Biden Twists in the Wind as Big Donors Close Wallets, Party Criticism Persists Despite Clampdown, and Pelosi Questions His Decision to Continue

Biden’s future or potential lack thereof continues to dominate the news, as lead stories in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Financial Times confirm. A key sign came with Nancy Pelosi’s appearance on Morning Joe yesterday, where she looked to be engaging in an over-caffeinated version of damning with faint praise. As you can see below, she gave an over-the-top review of Biden’s record and his performance at the current NATO summit, while insisting that Biden needed to decide what to do about his candidacy…and stuck to her guns as the hosts pressed her that Biden had already decided. This segment is watchable at 1.5x, with critical exchange starting at 3:24:

As you can see, Pelosi adopts the posture that Biden could not have decided to withdraw from with the NATO summit pending, that that would have damaged US interests.1

The Hill confirms that there’s no doubt about Pelosi’s message:

The Financial Times focused on how big donors were refusing to fund the Biden campaign, as well as not just high profile but also noisy defections like George Clooney. From Democratic donors warn of campaign funds ‘drying up’ as Joe Biden holds on:

Democratic donors have warned that funding for the November election effort is “drying up” because of Joe Biden’s refusal to step aside, threatening to undermine the party’s effort to defeat Donald Trump….

Their increasing willingness to walk away from the campaign, mentioned in interviews with donors from Wall Street to Hollywood, poses a new existential risk to Biden’s re-election if he stays in a White House race expected to be the most expensive in US history.

“As of today, it would be very difficult to raise major donor money for the president,” said one New York-based Democratic donor. “It is so quickly unravelling that it is going to be extraordinarily difficult for him to stay in the race.”

Another donor involved in the party for decades said the money was “in the process of drying up”. The donor added: “Nine to one when I talk to other donors, they’re not planning on contributing . . . because they’re concerned about losing.”…

But much of the White House’s political operation over the past week has focused on wavering Democratic officeholders, particularly on Capitol Hill — although Biden also held calls with governors and mayors in a bid to reassure them….

But donors have been less constrained, with several high-profile Biden supporters — including Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, hotel mogul Stewart Bainum Jr and actor George Clooney — explicitly citing the president’s mental acuity in their calls for him to drop out.

Confirming the Financial Times account on donors pulling back, CNN reported Wednesday evening that a Chicago fundraiser was just cancelled:

Meanwhile, organizers for at least one Chicago fundraiser scheduled during the Democratic National Convention have decided to not to proceed with the mid-August event, a source with knowledge of the discussions told CNN….

The event, designed as a lunch for a few dozen wealthy Windy City denizens, was expected to rally support among the party’s loyal and well-heeled locals in a show of support for the big event in their backyard.

Note that the oft-cited fundraiser shortly after the debate that got a $38 million haul was previously scheduled and so is not a good indicator of Biden’s present prospects. One contact with senior Democratic party and operative contacts said the campaign was touting its supposedly strong results with small donors: “They’ve never been important to Biden. We’ll see if anything has changed when the next reports come out.”2

To continue with the high-profile defections, which will confirm donor decisions to sit on their wallets: George Clooney weighed in not with casual remarks at a talk show, but via a New York Times op-ed. Key sections from George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee:

I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that….Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election….

I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him….

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.

The Journal stuck the shiv in with its new story, The Night President Biden Lost George Clooney’s Support:

The president received a standing ovation when he took the stage. But for some audience members, the mood changed when he started taking questions.

To some in the audience, Biden appeared at times to struggle through answers or keep up with the conversationalists, a harbinger of what millions of Americans would see in the debate weeks later….

When Kimmel joked at the Los Angeles’s Peacock Theater that he had given his son, Billy, a stuffed animal of the president’s dog, “and it bit Billy’s toe off,” the president didn’t register an immediate response—but Obama chimed in with a reference to his Affordable Care Act, quipping, “Fortunately he’s covered!”

In a video taken at the event, Biden is halting in his delivery of some responses.

For the most part, the conversation flows, but to some in the room Biden, who had just returned from the G-7 summit in Europe, seemed to have a hard time keeping up with Kimmel’s quick patter. Obama seemed to pick up loose threads in Biden’s responses, and filled in gaps. One attendee who sat near the stage said it was clear to him by the end of the evening that the president wasn’t as sharp as he once was.

