2:00PM Water Cooler 7/17/2024

By Lambert Strether of Corrente

Patient readers, my liquid brunch gave me a case of the slows. More to come! –lambert

Bird Song of the Day

Common Nightingale, El Estrecho PNat–Punta Camorro, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain.

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In Case You Might Miss…

(1) Crooks remains an enigma.

(2) Unelecting Biden: irresistable force, immovable object.

(3) Republican National Convention and J.D. Vance.

(4) How to sing.

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Look for the Helpers

“After a National Anthem Flub, Singer Says She’s Going to Rehab” [New York Times]. • Here is a wonderful thread in response that does not mock the singer, but explains how to sing:

(The thread is gigantic, so click through for an image of the complete thread.) Do we have readers who sing, who can comment?

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My email address is down by the plant; please send examples of there (“Helpers” in the subject line). In our increasingly desperate and fragile neoliberal society, everyday normal incidents and stories of “the communism of everyday life” are what I am looking for (and not, say, the Red Cross in Hawaii, or even the UNWRA in Gaza). –>


“So many of the social reactions that strike us as psychological are in fact a rational management of symbolic capital.” –Pierre Bourdieu, Classification Struggles

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Trump Assassination Attempt

“Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma” [Associated Press]. “Even after the FBI cracked into Thomas Matthew Crooks’ cellphone, scoured his computer, home and car, and interviewed more than 100 people, the mystery of why he opened fire on Trump’s rally Saturday, wounding the GOP nominee, remained as elusive as the moment it happened…. So far, there has been no public disclosure the shooter left any writings, suicide note, social media screed or any other indicator explaining his reasons for targeting Trump. A law enforcement official briefed on the ongoing investigation told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that Crooks’ phone had not immediately yielded any meaningful clues related to motive, or whether he acted alone or with others.” Also: “After graduating from high school in 2022, Crooks went on to the Community College of Allegheny County, earning an associate’s degree with honors in engineering science in May.” • All curious. AP also includes Crooks itinerary on the of the shooting, but does not, as some other sources do, citing the FBI, indicate that he purchasd a ladder there (or walked a mile to the shooting site, the warehouse).

“Exclusive: Secret Service ramped up security after intel of Iran plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shooting” [CNN]. “‘Secret Service learned of the increased threat [from Iran] from this threat stream,’ the official told CNN. ‘NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat. In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday.'” • So the operation at Butler was above baseline? Really?


Less than four months to go!

Friday’s RCP Poll Averages: CTUTP

Second post-debate polling: No massive swing to Trump that I can see. It would be hilarious if the Biden Debate debacle had exactly the same effect as Trump’s 34 bazillion felony convictions, i.e., none, both parties are so dug in. Of course, the Biden “buzz” (yesterday) is bad, and may yet have an effect. And who, may I ask, is making the buzz? Swing States (more here) still Brownian-motioning around. Of course, it goes without saying that these are all state polls, therefore bad, and most of the results are within the margin of error.

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Unelecting Biden:

The Calendar

“DNC says no virtual voting to nominate Biden will begin before August” [The Hill]. “In a letter to members of the DNC Rules Committee, obtained by The Hill, co-chairs of the committee wrote, ‘we have confirmed with the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic National Convention that no virtual voting will begin before August 1.'” • Meanwhile, this is how DNC chair Jaime Harrison is spending his time:

“Scoop: How the DNC plans to run out the clock for Biden” [Axios]. “The DNC’s current plan is to train state party chairs next week on how to conduct the electronic voting in a secure way. The window for voting is likely to open on July 29 and conclude by Aug. 5, according to people familiar with the matter. If the working plan for a ‘virtual roll call’ holds, Biden just has to outlast his party’s critics for about two more weeks…. Some Biden advisers think Biden can run out the clock on the uprising within the party, as long as he survives just a few more days. Media attention already has shifted from Biden after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. The selection of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as Trump’s running mate will further divert attention from Biden. Congressional Democrats say their concern over Biden’s candidacy has taken a backseat since Trump was shot. Hours before the shooting in Butler, Pa., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) paid a visit to Biden, but neither side gave much of a readout. Schumer called it a ‘good meeting.'”


Patient readers: This entire section really ought to go into a post as a timeline; an overly dynamic situation evolved out from under me! Worth a reader to see the players, and also to see the birth, short life, and death of a sternly worded letter (and the calcuations that led to its early demise). These people are as twisty as corkscrews!)

“Scoop: Biden rebellion resurfaces on Capitol Hill” [Axios]. “A letter [more below] circulating among congressional Democrats argues that there is “no legal justification” for an early virtual roll call after Ohio moved its filing deadline past the date of the Democratic convention. ‘We respectfully but emphatically request that you cancel any plans for an accelerated ‘virtual roll call’ and further refrain from any extraordinary procedures that could be perceived as curtailing legitimate debate,’ it says…. Reps. Susan Wild (D-Pa.), Mike Quigley (D-Ill) and Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.) told Axios they plan to sign onto the letter. Quigley and Ryan have both publicly called on Biden to withdraw. Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.), who told Biden he should drop out during a call with Hispanic Caucus members on Friday, will sign the letter as well, his spokesperson told Axios. One House Democrat told Axios they have received the letter and are considering signing on, and a senior aide to another House Democrat said their boss will sign on. Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) [more below], who told Biden on a Progressive Caucus call last Saturday that he worries the president is being shielded from bad news, has been circulating the letter to colleagues, according to one lawmaker.” • We’ll see how many sign and how soon. Dogs barking from their kennels are not very impressive.

