Links 7/10/2024

Dog found zip tied rescued in Malibu YouTube :-(

The Yellowstone supervolcano destroyed an ecosystem but saved it for us ars technica (Kevin W)

How to guard against the aggressive lone star tick species Washington Post (Dr. Kevin)

British Boarding School Bans Smartphones, Hands Out Nokia Phones Instead engadget. Haha, I gave up on my Nokia dumbphones only when I moved abroad and had to use a smartphone for ride hailing.

The growing crisis of long sepsis. It leaves sufferers with fatigue and brain fog – so when will the NHS start treating it properly? Daily Mail. Long sepsis???



Your semen is not immune to climate change ElPais

Stark warning’ as global temperatures hit record levels for 13th month Aljazeera

Beryl leaves millions of Texans without power as dangerous heat descends on the region CNN

Amid extreme heat, US infrastructure and transportation systems buckle under pressure NBC

Oregon County Seeks To Hold Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable For Extreme Heat ars technica. Filing here.

Pakistan Withers Under Deadly Heat and Fears the Coming Rain New York Times


Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign (Kevin W)

China tightening its grip on leaky rare earth supplies Asia Times (Kevin W)

European Disunion

From Politico’s morning European newsletter. This is so childish:

THE EASY RESPONSE TO ORBÁN? JUST LEAN OUT: In Europe’s capitals, two schools of thought are emerging on how to deal with Hungary’s rogue Council presidency: Quiet quitting vs. overachieving.

THE QUIET QUITTERS are essentially delegators. Don’t send a political bigwig to Budapest for Council discussions. Send a faceless bureaucrat. That was the approach on display Tuesday, when only seven countries (plus Hungary) sent their industry ministers to Hungary’s first Council meeting, on Chinese EV tariffs…..

THE OVERACHIEVERS are looking for a more dramatic confrontation, boldly and creatively wielding the force of the Treaties to shut Orbán down.

Laying the groundwork: Most member countries have signed on to a Polish demand for a discussion about the legality of Orbán’s “peace mission.” They want the legal service to weigh in on the role of the Council presidency on external relations, and more details on the call for “sincere cooperation” in the Treaties, as one diplomat described the situation to Barbara Moens.

Pessimism: Ultimately, scenarios like starting the Polish presidency early don’t seem likely

ECB estimates suggest meeting current challenges will be impossible within fiscal rule space Bill Mitchell

After the French elections, New Popular Front swings to the right WSWS


War on Gaza: How Hamas lured Israel into a lethal trap Middle East Eye (guurst). From last week, still germane.

The Philosophy of Hamas in the Writings of Yahya Sinwar Orinoco Tribune (Robin K)

‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza +972

Shin Bet, Mossad chiefs to meet mediators in Qatar tomorrow for hostage-truce talks Times of Israel

Israeli forces push deeper into Gaza City as Hamas warns that escalation threatens ceasefire talks Arab News

US To Permanently Remove Pier Built Off the Coast of Gaza (Kevin W)

New Not-So-Cold War

High-Tech American Weapons Work Against Russia—Until They Don’t Wall Street Journal

US, NATO allies to deliver ‘dozens’ of air defense systems in coming months, including 4 Patriots Kyiv Independent. Even if they all work, note that Israel has four Patriot batteries to defend its vastly smaller territory (the eight it was asked to turn over appear to be some combination of spares and decommissioned ones).

NATO should not be party to Ukraine conflict — Erdogan TASS. This is sure to go over well. Not that Erdogan’s position is a surprise, just his plan to say it to a hostile audience.

Kremlin responds to Kiev hospital attack allegations RT

“Bombshell” Report Claims Russian Casualties “Much Higher Than Thought” – Debunked? Simplicius

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

US Nuke Agency Buys Internet Backbone Data 404 Media

Speed Limiters Now Mandatory In All New EU Cars Autoweek

Imperial Collapse Watch

Leaders head to Nato summit amid Biden doubts and concern for Ukraine Guardian (Kevin W)

NATO Has to Change. Here’s How. New York Times

NATO to expand defense industrial cooperation to Indo-Pacific Nikkei

NATO extending tentacles into Asia-Pacific will only end in failure Global Times

China Deploys Y-20 Long Range Airlifters For Joint Military Drills with Belarus on NATO Border Military Watch

Biden Agonistes

‘No one is picking up the phone’: Joe Biden’s fundraising confronts new hurdles after debate CNBC

Poll finds Biden damaged by debate; with Harris and Clinton best positioned to win Politico

Behind the Curtain: Dems who could decide Biden fate Axios

More proof the knives are out. Lambert featured this in Water Cooler but important not to miss. Dr. Pitts is a Democrat and this is NBC:

Some Democrats Rally to Biden’s Defense, Buying Him Time Wall Street Journal. Headline framing not subtle!

