The Naked Capitalism community has spoken! When our fundraiser looked wobbly, you united and told us how much this destination means to you and backed it with your contributions. Your generous donations say you want more insightful reporting and penetrating analysis of seminal developments, and impact. You’ve provided tangible backing for your desire to have work together to demystify complex technical topics, call out corruption, expose propaganda, provide sanity checks, blow off steam, build camaraderie, and in our small way, help promote the establishment of a more just society.
We set an initial target of 1100 donors for our fundraiser. We set a new goal of 1250. You beat that, so we increased it to 1500, then 1650. We are now at 1705! Help us meet our final goal.
Even more important, we are within striking distance of our final funding target for original reporting. That goal is $45,000 and we are less than $5,000 away, at $40,235!
Help us beat our vital fundraiser goals by giving in the home stretch at our Tip Jar!
Can you push us over the top? Ever little bit will help, whether it’s $5 or $50, or $5,000.
Join us and participate via our fundraiser page, where you can give by credit or debit card of via a PayPal account (the charge will be in the name of Aurora Advisors).
You can also send a check (we like checks!) in the name of Aurora Advisors Incorporated to
Aurora Advisors Incorporated
PO Box 110105
Brooklyn NY 11211-9997
Please also send an e-mail to with the headline “Check is in the mail” (and just the $ en route in the message) to have your contribution included in our running tally.
We’ve gotten SO many messages that it will take me some time to read through them all and reply properly. I wanted to share a few. Some are humbling. From Den C:
Did somebody just call procrastinators?
Yves, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. You, the crew, and the wonderful commentariat (shout out to your crew of wonderful moderators!) ‘splained the crash to us, taught us MMT, got us through Covid, saw through the Ukraine BS, and inform us on so many and varied topics. We have learned so much from you and all of our friends here. There is no place like this place anyplace and I don’t think we could live without NC.
And Neil Z:
Since the Great Recession, I have really appreciated reading your blog articles, using your links, and being introduced to several great other alternative news sources, but I have never donated. Seeing your recent appeal spurred me to support the website I check every day. Over the last few years I have particularly appreciated your efforts to provide Covid-related information that cuts through some of the bs you see pushed in the mainstream.
Anyway, good luck with the rest of your fundraiser. I hope to continue providing further support in the future.
And Ben B:
Sorry I took so long. Been working out of town all year. NC is like my anchor.
So, today is your last chance. Be one of the final 100 to make this effort a smashing success.
If you can give a little, give a little. If you can give more, give more. If you can give a lot, give a lot. You are investing in being part of the solution. And thanks again for your support!
Donated way less than I wanted to, but I hope to be able to visit the Tip Jar later this year again. Meanwhile I wish all the best for the team NC!
Gave another $50. NC is how I start my day and I check in throughout the day. I can’t tell you how much I value NC.