumstances, but if she did that someone would start another bizarre rumor.
Right, she didn’t drink water in order to head off a bizzare rumor, thus bringing about a very real health event that only strengthens the rumor. That’s very eleventy dimensional chess, if you ask me.
So it was a dumb choice. Fair enough. But the idiocy of formal conventions in those situations is real. People wear more clothes than any ordinary person would in the circumstances and refrain from doing something as basic as drinking water, and that does have consequences, which are not necessarily evidence of dire chronic health problems.
99% of healthy 67 year olds wouldn’t faint in the exact same circumstances. Yet here is Hillary who seems to be unable to go a month without fainting or other bizzare happenings. And the vigors of the office would be far more formidable than the campaign trail. Just sayin’.
Okay. I’m not saying there aren’t concerns that ought to be addressed. There are. I just get impatient with instant hype, since I grew up before the old National Inquirer became the standard for modern journalism.
I don’t see Hillary addressing much of anything, except the irredeemability of people she deems objectionable. Real uniter, that one. For the record and as a tr0ll prophylactic, I began to oppose Hillary in 2007. That’s long before her first known fainting spell, and after she voted to send me off to war to kill muslims.
” tr0ll prophylactic”
Great term I hadn’t heard before.
I can’t take the credit, I first saw Lambert use it :)
I think you underestimate the National Enquirer and overestimate our current propaganda as journalism fourth estate. If or when the Enquirer runs a story on Clinton’s health issues take it to the bank, they will have the sources, the photos and probably various medical records to prove it. While they may speculate massively about celebrities, for the most part their gotcha headlines regarding politicians are on the money, even if it is usually sexual. . They have too much to lose if they aren’t. From Gary Hart to John Edwards to Schwarzenegger and on, they had the goods.
On the other hand, I do believe it is very reasonable to question Clinton’s health, including today’s events. It is NOT that hot here in NY that a lightweight formal pantsuit would make the weather too much for a healthy woman her age. I would think you had a point if it were even three days ago when it was hotter and more humid, but today it should not be enough to debilitate her. And if she needs water, carrying a water bottle around is common practice throughout this entire country. Why shouldn’t she have one?
Yep. I believe it was the Enquirer that broke the Lewinsky story. People scoffed, “it’s the Enquirer so it’s fake”.
Using the alt-right conspiracy theory of being helped up icy steps in heels will definitely not help you win any sane debate….but who said Trump was sane? Certainly not me.
Do you know 99% of ‘healthy 67 yo’s or are you just pulling that factoid out of a hat?
According to Hillary, 67 and up is the new 55, the new prime working age, therefore the ever increasing retirement age. If 67 year old is expected to work hard physical labor, then I gather that 99% of 67 year olds can be expected to withstand the exertions of standing upright for 90 minutes on an 80degree, 37% humidity day without passing out. Got any other Kos talking point?
Did Hillary Clinton End Presser Early Because She Was Fighting Off Her Cough?
The most disturbing part, IMO, is how she staggers off the stage. Is this the standard of “loving” care in the USA?
Yes. I’m 65. Most 65 yr olds are able to do the same basic physical stuff as 30 yr olds—yardwork, driving, housework, lifting bags, moving furniture, standing in heat and listening to speeches. Most folks in their 60s aren’t considered “frail” unless there is some particular disease they have.
The video is fairly damning to me, but will probably just be dismissed as another “nothingburger” from her campaign, surrogates and supporters.
Unfortunately, we still don’t win with Trump either.
By the time someone is Hilary Clintons age, they’ve usually learned how to dress for the weather. If it’s going to be hot, wear lightweight fabrics and if it’s going to be cold, bundle up.
Blaming poor health on a pantsuit is bizarre.
Hey, it’s a “formal” pantsuit – she couldn’t get away with wearing what the men did, you know
Hillary looks sick in the pic showing her surrounded by other politicians just prior to the video of her stumbling into the van, which is scary…she is unable to walk and falling down trying to get into the van. IMO this is more than reaction to heat/water but I’ve been wrong before.
With this video, Trump could do a lot of damage to Clinton. Guess we see how he uses it. Imagine a headline like “Is this someone you feel safe having their finger on the nuclear trigger with Russia?” or “Is this someone you want negotiating with Vladimir Putin?” or fighting ISIS or fill-in-the-blank.
As someone who has actually had heatstroke, if it was heatstroke, by necessity, she would have sat down immediately. There really isn’t any other option.
She could have been dehydrated, but then that raises the question of why none of her aides were carrying bottled water.
This recent incidence and her overly controlled public appearances is lending credence to the rumor that she has Parkinson’s.
It was a beautiful day in NYC. Low humidity, temp in upper 70s, nice breeze. Felt like 72. Hard to see how she could have gotten heatstroke unless she was wearing an electrical blanket.
Another angle on the incident. Scary does indeed seem to be the right word. If this were your mother wouldn’t you check her into a hospital for observation instead of sending her out into the world the same day? Unless you knew there was already a diagnosed condition that was being treated.
Whoa, scary indeed. And even if it is from a condition receiving treatment, she should still be getting checked.
I totally agree. But the fact that everybody on the scene seems to have dealt with this in a routine manner and let her return to activities so quickly would seem to indicate that it’s expected and part of a history of familiar symptoms.