Days after his big Biden interview, George Stephanopoulos says the man won’t make it through 4 more years in office Business Insider

AFL-CIO Backs Biden as Labor Leaders Stay Silent – Biden Cancels NEA Speech after Union Locks Out Staffers – Teamster Prez to Face Protests at RNC Mike Elk


Trump approval rating tops 50% as he leads Biden on voters’ top two issues: poll Fox


Hiltzik: The federal government gets serious about gun deaths Los Angeles Times (Dr. Kevin)


64% of people not happy about idea of AI-generated customer service The Register

OpenAI and Arianna Huffington Are Working Together On an ‘AI Health Coach’ The Verge. This could just as easily go under The Bezzle. Corporate-paid health coaching was not effective (per various studies, and those bennies were often more substantial, such as subsidizing gym memberships) but AI will somehow make a failed experiment succeed?

64 office buildings in NYC could become new housing Gothamist

The Bezzle

Class Warfare

Critically Acclaimed Books Were Unavailable at New York Public Library as Budget Woes Hit June Buys THE CITY. Citizen-need oriented reporting!

End Austerity: A Global Report on Budget Cuts and Harmful Social Reforms in 2022-25 CADTM (Micael T)

Antidote du jour (via):

And a bonus (Chuck L):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from Breakfast At Tiffany’s  by Deep Blue Something)

    Our last meal old and moldy and rotten
    I know where it was gotten
    A garbage scrounger’s cart . . .

    We hide for fear their soldiers might see us
    Their legendary meanness
    In full view everywhere . . .

    My kids all want breakfast in Palestine
    Their skin is raw from sleeping on sand
    We have no food and no money to buy it
    We may well die right here on this spot

    It’s raining, the skies are dark and gloomy
    Our last meal meal runs right through me
    We’re begging from the throng . . .

    A dark day, the rubble tends to smolder
    You can’t mistake the odor
    Of funerals not done . . .

    My kids all want breakfast in Palestine
    Their skin is raw from sleeping on sand
    We have no food and no money to buy it
    We may well die right here on this spot

    We hide when jets fly over for bombing
    Where will the soldiers come from?
    We just want a head start . . .

    We hide for fear their soldiers might see us
    Their legendary meanness
    In full view everywhere . . .

    My kids all want breakfast in Palestine
    Their skin is raw from sleeping on sand
    We have no food and no money to buy it
    We may well die right here on this spot

    My kids all want breakfast in Palestine
    Their skin is raw from sleeping on sand
    We have no food and no money to buy it
    We may well die right here on this spot

    My kids all want breakfast in Palestine
    Their skin is raw from sleeping on sand
    We have no food and no money to buy it
    We may well die right here on this spot

  2. The Rev Kev

    “NATO should not be party to Ukraine conflict — Erdogan”

    It should be noted that the biggest contributor of soldiers for NATO after the US is Turkiye. There is no way that Erdogan wants to see NATO become a direct party to the war in the Ukraine as treaty obligations would require them sending their military to the Ukraine and confronting Russia in the Black Sea. For Turkiye, this would sheer insanity and it would wreck their economy as well. Washington would be happy with this result which is all the more reason why Turkiye wants to steer NATO clear of any involvement with this war-

  3. LawnDart

    Re: 972’s ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza

    Do NOT miss this one.

    This article left me almost speechless, even in light of what we already know about this conflict. It also illustrates the degree to which Palestinians have been “othered.” Worse than mere “human animals,” they are openly treated by Israel’s armed forced as vermin to be eradicated.

      1. Daniil Adamov

        My grandfather was Jewish and I’ve briefly lived in Israel as a child. (Didn’t like it.) Reading the article made me think that some people were born to make anti-Semitic stereotypes true.

        1. Louis Fyne

          Judaism is not as (theorerically) universalist as Christianity or Islam or Buddhism. and (IMO) this fosters in-group chauvinism that feeds upon itself and spreads like cancer.


  4. Neutrino

    The frauds miscodings frauds inherent in the health business demonstrate yet again how any potential weakness will be exploited regardless of human impacts.

    Without sanctioned inducements, that industry would be much smaller. Toss in the pharma gougers and that represents a significant percentage of what people call the US GDP. There appears to be large and growing latent revenue recognition risk in both groups, showing that stock valuations are grossly overstated.

    How much more of the stock market, for example, relies upon such obvious malfeasance?
    How many who have pensions or retirements invested have their futures tied to those questionable business models?
    The companies throughout that value extraction chain, including their enablers, all appear to be overdue for some disastrous declines, awaiting only politicians willing to act for the people instead of against them.

    1. Yves Smith Post author

      I thought of that too but from the pretty high aerial shot, we can’t see how high the ice sheet is above the water. If that penguin wound up in the drink, he might not have been able to scramble back on to the ice.

    2. The Rev Kev

      Looks like he charged the point of that ice sheet where it was pivoting and thus in contact longer with the main sheet of ice. Would a human think to do that? I don’t think that in future he will be so inclined to wander away from his pod. Not a good survival strategy that.

  5. Samuel Conner

    > “That’s one of the hallmarks of Parkinson’s, is rigidity and Bradykinesia,

    In the “Look, I’ll cut the malarkey …” fundraising advert that is served to me multiple times during each Alexander Mercouris commentary, I think I see this rigidity in the way JRB moves his hands and arms, which seem to be practically inert except for some pivoting at the elbows. It looks IMO very unnatural. I get the impression of a “human marionette.”

