Dear patient readers,
We have been using Google’s Feedburner well past July, when Google warned it would be “deprecated”. The service was apparently sometimes sending out what is supposed to be a 7AM missive later even as early as March but more of you have been writing about tardy delivery in recent weeks.
We will be starting to use a different service over the weekend. If all goes well, the result will be that subscribers will get two e-mails, one from Feedburner and one the new service. We want to make sure that the new service is working as expected before we get rid of the Feedburner blast. So please be patient.
And if you no longer want to receive e-mails, each one has an “unsubscribe” button at the bottom. Conversely, if you’d like to start receiving e-mails, we recommend waiting to sign up until the second half of next week.
I remember back in the day when FeedBurner was a) not part of Google, and specially b) a very nice to have RSS service when everybody was really enjoying the decentralized web. I think everything (really, everything) started going downhill when Google closed Google Reader.
I loved Google Reader. Agreed.
Well, you don’t want people to use RSS to sign up for just anything, now do you?
(Podcasts are also distributed via RSS and remain to a degree decentralized. That’s why the catchphrase, “Wherever you get your podcasts.” I imagine some suits are working busily to undermine that.)
Just the other day I was thinking about it and occurred to me that it’d be cool to register, but it turns out someone had already registered that last year.
I keep all google scripts blocked on my browser so I applaud the move & will subscribe in the future.
After installed the no-script browser add-on I was stunned to see how pervasive google tracking is. They are literally everywhere.
Distribution of content by publishers via the feed protocols (rss/atom) was a terrific invention. Precisely because it was great for recipients (anon in the email not required to subscribe to lists sense, ad free) is why it wasn’t great for publishers who want to monetize, drive site clicks, and collect data. So sadly it has declined, even among publishers who shouldn’t care about those things (public service type orgs).
I have over 20,000 NC items in my feed folder, earliest is from 2010. Going to the site for the full article isn’t the best experience, but I get why that had to be done (aside from revenue, content was getting scraped/stolen).
Disclosure: I rewrote and maintained the feed reader in Thunderbird. As part of that, a threading feature was implemented so all comments could be threaded to the original post or to replied-to comments, in an email client paradigm. Something to consider.