“But the fact that everybody on the scene seems to have dealt with this in a routine manner and let her return to activities so quickly would seem to indicate that it’s expected and part of a history of familiar symptoms.”
Brilliant, spot on. What diagnosis is Hillary hiding and what does say of her integrity?
“Another angle on the incident.”
Trump Add with this video playing:
“What is Hillary hiding? What illness is she suffering from that she won’t tell you about? Can America afford a sick President who can’t stand up and faints? Can your children? Your mother? Is this a person who can lead the fight to create good jobs for everyone, negotiate with Vladmir Putin and fight ISIS? Is this someone who can protect the people you care about?”
Fade out with bold letters “CAN YOU TRUST HILLARY CLINTON?”
Everyone I see keeps saying this is “another angle” but it is just the same clip mirrored in the x axis.
What’s going on here?
While pushing into speculation, and likely meaning nothing, it did stick out to me she was wearing sunglasses in a crowd of people without them, and that she also had them on when she came out of Chelsea’s apartment after her “recovery”. It clearly wasn’t that sunny out.
Thanks for the video link. I’d heard about the incident but had yet to see any video of it until now. That wasn’t just a mere stumble.
Her age alone can’t be the reason. I’m just two years younger and split my own firewood and shovel a very long, steep driveway in winter. Yet I’m apparently now ‘old’, too. Ha!
If her supporters are blaming age or the ‘heat’ as being the cause, I’m not buyin’ it. She obviously has something else wrong.
If they continue to deny that, then my suggestion to her would be to pull up her ‘big girl’ panties & deal with it. It’s called ‘life’.
The Dems are obviously hiding something from the public that is feared would harm her chances at being elected POTUS.
Let’s hope that if she’s ‘elected’, she doesn’t pass out with her head falling onto the ‘launch button’.
IMO, this election should not even be taking place until we’re given better choices. Period.
HBE–I noted the sunglasses, as well, and thought them ‘odd’.
Guardian publishes “nothing to see here, folks” puff piece; forgets the internet is a thing. They showed static photos of Clinton and a video of the ceremony. They did not show the widely circulated video of Clinton getting in to the van.
The 49 second point in the Fox video is in no way due to dehydration! She is held up against the light stand and the stumbles or passes out before she is lifted into the van. Too bad there is no slow motion version of this.
All Hail President Kaine!!
Still time to print up Kaine/Clinton 2016 yard signs and bumper stickers!
How about we pull some Bernie! posters back out of the “memory hole?”
A sudden Draft Sanders movement?
Remember, as of now, if H Clinton “wins” the election and then ‘drops out,’ Kaine will be President, and Paul Ryan will be Veep. May I suggest no more small aircraft rides for Kaine?
This is footage of her being dragged into her car: https://twitter.com/zgazda66/status/774993814025011200
They are now saying she has pneumonia:
Is that the coughing too? How long has she had it? Bacterial or viral?
Parkinson’s? Apparently there is a higher incidence of chest infections like pneumonia among people with Parkinson’s.
Ditto for the combination of pancreatic + lung cancer and she has a mighty similar persistent cough IME. I don’t care just get her out of my face and out of USA / global politics. The thought of Bill Clinton interpreting her intentions/decisions and passing that on to Kaine is monstrous.
Okay, for fun lets assume it’s pneumonia. If so, then that is the fastest recovery from said afflicton I have ever witnessed. Pnueomina isn’t cured, or even alleviated, by an hour in Chelsea’s apartment.
“[Trump] has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people — now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.” — HRC
Too bad she didn’t name check us to bring some more traffic, hey? ;-)
“irredeemable”…like those super-predator kids, right?
September 11, 2016 at 11:43 am
“Those” people must have some value – Geez….even those coupons can be redeemed for 1/100th of a cent…
Chain gangs in private penal gulags. A small donation to The Clinton Foundation and the irredeemable will be monetized, their value distributed to the billfolds of the 1%.
Do “those” people have families? Do “those” people have friends? Do “those” people engage in everyday acts of courage and selflessness? Are we to define “those” people solely on the basis of one aspect of their personality? Do we judge ourselves that way?
Surely, we all have family members who have done damaging things, who have gone astray, who hold opinions with which we strongly disagree. Do we call them irredeemable? Do we write them off entirely? Do we think that’s a legitimate way to treat people, in other than the most dire of circumstances? Do we think that’s how adults should relate to each other?
This is the speech of someone who has never known an addict or a truly abusive parent.
I have, actually. I’m not trying to minimize abuse or the suffering it causes.
I have known people who have changed their abusive ways. Others died still lost in their dysfunction. But everyone I know is more complex than “irredeemable.” I’ve mentioned it a couple of times in the last couple days, but Returning to the Teachings: Exploring Aboriginal Justice has the most dramatic example(s) I’m familiar with of repairing relationships between people after generations of sexual and physical abuse. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning also has some surprising examples. If literal Nazis can be rehabilitated, I think there’s probably hope for just about everybody. But, of course, I only have my own experience to speak from.
There may be hope for anyone, but for us ordinary folks with so little power, our main strength is walking away and protecting ourselves.
Just happened.
I haven’t given a whole lot of cadence to the hillary health issues, but to leave the 9/11 ceremonies, an important show of political kabuki for votes is changing that view.
