Israel Economy Bleeding Out as Damage Compounds

This post relies heavily on fresh and detailed report from Mondoweiss, The end of Israel’s economy, which appears not to have gotten the attention it deserves. Some initial observations:

Israel has locked itself in a long-term, resource, credibility and morale draining conflict, and no willingness to climb down. Israel cannot “win” in Gaza save exterminating and ethnically cleansing its population. It lacks the power to prevail over Hezbollah (save via nukes with literal blowback risk). More and more commentators are pointing out that while Netanyahu and his claque have been saying they will attack Hezbollah soon (in July was the last promise, and admittedly July is not yet over), the IDF has been opposed and so far, the IDF has prevailed. New developments confirm the IDF’s reluctance:

Israel and the US have been unable to beat back Ansar Allah attacks, even as Ansar Allah is successfully escalating, as its strike on Tel Aviv demonstrates.

A new story in Haaretz suggests why Israel got itself in the mess of over-committing in Gaza. Recall how the US and Europe got in over their heads in the Ukraine proxy war. They were convinced the shock and awe economic sanctions would send Russia reeling, in an upside scenario leading to a quick ouster of Putin, or at least so damaging the (incorrectly presumed to be weak) Russian economy and military so as to assure battlefield success with existing Ukraine resources. They did not have a Plan B when Plan A failed. They defaulted to pouring weapons and men into the kinetic war, not just draining their weapons stocks but increasingly their economies.

Israel may also have believed it could land a knockout punch to Hamas. If it had succeeded, flooding the tunnels in Gaza could have killed many Hamas fighters, and even if not, would have destroyed much of their weapons and stores. Most important, it would have eliminated their big asset of being able to move and operate nearly entirely out of the reach of the IDF, yet able to launch guerrilla attacks when opportunities arose.

From the Hareetz story, Atlantis Is Lost: How the Israeli Army’s Plan to Flood Hamas’ Network of Tunnels Under Gaza Failed:

It was supposed to be the game changer, a new, relatively quick and lethal solution to one of the more complex fronts in the Gaza Strip. Or as the army described it: “A significant engineering and technological breakthrough for dealing with the underground challenge.” Behind all these descriptions was “Atlantis,” a system that was supposed to take out the Hamas tunnels and to kill senior Hamas officials, by pumping in seawater at high intensity…

The question of how it happened that a project described by the Israel Defense Forces as a “tie breaker” turned into a steadily growing failure has a complex answer. One of the main causes is the backdrop. During the first days of the war, says a defense source, “The achievements on the ground against Hamas officials were insignificant. Most of the Hamas forces, mainly the military arm, entered the tunnels and that created pressure on the senior IDF command.”

That’s why, says another source who spoke to Haaretz, [head of Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron] Finkelman demanded solutions; ways of striking at Hamas activists in the tunnels. “There was frustration because during those stages the forces didn’t really think that we’d start to enter all the tunnels,” recalls the source. “They also began to realize the dimensions of the tunnels that Military Intelligence didn’t know about.”

The article contains a great deal of information about how Hamas changed its tunnel structures over time to make it even more resistant to an IDF clearance operation.

As the extract above indicates, Israel was eager for a quick, decisive victory over Hamas, or at least some early successes they could use to restore the illusion of Israeli military superiority in the region and at home. As Alastair Crooke and Scott Ritter have often pointed out, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran recognize that Israel is set up to wage short, fierce, air-power heavy conflicts, and not slow, resource and will-sapping slogs.

The BDS campaign may be starting to wear on Israel. 135 Congresscritters boycotting the Netanyahu speech is a sign that it is becoming acceptable, even respectable, in the US to criticize Israel’s genocide, which is a meaningful shift. Even though the Houthi campaign against Red Sea shipping has been the most effective initiative so far, Israelis are starting to worry that the sanctions are starting to escalate. From another new Haaretz story, Biden Has Let the Israel-sanctions Genie Out of the Bottle:

Many may not know that on Tuesday, Japan imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers for violence against West Bank Palestinians.

Japan as a country is off the Israeli radar screen, and a fairly large number of settlers and far-right groups are already being sanctioned by Western powers. What difference does it make that Tokyo is joining in?

In fact, Japan’s decision is a worrying one. It is friendly to Israel and traditionally doesn’t entangle itself in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict any more than it needs to. That Tokyo is acting now is because its partners in the Group of Seven countries have been doing the same since the United States announced its first set of sanctions against four violent settlers on February 1….

