Last Hurrah in NYC! Free Books, Free Drinks, Other Giveaways, and Good Conversation! Please Come by on Sunday June 23

Please join me for my very last Sunday in New York before I depart the city for good. We’ll have free books, drinks and good company, so I very much hope you can work us into your Sunday schedule.

I have nearly 200 books I am giving away, mainly brand new or only once read, including new finance and economics warhorses, classics on Japanese culture, novels, histories, and philosophy.

I am also long copies of ECONNED, and I hope some of you will snag copies to give it those reasonably likely to read it or to a local or university library.

There will be a very few other unused or barely used items (like virgin kitchen equipment well-meaning friends gave me, not understanding that I don’t have the patience to cook and lots of mazagran mugs).

I also hope someone will want to buy a 27″ 4th gen Apple monitor I have used for less than a half hour total.

I usually overdo as a host, but this will not be one of those times. I’ll get a few bottles each of a decent rose and a red. If you’d like beer, please bring it. Ditto a white or a sparkling wine (if we get a lot of interest in comments, I will get more bottles [Update, I relented and am getting a couple of whites…but if you have a wine you’d like to bring, we’ll open it only if we need to}. Or bring munchies. Be prepared to take home what the crowd hasn’t finished.


Sunday June 23, 4:00-7:00 PM
903 Park Avenue (northeast corner of Park and 79th)

The nearby subway stop are the number 6 (Lexington Ave local) at 77th and Lex or number 4 or 5 (express) at 86th and Lex. Or you can take the Madison Avenue or Lexington Avenue busses, or alternatively if you are coming from the West Side, the 79th or 86th Street crosstown bus.

If you think you might take more than a couple of books and have a car, parking is actually not bad on a Sunday in the mid-late afternoon. You should be able to get a space reasonably close by and could stash your haul in the lobby while you bring your car around to take it away.

Please feel free to come by regardless if that Sunday works for you. It would be lovely to see some of you before I blast off.


1 If you are interested in the monitor and would prefer to pick it up another time, so long as it is by 6/24 evening, that would be fine. Please e-mail me at yves-at-nakedcapitalism-dot-com with “Mac Monitor” in the headline. Regardless, you should let me know if you are interested and make what you consider to be a reasonable price, otherwise I will give it to a charity.

I also have nifty ceiling fixtures and if they don’t wind up at Doyle (I find out this week) they might be better in the hands of readers who are considering sprucing up their digs than as a tax deduction. This is a variant on the old saw, “MBA means May Be Available”

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  1. J7915

    Good luck, and my 2cents, have some zip bags for left overs to be taken home, out, pretend to finish some other day:)), by the scroungers of course.

  2. DQ

    Oh awesome! I’ve been reading the blog since college anonymously and have learned so much from it over the years. I happen to be in NYC this Sunday so will try to stop by to introduce myself and possibly grab a copy of ECONNED :)

  3. Joe Well

    I never realized you lived on the actual Upper East Side (like, not Spanish Harlem, the original UES)! For that matter, I never imagined there were any actual rent control units left there.

    I salute your dedication to your mother and your faith in Alabama. I wonder how many people could part with such a place. I hope your move can inspire some posts for the benefit of those of us intellectually over-active leftists who are trying to figure out where we physically can fit in in this brave new neoliberal world divided between 15-dollar hipster hamburger salons and McDonald’s.

  4. readerOfTeaLeaves

    Tremendous respect for all Elder Care activities. It does reorganize one’s life.
    Alabama got lucky this time.

  5. Dirk77

    Good luck, Yves. A new adventure and all that. I’m not really fond of NYC, and am looking forward to hearing about Birmingham. Perhaps we’ll meet there. Take care.

  6. Svante

    Yeah, I know you don’t cook, up here. But, after driving around Birmingham with my Palestinian Honda thief co worker pal, FOR WEEKS, trying to find a kasha knish!

    The second needs schmaltz, Szeged HOT paprika and roasted garlic. It has a handy ordering form, for Walmart! You can find raw buckwheat groats on VitaCost and “toast” ’em yourself…

    1. Yves Smith Post author

      Birmingham was where a fair number of well off Jewish retailers chose to live. I’m a member of the Jewish Community Center there (which actually has a 70% gentile membership, who joined for the same reason as me: its gym). It has three synagogues and used to have a Jewish deli, Browdys. No idea why it is no longer operating. I am sure there would be demand for good bagels, lox, and maybe even sable and knish.

      1. Svante

        Well, we werent expecting Russ&Daughters smoked sturgeon and horseradish creamcheese. We’re willing to send occasional Care Packages from Zabar’s & Murray’s. We’d actually ended up getting crappy kitchenettes ever since (turning the mill’s folks on to kibbeh, tabouli, with mint & kasha), gyros meat, etc. It’s not like there’s not great food available (and of course, we’ve lost Azuri Cafe!) Just, don’t forget to check BigLots (149 or out on 78) for stuff like organic tahini, za’atar, cilantro, mint chutney, etc., since nobody thereabout would dream of trying this, I’d fill up my car for the trip back. I’ve made some great friends @ ACIPCO & US Steel, down there… all CRAZY though!

  7. Pavel

    Just to say, Yves, as a long-time devoted reader (and listener, thanks to Harry Shearer), very sorry to miss this event and thus unable to buy a few items or otherwise help out. I am in NY occasionally but not just now alas.

    Best wishes for a smooth journey and transition down South!

  8. Dr Duh

    Congratulations on the move.

    Thank you so much for everything. I’ve been reading for eleven maybe twelve years now and you’ve been tremendously influential on my thinking. I’ve admired your intellect, your wit and your courage. I don’t always agree with you, but I’ve always respected you. Perhaps my biggest regret is never meeting you in person.

    Good luck.

  9. skk

    Great luck to you. You’ve moved across continents, ( like me), and US states. I’m quite sure you’ve worked out the risk/reward and the path back. And if you are burning your bridges ( I did that in one of my moves ), then that too is no doubt worked thru. Enjoy.

  10. Black Beauty

    Dear Yves:
    I could not possibly express in words how this space and the community here has sustained me over these many looong years (yes, even though I primarily *lurk*!). Knowing that you have been a fellow NYC resident has also been a comfort, and I am rather devastated to see you depart (even though I have only appeared previously at the very first meetup in NYC) but understand ALL the reasons why, the city will be poorer, in multiple ways, for your departure!
    Tomorrow, and per original request, I would like to offer a vehicle and some boxes for any leftover books that I can then store at my office and distribute as you wish or as I see fit (donation to library or equivalent) as my thanks, hoping this will help ease your transition. I could probably take other things as well.

  11. Oh

    Moving from a place where one has lived for quite some time is always hard. I admire your dedication to take care of your mother. You have your priorities right. Best wishes for a smooth transition.

  12. ShamanicFallout

    I’m a long time reader and very rare commenter. In town for the specialty food show starting Sunday at the Javitz but don’t think I could make it over by 7. Have a great party, bon voyage and thanks for all of your work!

  13. Dave in Austin


    I rarely post but I’ve been a reader for more than a decade. I spend time at the Maxwell AFB archive so I’ll hope to run across you some time when I’m there.

    Not much to say about the city but it has a surprisingly good art museum and sculpture garden. With fondness and wishing you good luck.


  14. BobWhite

    It was great to see Yves one more time in NYC before her departure, and to meet and speak with so many NC readers – such good conversations… and got a few books as a bonus! :-)

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