Where there’s smoke, there is not always fire. But it’s getting pretty hazy with Hillary …
Donald Trump, step away from the twitter machine.
Exactly. Hold your tongue for once, Donald.
Bet this = another 2% – 3% slippage in polls for Clinton. This could result in open panic & desperation by the establishment.
I defended her previously, but I may have been wrong. She does appear to be sick. The video shows her being held up by security.
Hillary simply wasn’t In shape for a real campaign regardless of her health history. She pretends to do yoga (to me many of those instructors seem like they might be frauds), but unless she is putting in the appropriate regiments, she was too old to get away with doing the usual. Campaigns are grueling endeavors. All those campaign field organizers will be sick if they aren’t already (the ones who work hard), and they are young and relatively healthy.
Those rallies in liberal hot beds Sanders held away from the retail politics of NH, Iowa, and SC kept people away from an old man who shouldn’t be interacting with too many people were a great idea.
There was a joke that they had to wheel Biden out for his primary appearances in 2007 and help him off the gurney. This is a reality of these campaigns which are good training for a would be President.
I don’t know jack about Trump and imagine he is being himself to a certain degree which does make it easier, but if he’s communicating through twitter, he’s putting less stress on his body.
It used to be that the US had younger, more youthful leaders than the USSR, China or Cuba.
Now, I understand there is an unofficial age ceiling of 60 something for Poliburo members in Beijing.
She’s leaning against a post and being steadied by the lady. Her handler takes her left side but fails to give full support as she moves off the post, another big fellow takes her right side, and you can track her feet as she is dragged into the van.
Dragged is not hyperbole.
Steve H.
September 11, 2016 at 12:34 pm
I am not one to take the health stuff too seriously, but when I finally looked at it, it seems to me she is collapsing. Even in a suit, heat stoke on a 80 degree day is not indicative of good health – poor Jimmy Carter collapsed but he was jogging.
And the wall of secret service seems not for the sake of security as much as it is to obscure her collapse for press relations….
You know, in the eighties there were a number of late night horror shows, one was called “Tales from the Darkside”
In the one linked to below, grandpa dies….but he gets up the next day and comes to breakfast because he is too damn stubborn to ADMIT he is dead….
As he decomposes, having him around becomes more and more….annoying. And the fact that grandpa is not breathing, has no pulse, and skin is starting to fall off does not sway him.
Finally, after consulting some backwoods ?witch? the family comes upon a plan to prove to grandpa that he is in fact dead….
And grandpa’s stubbornness, the spin, the inability to accept reality reminds me of a certain politician….
So I’m thinking in the White House if such an unfortunate scenario was to unfold, who puts the pepper in the handkerchief?
Is the grandfather Bill or Hill? I believe the Clinton campaign is largely Bill trying to gain relevancy through his wife, like stage moms and little league dads.
I remember that one!
The health of our leader is important.
I can remember past candidates jogging to show off their health.
The minimum ought to be that one is healthy enough to withstand a very cold swear-in ceremony in Washington D.C., for more than just 31 or 32 days.
“The New Jersey resident who took the video, Zdenek Gazda, told Foxnews.com he had been a fireman in the Czech Republic and came to the 9/11 ceremony to pay his respects.”
The Gazda video … destined for history, like the Zapruder film.
The low res video appears to show Hillary doing some sort of shaking movements while propped against the post. My guess is that her movements, where others could see lead to everyone else panicking to get her into the van as quickly as possible. Which is how she ended up nearly being on her knees. They didn’t want to be seen holding her up so they waited until she was partly down to drag her into the van. The Hillary support groups will probably be bringing more body guards so that the next time this happens most camera angles will be unavailable.
Interesting that all of the MSM photographers, whose mission it is to follow Hillary around, all stayed back at the doughnut table.
Wanna bet the MSM were told to stay away? This thing stinks from every angle.
It was bad enough when we thought we had a “choice” between Trump and a healthy Clinton.
Now what?
Devastating video.
Synthetic spider web technology can help. Rig her up to an overhead cable with invisible threads, marionette-style, while a ventriloquist delivers cough-free audio.
One dreads a replay of the Firesign Theater routine: “Hey, man … you broke the Hildabeest!“
The spider web thingy’s being save for the WH Act.
Not to worry. There’s always Disney Animatronics. The people who did such a great job after Reagan was (insert euphemism for being droned) by Hinkley in 1981. Why, gadzooks! Hinkley has been released from the Institution on Friday last!
Here is the same clip from youtube
Ditto for the combination of pancreatic + lung cancer and she has a mighty similar persistent cough IME. I don’t care just get her out of my face and out of USA / global politics. The thought of Bill Clinton interpreting her intentions/decisions and passing that on to Kaine is monstrous.
She felt “overheated” on a beautiful 80 degree day in NYC. I felt fine and dandy on 115 degree days in the sandbox that she voted to send me to. Or so I had to tell myself while loaded down with 50+ pounds of gear in the beatiful Arabian summer days, my brown t-shirt white and crusty from all the salt I sweated out. If Hillary has a medical issue, she must disclose it. Wouldn’t want her to spoil the invincible image of exceptionalism by fainting at the mere sight of Evil Putin extending his hand for a handshake, you know.
Here’s a video explaining that Hillary’s symptoms may be Parkinson’s Disease.
