By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Patient readers, this Water Cooler will be truncated, as I must finish up two other posts. Talk amongst yourselves! –lambert UPDATE The first, on Amazonia. The second, on the trillion dollar platinum coin.
Bird Song of the Day
Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Bosque Estatal de Maricao, Puerto Rico. “Song.”
Contact information for plants: Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, to (a) find out how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal and (b) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi and coral are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please place it at the start of your mail in parentheses: (thus). Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. From DC:
DC writes: “We pulled the carrots/planted tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant today. This photo is the carrot harvest, with a daikon on top. Music Garlic and Derby snap beans can also be seen in the picture.” In April (!). Liking that mulch.
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If you hate PayPal, you can email me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, and I will give you directions on how to send a check. Thank you!
Carrots from a raised bed plot. Ticking all of the right boxes there.
Are those garlic in the foreground? The use of straw mulch ads Extra Bonus points.
those look good.
and remember that the tops are edible and nutritious.
i put em in everything.
i do my carrots in containers, b/c i loathe hoeing and rows in general.
aside from the million black pots of varying sizes(obtained from estate sale for nothing) which are for tree cuttings and acorns and seeding tomatoes, etc..i use lick tubs…that ranchers use for minerals for cows.
drill holes in them.
sand at the bottom, compost the rest of the way.
all my raised beds are for the bigger plants…planted directly into the mat of cover crops.
Can you grow quince and Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) where you live in Texas? You can up here in the Upper Midwest, but the latter is very slow-growing, and with where I live now, my landlord does not allow us to have gardens. I am trying to move up to northwestern Michigan as it is Zone 6 up there as opposed to Zone 4 where I live, as I want to be in a place in the Upper Midwest that I can grow Asian persimmons in.
prolly gets too hot here(100 miles northwest of austin), but we used to grow both in east texas.
high heat has started already, this year.
so when the seed packet says “full sun”,lol….
i do cukes under…and all up in…the juvenile pecan trees, etc in big pots…shady, but the leaves poke out from the pecan canopy.
same thing with green beans, after about april.
arranged all the raised beds so that they’re shady after 2pm.
by the middle of july, there will be no point in continuing,lol.
start all over in september, usually with rooted cuttings from this summer’s tomatoes, etc.
Our summers are short but they are usually very hot and humid, as we often see temperatures in the 90’s and high-80’s…although we also get a lot of thunderstorms during the summer, so things usually do not dry out.
One advantage of living in a humid continental climate “hot summer” variant is that our weather is never boring.
Over here in the other North American Deep South I like to “acquire” grass clippings for my mulch over growing beds. Don’t ask me why. It ‘feels’ a lot easier to deal with.
“High Heat(TM)” has started here as well. We are looking at high nineties with high humidity to boot. A summer rain pattern seems to have developed already. Pop up thunderstorms, but much stronger than the historical average, most afternoons.
Had a storm blow through yesterday just before twilight. Several trees blown over in our neighborhood. Localized flooding is now a regular occurrence.
Stay safe!
Thank you. Music garlic in the foreground. I am in a wheelchair so raised beds work well. I am big believer in straw mulch. It needs to be removed a few days before planting seeds to rid the area of slugs/crickets. Otherwise thick straw. Those Derby green beans are now producing and we have fresh dill for them.
Good work! There is nothing in the stores that can compete with home grown for quality and flavour.
Some plain old bush beans I planted have grown up the garden side fence. When the neighbor is away I’ll nip on over and harvest those dangling from that side.
Good to see that you let nothing stop you. Phyl is in a wheelchair and laughed. “See. He gardens in his wheelchair. With the proper will….”
Kudos from the Sothrons.
Stay safe and healthy.
Thank you. To be clear the gardening is performed by two of us. We both have always enjoyed gardening, both vegetable and ornamental. And I can easily break into a very poor rendition of Neil Young’s ‘Homegrown’ when picking those beans.
Dillybeans are the best.