“Biden Group Therapy” [Puck]. Well worth a read. “Right before the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a group of moderate Hill Democrats held a ‘tense’ Zoom call with the White House to express their concern about Biden’s ability to win—and their ability to win, should he tank and take them down with him. ‘The call was even worse than the debate,’ one of the participants told me. ‘He was rambling; he’d start an answer then lose his train of thought, then would just say ‘whatever.’ He really couldn’t complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him.’ A second participant in the call confirmed this characterization…. The Biden campaign pushed back strenuously on these members’ characterization of Biden as a rambling old man, sending me a half-dozen tweets from other call participants, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a fierce Biden loyalist, who said the president was ‘sharp, forceful.'” If I were to flip through the “Trustworthy Sources” section of my Rolodex, no moderate Hill Democrat would be in. But nor would Debbie Wasserman Schultz. So here we are! More: ” The Democrats are neither here nor there, neither all in nor all out, neither fully supporting their nominee nor ditching him, a situation perfectly summed up by a Russian expression: a turd stuck in an eddy.” Indeed! But: “‘[T]he events [dear boy, events]’ in Pennsylvania on Saturday—as they are known in Washington-speak—at least temporarily ended talk that Biden might step aside. ‘The Biden replacement talk? That’s over,’ said a source close to the administration. ‘I think the assassination attempt took the pressure off for a critical 72 hours. Also, the Hill never got its act together—and death by 270 cuts doesn’t work.'” Concluding: “For now, though, the hand-wringing has died down, at least in public, and Biden seems to have emerged intact. ‘It feels that way for now, absent any public meltdowns,’ said one Hill Democrat. ‘Until the actual delegate count is done, there will be the whispers, stories, etcetera. It’s muted now, but we have a few more weeks before it’s Pelosi and Schumer [or still can? See below] could have done it if they showed up with 50 folks in their pockets,’ said the source close to the administration…. So why didn’t they, I asked? ‘It’s hard to see the way time is ticking when you’re in the midst of it,’ the source responded.” That’s silly. Pelosi and Schumer clearly understand the calendar, even the donors and the pundits don’t. The real reason: ‘I also think there is still reasonable uncertainty about whether Kamala Harris is a better candidate.’ Said the source close to Democratic leadership, ‘The Dems lack the stones to force him out, particularly the Dems in Congress.‘ But it’s not over yet, and as the Hill source suggested, the whispers haven’t stopped, even if Biden has made clear he’s going to white-knuckle this out. ‘He also said he would drop if he saw data saying he can’t win,’ said the campaign source. ‘He’s about to see a lot of it. The next round of polls will probably be apocalyptic.'” • The polls will certainly be apocapyptic — if the pollsters are players like the press. We shall see! (Also, generally the “lost a lot of respect” trope is only deployed where no respect existed to begin with.) But about that letter—

“Pelosi privately fields battleground Dem calls as she works to address Biden crisis” [Politico]. “Privately,” “privately.” I see that word all the time in this story… “One House Democrat anxious about President Joe Biden’s effect on the 2024 campaign recently sought out guidance from a trusted party leader: Nancy Pelosi. This lawmaker, who represents a swing seat and was granted anonymity to describe private conversations, said Pelosi asked detailed questions about congressional district-level polling and was ‘very receptive’ to concerns that Biden couldn’t win in November. The member ended the phone call with the distinct impression that Pelosi believed Biden should exit the presidential race. This lawmaker said the former speaker offered to talk to any other members of Congress who wanted to reach out to her with concerns — though Pelosi cautioned that she would not be initiating those conversations herself….. Those who have known Pelosi for decades are predicting that she is, indeed, playing a game of ‘3-D chess,’ according to five Democratic lawmakers and senior aides. She built a reputation for being incredibly strategic during her reign atop the caucus, which included managing the two impeachments of Donald Trump and passing enormous, complex bills like the Affordable Care Act. It didn’t go unnoticed, for instance, that dozens of Democrats are now clamoring to be part of a letter to delay Biden’s nomination process — led by Pelosi ally Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), whose sprawling district is just north of San Francisco.” • The Republican National Convention ends Thursday. It could be that really bad polling could emerge Friday, and were Huffman’s sternly worded letter to be made public Friday as well, that would blow up in time for the Sunday talk shows. To be effective, the letter would need to be signed, I assume by Pelosi and caucus leader Hakeem Jeffries at the top (and if the caucus leader wouldn’t sign, what good would the letter do?). Pelosi and Jeffries would sign only if an appreciable percentage of the remaining 113 – 2 = 111 Democrats had been brought to sign (i.e., were that desperate). Considering only quantity, not quality, how many is “appreciable”? 111 * 50% = 56. With that number, and the two signatures from leadership, I’d say Biden would be toast. How about 111 * 25% = 28, basically where we are now? I’d guess the leadership wouldn’t sign, the letter is a damp squib, and Biden lives to blurt another day. The dogs bark and the caravan moves on.

UPDATE Aaugh! “House Democrats scrap letter opposing early DNC vote” [Axios]. “The letter, which was set to be open for signatures until the end of the day on Wednesday, had “north of 30″ signatures as of Wednesday morning, according to a lawmaker familiar with the matter.” • So I was right on the math, which I implore readers to believe I worked out before I hit hte tab with this link in my browser.

“Prominent Dem Schiff urges Biden to step aside as party aims to nominate president before convention” [Associated Press]. “‘While the choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is time for him to pass the torch,’ Schiff, a key Nancy Pelosi ally who is running for Senate this year, said in a statement. ‘And in doing so, secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election.’… Schiff’s announcement comes after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries encouraged the Democratic National Convention to delay for a week plans to hold the virtual vote to renominate Biden, which could have taken place as soon as Sunday, according to two people familiar with the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.”