Surely, the Democratic Party will not let this woman run for office when she has such obvious health problems. What comes next, I wonder.
The general rule that seemed to be true not so long ago was that older women tended to be immune to the heat. There were a few older women in the small town I grew up in that wore a heavy coat in the summer and didn’t venture out at all in the winter. Of course they were, as a group, a bit thinner than Hillary. Since so many people drive everywhere now it’s hard to determine whether that rule still holds true .
“she lost a shoe”
Was it a glass slipper?
“Humorous retellings of the [Cinderella] story sometimes use the twist of having the shoes turn out to also fit somebody completely unsuitable, such as an amorous old crone.” — Wikipedia
Shoeless Hill vs Shoeless Joe. Discuss ;)
Shoeless Joe Hill.
It’s an old Democratic folk song. ;-)
“Say it ain’t so Joe Hill”
http://www.metrolyrics.com/say-it-aint-so-joe-lyrics-murray-head.html. Simply heartbreaking…
Maybe it was Humma’s …… ??
Mr. Haywood, that was a ruby slipper … not a glass one …..
wicked witch and all that …
They tried it on Biden, then on Kaine, then on Claire MacAskill, then on Kerry and Vilsack and even Corey Booker, but it woudn’t fit any of them. Finally the unwanted and unloved Bernie Sanders asked if he could try it on…
So the Prince died a bachelor.
Sickness? But its her turn!
maybe someone spilled a glass of water on her … and the ‘crew’ had to do some reverse OZ-mosis midigation procedures …..stat !
re killer cats,
very one sided article, the data quoted is from a study with dubious methodology. there is no consensus as to the number of owned cats allowed to roam outdoors – 50% is by far the highest estimate I have seen. regardless, all agree that the main issue of cat environmental impact are strays, who vastly outnumber “owned roamers”. stray cats are an *entirely* human created problem, most problematic for the poor abandoned cat. to propose killing these cats is the height of unnatural human arrogance. enforced responsible ownership is the key, otherwise this problem will continue. TnR is a very useful method of managing the current situation but by itself cannot solve the problem.
Agreed. I particularly thought it was offensive for them to call the parasites cats carry a threat to humanity without acknowledgment that most animals, including the birds they seek to protect, also carry harmful diseases that are a “threat to humanity.” Using their logic we should humanely execute every species besides our own because cows, birds, lizards, and various other animals also are documented as carrying disease.
I suspect they believe the body is a mere vehicle with which to transport the mind, and in a lower class than the mind. (John Stuart Mill wrote a lot of folderol tangential to these lines.) In that light, toxoplasmosis is a pernicious mortal threat to the Self.
Back in 1960, Merrill Lynch funded an academic study to determine the total return since 1925 of all stocks on the NYSE (including those that failed or delisted). The answer then was “9 percent.” Later this research became the CRSP database at U. of Chicago. It’s accessible to finance students, faculty and institutions, but not to the public.
A total bond market index came only much later, in 1973. It began at white-shoe investment bank Kuhn Loeb. [One of the partners, asked how many people worked at Kuhn Loeb, replied deadpan, “About half.”] After Lehman Brothers bought Kuhn Loeb in 1977, followed by Barclays Bank buying Lehman’s indexes when Lehman failed in 2008, the index was known as the Barclays Aggregate. It is very widely used as a fixed income benchmark.
Effective Aug 24th, Bloomberg bought the Barclays indexes and rebadged them as the Bloomberg Barclays Indexes.
Probably Bloomberg, like Barclays, will continue to publish daily values of its indexes, without any historical data. For that, you’ll need a Bloomberg terminal which leases for $24,000 a year.
As a gesture of noblesse oblige, Bloomberg has installed publicly-accessible terminals at the New York Public Library and a handful of public libraries in Connecticut [Greenwich, natch] and Long Island. Otherwise, the great unwashed are mostly unlikely to ever get their mitts on one.
Data wants to be free! ;-)
I had thought that the picture was fake. This is the picture of a group of people on the waterfront across from the WTC on 9/11.
Also, I had just presumed that the “narrative” of a bunch of happy people is true (I thought it was true that they were happy – I doubted that the picture was true – I thought it was photoshopped).
But the pictures I looked at today are not that clear or close up – to the extent I can make out expressions, it doesn’t seem that people are laughing.
At the heart of this spellbinding book is a simple but chilling idea: human nature will be transformed in the 21st century because intelligence is uncoupling from consciousness. We are not going to build machines any time soon that have feelings like we have feelings: that’s consciousness. Robots won’t be falling in love with each other (which doesn’t mean we are incapable of falling in love with robots). But we have already built machines – vast data-processing networks – that can know our feelings better than we know them ourselves: that’s intelligence. Google – the search engine, not the company – doesn’t have beliefs and desires of its own. It doesn’t care what we search for and it won’t feel hurt by our behaviour. But it can process our behaviour to know what we want before we know it ourselves. That fact has the potential to change what it means to be human.
Yuval Noah Harari’s previous book, the global bestseller Sapiens, laid out the last 75,000 years of human history to remind us that there is nothing special or essential about who we are. We are an accident. Homo sapiens is just one possible way of being human, an evolutionary contingency like every other creature on the planet.