When the Financial Times story quoted early in this post went live, as you can see above, it included the argument that at least Team Biden had been successful in tamping down noise. It included this sop: “….no member of the official party leadership explicitly called on him to step aside.”

Erm, yes, he may not be among the party elite, but Democratic Representative Adam Smith of Washington State had called for Biden to withdraw before this piece ran:

Similarly, Vermont Senator Peter Welch may not be a member of the Democratic party apparatus, but any Senate defection is significant. Welch joined the upper chamber only in 2023 but he was a state representative from 2007 till he ran successfully for the Senate. And he did it via a Washington Post op-ed, making it hard to ignore. From the Wall Street Journal:

Late Wednesday, Sen. Peter Welch of Vermont said Biden should withdraw “for the good of the country,” becoming the first Democratic senator to make such a call, and pointed to Vice President Kamala Harris as a capable successor. Writing in the Washington Post, Welch said his constituents “are worried that [Biden] can’t win this time, and they’re terrified of another Trump presidency.”

Welch’s remarks come despite reports of an aggressive, even vicious, Biden effort to crush nay-sayers. From IM Doc on July 7, of a conversation during a nature walk:

This guy has already given millions in donations this year alone. Solid blue Dem to the core….He also told me that Jill and Hunter are not going to be moved. They and I guess Joe have let everyone know that if they keep pushing – career destroying stuff will be leaked to the press on any number of the people pushing the resignation. Indeed, the cannons may be deployed very soon at a target or two just to make sure everyone knows where they stand. A prophylactic hit job. As he said, “a political hit job doing serious damage will get everyone’s attention – and Joe is already hit about as bad as possible. Retaliation means nothing to them.” He stated they have serious goods on about 90% of Dems in DC and many many of their major donors. There are very few if any who are willing to do the “Goldwater goes to Nixon” show. He is anticipating this is all going to get very ugly very quickly. It may also explain why this seems to be taking so long.

Just FYI – I have no idea what if any of this is true. Just someone who would be in the know shooting it off at the mouth. “Worse than despair” is how I would describe his affect right now.

Yours truly opined at the time that this would not work. Biden could not take donor money away, so they would remain powerful if he attempted to dirty them up. And if donors got the idea that Biden was targeting any in their ranks, they would circle their ranks at a bare minimum. IM Doc had reported early that attacks on Trump, specifically the New York tax case and then the Bragg prosecution, had not only accelerated the retreat of wealthy Silicon Valley and Hollywood donors from Biden, but had resulted in them shifting support from RFK, Jr. to Trump. And again, this is not a cohort one would see as native Trump backers.

On top of that, let us not forget the spook whisperers David Iganatius and more recently Sy Hersh have signaled Biden should withdraw from the presidential race. Biden cannot with a war with the CIA. It seems that at least a decent sized cohort in the agency has concluded he needs to go.

A fresh e-mail from IM Doc indicates that Biden trying to go nuclear against those calling for him to quit was not just a wild-eyed rumor:

We had an event with them [high-profile Hollywood-connected neighbors] and other neighbors this weekend. I was basically told the same story. Two disparate sources. The blackmail is ongoing right now. The Mark Warner thing earlier in the week was the shot across the bow. They were all at the Biden event in LA where Obama had to walk him off the stage. It was clear to all that Biden was horribly impaired. But agents, producers et al have made it crystal clear to them all not to say a word. They are all blitzed by the sudden change in the messaging. All of them have closed the purse strings and have started to donate to charity instead. I praised them strongly for that decision. I told them all they should give up on the politics shit and use their money to actually help people.

In case you wonder why the freakout among the Dem-connected is rising despite the thuggish Biden enforcement racket, it’s that he is indeed threatening to take the party down with him. The Senate seats up for re-election are likely to break for the Republicans, so if they lose the Presidency, they need to win back the House to prevent a Republican romp. Yet the trends are going the wrong way in the wake of the Biden debate debacle:

But Biden is capable of burning the house down rather than going willingly. From Semafor:

The message coming from the White House is clear: Biden isn’t going anywhere, and if you come after him you’ll be the one who gets blamed for undermining the party’s general election chances….