Diptherio! Hello!
Creepin’ / Grand Funk Railroad
Hey, everybody won’t you lend me your ear,
There’s something to fear, it’s here, and that’s clear.
Men gettin’ rich off rapin’ the land,
I can’t understand, why we don’t take them in hand.
zomg. Victoria Nuland?! Is this a horror movie franchise?! Nuland, Nuland II, Return of Nuland.
From Seymour Hersh.
As Ukraine begins a counter-offensive and Biden’s hawks look on, new rhetoric out of Russia points to a revival of the nuclear threat
These people are nuts.
I have also read various Twitter accounts saying the US has sent fighter jets to the middle east due to Russian aircraft.
I don’t know if I read it here, or elsewhere, but someone suggested Biden’s 2024 campaign slogan should be “nuclear winter will solve climate change.”
Note to Biden et al; WWIII will not get you re-elected.
adding: most of Hersh’s article discusses the recent essay by Sergei Karaganov. Here is Hersh’s introduction to readers of who Karaganov’s is in context.
‘Meanwhile, there has been an escalation in rhetoric about the war and its possible consequences from within Russia. It can be observed in an essay published in Russian and English on June 13 by Sergei A. Karaganov, an academic in Moscow who is chairman of the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. Karaganov is known to be close to Putin; he is taken seriously by some journalists in the West, most notably by Serge Schmemann, a longtime Moscow correspondent for the New York Times and now a member of the Times editorial board. Like me, he spent his early years as a journalist for the Associated Press. ‘
And here is Karaganov’s essay.
A Difficult but Necessary Decision
I wonder if Mearsheimer finds anything surprising in the outlook expressed in this essay.
Schmemann’s reporting on the Soviet Union for the Times was always a reliable gauge of official and received opinion; like the Spookiverse where he cultivated sources, he too was impervious to any inkling of rapid Soviet decline.
His opinions should transact at a very high discount.
That link is a bit wackadoo and I seriously doubt it reflects the views of Putin who does not seem irrational.
I also think Biden will not do anything that would threaten his coming campaign and this is the view of Alastair Crooke and many others. They think Biden just wants it all to go away for awhile, perhaps to be resumed later. But the original expectation was that Russia would easily collapse so they could move on to China. And because they believe their own bs that is still the expectation at least for a few more months.
Interestingly, he’s rather tied in to ostensibly “western” organizations, albeit those that are quite internationalist in nature.
From Wikipedia:
“Karaganov has been a member of the Trilateral Commission since 1998, and served on the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.”
Victoria Nuland is a person who not only has daddy issues but grandaddy issues.
Tired: you and your date both get tested for STD’s before having sex.
Wired: both get tested for Covid before meeting indoors without masks.
Quired: Your daughter’s divorce attorney subpoenas you for a DNA sample for a paternity test. Much more of this and somebody’s going to get reamed.
Regarding Lambert’s oft-expressed frustration with the ens***ification of Google, this is from the developer of the Apollo app, whose decision to shut down helped trigger the Reddit blackouts:
A pretty good read up on Helmer’s site:
It’s going to get worse. The UK is getting ready to supply the Ukraine with heavy drones that can drop a torpedo.
‘On Wednesday, the ministry released a video on Twitter featuring several types of drones. One was seen dropping a torpedo over the water, while another was shown taking off from land while being guided by an operator, and a third was catapulted off a navy vessel deck.’
I don’t know how they are going to do it but they are going to make the UK pay when this war is over.
(Almost) Daily Derailment(s):
Nothing in the media, but this is great:
Wisconsin’s Office of the Commissioner of Railroads has ‘no jurisdiction’ over train derailment incidents
Village of Howard Public Works Director Geoff Farr confirmed the train derailed on Sunday, and now, public works is in the process of cleaning it up.
Farr said he didn’t know the cause of the derailment, but he believes there were no hazardous materials being carried on the train. However, he said the village doesn’t have much information on the incident.