These groupings – corporations, religions, states – are now part of a vast network of interconnected information flows. Finding points of resistance, where smaller units can stand up to the waves of information washing around the globe, is becoming harder all the time.
Some people have given up the fight. In place of the founding tenets of modernity – liberalism, democracy and personal autonomy – there is a new religion: Dataism. Its followers – many of whom reside in the Bay Area of California – put their faith in information by encouraging us to see it as the only true source of value. We are what we contribute to data processing.
Internexus AI report on humanoid fresno dan:
VALUE: negative; cash flow positive as mediocre organ donater and outstanding methane producer…
Translated : corpulent gasbag ??
I’m sorry fresno dan ….. but there’s just no way you can compete with the likes of a Friedman or Krugman Unit ……
“We are not going to build machines any time soon that have feelings like we have feelings: that’s consciousness. ”
Don’t be too sure. The holy grail of AI is a full human brain simulation, and there are currently several major consortia such as the Human Brain Project working toward creating a complete map of the human brain. Many successful AI applications are already based on the architecture of specific brain regions, e.g. speech recognition, so this ultimate goal isn’t farfetched. A human brain will behave exactly the same whether its substrate is meat or metal, including displays of emotion and feeling.
A map is not the territory
Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity. 1933
Indeed, we still won’t understand exactly how the brain works purely by mapping and simulating it, but then that also applies to current working applications of machine learning; we can explain how the components of a neural net work, but we can’t fully explain or formalize the net’s emergent behavior. Nonetheless, they’re still predictable enough to be useful, as will be full brain simulations. But then there’s the whole ethical conundrum of “enslaving” simulated brains.
September 11, 2016 at 1:46 pm
I don’t think machines with feelings will be “anytime soon**” – but I also don’t think they will be “never.”
Like you, our thoughts are electrical and/or chemical reactions. The brain is a hot gooey mess, but it is just physical phenomena – there is no magic in the human “machine”
** anytime soon
30 years?
100 years?
250 years?
Good “long read” — appropriate for today:
Is America Any Safer?
By Steven Brill
— Since 9/11, the United States has spent $1 trillion to defend against al-Qaeda and ISIL, dirty bombs and lone wolves, bioterror and cyberterror. Has it worked?
September 11, 2016 at 12:46 pm
I read a good portion of the article, but it was too tedious for me to read every word.
One could ask the question, where would we be if we had not spent an extra dime? No war, locked cockpits, an understanding not to comply with hijackers, and a targeted attack against Bin Laden.
The great impact of 9/11 was due to the terrorists using our own technology against us. Despite years of hi-jackings, nobody in America figured out that it was not a wise idea to allow pirates access to the cockpit.
Some call it a failure of imagination – I call it a failure to think. With suicide already becoming a well known tactic, if we were incapable of anticipating that, what are we failing to anticipate now???
So we haven’t stopped “terrorism” whether outside of LA or in Florida, and such small scale attacks are not completely preventable in my opinion.
Remember CIA Bin Laden Chief Michael Scheuer? I can’t say I agree 100% with his thesis, but he certainly has many, if not most, points that are just common sense. Yet he has gone down the memory hole. Its as if any kind of deep understanding of what role the US could play in Arab and Muslim anger based on US policy is BEYOND THE PALE – the only politically correct view is that they hate us for our bikinis… And I think that is because NO ONE in the duopoly wants to change what we are doing in the mid-east – astoundingly, this is considered the best course of action.
Now the fact that we have only minor attacks related to terrorism doesn’t mean I think that there is NO potential for a devastating attack in the future. We poke the hornets nest, and we poke the hornets nest, and we poke the hornets nest, and we think we can do so with impunity.
We think we are “above it all” with our drones. Mark my words, drones are a two edged sword…
F*cking brilliant must read. About minimalism and tech.
If that poseur in the first photo were a REAL dork, he’d install little pink helmets on the blunt ends of the AirPod’s ridiculous truncated white tubes.
instant chick magnet …
the Trump campaign in one post:
It’s like they came up with a list of campaign-ending taboos and said lets see if we can cross them ALL off
To Jeb – your brother was in office on 9-11 – check
To Hilary – your husband is a pervert – check
To the black community – the Democratic Party has failed you for decades – check
Fun times. Really looking forward to the debates strictly for their entertainment value because if I dwell too much on the fact these candidates are actually running for POTUS, my head explodes.
Re: After a terrorist attack, we grow fearful
Yup, a lot of the “conspiracy theorists” have been pointing that out for a long time (see Operation Gladio, for one). But here was the interesting part, buried at the end, of course:
Reminded me of some words of wisdom that popped out of a friends mouth awhile back, as we were solving the ills of the world through rambling conversation: “If we could just teach people, as children, how to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, we wouldn’t need to try to change the world, it would just happen on it’s own.”
Thank you for the link to Rob Urie’s post regarding the intentional divisiveness and inevitable sinking probability of election of one of the two neoliberal-neocon presidential candidates. He’s spot on IMO, although I have a minor quibble regarding then President Carter’s responsibility for hyperinflation and double digit interest rates on long-term US Treasury bonds in the early 1980’s. Think criticism and responsibility for that spike, together with subsequent interest rate policy over the past three decades culminating in the Fed’s latest proposal of negative interest rates, should be directed at central bank policy-makers while keeping in mind Thomas Jefferson’s view.