What Biden can do is be stubborn in a way that sets up a scenario of mutually assured destruction for Democrats. So long as opponents of his nomination believe it’s impossible to force him to step aside, any escalation of their criticism risks damaging him even further in November. And the worse his standing gets, the more his party is likely to suffer up and down the ballot…

But Biden’s big advantage here is that it really is almost impossible to force him to step aside; he already won the support of the overwhelming majority of convention delegates, who are required to support him. Some Democrats have politely alluded to Biden having a big decision to make, or suggested he talk with his family, in the hopes of giving him space to potentially leave on his own. But if that doesn’t work, the next move would be to organize members to demand he pass the torch — perhaps privately to start, but then loudly if he refuses.

It’s not a very appetizing prospect. If Biden really is willing to fight a Democratic civil war, it would mean heading into convention season with key chunks of the party on the record with doubts about their nominee and pro-Biden factions accusing them of sabotage, all while Republicans quietly sit back and munch popcorn. Biden has been working hard to line up support from Black Democrats and labor — Congressional Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford backed Biden Monday — setting up a potentially uncomfortable race and class dynamic to the fight as well.

Nevertheless I said from the outset, I don’t see how Biden survives his debate debacle, even before getting to the fact that Sy Hersh reported his decline in the last six months was rapid. Biden said only God could take him out of the race. God may oblige his request.


1 A DC-savvy contact said there were other coded messages to Biden, such as the discussion at 6:20 when Pelosi responded to the question of the concern of foreign leaders that Trump might be re-elected. She said there was reason to be concerned, described a series of Trump statements that were hostile to NATO and signaled an intent to reduce US commitments, and depicted a Trump win as a threat to national security. The contact said that was a message to Biden that his continuing in the race was a threat to national security. I see as going a bit too far with what Pelosi said but those more expert in the signals sent on high frequencies in the Beltway are encouraged to weigh in.

2 Another hopium strategy has been to point out that Trump beat Clinton even though Clinton had raised roughly twice as much money. First, Hillary was a singularly terrible candidate. Second, by all accounts, she ran a gold-plated campaign, far more heavily staffed than necessary, and at eyebrowraising pay levels. And third, as “money in politics” expert Tom Ferguson pointed out, the Trump campaign held back a great deal of funds and did a very heavy ad blitz at the end, considerably outspending Clinton in the last two weeks. As we also now know, Jared Kushner led a team that analyzed carefully as to what media markets were most important (including but not limited to swing states) and looks to have done a good job.

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  1. timbers

    Why is Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya in this interview next to Nancy Pelosi? Would any Americans know who she is even if they watch lots of MSM? Why not Edward Snowden or Julian Assange instead? Lots of American know who they are.

    Must every MSM appearance by our very much elders be manipulated into ant anti-Russian opportunity and an insult to other non Russian nations that don’t share American “values”?

    And it devolves into Putin has been vicious against women at the end. Raping children in front of their mothers and using rape as a weapon of war? Putin orders his troops to rape children in front of their mothers? Did Pelosi get that from his ex-wife?

    Conclusion by anchor host: Now we know what fascism looks like and why we must fight for democracy.

    For those who have never heard of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, she is President of the Coordination of Council of Belarus. She installed herself as President of this “deomocratic” institution in opposition to the Belarus government, as well as establishing the organization itself.

    And I am President of The Wizard of Oz.

    1. Rolf

      And it devolves into Putin has been vicious against women at the end. Raping children in front of their mothers and using rape as a weapon of war? Putin orders his troops to rape children in front of their mothers? Did Pelosi get that from his ex-wife?

      I didn’t watch the segment, as Pelosi makes me too angry and otherwise ruins my day. But what a fabulist. This is infantile.

      Conclusion by anchor host: Now we know what fascism looks like …

      Talk about a self-own.

    2. Yves Smith Post author

      Interestingly the blond anchor scratched her hair in back right after the Pelosi Russia rant as she started talking. That sort of self-touching is usually a sign of uncertainty or doubt. Perhaps even she knows it was over the top/not true but was trying to figure out how to move on.

    3. Joker

      For those who have never heard of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, she is what Juan Guaidó was, and what Yolanda Navalnaya wants to be.

    4. ilsm

      “Putin bad!” is the alternate meme to “Trump bad!!!”. Genocide Joe is the answer to both those terror memes.

      Democrats and well funded by war spending sponsors seem to want WW III and armageddon over the borders Lenin and Stalin drew for USSR convenience!