“Megadonors Are Plotting to Change Biden’s Mind With Money. Will It Work?” [New York Times]. “For ultrarich Democrats, this is the golden age of political scheming. The last three weeks since President Biden wilted during the first presidential debate have uncorked a nervous energy that has stirred almost every major Democratic donor and their advisers, turning billionaires ensconced on summer vacations into crafty political animals. They’re calling every major politician they know, encouraging them to call for Mr. Biden’s removal. They’re dangling money to members of Congress who say the right things, and withholding money from those who do not. And even the most reclusive donors are talking to reporters, sometimes on the record, about the turmoil within the party establishment.” But there’s a history here: “[E}ver since Donald J. Trump ran for president in 2016, major business-friendly Republican donors have learned the limits of their powers — unable to dislodge him from the party’s nomination that year, nor able to do so eight years later. Now, Democratic megadonors are learning some of the same lessons, especially during a time when Mr. Biden has shown some ability to raise significant money from small-dollar givers. For all their riches and ambitions, many Democratic contributors and their big-money advisers have become resigned to the notion that their influence is fairly limited, and are trying not to be naïve. A sense of powerlessness pervades.” • That’s a damn shame. I hate to think of billionaires being powerless.

“Top Democratic strategist pushed reporters to consider ‘staged’ shooting” [Semafor]. “The scale of [LinkedIn founder Reid] Hoffman’s political donations isn’t public but [adviser Dmitri] Mehlhorn said on a recent private conference call that ‘Reid and I have invested nine figures of our own money to prevent Trump from getting back into office.’ (The money appears to be largely Hoffman’s.)… In an email Saturday at 7:34 pm that appeared to be addressed to sympathetic journalists, and which was also sent to Semafor, Mehlhorn wrote that one “possibility — which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally — is that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash. This is a classic Russian tactic…. The other possibility, Mehlhorn wrote, ‘is that some crazy anti-Trumper in this chaotic moment decided to assassinate the former President.’ Mehlhorn, who co-founded a fund called ‘Investing in US’ with Hoffman, made clear his impulse was toward the false flag theory…. Hoffman and Mehlhorn emerged as central figures Democratic politics in the Trump era, directing uncounted millions to both mainstream Democratic causes, like Joe Biden’s campaign operations, and more exotic and controversial private-sector efforts, including ersatz news sites. The origins of Hoffman’s and Mehlhorn’s main organization, Investing In Us, date to early 2017.” • I think we should give consideration to the idea that plenty of billionaire donors, besides being ignorant and incapable of due diligence — proof positive: they thought Biden was in good shape — are nuttier than fruitcakes.


“Playbook: New polling bolsters ‘Dump Biden’ push” [Politico]. From BlueLabs Analytics (whoever they are). “The strongest potential candidates are (in alphabetical order) Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly [who?], Maryland Gov. Wes Moore [who?], Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro [who?] and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer [“Big Gretch”]. All four outpaced Biden ‘by roughly 5 points across battleground states. This data supports the views of strategists like James Carville and those arguing that blindly rallying around Harris would be as big a mistake as blindly supporting Biden’s reelection was. ‘Nearly twice as many voters say delegates should nominate the best candidate over picking the next in line,’ the memo says. This faction of the #DumpBiden movement wants an open process to replace Biden — who, by the way, still says he has no intention of stepping aside.” Who would say “picking the next in line” (I mean, besides a Democratic loyalist). More: “”The shooting clearly helped the strategy of Biden’s team to run out the clock,’ this Democratic lawmaker said. ‘It also stopped what would have been a number of members going public after the very unhelpful calls with members on Saturday [see above]. But it’s not over. Senior D leaders have not changed their minds that Biden needs to get out. I think a final push will come once the R convention ends on Thursday.” • See comments above above on Pelosi, and Huffman’s sternly worded letter — now defunct! (My choice: Sheldon Whitehouse. “Let’s put a Whitehouse in the White House!”)

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Republican National Convention:

Yesterday, we did have a story about how happy everybody at the Convention seemed to be…. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

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Trump (R): “‘A Different Donald Trump’ Beams as Rivals Become ‘Converts'” [RealClearPolitics]. “[I]f there is one thing Trump has notably not done this week, it is gloat. He has said comparatively little since the attempt on his life Saturday, exuding a gracious silence – perhaps even a magnanimous stoicism. A source who spoke with the former president at length the day after he dodged an assassin’s bullet reported talking to ‘a different Donald Trump, but in the best way possible.’ Granted anonymity to speak freely, this individual, who has worked closely with Trump for nearly a decade, described a ‘weirdly counterintuitive’ phenomenon whereby ‘he almost dies, he miraculously survives, and it becomes even less about him.’ Perhaps that explains the last-minute invitation to Nikki Haley. She was not originally slated to speak at the RNC, but after the assassination attempt, the Trump campaign asked her to come speak. It was simultaneously an attempt at party and national unity, an overture made more remarkable considering the sheer bitterness of their rivalry…. But all now seems forgiven, or at least forgotten. At this convention, things just feel altered, said Republican pollster Frank Luntz. ‘And it feels different, which means people are hearing something different,’ he told RCP. ‘That hasn’t happened for years.’ What changed among the Republican faithful? ‘Their hero was almost taken away from them,’ he replied, an occurrence that ‘humanized Trump and humbled his supporters.’ The prize for good behavior may very well be a landslide, the famous pollster continued. ‘If Trump can get through a day without attacking her, that’s the secret ingredient for the rest of this campaign,’ he said. ‘Add Haley voters to Trump’s total, and he is unbeatable.'” • If Trump manages to morph from a Heel to a Face, that would be remarkable. Even if this is only the party line, it’s still remarkable!