To date, the sanctions that have been ordered are minor…

But the trend is unmistakably pointing in the direction of more sanctions imposed by more countries.

Confirming this concern, a tweet flagged by guurst:

It’s not clear how much depth and resilience Israel’s economy (and society) have. Some on the anti-war right assert that Israel is a fake economy, more an imperial outpost than a reasonably self-supporting country. This is a topic I’d like to examine further but lack the bandwidth at this juncture. Any reader data points (better yet data sources) are very much welcome.

On the surface, Israel’s import and export statistics don’t indicate much US dependence. From the OEC, using 2022 data:

The top exports of Israel are Diamonds ($10.5B), Integrated Circuits ($7.83B), Refined Petroleum ($4.08B), Medical Instruments ($2.51B), and Potassic Fertilizers ($2.31B), exporting mostly to United States ($20.3B), China ($5.53B), Palestine ($4.6B), Ireland ($3.86B), and United Kingdom ($3.18B).

Imports The top imports of Israel are Diamonds ($7.3B), Cars ($6.67B), Crude Petroleum ($3.73B), Refined Petroleum ($3.7B), and Broadcasting Equipment ($2.56B), importing mostly from China ($14.4B), United States ($11.6B), Turkey ($7B), Germany ($6.46B), and India ($4.86B).

Admittedly, the US despite its distance is a surprisingly large export partner. Integrated circuits could be taken as a signifier for high-value military-related products, something which many Americans would assume it a top Israel export category.

To flip the question: what becomes of Israel if it continues to suffer an exodus, particularly of highly skilled, highly mobile professionals and experts? Many argue that the US and wealthy Zionists can continue to prop Israel up on an open-ended basis. But what if enough “talent” leaves and businesses shutter so that the support goes into what increasingly looks like a welfare queen? And how does a state that has become that much of a dependency defend itself in a neighborhood that it has united against it?

Now to some of the highlights from the important Mondoweiss story, which I encourage you to read in full. Critically, it describes severe, potentially irreparable damage all across the economy:

The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.

The crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy.
These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel.

An aside: the loss of Colombia’s coal supplies clearly would have a serious impact, if nothing else on prices as Israel scrambles for substitute sources. Whether the result is Ukraine-style daily outages has yet to be seen, but if so, for an advanced economy, the impact would be devastating. These are the top coal exporters in 2023, per Tradeimex Solutions, so Israel is not bereft of alternatives.

But how quickly can it line up replacement supply agreements? And to what extent would these new shipments be vulnerable to Houthi attacks?

The flip side is this section may somewhat understate the deteriorating condition of Israel’s businesses. In a July story, the Cradle cites CEO of Israeli information services and credit risk management firm, CofaceBdi, who said 60,000 businesses are expected to have closed by year end 2024. The tweeted video below claims (without sourcing, but its other stats echo those from mainstream accounts) that 50% of startups are on track to closing within six months:

Back to Mondoweiss:

Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.”…

The two sectors of the Israeli economy that do not report a crash are the arms companies, which are reporting high sales (although most of them are domestic, arming the genocide), and the “exits” — as international corporations scavenge the carcasses of Israel’s tech sector looking for bargains. Even Google expressed interest in buying the Israeli cyber security company Wiz, founded by Israeli intelligence officers who are eager to sell their company to Google in order to be able to leave Israel…

In the age of the information economy, the economic prospects of states are neither determined by raw materials nor the quality of the workforce. Instead, we live in an era of an “economy of expectations.” The hype of Israel’s “startup nation” has turned into a #Shutdownnation. Two senior Israeli economists, Jugene Kendel and Ron Tzur, published a secret report in which they predict that Israel will not survive to its 100th year. The report is kept secret because they do not want it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, but they gave interviews about it.

However, even if this trajectory continues, or even accelerates due to a disastrous foray against Lebanon, it will do little to help Gaza. As we pointed out some time back, all Israel need to do is starve out the enclave. And that plan is proceeding apace.

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  1. zagonostra

    135 Congresscritters boycotting the Netanyahu speech is a sign that it is becoming acceptable, even respectable, in the US to criticize Israel’s genocide, which is a meaningful shift.