Wisconsin’s Commissioner of Railroads Don Vruwink said since Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad owns the railroad, Vruwink’s office does not have legal power over the tracks, despite what people might think.
He said their office’s job is to be proactive for and regulate safety at public railroad crossings.
Here’s a good one… the railroad line back in service the day after the derailment, but the public highway out of service for almost a month.
Minnesota highway remains closed from May 31 derailment
The state of Minnesota and Canadian Pacific have their priorities, don’t they?
Next up: the Rail Safety Act of 2023 will either be completely gutted (after lobbyists have relieved themselves) or not even brought up for a vote.
Was at beautiful Round Meadow in Sequoia NP, and only 1 of the 2 bathrooms was open, and it had no TP and 1/2 an inch of standing water on the ground.
These are our national treasures, our National Parks-you wouldn’t have known it yesterday.
No excuse for lack of upkeep!
What is a TP? Tarpaulin?
> What is a TP?
Toilet Pacility?
C’mon guys. Toilet paper of course.
That surfeit of abbreviations is getting unmanageable…
The Moral Crisis of America’s Doctors
Because markets. Go die.
If there was ever a post that we can hope IM Doc will offer his thoughts on…
Covid related?
I had a spinal fusion earlier this Month and as a consequence stopped taking a blood thinner a week prior and for a week after the procedure.
Which I did.
When I tried to order a refill using the automated system I got the auto response ” Not in our system”, so I tried calling the pharmacy direct and got through to a Human after only six tries.
“Your Doctor cancellled the prescription”
So I drove to the cardiologist’s office and after moving up the chain from the receptionist to the office manager got things cleared up in a little more than 30 minutes, it was a coding error by the Physician’s assistant.
Yesterday I got a letter informing me that I needed to make a follow up appointment with the same cardiologist, which puzzled me because I already had such an appointment.
So I called, clerical error, now straightened out.
This office stopped masking earlier this year and had a sign on the door for several months asking patients to be patient because they were short staffed due to illness.
Lots of persistent colds…
I’ve been going to this office for 5 years and it has always been run “STRAC”, everything done by the numbers and on time.
I was the only one there who was masked (P100) including several other elderly patients.
Thanks for the update, Tom. So actions have consequences. Who knew?
Tom, you’re a brave fellow to entrust yourself to our increasingly incompetent medical industry.
Joe Rogan and RFKjr. utube. ~5 minutes.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex
Barack Obama’s Netflix series “Working” tries to catch you up on decades of change — more than it has time for.
What a scumbag. What would this guy know about working.
How about a series on how HAMP was designed to protect banks. We can look at people that lost their homes, or committed suicide, or got addicted to drugs.
Revised article title:
Seen on twitter-
‘The Perpetual Shadow Band 🏴☠️
Me: I wasn’t going to vote at all, but I’d vote for Cornel West
Lib: so you’re voting for Trump
Me: that doesn’t even make any sense
Lib: just admit you’re a racist
Me: Dr West is black and Biden wrote the crime bill
Lib: why do you hate democracy’
Our local black bear rehabilitator will be giving a talk July 11th at 630pm (US Eastern time) if anyone is interested. There is a zoom option so anyone anywhere can attend.
Chris Hedges and Jimmy Dore talking about Cornel West moving to the Green Party. utube, ~20 minutes.
Here’s Why Cornel West Switched To Green Party In Presidential Campaign
adding: Katie and Aaron on Useful Idiots. utube.
Cornel West Blows Jake Tapper’s Mind
It was encouraging to see Long Covid featured in a local news outlet, and I’d like to hear more about what this MD is doing with these patients. I’m a little concerned, however, if he’s suggesting that LC due to “acquired brain injury” or “ABI” (a term I’ve not run across before) is only correlated with anoxia from, say, being on a ventilator or even having respiratory distress. (Note: I don’t comment much and am not 100% that my link showed up. It’s on Nashville’s Newschannel5 today featuring a VU doctor.)