Saving Europe-Turkey migrant deal.
Can Mexico pull off a similar deal – let all Mexican citizens travel visa free in America so they don’t send migrants from Central America and elsewhere that Southern Command warned about through to the US???
From Mish: Will an AI sports writer win a Pulitzer?
Is a robot currently writing for his blog?
I ask because
1. It’s often about the same topics
2. Many times, before reading, I can guess what will be said
3. Very few surprises in his blog, like you would with an irrational human blogger.
I apologize in advance for not being able to better detect humans. I understand robots on the Robots’ Republic of Mars are very good at that, even from the other side of the Sun.
Trump retooled to spend others’ money (on charity, hopefully).
So, if he spends other people’s money (not on foundation insiders), but on charity, isn’t it even better (because no matter how rich, one man can only have so much, and money from other people is always additive)?
From the headline, I don’t know if he does or not, but the key to me, it seems, is not whose money, but whether it’s on charity or on insiders at the charity foundation.
The guy is a cut-and-paste drone without an original thought in his head. He wanted to be the next Peter Schiff. I really don’t get why NC links to him as he really discredits this blog.
Linking is not endorsement. What’s so hard to understand about that, unless one doesn’t want to?
You’re so loyal, your issues get ignored.
That sounds like a relationship problem. Any marriage/relationship counselors?
Joint therapy?
What do you have to lose?
Confirmation Hillary’s on blood thinners.
Also, is she in poor health?
I hear flash photography is banned in her junket.
We (as in both Lambert and I) have repeatedly discussed that she is on Coumadin, which is not just any blood thinner, but an anti-stroke med that is not prescribed casually. Lambert’s mother took it for years. It is very hard to manage, in that the dosage needs to be monitored, and stress levels are one of the factors that affects the dosage.
Thank you for the link to the aljazeera article about the long-time conflict and civil unrest in Kashmir, the site of the world’s largest and most-militarized military dispute, the locus of deep disagreement between two sovereign states who both possess nuclear arms, and the widespread violations of human rights and crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated there by both state and non-state actors.
An embedded linked article titled “Reality Check: Who actually cares about the Kashmiris?” was enlightening to me in pointing out that neither national government wants to allow self-governance of Kashmir by the Kashmiri people, although the aljazeera reporter said that is the preferred option of most Kashmiris themselves.
Given that this situation has been a source of unrest and violent conflict since 1947, it appears to cry for independent, knowledgeable and talented third party mediation. I would hope such a third party would present themselves and that the respective national governments and non-state parties involved would be receptive to resolution.
>False Promises: Avoid “Miracle” Rice and Just Eat a Carrot
Ahhh, Vandana Shiva, she of the Indian farmer suicide lie.
Huh? Maybe not a great cause-effect harnessing, but a lie?
But 65 percent of India’s cotton crop comes from farmers who rely on rain, not irrigation pumps. For them, the situation is the opposite—reliance on pesticides and the higher cost of the seeds increase the risk of bankruptcy and thus suicide, the study finds. The smaller and more Bt-reliant the farm in these rain-fed cotton areas, the authors found, the higher the suicide rate. (An analysis that largely jibes with Shiva’s, apart from her heated rhetoric.)
Even so, the paper does not present Bt cotton as the trigger for India’s farmer-suicide crisis. Rather, it provides crucial background for understanding how India’s shift to industrial farming techniques starting in the 1960s left the majority of the nation’s cotton farmers increasingly reliant on loans to purchase pricey fertilizers, pesticides, and hybrid seeds, and eventually GM seeds, making them vulnerable to bankruptcy
I’m going to be blunt. I live relatively near the site of the former World Trade Center towers. I was lucky that day, Despite having horrible memories of that day and the aftermath (along with a few of how wonderful humanity can be), my losses are minimal. I do have strong feelings about people thousands of miles away becoming abject cowards scared of photos of shadows of terrorism who were and are willing to give up their rights for false security and about craven and greedy politicians and corporations who have used that day to enrich themselves by coordinating ‘responses’ that have little to do with that loss or keeping America safe from such things in the future.
But as the years have passed, I have developed even stronger feelings regarding the wankfest that is the yearly media and political dog and pony show at the 9/11 memorial. Just stop it. Let the people who truly lost something that day or in the immediate days following remember by themselves. Let them address the event privately. Ban the cameras and the political speeches and the pandering that does nothing to honor those that died, or comfort those that lived. The wallowing for political gain needs to end.
Well said, Pat.
+ 1.
9/11 wankfest …….that’s a keeper if there ever was one !!
SOP for ALL gov. & security-state employees ……. oh ….. and did I mention the media …. mainstream network, cable,, AND digital ………
Here’s the Video of Hillary Stumbling After Leaving 9/11 Ceremony
Here’s the video that everyone’s talking about. It’s actually really sad to watch. Hillary Clinton is obviously very unwell and she should step down. Bernie Sanders, who came in second during the primary should take her place and give American citizens a real choice in this election.
Beyond this episode, which is huge in its own right, there is a bigger point to be made. Mainstream media should be totally finished after all this. It has been obvious for a long time now that Hillary health concerns are not a conspiracy theory, yet the mainstream media yelled and screamed about how there was no story to be told. Well there is a story, and anyone who told you otherwise should be forever discredited as a “reporter.”