    I think a sign that substantiates the effectiveness of boycotts is the recent Adidas/Bella Hadid uproar/pushback. And in my own little ways, I avoid products that I can identify as coming from, or supporting. Israel, like Dead Sea mineral salts that I used to buy at Ollies Bargain Outlet.

    1. lyman alpha blob

      I recently found two companies that made leather sandals. One was Israeli that claimed to be a partnership with Palestinians – best I could tell from their website, it was some Jewish people in California who ran the company while some Palestinians in Palestine did all the work of making the sandals. They were nice looking sandals and the company sounded decent at least.

      I also found some similar ones but not quite as nice looking that were made in Greece. Given the current state of affairs, I bought the Greek ones.

      Israel was given a great gift, they’ve had 75 years to show they can play nice with their neighbors, and they have brought nothing but violence to the region, grasping for land that isn’t theirs to grab. Time for the Zionist project to end.

      1. Anti-Fake-Semite

        They weren’t given a gift: they stole it through murder, terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

    2. nippersmom

      I’ve been using the site to try to verify which companies support the Israeli occupation. It has had a significant effect on my purchasing habits, including changing the brand of pet food I’ve been buying for 38 years.

    3. Emma

      I’m trying to avoid buying anything that I know is directly benefiting an Israeli company. I had to forgo some of the nicest looking lychee I’ve ever seen (giant, dark pink fruits that look like the super premium Japanese greenhouse lychees, at $6/lb, hopefully because BDS prevent their sale elsewhere.)

      I’m avoiding buying plants licensed from Danziger, an Israel plant breeder who is a big player in global floral industry, I had to take out a whole bunch of plants off my order list for the fall and I will not buy their licensed plants until they leave Israel or the Zionist entity ends.

  2. Patrick Donnelly

    Gog vs Magog should have been two decades later.

    Why was it triggered now?

    Yes, war costs … Israel has shown massive weakness. Suposedly clever. They have damaged their host nation, the USA, far too much and help from the rest of the colonies is far too weak.

    Cui bono? Where did all the wealth extracted go? The EU now surrounds the Swiss, but the UK is still an island …

    I do hope those who made deposits kept proof of ownership … what happens when no claimant survives for monies deposited?

    Where did we see this happen before?

  3. Alice X

    Thank you for this, let me be the first to say just how sorry I will be when from startup nation to shutdown nation becomes an actuality… not.

  4. Louis Fyne

    >>> commentators are pointing out that while Netanyahu and his claque have been saying they will attack Hezbollah soon

    the funny things is that the IDF is *at war* with Hezbollah….IDF are killng Hezbollah and vice-versa.

    But the daily escalation has been so gradual, there has been no shock-awe/Pearl Harbor moment, and the western media so compliant to the DC narrative, that any casual observer would have no idea. Like the current US war on the Houthis.

    Spolier alert: Hezbollah has been dishing out a tit for every IDF tat. IDF will lose, or at the very best will get a Pyrrhic victory, if it starts “the war” against Hezbollah.

    1. Acacia

      Yet another reason to bail on Intel.

      Intel has 4 plants in Israel: Fab 8, 18, 28, and 38, the first in Jerusalem and others in Kiryat Gat. Note that Tower Semiconductor (formerly NS) also has 2 plants in Israel.

      From an interesting article on this subject:

      With some 9,900 people on its payroll in locations up and down the country, Intel is Israel’s biggest private sector employer. It conducts R&D from four locations and manufactures chips from sites in Kiryat Gat and Jerusalem. Between the intellectual property and chips it sends abroad, Intel is also Israel’s single biggest exporter. In its record year of 2012, it shipped some $4.6 billion worth of chips equal to an astonishing 10% of Israel’s non-diamond exports and a fifth of its high tech exports. Even last year, when for accounting reasons exports declined, they still amounted to $3.84 billion.

      The impact of the company reverberates through Israel’s economy and tech sector far beyond the walls of its fabrication plants and R&D offices. The firm spends about $1 billion a year sourcing products and services locally. Intel worldwide has made about $5.8 billion in reciprocal procurement purchases over the past seven years, $847 million in 2013 alone. Thanks to their connection to Intel, the company’s local suppliers had some $500 million in exports of their own, according the firm. Over the past decade, Intel has invested $10.8 billion in the country.

      This is from 2014, but I wonder how much has changed?

      Seems like a campaign to boycott Intel might be productive for waking up a few ppl.

      Start with a “Genocide Inside” logo…?