Trump (R): “In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the “Devil Is Real” and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Teller” [ProPublica]. “Sen. J.D. Vance, whom Donald Trump named as his vice presidential running mate Monday, told a group of influential young conservatives in a closed-door speech in 2021 that they should stand up for ‘nonconventional people’ who speak truth, such as Infowars founder Alex Jones. ‘If you listen to Rachel Maddow every night, the basic worldview that you have is that MAGA grandmas who have family dinners on Sunday and bake apple pies for their family are about to start a violent insurrection against this country,” Vance said. “But if you listen to Alex Jones every day, you would believe that a transnational financial elite controls things in our country, that they hate our society, and oh, by the way, a lot of them are probably sex perverts too.’ Vance went on, ‘Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that’s actually a hell of a lot more true than Rachel Maddow’s view of society.'” Where’s the lie? More: “He said that every person in attendance for his speech believed ‘something that’s a little crazy.’ In his case, he said, ‘I believe the devil is real and that he works terrible things in our society. That’s a crazy conspiracy theory to a lot of very well-educated people in this country right now.’ Vance made these remarks at a September 2021 gathering of the Teneo Network, an invitation-only group of young conservatives that counts elected officials, pro athletes, financial executives and media figures among its members. Vance joined Teneo six years ago. ProPublica and Documented obtained a video recording of his 30-minute speech and question-and-answer session, which has not been previously reported.” • I’m going to let this link stand in for a deluge of Democrat oppo on Vance that’s drowning my timeline, most of it not very interesting (and less interesting than the reviews of Hillbilly Elegy. It’s interesting that both Chris Arnade’s Dignity (reviewed at NC here) came out in roughly the same time frame, yet Vance was annointed the working class whisperer, presumbly because he went to Yale and then into finance. IMNSHO, Arnade’s is the better, more humane, book, and far more respectful of the working class).

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“US Vice President Harris, Vance speak as debate date in question” [Reuters]. “U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has asked former President Donald Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, to join an Aug. 13 debate hosted by CBS, a Biden-Harris campaign official said on Tuesday…. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment and the Biden campaign did not comment. The Democratic vice president had previously accepted terms for a CBS (PARA.O), opens new tab debate on either July 23 or Aug. 13, while Trump’s campaign had sought a debate on Fox News that President Joe Biden’s camp had said they would not accept. The July date for a CBS debate is now off the table, according to a person familiar with the matter.” • The August 13 date is before the Democrat National Convention starting August 19, presenting the faint possibility that a “Harris for President” balloon could be inflated if she does very well against Vance. She was a terrible campaigner in the 2020 election, but a good debater (“‘That little girl was me’: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden spar over desegregation at Democratic debate“; “Kamala Harris’ 2020 campaign now selling ‘That Little Girl Was Me’ T-shirts following viral exchange with Joe Biden“). Or her staff prepared her well, not necessarily a given.

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“Early voting dates, 2024” [BallotPedia]. For reference, let me print this again, revised for the current list of swing states:

Given that one wishes to influence early voting in Virginia, an “October Surprise” should happen in early September. Arizona and Georgia, late September. (Of course, early voters being more like to be committed partisans — “I’ve seen enough!” — a “surprise” might not influence them at all. Presumably all this is being gamed out in some back room.)

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“Billionaires Take Sides as Turbulent Presidential Race Heats Up” [Bloomberg]. “The big fundraising arms of the campaigns and parties plus some key super PACs filed their quarterly reports to the Federal Election Commission on Monday. Here’s how they stack up: Biden and the Democratic Party raised $263 million in the second quarter and had $240 million cash on hand.Future Forward PAC, his allied super PAC, next reports on Saturday.

Though out-raised in the quarter, Biden seemed to be stemming the tide in June, when he raised $127 million to Trump’s $112 million. He held a glitzy fundraiser in Los Angeles with former President Barack Obama that month, and raked in big donations from filmmaker JJ Abrams and actress Julia Roberts. Real estate investor Wayne Jordan, philanthropist Quinn Delaney and Philip Munger, the son of Warren Buffett’s longtime business partner, the late Charles Munger, also gave in June. The big Democratic super PACs that back Biden, including Future Forward PAC and American Bridge, won’t report until Saturday…. Trump and the RNC raised $331 million in May, but did not disclose total cash on hand.Make America Great Again Inc. super PAC next reports on Saturday. Following his guilty verdict on charges of falsifying business records to conceal hush-money payments to an adult film star, Trump enjoyed a fundraising boom. In addition to the millions raised online, Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman, private equity veteran John Childs and Chamath Palihapitiya of Social+Capital Partnership LLC were among the financial industry figures who wrote six-figure checks for Trump’s campaign and the GOP the day after the verdict.” • Of course, this doesn’t take into account the efforts of the Committee to Unelect President Biden….

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“Exclusive-Four in five Americans fear country is sliding into chaos, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds” [Reuters]. Post-assasination: “80% of voters – including similar shares of Democrats and Republicans – said they agreed with a statement that ‘the country is spiraling out of the control.’ The poll, which was conducted online, surveyed 1,202 U.S. adults nationwide, including 992 registered voters.”

Our Famously Free Press

“Editor at ‘major news outlet’ tells media to bury iconic photo of Trump after assassination attempt: report” [FOX]. “An unnamed photo editor at a major news outlet believes it is ‘dangerous’ for the media to highlight the historic photo of former President Trump standing tall after the assassination attempt Saturday, calling it ‘free PR’ for the Trump campaign, according to a report…. The former president is seen raising a fist to the crowd of supporters as he was rushed off the stage with blood smeared across his face, Secret Service flanking him, an American flag flying above his head. Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci captured the image that immediately went viral and landed on newspaper front pages while dominating digital news sites and social media platforms across the world.” See discussion of Vucci’s photo at NC here. (Axios has a good discussion of the other two of the top three photos from the event here, from the photographers’ standpoint). More: “Trump himself addressed the now world-famous photo during an interview with the New York Post on Monday, quipping ‘A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen. They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually you have to die to have an iconic picture.'”


“I am in earnest — I will not equivocate — I will not excuse — I will not retreat a single inch — AND I WILL BE HEARD.” –William Lloyd Garrison

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Covid Resources, United States (National): Transmission (CDC); Wastewater (CDC, Biobot; includes many counties; Wastewater Scan, includes drilldown by zip); Variants (CDC; Walgreens); “Iowa COVID-19 Tracker” (in IA, but national data). “Infection Control, Emergency Management, Safety, and General Thoughts” (especially on hospitalization by city).

Lambert here: Readers, thanks for the collective effort. To update any entry, do feel free to contact me at the address given with the plants. Please put “COVID” in the subject line. Thank you!