      Putin is smart enough to let the full might of Genocide Joe’s unsustainable US war machine be drained 6000 miles from any “common defense” issue.

      Genocide Joe must go!

      Senile or no!

  2. Simon

    Democratic donors are withdrawing their billions now to try and drive Biden out. Will all those folks who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome keep their money in the bank if it is clear that Biden will not be replaced? Highly doubtful.

    Looks like Pelosi is not wearing her usual makeup.

      1. Louis Fyne

        lol, can you imagine being Speaker…the worst of managing Machiavellian kindergarteners plus grifters

  3. Morpheus

    Did Nancy Pelosi actually say that Vladimir Putin is raping Ukrainian women in front of their children? I continue to have no words for the obvious psychopaths who are our so called leaders.

  4. Samuel Conner

    > he already won the support of the overwhelming majority of convention delegates, who are required to support him.

    Rules changes before the beginning of the National Convention? Perhaps require a publicly disclosed cognitive assessment of each candidate (the “big” one that can’t be gamed, mentioned by Dr Tom Pitts in a NBC appearance), without which delegates cannot be seated?

    That would not be a bad policy for future conventions, and might pressure the Rs to do the same in future.

    1. Christopher Smith

      Remember how the Dems argued in court that they were a private corporation not bound by the results of primaries? Those pledged delegates and the rules don’t mean anything if enough people in charge decide to nominate someone else.

    2. WobblyTelomeres

      “might pressure the Rs to do the same in future.”

      I hope you brought enough for everybody!

      (Hedley Lamarr)

      1. Samuel Conner

        Sadly, I did not.

        At a minimum, it would function like DJT’s taunt at the Debate, that DJT would take a cognitive test and make the results public if JRB did too.

  5. The Rev Kev

    ‘In case you wonder why the freakout among the Dem-connected is rising despite the thuggish Biden enforcement racket, it’s that he is indeed threatening to take the party down with him.’

    This does not surprise me at all. It is who he is with that vicious streak in him. If he loses, I’m not saying that he would chuck Molotov cocktails around as he leaves the White House but he is fully capable of wrecking the party that he has been in for decades because as he has told us himself ‘No one f**** with a Biden.’ Instead of going out gracefully and passing the torch to his successor to enjoy his wealth in private life, he is going to use that torch to burn everything down. And that is going to be his legacy and what people will remember him for. Oh, that and starting a proxy war with Russia, enabling a genocide in Gaza, ignoring an ongoing pandemic and flushing the economy down the toilet.

    1. Neutrino

      These days, the Bidens do enough f***ing with themselves.

      Pity the poor future PhD student assigned some Biden topic for that dissertation. Eyewash, penicillin, Narcan and whatever might be invented, all to help deal with the thesis advisor follies.

    2. midtownwageslave

      Let’s not forget the all the damage he caused by supporting mandatory minimum sentencing, or his support of student/credit card debt peonage, or his love of inappropriate touching and sniffing. Plenty of things to remember him by.

  6. i just don't like the gravy

    I hope Biden stays in the race. The best thing for humanity and the biosphere at this point is for America to self-destruct under its own contradictions.

  7. vidimi

    It seems that Biden is immune from any threats from the CIA: he doesn’t have any brains left for them to shoot out.

  8. guilliam

    I realise that nothing more the sheer dementia-fueled stubborness might indeed be at the heart of this but isn’t there also another possibility of a different dynamic that doesn’t seem to be getting much discussion?

    Isn’t it posssible that Biden (or his handlers) have already privately decided to step down? But if he were to, for example, step down tomorrow, he (and his important donors) would immediately loose all power and influence of who would succeed him which would open a Pandora’s box that they’d have little control over.
    So I’m wondering if Biden is just publically hanging on while the donors work behind the scenes to decide unite upon on a preferred successor (which admittedly is a messy question that may not have an answer) and try to secure them as candidate.
    I’m not based in the US, don’t pretend to understand the nuances of US politics and might be completely misunderstanding this so would welcome any reasons why I might be completely wrong about this…

  9. Amateur Socialist

    I can’t help wondering what might have happened if Biden had demonstrated this level of resolve and determination against say Manchin and Sinema when he was purportedly “fighting” to get the larger second stimulus/infrastructure bill passed? An experiment that can’t be run.

    Rep Smith is correct on the history. Biden was not hired to beat Trump he was hired to beat Sanders.