      1. Paul Greenwood

        I wonder how many get to wear a uniform ? Then a series of trips to Gaza or West Bank ……. After a few months workplace should be covered in dust and …….

  5. Vicky Cookies

    From my understanding, moreso than pressure from the moral outrage of people around the world, it was the rate increases in government debt which set the stage for apartheid South Africa to, first, give up its nukes (lest they fall into the hands of those who Netenyahu contrasts with “civilization”) and then adopt, under a new government, bourgeois equality under the law. South Africa is, by GINI coefficient, the most unequal society in the world, we can note.

    That Israel’s credit rating has been lowered is good news. So long as credit is available, as the chart of top coal exporters makes clear, material shortages can be avoided, delayed, mitigated, despite countries headed by people like Petro making things difficult. I’d be interested in following the line of the thoughts shared after that chart, however.

    I’ve said before that Israel will not stop until they are stopped, by either Hezbollah or their own supply lines. Having been told what’s behind door #1, they seem to be choosing door #2. Unfortunately, no triumphalism or even shadenfruede can accompany these observations; it is only to be hoped that the capacity to continue the genocide runs out.

  6. marcel


    Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals).

    But as the article states, nobody has good figures on that exodus.

    1. cousinAdam

      I think it unlikely that there will ever be ‘good figures’ on the degree of exodus when the people most qualified to assess such numbers are likely expediting their own exodus (‘devil take the hindmost’, as it has been said) My paternal ancestors made the decision to flee their village (somewhere near Minsk, I’m told) and got off the boat at Ellis Island in 1907. I doubt they signaled their intentions to strangers – the entire extended family ‘cashed in their chips’ and left en masse. I’d dare say that this kind of thinking is “baked in” to Jewish culture and tradition. Imho.

        1. vao

          I wonder what exactly those statistics would tell.

          1) How many of the travellers will have departed quickly with the minimum of luggage, i.e. they have a second base somewhere else (USA, France, etc) and thus will only remain outside Israel temporarily (till matters calm down) vs.

          2) those who have wound their business up, sold their real estate, organized the transfer of their belongings via a forwarding agency, and are therefore emigrating from Israel definitely?

          3) How many are departing by sea (this is an option if they travel to Europe on the other side of the Mediterranean), with their belongings in stowage, and thus do not intend to return?

    2. Emma

      Historically, it can be measured based on the number of people who lose their residency benefits. Israeli citizens who leave for more than 5 years will lose their residency, which cuts them off from benefits for medical care and education. But I can hope that the entity will not be around for another 5 months, nevermind 5 years. Once critical infrastructure in the north are hit in response to Israeli escalation, events may move very quickly.

    3. BJ

      You can tell by the numbers of flights arriving FROM Israel to Europe and the USA. Just try booking one – the flights have been sold out since October 32. Every flight is full.

  7. Oh

    Ahhh! Too Bad! This couldn’t happen to a nicer country! /s I hope I see the demise of Israel as a country soon. A country that cannot live in peace with its neighbors is doomed,

  8. James

    Those Israeli semiconductor fabs sure sound like soft targets to me. I wonder if Hezbollah has told Israel, in private, “nice semiconductor industry ya got there … be a shame if something happened to it”.

  9. TimH

    Wouldn’t take much to render the clean room manufacturing unusable for a long time. The state of the art fab equipment has a long lead time too. Probably the risk assessment that caused Intel to pull out of further investment, not the moral question.

  10. Tom K-ski

    As I recall reading many months ago that, Persians are specifically targeting socker moms with their info-warfare program. They wish to scare the educated women to take their kids out of the harms way. Recommend to pay attention to the real estate stats for hints about the upcoming migration from or to the Holy Land.

  11. Trisha

    For those of you interested in striking the economy of the terrorist apartheid Zionist settler colony, there is an application called “NO! Thanks” which you can download to your smart phone that includes a bar-code scanner and a database of products / companies targeted by the Boycott Divestment and Sanction movement. Simply hover over a product’s barcode and the app automatically scans the code and then informs you if it is on the BDS list, including a link to proof.

    1. XXYY

      This is nice to know about and a good piece of work by the BDS people.

      I think it generally takes about a decade for a large-scale boycott effort to get traction and start having a significant effect, e. g. affecting business investment decisions. I’m not sure how long BDS has been going, but that sounds about right.

      10 years is a long time to keep a social movement together, and they deserve a lot of credit for doing it.