Resources, United States (Local): AK (dashboard); AL (dashboard); AR (dashboard); AZ (dashboard); CA (dashboard; Marin, dashboard; Stanford, wastewater; Oakland, wastewater); CO (dashboard; wastewater); CT (dashboard); DE (dashboard); FL (wastewater); GA (wastewater); HI (dashboard); IA (wastewater reports); ID (dashboard, Boise; dashboard, wastewater, Central Idaho; wastewater, Coeur d’Alene; dashboard, Spokane County); IL (wastewater); IN (dashboard); KS (dashboard; wastewater, Lawrence); KY (dashboard, Louisville); LA (dashboard); MA (wastewater); MD (dashboard); ME (dashboard); MI (wastewater; wastewater); MN (dashboard); MO (wastewater); MS (dashboard); MT (dashboard); NC (dashboard); ND (dashboard; wastewater); NE (dashboard); NH (wastewater); NJ (dashboard); NM (dashboard); NV (dashboard; wastewater, Southern NV); NY (dashboard); OH (dashboard); OK (dashboard); OR (dashboard); PA (dashboard); RI (dashboard); SC (dashboard); SD (dashboard); TN (dashboard); TX (dashboard); UT (wastewater); VA (dashboard); VT (dashboard); WA (dashboard; dashboard); WI (wastewater); WV (wastewater); WY (wastewater).

Resources, Canada (National): Wastewater (Government of Canada).

Resources, Canada (Provincial): ON (wastewater); QC (les eaux usées); BC (wastewater); BC, Vancouver (wastewater).

Hat tips to helpful readers: Alexis, anon (2), Art_DogCT, B24S, CanCyn, ChiGal, Chuck L, Festoonic, FM, FreeMarketApologist (4), Gumbo, hop2it, JB, JEHR, JF, JL Joe, John, JM (10), JustAnotherVolunteer, JW, KatieBird, KF, LL, Michael King, KF, LaRuse, mrsyk, MT, MT_Wild, otisyves, Petal (6), RK (2), RL, RM, Rod, square coats (11), tennesseewaltzer, Tom B., Utah, Bob White (3).

Stay safe out there!

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Airborne Transmission: Covid

Outdoor air is safer. But not completely!

Transmission: H5N1

Hat tip, Big Ag:

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TABLE 1: Daily Covid Charts

This week[1] CDC July 8: Last Week[2] CDC June 24 (until next week):

Variants [3] CDC July 6 Emergency Room Visits[4] CDC July 8

New York[5] New York State, data July 12: National [6] CDC June 22:

National[7] Walgreens July 15: Ohio[8] Cleveland Clinic July 6:
Travelers Data
Positivity[9] CDC June 24: Variants[10] CDC June 24:

Weekly Deaths vs. % Positivity [11]CDC July 6: Weekly Deaths vs. ED Visits [12]CDC July 6:


1) for charts new today; all others are not updated.

2) For a full-size/full-resolution image, Command-click (MacOS) or right-click (Windows) on the chart thumbnail and “open image in new tab.”


[1] (CDC) This week’s wastewater map, with hot spots annotated. Worse than two weeks ago.

[2] (CDC) Last week’s wastewater map.

[3] (CDC Variants) LB.1 coming up on the outside.

[4] (ER) This is the best I can do for now. At least data for the entire pandemic is presented.

[5] (Hospitalization: NY) Now acceleration, which is compatible with a wastewater decrease, but still not a good feeling .(The New York city area has form; in 2020, as the home of two international airports (JFK and EWR) it was an important entry point for the virus into the country (and from thence up the Hudson River valley, as the rich sought to escape, and then around the country through air travel.)

[6] (Hospitalization: CDC). This is the best I can do for now. Note the assumption that Covid is seasonal is built into the presentation, which in fact shows that Covid is not seasonal. At least data for the entire pandemic is presented.

[7] (Walgreens) Still going up! (Because there is data in “current view” tab, I think white states here have experienced “no change,” as opposed to have no data.)

[8] (Cleveland) Still going up!

[9] (Travelers: Positivity) Up. Those sh*theads at CDC have changed the chart so that it doesn’t even run back to 1/21/23, as it used to, but now starts 1/1/24. There’s also no way to adjust the time rasnge. CDC really doesn’t want you to be able to take a historical view of the pandemic, or compare one surge to another. In an any case, that’s why the shape of the curve has changed.

[10] (Travelers: Variants) Same deal. Those sh*theads.

[11] Deaths low, but positivity up.

[12] Deaths low, ED up.

Stats Watch

Manufacturing: “United States Industrial Production MoM” [Trading Economics]. “Industrial production in the US rose 0.6 percent from a month earlier in June 2024, more than market expectations of a 0.3 percent increase. Manufacturing output, which makes up 78% of total production, advanced 0.4 percent, compared with market forecast of a 0.2 percent increase. Also, mining output went up 0.3 percent and the output of utilities increased 2.8 percent. Capacity utilization moved up to 78.8 percent in June, a rate that is 0.9 percentage point below its long-run (1972–2023) average.”

Housing: “United States Housing Starts” [Trading Economics]. “Housing starts in the US rose by 3% from the previous month to an annualized rate of 1,314,000 in June of 2024, rebounding from the revised 4.6% decline in the previous month and firmly above market expectations of 1,300,000 starts. The growth was carried by a 22% surge in starts of buildings with 5 units or more, totaling an annual rate of 360,000. This offset a 2.2% drop in single-unit starts, totaling a rate of 980,000. Among different parts of the country, starts soared in the Northeast (34.4% to 121,000) and the Midwest (26.8% to 194,000), while dropping in the West (-6.1% to 306,000) and the South (-1.7% to 732,000).”