  10. Dr. John Carpenter

    Of course, there will be zero self-reflection on how the got here, but every piece of this screams “self own” to me. They just realized they can’t get away with it. Like Clooney up there. No way he’s just now realizing his “good friend” whom he just ran a mega-buck fundraiser for is gone. No way most of them are just now seeing it. They just thought they could sell it, until the debate.

    So now it feels like the blame cannons are aiming at the Bidens. “It’s his decision” translates to “He alone owns this loss” to me. Even the blackmail emails (and I’d love to know who is actually behind those. I can’t believe Joe has the mental acuity to play politics at this level anymore) smack of “we had no choice.” No one is willing to say “it didn’t have to be this way.” No one is willing to say “we made a mistake.” The process can not fail, it can only be failed.

    I never thought Joe Biden would turn out to be a Trumpian agent of chaos for the destruction of the Democrat party, but here we are. I feel they have a way out of this, but the system they’ve created guarantees it would be career suicide for anyone willing to pull the pin on that grenade. And people like Obama who don’t have to worry about that don’t have the balls or the will to do it. I also feel there’s too many warring factions who only care about growing their slice of the pie for the needed coordination to ever happen.

    Ah yes. We are living in interesting times, to be sure.

    1. nycTerrierist

      “… Even the blackmail emails (and I’d love to know who is actually behind those. I can’t believe Joe has the mental acuity to play politics at this level anymore) smack of “we had no choice.”…”

      with Hunter now installed at the WH…might this guy be doing some arm-twisting?

      ““I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter Biden wrote Zhao, according to IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley and another agency investigator who has remained anonymous.”

  11. ex-PFC Chuck

    Perhaps the CIA will “strongly urge” Biden to move on, thus providing Kamala Harris with the advantage of incumbency as she seeks the presidential nomination.

  12. marcel

    I see Biden is still treated as a person “menacing to take the Democrats down with him” and so on.
    But Biden is so demential he can’t find his own way off-stage, or can’t distinguish what part of his notes should be read and what part should be acted upon.
    And no words about who ‘his handlers’ are, that will take those menacing actions.

    1. Neutrino

      Joe is his own, personal Samsonite option, as a one-man wrecking crew.

      His Secret Service guys must have a hard time keeping a straight face, when not looking around for memories of vicious dogs humans.

  13. Ben Panga

    I’ve spent several years of my life as a carer, working with mostly dementia patients. Dementia rarely accentuates the good part of one’s personality. More often, anger, paranoia and weirdness are magnified.

    I’d expect the anger, meanness, and irrationality to increase as Joe further disintegrates. And definitely the stubbornness.

    Remind me again that this election is about saving the world \s

  14. Carolinian

    The Dems see themselves as the Star Wars “Resistance” but Patrick Lawrence says–more correctly–that Biden has become the Dems’ Frankenstein. It’s still a narrative. They just have the wrong one.

    In any case the above is scary stuff. And if the party isn’t going to take him down then the press are going to have to step up and finally do their job.

  15. Benny Profane

    Maybe he’s (or she’s) waiting for the right price. Secure legacy wealth for the family in off shore accounts. We’re talking about big money donors, after all. Waiting for the check to clear.

    1. griffen

      I’ve started to come around to the very idea, that an exiting President has greatly benefited from highly connected donors following his term as POTUS. To wit, I don’t have numbers in front of me or how the funds were indeed raised. But no question, it is a remunerative procedure to fund the glowing new building or library. I’m not focusing on the Clinton Global Initiative or the Obama’s production contracts, for what it’s worth.

      Bill Clinton, 42nd. 1992 to 2000. Presidential Library.
      George Bush, 43rd. 2000 to 2008. Presidential Center at SMU.
      Barack Obama, 44th. 2008 to 2016. Presidential Center in Chicago.

      Easy to see that Joe, Jill, Hunter, etc…can see the largesse bestowed on the man leaving office and ask the big money questions. What’s in it for us…I mean ” Our Democracy! “. Not sarcasm.

  16. DJG, Reality Czar

    Noticing the God talk. And now I will comment on the God talk.

    George Clooney, who should know better but doesn’t, sez: “I believe in him….[Biden]”

    What we are seeing is more of the usual U.S. religion and religious discourse, which is Baptist testifying and Methodist sermonizing. One may claim that Joe Biden’s God talk about his unremovability is Catholic, but only if the Catholic were some deranged Spanish monarch or inbred Habsburg emperor.

