Due to moving and other distractions, I’m behind on meetups. Despite the short notice, the meetup earlier this week with Jerri-Lynn and Michael Hudson was well attended.
I’ll be in Manhattan at the end of next month and booked the meetup space, and so I figured I might as well let you know well in advance.
Tuesday October 29
5:00 PM through 8:30 PM
The Grey Mare
61 Second Avenue (between 3rd and 4th Streets)
New York, NY 10003
Website: https://www.thegraymarenyc.com
We have reserved the back room, so please have the host send you in our direction.
In addition, the odds are good that I will be in Dallas either the week of the 4th or 11th of November, and if that comes together, I would do a meetup. It would likely be early in the week, which I know is less convenient, but that’s how the schedule would break. And I stay in Plano, so it would be in Plano or in Dallas not far from Plano.
I would also see if I could go either to Austin or Houston and do a meetup there. One reader was lobbying on behalf of either city. Could I get an indication in comments as to which city might be preferable? Sadly, one city will lose out, so please don’t be unhappy if it isn’t your locale this time.
Hope to see you soon!
I’m in Austin and would come. That would be exciting!
Chicago a possibility in the future ?
Come to Tucson!
I’m interested in an austin meet!
Also would go to Austin for meetup.
Raising my hand for Houston!
Austin! But I’ll sure try to get to Houston if that’s where you end up.
Along US 290 all the way!!
If need be!
Austin please.
Hey, amfortas the hippie, would you come up to Austin? Would love to meet you. And the Mrs!
we’ll be in san antonio november 5th…which is tuesday. appointment is usually between 9am and 1 pm(likely only one appt. that day)…prolly could arrange it to meet up either that evening or the night before…maybe even in austin.(not that far from SA)
austin has the benefit of being more or less in the middle of texas(actual geographical center is north of brady, in a thorny pasture, about 30 miles to my north…i do not recommend that locale for a meetup(snakes, coyotes, angry ranchers with guns))
we’re in san antone every three weeks.
aside from weekends, that’s the only time she can get off work and away.
if y’all’re feeling adventurous, Fredericksburg is nice, as is little old Mason, Texas. if the latter, I’ll cook.
Thanx to Jerri-Lynn and Michael Hudson, Tuesday’s short notice NYC meetup was, as always, engaging and spirited. It was also a bit on the loud side. What? Whaaat? Can you read my lips?
Looking forward to 29 Oct.
I’ll come to an Austin meetup.