* * *

Tech: “Does Generative AI Facilitate Investor Trading? Evidence from ChatGPT Outages” (PDF) [SSRN]. “In this paper, we use ChatGPT outages to investigate whether investors rely on generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to perform trading-related tasks and the associated impact on stock price informativeness. We first document a significant decline in stock trading volume during ChatGPT outages and find that the effect is stronger for firms with corporate news released immediately before or during the outages. We further document similar declines in the shortrun price impact, return variance, and bid-ask spreads, consistent with a reduction in informed trading during the outage periods. Lastly, we use trading volume changes during outages to construct a firm-level measure of the intensity of GAI-assisted trading and provide early evidence of a positive effect of GAI-assisted trading on long-run stock price informativeness. Overall, our findings contribute to the debate on the potential effects of AI trading models on financial market stability.” • Hmm. I don’t play the ponies, but those who do may find this interesting. Readers?

* * *

Today’s Fear & Greed Index: 54 Neutral (previous close: 63 Greed) [CNN]. One week ago: 54 (Neutral). (0 is Extreme Fear; 100 is Extreme Greed). Last updated Jul 17 at 1:47:37 PM ET.

News of the Wired

“The Last Avant-Garde” [Los Angeles Review of Books]. “[Dominique Routhier’s] With and Against is part of a recent flurry of books urging a reassessment of the would-be revolutionary movement known as the Situationist International (SI)…. Any valid take on the SI has to view them as a logical next step in a lineage that reaches back at least to the Dada movement and evolved through Surrealism, Russian Futurism and Constructivism, Bauhaus, and the Lettrism movement, from which many of SI’s leading members emerged. All, in their own way, explicitly defined revolution as a breakdown in the barriers between life and work on one hand and fully liberated human creativity on the other…. If the spectacle has wormed its way into our lives and consciousness more than the situationists ever could have anticipated, though, then it is going to require far more hard thinking and sweat to keep running. The recuperation and atrophy of modes and spaces that would allow people to push back is real, but the ability to refuse remains. …. Plenty already know that technology won’t save us. The question of what will remains.” • See especially Guy Debord’s 1967 fun and easy Society of the Spectacle.

* * *

Contact information for plants: Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, to (a) find out how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal and (b) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi, lichen, and coral are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please place it at the start of your mail in parentheses: (thus). Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. From Desert Dog:

Desert Dog writes: “Waiting for a puff of wind.” As are we all!

* * *

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


    1. lyman alpha blob

      Darn, I thought it was going to be something new.

      By that logic, many, many other politicians also have CIA ties due to Bezos’ contracts with the spooks. You don’t get those massive government contracts by not spreading $$$ around to politicians with hat in hand – https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=jeffrey+bezos And I do think that logic is correct.

      Does make one wonder who’s really running the show here, the politicians we vote for, or the spooks, doesn’t it?

      1. britzklieg

        Indeed. If there is gonna be an attempt to paint the GOP as somehow scarily compromised by ties to the CIA it falls flat on its face before it even starts… ffs Obama had suspicious ties to the CIA. In large measure the entire govt IS the CIA. And I’ll go on record and suggest that “polls” (lol) showing no increased support for Trump post assassination attempt are bs.

        Increasing number of Dems calling for Biden to quit, including Adam Schiff.

        Biden is toast and so are the Dems, imho… they might have a better chance by replacing the mummified ghoul now passing for POTUS but only slightly better. The pooh has hit the fan bigtime and the fatal wound suffered by the Dems is entirely self-inflicted… not that they will ever admit it.

        My vote for Stein will accomplish nothing.

    2. Bugs

      What’s wrong with Thiel?

      Every male Citizen should have a Blood Boy™

      Don’t you want to Live Forever?

  1. Carolinian

    Taibbi and Kirn live blogged the convention last night and the no subscription needed video can be watched here.


    They snark on the speeches.

    And re Nikki–maybe she can become UN ambassador again. Wouldn’t that be just peachy?

    Meanwhile the NYT is still pushing hard on Biden defenestration. Clearly the future of democracy NATO is at stake and the Timespersons do love them some NATO.

    1. ChrisFromGA

      Good line in there from Kirn:

      (paraphrasing) Mike Johnson is so non-descript he could walk around a fairground with an assault rifle and nobody would notice.

  2. ChrisFromGA

    As one of the miscreants around here changing song lyrics, I feel that we have been focusing a lot on the usual suspects, and so I spread some love around here.

    Sung to the melody from “Rasputin” by Boney M.

    Nikki Queen

    There lived a certain gal in Columbia long ago
    She was Boeing’s girl, in her eyes a flaming glow
    Most people looked at her with puzzlement and fear
    But to never-Trump simps, she was such a lovely dear

    She could preach the gospel like Dick Cheney
    Full of ecstasy and fire
    But, like Kamala she wasn’t brainy
    Neocons desire


    Ra-ra, Nikki-queen, lover of the war machine
    There was a cat, that really was gone
    Ra-ra, Nikki-queen, warmongers nocturnal dream
    It was a shame how she carried on

    She ruled the Carolinas; never mind the Border Tsar
    But the book deal, man, it was really wunderbar
    In all affairs of state, she was Bibi’s gal to please
    But she was real great when she had warlords to appease

    For the Chosen, she was a wheeler-dealer
    Though she’d heard the things they’d done
    She believed a little Nakba would heal ’em
    So, she shouted “Finish them!”



    But when she couldn’t win a primary despite her hunger for power
    It became known to more and more people
    The demands to send this girl back to a think tank
    Became louder and louder!

    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

    “This girl’s just gotta go”, declared her enemies
    But neo-cons begged, “Don’t you try to do it, please”
    No doubt this Nikki-queen had lots of hidden charms
    Though she was no Reagan, they just fell into her arms
    Then, one night, some men of higher standing
    Set a trap, they’re not to blame
    “Come, endorse the Don” they kept demanding
    Now she just looks really lame

    Ra-ra, Nikki-queen, lover of the war machine
    There was a cat, that really was gone
    Ra-ra, Nikki-queen, warmongers nocturnal dream
    It was a shame how she carried on

  3. IM Doc

    About the Grinder app issue at the Repub National Convention……

    I happen to know a superdelegate to the DNC personally. Apparently, one of the demographic groups that has just collapsed among Dems is gay men. Not so much women. Gay men. Climbing on the Trump train in unprecedented numbers.