      1. Emma

        BDS has its effects, though I think the divestment and sanctions pieces are more important than boycotting and they are only starting to take effect after October 7. Meanwhile Ansarallah’s blockade has bankrupted the Eilat port and doubled the cost of shipping between Europe and Asia, and now they debut a stealthy drone with a 2,000 kilometer range. A lot more effective than waiting for western politicians and well off liberals to find their conscience.

  12. Ray

    Here are a few reports on emigration from Israel in the aftermath of Hamas attack.

    Although, due to the highest share of multiple country citizenships, frequent diaspora visits and unique features of cross border work arrangements, even the Central Stat Bureau finds it difficult to count immigration/emigration

  13. Chris Cosmos

    I think all this answers the question of why the Israel’s many enemies are going slow in resisting Israel. Since we live at a time when “it’s the economy stupid” the opponents of Western hegemony are using attrition tactics to defeat imperialism/globalism.

    I’ve been a bit surprised that Israelis wholeheartedly endorse genocide/ethnic cleansing of Palestinians such that left to their own devices they would have constructed gas chambers for Palestinians. The only thing keeping that away is that Israel cannot survive without the Washington Empire.

  14. JonnyJames

    Thanks for a bit of “good” news, it looks like BDS thousand-cuts are starting to bleed-out.

    For those who believe that the US gov represents a functioning democracy that has been hijacked by the Israelis: Israelis are the ones who have to flee, who are subject to attack from Hezbollah, Iran, etc., Israel is not exactly a nice place to live right now. Of course, the wealthy and educated can flee, many enjoying possession of US and other passports. Even then, being forced to flee one’s home can not be a very luxurious or enjoyable experience, even for the relatively wealthy. In the US/UK imperial homeland, we enjoy geographic “splendid isolation” and don’t have to worry about missile/bomb attacks and such. We can ship weapons until no more Israelis or Palestinians are left, as long as the bribes keep flowing to Congress crooks.

    Many companies on the BDS list can be easily identified and boycotted (years ago, I started with Soda Stream, and Sabra as high-profile brands) . Some of the megacorps on the list are quasi-monopolies and very difficult to boycott, we can do our best. The names on the lists also show that the US oligarchy profits from US foreign policy, it is not just The Lobby that dictates policy. AIPAC is an integral part of MICIMATT, as Ray McGovern and others have pointed out. It is comforting for some to blame it all on some nefarious Israelis and Zionist Jews, however Israel policy is as American as apple pie. That may cause some emotional distress to folks raised on a diet of euphemisms and MassMedia fluff, but the hard truth is backed up by hard facts.

  15. John Merryman

    The problem with monotheism is that ideals are not absolutes.
    Truth, beauty, platonic forms are ideals. The core codes, creeds, heroes, narratives at the center of every culture are ideals.
    The universal is the elemental, so a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than the stories playing out on it.
    What if the Angles and the Saxons both had messianic cores, that didn’t allow them to iron out their differences? Where would European civilization be today?
    Essentially the Zionists want to re-litigate the conflict the Zealots had with the Romans. That their tribal god didn’t have to acknowledge any other forces.
    The Bronze Age tribalism was getting past its sell by date 2000 years ago.

  16. Kouros

    Former Israeli military chiefs of staff and Mossad directors (people who can’t be dismissed as antisemites) tell Congress that “Netanyahu poses an existential threat to the State of Israel” because he is now fighting the war in Gaza for himself, not Israeli security interests.

    1. Glen

      Yes, this has been amazing to watch. This, like NATO/Ukraine/Russia sure looks like another case where the country’s leadership is living big, fat, and happy in the early 90’s rather than in the present day.

  17. gcw919

    To everyone who thinks the Israeli economy is on the verge of collapse, it won’t happen. Our Congressional lapdogs are going to start a Go Fund Me Page, and you and I, the American taxpayers, aka the usual suckers, will pay for it.

    1. ambrit

      Too true. But at least we will feel warm and fuzzy knowing that we have helped save “Our Democracy” in Judea and Samaria.

    2. JonnyJames

      And millions of people will “vote” for it to top it all off! No matter who people “vote” for, it is for kleptocracy and state-subsidized genocide. But I would say the biggest suckers are the vassals in the EU/NATO-stan (plus ANZAC, Taiwan, Japan). Gardens of deadly-toxic plants, prickly weeds: western civilisation and al that…

    3. Emma

      That’s why the dollar must die. The rest of the world will not have peace until America can no longer afford to subsidize its headchopping surrogates and start wars just to boost MICIMATT’s quarterly earning statements.