As an example:
Kaine/ILLary 2016!
Yves has been saying since last year that Hillary’s health would take her out of the race.
Nailed it.
Oh yeah? But what would afisher say?
Dunno. But as commenter “Overdrawn” explained elsewhere for the perplexed:
“The US has had its first black President, and by the look of it, its first posthumous one.”
A FB friend posted a GIF which shows an article in the WaPoop by Chris Cilliza from 5 days ago that says it’s time to give Hellary’s health issues a rest, followed by an article today saying Hellary’s health has now become a campaign issue.
On Friday, hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia, according to CNN in “breaking news.” Today, according to her campaign, she was “overheated.”
If she was not such a horrible person, and if I didn’t have a healthy respect for karma, I’d feel sorry for her.
But she is, and I do. And I don’t. Special place in hell, even if it’s hell on earth.
DM is saying pneumonia and something about a cough related to allergies. Reckon Team Clinton are trying to nip the questions/discussion in the bud asap as they could tell it was mushrooming.
“Hillary Clinton’s doctor has revealed the 68-year-old has pneumonia – hours after video showed her collapsing into the arms of her Secret Service agents after being rushed from the 9/11 memorial service at the World Trade Center.
Dr. Lisa R. Bardack released a statement through her campaign team after she performed a check-up on the presidential candidate at her home in Chappaqua, New York, on Sunday, after the ‘medical episode’.
She said: ‘Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule.”
Questions others are asking:
If she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and put on antibiotics, why was she then sent off with a serious, contagious disease to a fundraiser that evening and to the activities today? How did she modify her schedule?
Why was the press not apprised of the diagnosis on Friday? The campaign is obviously trotting this story out now as the most benign explanation for her “episode” today, but they could have inoculated themselves from the worst of today’s inferences by getting the story out on Friday.
Or is the endless stream of bullshit from the Clintons just a fact of nature, as unstoppable and prodigious as Niagara Falls itself?
Putin has weaponized pneumonia. :-(
First of all, all we know is what we’re being told, and who even knows how much, if any of it, is true or accurate?
Second, if she does have pneumonia, it is likely secondary to whatever other respiratory issues she has, is bacterial and therefore treatable with antibiotics; it is doubtful she would have been contagious.
Third, she was caught between a rock and a hard place: told to rest on
Friday, she goes ahead and appears and speaks at a high-dollar, high-roller, fundraiser – so is the inference that she doesn’t let a little thing like pneumonia slow her down, or is it that nothing, but nothing, gets between Clinton and a fundraiser? I know which one is most likely to win the day.
Finally, she has multiple health issues: thyroid, post-concussion issue, possibly, tendency to develop blood clots, etc. It’s a grueling schedule, no question – at 63, I doubt if I could do it without getting sick with something.
Her biggest problem won’t be her health – it will be that she has zero credibility, and no matter what she says, this is going to dog her, and will likely cost her some points in the polls.
Live by the sword, die by the sword: when you can’t ever seem to be honest about anything, it isn’t the public’s fault if they can’t tell when you are being honest, and aren’t inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I count that, Anne, as a “yes” in answer to my last question. ;-)
“Live by the sword, die by the sword……..”
Those constant excuses, blame shiftings, coincidences, non-explanation explanations, dodges and pivots will catch up with you if your’re not careful.
Or if you happen to catch “pneumonia” and collapse at a very public event.
When asked to comment on hillary’s incident this morning on cnn, Katrina vanden Heuvel said that “our thoughts and prayers are with hillary.”
No fan of Hillary at all, but having had a serious bout of pneumonia, all of her “health issues” make sense.
For those who have never had it……..I don’t recommend the experience.
Got it in both lungs after getting a sinus infection, or a bout of the flu……..whatever it was.
Was the busy time of the business year, so tried to work thru it, using aspirin and the “Good” cough syrup left over from a previous coughing episode.
Soon, normal doses were having no effect. Couldn’t breathe, running fever, felt like crap. Started carrying the cough syrup like a hip flask, swigging the cough syrup all day.
Finally got to the point where I just sat at my desk, and couldn’t remember how to spell “THE” or “CAT”. That, and the “out-of body” experiences/hallucinations told me to throw in the towel and go to the doctor.
Doc prescribed antibiotics. Didn’t get out of bed (except to do the basics) for the next two weeks. Didn’t leave the house until a couple of days after that.
I was in my late 30s at the time. Another bout like that now, and I’ll be looking at the grass grow from the wrong side of the turf line.
Story image for winston churchill from Wall Street Journal
‘Churchill’s Secret’ Review: Imagining Winston
Wall Street Journal-Sep 8, 2016
In June 1953, Winston Churchill began showing signs of a serious stroke while hosting a dinner at 10 Downing St. The guests, including the Italian prime minister, Alcide de Gasperi, were hastily ushered from the room by Sir Winston’s son-in-law Conservative MP Christopher Soames and by the British PM’s private secretary, Jock Colville, and given a cooked-up story about urgent business requiring an end to the festivities. The team then summoned Lord Beaverbrook and other friendly press barons, who agreed to withhold all news of Churchill’s condition—an arrangement impossible to imagine today.
What timing….just saying.