    I guess promulgating a regime where the young kids under 18 that are the most likely to be gay when they grow up end up being sexually mutilated before they even have a clear idea of who they are – does not sit well with the elder members of that group ( See any number of Andrew Sullivan columns for the past year). I have many gay men in my practice and they are horrified to the point of bringing this up to me constantly. “We we so much better off when we were just LGB. I look at the flag today and tears come to my eye.”

    Unfortunately, I now have the unpleasant task of dealing with three of these now 20 somethings who have had large parts of their lives destroyed – bleeding and pus coming from their tender areas, the inability to enjoy sex in any way, and the realization that the normies really do want to have kids and you will be alone for the rest of your life. And all 3 had this done to themselves before 18. Just an incredible tragedy.

    And then having the party and various blue state officials jump on to laws supporting the use of genital mutilation of children and all the pronoun and identity stuff and not letting the parents know ( the children’s last line of self defense) is just incomprehensible. Allowing the kids under 18 to make up their own minds about the use of drugs that will cause permanent life long damage and not even letting the parents know. It is also against every shred of medical ethics present for a very long time. And remember, these are the same people screaming for decades about genital mutilation in other country’s kids.

    You simply could not make up this insanity if you even tried.

    And the sad thing is that America now stands virtually alone in this mutilation of children. But our big medical boards like the AAP and ABIM will SANCTION docs for even saying a word about the tragedies around them. If you had told me 30 years ago this would be an issue today I would have laughed out loud.

    And then we wonder why the gay population is beginning to look askance at the whole thing. And then they dare to do this kind of tweet. The entire strategic plan of the Dem Party this cycle has LOSER written all over it.

    1. Terry Flynn

      From a Gen X UK gay man, THANK YOU. The “alphabet wars” leave me utterly mystified and worried that I’m screwed up. (Make that *more* screwed up than I already am!)

      I get questions about what I think about JK Rowling etc. My newly elected Labour MP in this (pretty socially conservative but economically left-wing) constituency is a fully paid-up gay+husband “rah-rah” supporter of the London Labour establishment. It is *rumoured* that the former Labour MP (who was defeated in Boris’s win) wanted to be the one to get the seat back. I wonder why that no-nonsense but “not ticking any box” guy was vetoed? Hmmm.

      I can’t speak for the “other” generations. But Gen X is, as usual, looking on and saying “WTAF?” FWIW there were the “usual” five parties standing in my constituency on 4th July: Conservative, Labour, Reform, Lib Dem & Green. I followed Jonathan Pie’s advice and drew a big spaffing cock across my ballot paper. I knew Labour would win it back from that terrible Tory so it didn’t matter what I did. The Greens had some MMT in their manifesto but a load of other contradictory nonsense. So, for the second time ever in a General Election, I spoiled my ballot. I am half Aussie and I firmly believe voting should be compulsory. With a “none of the above” option. Then we’d begin to see how bad things are.

      1. Lambert Strether Post author

        > The “alphabet wars” leave me utterly mystified and worried that I’m screwed up.

        I don’t think you’re screwed up. But reading Judith Butler is not high on my list of priorities.

        1. Terry Flynn

          Thanks. Just looked her (them? lol) up. Two sentences into the Wiki and I’m sighing.

          The funny thing is, back in the days when everyone used Facebook, 20ish of my 30 FB friends were feminist women from UK/USA/Canada/Aus. Back then TERF wars weren’t a thing. Partly thanks to NC I saw the issues with FB etc and I left. I ensured ALL my 30ish FB friends had my email so as to stay in touch. Few did.

          Morbid curiosity makes me wonder what kicked off among that group when the TERF wars started. Though it’s like wishing you could watch a car-crash on the interstate/motorway. THIS person is not only taking the backroads but is ditching the car entirely.

    2. Carolinian

      Thank you as always. Perhaps the Dems go to these extremes on trans because they know it is something the Repubs will oppose and therefore be painted as bigots. In other words it’s all political/power strategy with little to do with the health, mental or otherwise, of children.

      Without a doubt the paternalistic male chauvinist culture that preceded this one was also toxic in many ways but that’s really no excuse for the off the wall crackpots of the child sex change movement. The latter is just another way of using sex to manipulate and, in the case of some physicians, to profit. As always in the USA follow the money.

  4. antidlc

    Politico July 15:

    Pelosi “working the phones”:

    Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, convinced Biden will lose, has been working the phones since June 27 in hopes of finding a way to ease him off the ticket.
    One of her colleagues was struck to see her chatting, furtively but openly, with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries last week in a corner of the House Democratic cloakroom in plain sight of a dozen lawmakers.
    The extent of Pelosi’s behind-the-scenes role hasn’t been fully revealed and may never be if the former speaker has her way. But I’m told by people familiar with the exchanges that she’s stage-managed phone calls to Jeffries, plotted strategy with the biggest names in Democratic politics and told one former elected official bluntly that Biden’s legacy can’t be destroying their party.

        1. ChrisFromGA

          Maybe combine the two? A brown cow?

          I think Pelosi is prone to liquid brunches like the one our dear Lambert referenced.

    1. Lambert Strether Post author

      > Pelosi “working the phones”:

      I have a lot of wild stuff from July 16 and July 17… The initial test of strength is the virtual ballot, which has been put off ’til early August. At the same time, a letter demanding that the ballot not be staged immediately has also been withdrawn (a misnomer, really, since it’s only been leaked, not published).

  5. lyman alpha blob

    RE: Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma

    I certainly don’t expect the spooks to truthfully release any info they find on the shooter. But this kid didn’t live in a cave – he had relatives, classmates, coworkers, etc. Surely some of them must have posted some info about Crooks during the last few days. So where is that?!!?