    George Clooney: Salvation through Biden alone. (If the donors allow.)

    So we are getting a kind of altar call. “Brethren and sistren, come down to the altar. Raise your hands to help cure brother Joseph and the Democratic Party. Make sure to drop some moolah in the collection basket.”

    Saint Lawrence and his holy grill, pray for us.

    As I’ve written before, I am waiting for Democrats to make the rights of labor, of working people, the central issue. Repeal Taft-Hartley. Eliminate right-to-work laws. Single-payer health care. Big raises in Social Security— with full retirement at age 60. Doing so would cause an almost immediate change (for the better) in the Gini quotient.

    Otherwise, they’re just speaking in tongues (mainly forked tongues) and testifying.

    Give me bread. Give me roses. And, naturalmente, pass the vitello tonnato.

  17. Chris Cosmos

    Really great article, thanks.

    Since this started I believed that there is and will be a lot of bargaining going on here. You don’t, if you are a POTUS, just give up. Biden has Democrats scared. My impression is that the Democratic Party which is based on naked ambition of its members is in trouble. It has developed into a party in the need of a hostile takeover sort of like Trumps seizure of power in the RP. I would love it if Biden stays in power with Dr. Jill kind of guiding the administration. I don’t think a cranky Joe will be allowed anywhere near the nuclear button. I’ve been around some crazy people you just praise their cogent insights and pretend to do what they want of persuade them that your idea is really their idea–it works most of the time.

    We need to get rid of this “holy” opinion of the POTUS. First, they really are dependent on their alliances with powerful factions who have their back, at best, they are power brokers the real action, in my opinion, is between those power forces. Biden having been in the middle of Washington power brokering for decades has more personal power than most in his office because, as your article indicates, he has the dirt on nearly everyone–and why not if he is able to access NSA/CIA/FBI information. Look how easily the Bidens skated through Hunter’s laptop. They were able to force or persuade spookdom and the media to bury the story and they weren’t even in office!

    It’s possible that when the Bidens get their going-away presents they’ll leave the office of Presidency but that price is going to be high. Biden is a player even if he’s got dementia he’s been in hundreds of high-stakes poker games in Congress and knows how to read the room. Nothing I like better than to see the Democrats squirm–and I don’t favor the Republicans but they are going through major changes that might be good despite Trump’s show-biz antics.

  18. Dave

    What I can’t figure out is why did the people closest to Biden allow him to debate at all? It put out in public, for all to witness, the degree of his condition whatever medically that may be. If Biden was being protected, and his condition hidden from the public view, by his staff and the media then the debate represented tremendous downside risk and little upside. Why not just cancel the debate and make up an excuse about not willing to debate a known felon.

  19. Amateur Socialist

    I keep thinking that if the status quo holds, and Biden hangs on through November and purportedly “wins”, how does that play out? If he manages to claim a narrow win in the midst of polls showing him losing every swing state how do they manage to legitimize that result?

    When I imagine the domestic unrest of the MSDNC types insisting they won the election, I recoil in horror. The Jan 6 incident will seem trivial by comparison. I’m expecting 2 SOTUs next year.

  20. Pat

    Well the amusing thing if the Bidens really are viciously fighting for Joe to remain (and I don’t for a moment doubt IM Doc was told this, but do not know his sources) is that once again they are trashing Democratic memes regarding the Trumps, in this case it would be the unprecedented criminal and unethical actions of Trump’s children and family. Especially since in this case the people running the retaliation threat have to be Biden’s wife, btother and son maybe even the daughter with key associates. Blackmail and extortion may be the norm in the Beltway, but it is still criminal. And that doesn’t even take into account what classified sources Joe and family must have plundered to have this dirt.

    I think it also confirms what we all knew, the German shepherds weren’t bad dogs they had really really bad owners.

  21. Tony Wright

    Big brain, big heart, high profile, southern born, women love him – George Clooney for POTUS would make Trump eat dirt, and the world would breath a sigh of relief.
    The DNC have shown with the shafting of Bernie Sanders (twice) that they can do what the hell they like, so it is all a matter of their political will (or won’t, as the case may be), aided and abetted by their deep pocketed donors of course.


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