There are two vaccines that I know of for pneumonia. My physician over the years has insisted that I be inoculated. I am older than Hillary Clinton. She should have been advised to do the same by her physician, especially with the public exposure and responsibilities that she has. Also, we older humans do have a difficult time surviving this illness, I am sorry that you had such a difficult time.
Pneumonia vaccines are good for 7 years, but they don’t have the greatest efficacy. She may have been vaccinated.
If you look at the videos, this is an obvious lie. She didn’t faint, and she didn’t stumble. Her body was jerking uncontrollably before she left the security of the pillar. Her doctor looked like she was giving her a neuro check before taking her to the van — having her squeeze her hand while tracking the doctor’s finger with her eyes. She’s wearing lenses known to be used to reduce seizures.
Come on, can we call a horse a horse, at this point? Whatever her condition is, it’s serious, it’s chronic, and it involves seizures, which means neurological involvement.
She may ALSO have pneumonia. But that doesn’t explain what we’re seeing on those videos.
No way. Hillary has cash & access to best MDs.
Bad seasonal allergies with enough post nasal drip to cause a cough this time of year is easily controlled with antihistamine, singulair & a temporary steroid inhaler.
I doubt she let her symptoms linger enough to end up with pneumonia, this is something else. If this were pneumonia after that fainting episode she wouldn’t be on the sidewalk waving, she would be housebound or hospitalized. BS
If she falls while on Coumadin & gets a head bleed, well no more Killary
Will be interesting to see how the financial markets react to this “News” in Monday’s session. Not seeing a “You can stick a fork in her candidacy” reaction in the overnight futures market, but maybe it’s too soon to tell. Although it appears from the chart that the boys in the band who play such lovely dance music have a clear favorite, perhaps these markets are so tightly controlled now that this indicator is invalid. :)
The Killer Cats are Winning — On first seeing the headline I misread it as “cars” and thought it was a reference to the classic Monty Python (specifically MP animator Terry Gilliam) “The Killer Cars” animation. That mental association is still valid, though, since – if memory serves – in the aforementioned animation the Killer Cars are eventually demised by a breed of giant upright-walking nuclear-mutated cats.
As to the genuinely serious issue raised by the article, I have always been a believer in domesticated but free-range cats, that sort of crepuscular prowling and nocturnal caterwauling being the core part of the cat’s existence – unlike dogs, for whom pleasing their humans is. But ya gotta spay/neuter ’em, and we should all support catch/neuter-and-vaccinate/release programs for the ferals, with euthanasia being a last-resort option only for genuinely problematic ferals and/or when disease is suspected. But yeah, given cats’ innate hunting instincts and the clear this-is-what-I-was-born-to-do pleasure they take in stalking, capturing and killing (after playing-with, naturally), the sheer population numbers are way too high in most developed countries. I like the twittering of the birdies, too! It used to break my heart whenever my dear departed hunter-cat Boots brought me a still-warm bird carcass – usually gently deposited right next to my face on the pillow, with the cat clearly proud as heck and expecting to be praised for his prowess and willingness to share – as a 3.a.m. present. The rats and mice were gross (especially the ones kittie decided to hide behind the sofa and such, which were only found days later by way of the stench), but I didn’t mind them so much.
September 11, 2016 at 6:38 pm
I feel EXACTLY the same way. My love of cats does not diminish my love of birds.
Several years ago, our neighbors, ahem, on one side of our property, had not one, not three, but five cats … which to their credit they had spayed,and/or neutered …….however, they ran rampant in our yard ….. shitting everywhere ( I’m an avid gardener !!!) fighting with the other neighborhood cats, needless to say, the birdlife flew the coop … as it were …. the neighbors were eventually foreclosed on by the lender …. and after they moved out, the cat issue lessened considerably !! I like cats …. I had one for 20 years ……. for most of his life indoors …… and it should be mandatory for ALL domestic felines, certainly in the city limits ……!!
Another personal anecdote, which may bear on Hillary’s “health issues”.
When I worked for one of the aerospace OEMs, I continually dealt face to face with customers from all over the US, and significant parts of the rest of the world (UK, Germany, Mexico, Brasil, Venezuela, Australia, China, etc.).
All of these people would bring their local “bugs” with them. Like people who watch kids at day-care, me and my fellow supervisors would all have some kind of bug trying to lay us low between October and April.
All that flying around with a bunch of people in the campaign airplane didn’t help either. She should have stuck with the G-Vs.
When I quit (to work at a corporate flight department and was typically exposed to the same 10-12 people), like magic, I’ve rarely gotten sick again.
I guess she should have stuck with attending the million-dollar fundraisers, instead of hanging out with the dieseased schlubs.
Those of us raised on the Zapruder film are to be excused for our fascination with the fuzzy detail of moving images.
What is falling from Hillary’s pants leg? And who is that on the grassy knoll?
This is just wrong on so many levels. Once again, an entire city will be used as guinea pigs, with no possibility of public collaboration. Reminds me of the fluoridation debacle of the ’40’s.
Can’t we just blame it on bad Chinese food like the old days? After all, we’re looking for enemies wherever we can find them, right?
wow, according to the article above now we have the untimate method to combat human made climate change: Exterminating cats. LOL, there seems to be no limits to human hypocrisy. I wonder what could the most invasive species on earth be?