    1. Useless Eater

      It is also curious that the picture of him being widely propagated was taken when he was a freshman in high school, 5 or 6 years ago. And the only more recent pic you see is the one of him dead. Which honestly could be someone else.

  6. hk

    You know, Chris Armade has a physics PhD from Johns Hopkins and was also in high finance. So it’s not just lack of credentials that PMC respect that got Armade less attention.

    1. lyman alpha blob

      I haven’t read Vance’s or Arnade’s books, but I did read Joe Bageant’s Deer Hunting with Jesus many years ago (RIP Joe – we could use a journalist like you about now).

      He wasn’t a PhD or a VP, but a blue collar worker and later a writer, and he was and still is most definitely ignored by the mainstream. From his wikipedia page –

      “After Bageant’s death, his Australian publisher asked Bageant’s literary executor, Ken Smith, to select and edit about 80,000 words of his essays. The book was published in November 2011 as Waltzing at the Doomsday Ball: The Best of Joe Bageant. This posthumous collection was available only in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa where, according to Smith, it sold reasonably well. According to Smith, “no American publisher is yet interested in a book by a redneck socialist—and that says a lot about American culture and the US book business.” ”

      Wondering if anyone in the commentariat has read both Bageant (who was legit as far as I could tell) and Vance (who I’m pretty skeptical of despite a few of his positons which I favor) and can offer a comparison?

      1. JBird4049

        I have been trying to buy a copy of Short-Timer by Gustav Hasford that hasn’t been abused into unreadable garbage and does not require a few hundred dollars. Considering that his book was the basis of the screenplay for the movie Full Metal Jacket this is very surprising to me.

        There are those French language editions that are reasonably priced.

  7. MichaelHudson

    You must listen to this interview of McGovern by Nima on the assassination attempt and its parallels with the Hunter laptop coverup (orchestrated by Blinken), the “Russiagate” fraud by the CIA (McG says by Jake Sullivan)and what Trump told Judge Napolitano about JFK’s assassination by the CIA.
    This MUST be circulated.


    1. Martin Oline

      I heard this yesterday afternoon and the only question I had was about the end with the Truman opinion piece in the Washington Post. I knew the later editions dropped it and Dulles talking to Truman after. I had read about the memorandum but the slant I remember was Dulles memorialized Truman was getting senile or something, not that he had changed his mind. I was unaware Truman later confirmed his opinion the following spring putting the lie to Dulles’ file.
      The thing that bothers me slightly was that Dulles was ‘retired’ by Kennedy at least six months before the assassination so why is he putting memorandums into the files at Langley? Perhaps he still had the ability to provide input on certain intelligence things and he certainly had the connections to do so. His long tenure there and his position with the Warren Commission would also give him continued gravitas at the CIA. McGovern worked there so he should know much better than I.

    2. Samuel Conner

      Thank you; worth hearing, though the hearing is not a cheerful experience.

      It’s a shame that DJT did not make the JFK files public. If he gets another chance, I hope that he releases them. I think it should not be regarded to be tin-foily to reckon that the enduring refusal to make what is known public looks a great deal like a kind of “admission against interest.”

      I have never thought of DJT as a public-spirited person. Perhaps in the final chapters of his story, he will become one.

      1. Lambert Strether Post author

        > I have never thought of DJT as a public-spirited person. Perhaps in the final chapters of his story, he will become one.

        I am not the only one who can imagine that Trump could turn into a Face, from being a Heel! I don’t think the odds are high, at all, I should immediately say. Still, he’s the only one I can imagine doing such a thing.

  8. griffen

    80% of Americans were polled and in agreement…this s*it could get worse and spin out of control…small sample for what it’s worth. In a country of 300+ million, it’d be difficult to find agreement on much of anything else I presume. Yikes that’s a cynical thought (!)

    I’m trying to keep it clean, honest, for the kids ! To the bunkers and lairs, on Zuckerberg, on Gates, on Musk, and Bezos!

  9. steppenwolf fetchit

    Does Vance think Alex Jones was telling the truth about Sandy Hook? And has been unfairly persecuted with Lawfare for telling the truth?

      1. Carolinian

        Or a politician. Also people, particularly younger people, can change their minds. It’s a good thing. That quote was from 2021.

    1. Lambert Strether Post author

      Dear Lord, I would never cite to Alex Jones for anything. But it’s a terrible sign that on the basic question of who’s running the world, Jones gets it far more right than Maddow. To that extent, I agree with Vance. On this point, of course, only.

    1. Lambert Strether Post author

      > Lame article honestly

      I don’t think it’s that lame!

      Luck was a regular player in the X story. Having succumbed to LA’s siren call, Cervenka found work at venerated Venice Beach arts space Beyond Baroque where, at a poetry workshop, she sat beside fellow new arrival Doe, who’d decided this was where to find “kindred spirits”. Asked by the workshop-leader to name 10 poets they loved, Doe caught Cervenka cribbing from his list. “John had studied poetry,” she says. “I wasn’t educated. I wasn’t literate. I’d dropped out of school at 16. But in Florida, to entertain ourselves, my sister and I would buy old ledger books at the thrift-store and fill them with words and drawings. I loved to write.”

  10. Tom Stone

    I suspect that the Biden Family will wait to see how the fundraising goes before deciding to stay in or drop out, Dr Jill would not enjoy being humiliated.
    If the $ isn’t there I’d expect a girl to girl talk between the eminent Dr Jill and cackling Kamala about Pardons for Jim and dear Hunter, and maybe a hint that an ambassadorship for Dr Jill would be appreciated.
    Joe? Promise to let him design the new summer uniforms for the Girl Scouts.

  11. Lambert Strether Post author

    I added orts and scraps, with a long section that turned out to be the failed machinations of the Committee to Unelect Biden… Rarely have I encountered politics as overly dybamic as this weeks! Anyhow, worth reading for the players, and the detail, and the timing.


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