    4. Kouros

      Yeah, but that Go Fund Me is for suckers from all over the world to buy US debt… They are fewer and fewer. The BDS movement might hit it as well

    5. Yves Smith Post author

      A country propped by foreign welfare is not a functioning economy. Many people won’t want to live there, as the flight level even now attests.

      And there’s no justification for backing Israel if it can no longer defend US interests nor serve at a DoD tech outlet.

    6. ISL

      you can’t print food or oil or electricity. And without functioning ports, there is nothing the US Federal reserve can do. I wish our congress critters realized this, but then we do not elect those who know how to make things. Or grow food.


        We do not elect the ‘congress critters’ … AIPAC does … and pays them well to represent AIPAC’s interests … NOT America’s.

        1. gestophiles

          I agree, and along with AIPAC and all the other of John Robert’s “Money
          is Free Speech” cohorts. It is also true that millions of Americans also
          agree. But defining a problem does not define a solution. Awareness
          is not action. What do you suggest as a solution?

  18. Punjab

    ‘Atlantis’ the great plan A. How the IDF actually believed that flooding out Hamas was a good idea indicates just how brain dead the powers that be in Israel are. Any child who has spent an afternoon at the beach building sand castles could tell you that plan A wasn’t going to work.
    Israel has failed, was always going to fail, the failure is a long process but ultimately the nation of Israel is no more. The residents should sue the city of London who created this mess, that would be the end of another more evil failed state.

  19. Fritz

    Thank you Paleobotanist for the list.

    The first entity I boycotted was McCain Foods in 1968.
    The next was Heinz in 1978 then I really got on a roll.

    Now-a-days, if I were to store all the places I boycott on hard drive, stored in metal filing cabinets, and had to move the lot in one go, I’d need an eighteen wheel forty foot semi to accomplish the task.

  20. WillD

    It couldn’t happen to a more deserving country! That’s the cost of such extreme crimes against humanity.

  21. Paul Greenwood

    Indians are displacing Jews in Antwerp which is why Israel pushed US to sanction Russian diamonds where Israel sourced blood diamonds out of Africa along the lines of Gertler who funds West Bank Settlements. There are good reasons to sanction Israeli exports of diamonds considering just who was behind the recent attempted coup in D R Congo.

    The use of bribery and mercenaries to obtain illicit diamonds is the basis of Israeli exports. Rwanda has been stealing diamonds from D R Congo and marketing them as their own

    Apart from the Treasurer in Palm Beach, FL I doubt anyone today is long Israel

    1. gestophiles

      Silly Rabbit, artificial diamonds are the real thing, minus the blood. And they’re cheaper.

  22. Thomas

    I am of the belief that the start of the war in Gaza was Biden Administration’s attempt at overthrowing Binyamin Netanyahu. The Biden Administration has tried to oust Bibi for a couple of year before the war in Gaza, via CIA-funded “color” style protests which have become a common scene in Israel, mainly in Tel Aviv. These protests are funded by an external actor, and I smell the CIA.

    Having failed to oust Bibi this way, the Biden Administration gave a green light for Hamas to go all in. Remember that Hamas and the US fought shoulder-to-shoulder in Syria for a full decade before that deal came apart (at least on the surface..) and Hamas switched sides to Assad (in October 2022, exactly one year before Hamas attacked Israel). I don’t buy that the US severed its ties to the Hamas, an organization it nurtured for a full decade similar to how they funded ISIS.

    Therefor it is my view that Binyamin Netanyahu, by keeping the war in Gaza going, is simply showing the middle finger to Biden. Biden’s admin tried to take Bibi out, he knows it very well (the source of funding to anti-Bibi protests is the US, see Bibi’s son tweet about it), and so he is determined to keep the war going, tarnish the reputation of the US in the process, and deny Biden of the “peace maker” image he would have won had Israel reached a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

    Watch the war in Gaza coming to a stop one hour after Trump is elected, giving Trump the peace maker image.

      1. Paul Greenwood

        Sheldon Adelson‘s widow and owner of Las Vegas Sands. She was his second wife and was born in Tel-Aviv.

        She wants Trump to align USA with Eretz Israel and do whatever Netanyahu wants

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