    As Dr. Pitts’ medical interpretation gets more attention, I wonder whether Biden’s appearances in future adverts will be adjusted to try to conceal the movement anomalies. This really is a job for, as has been proposed, AI and deepfakery.

    1. Carolinian

      It had been reported awhile back that that the secret service was told to surround Biden as he walked to his plane so the cameras couldn’t see his stiff walk. If he really does have Parkinson’s then that adds an even more sinisted dimension to this because they have been concealing a chronic disease.

      1. MicaT

        But it doesn’t ( if I understand correctly) his cognitive abilities.
        By hiding the Parkinson’s they have allowed everyone to presume it’s dementia which it might not be.
        So I’m unclear why they would hide something that affects millions of people and not use it to their advantage.
        Yup the smartest people in a very small room

      2. Wukchumni

        All the old Presidents on the money
        They do the fiat dance don’t you know
        If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
        They’re falling down like a domino

        All the bazaar men are in denial
        They got the money bet on him, not DOA
        Old crocodiles (oh whey oh)
        They snap their teeth on your prognosis in prime time

        Foreign types without stateside pipes say
        Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
        Walk like you got Parkinson’s

        Blond FLOTUS takes in his forays
        They spin around and they cross the floor
        They’ve got the moves (oh whey oh)
        You watch him nearly drop they give you more

        All the young adults so sick of books
        They like the video games and assorted digital hooks
        When the debate buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
        He’s walking like he’s got Parkinson’s

        All the watchers in the masters debate marketplace say
        Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
        Walk like you got Parkinson’s

        Slide your feet up the street bend your back
        Shift your arm then you pull it back you bet
        Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)
        So strike a pose in a Corvette

  6. The Rev Kev

    “New students at Eton, the poshest of Britain’s elite private schools, will not be allowed smartphones”

    The article talks about banning the use of cellphones during the school day ‘in an effort to minimize disruption and improve classroom behavior’ but it would not be just for this reason. As the article mentions, this is the school which breeds Prime Ministers and high rollers. So can you imagine if somebody was hacking the smart phones of those kids and recording their conversations and some of the stuff that they talk about? It would not look good if a future Prime Minister had to answer why when he was at Eton, why he was talking about getting the army to shoot any strikers and protestors. Can’t recall the details now but it was leaked a few years ago that this was exactly the sort of thing that they talked about in these elite schools.

    1. Verifyfirst

      Not sure they would be embarrassed, might be more a badge of honor in their eyes. Hillary was inquiring if we could not “drone” Assange during the Obama administration, and she was not in high school then, she was Secretary of Sate.

    2. Mikel

      The dumbing down is for the pleebs: (2019)
      Silicon Valley parents banning tech for their kids

      Some of the creators of the apps and technology we spend so much time on are now on a mission to keep it away from their kids.

      Colleen Hagerty meets two dads – and tech experts – with different views on screen time at schools. (2018)
      Why many Silicon Valley parents are curbing their kids’ tech time

  7. ProNewerDeal

    Afaict if the Scandinavian or other OECD rich nations implement social democracy, the US abides it & doesn’t interfere in their internal politics.

    But in the Americans (besides Canada, eh), if any nation attempts to implement social democracy like for instance Medicare4All, the US will mislabel you as far-Left Commies, & the CIA may collaborate with local rightwing forces to attempt a coup/regime change.

    Perhaps this a legacy of the Monroe Doctrine? The US Power Elite does not want their neighbor nations actually genuinely improving their citizens’ living standard, when they have no intention of doing so for Muricans.

    I am heartened that currently a few West Hemisphere nations are strong enough to elect social democratic parties, genuinely implement social democratic policies, & not get Regime-Changed by the Imperial USA. Shout out to Lopez & Sheinbaum in Mexico, Petro in Colombia, & Lula da Silva in Brazil. I wish such a party/leader was in power in the USA. These examples give me some hope in my heart, despite my head noting that per that Princeton study the US is a non-democratic oligarchy, etc.

    1. Daniil Adamov

      Maybe it’s because they don’t really use Swedes for cheap labour, on site or as immigrants, as far as I know. So their (former?) social democracy does not threaten any real American interest. It would if coupled with an anti-American foreign policy, of course. I don’t think the power of a good/bad example is a factor. If it were, a better-ran Sweden would be just as “threatening” as a better-ran Mexico.

  8. Wukchumni

    This was the scene in the aftermath of a supervolcanic eruption in Idaho, approximately 1,600 kilometers (900 miles) away. It was an eruption so powerful that it obliterated the volcano itself, leaving a crater 80 kilometers (50 miles) wide and spewing clouds of ash that the wind carried over long distances, killing almost everything that inhaled it. This was particularly true here, in this location in Nebraska, where animals large and small succumbed to the eruption’s deadly emissions.

    The Yellowstone supervolcano destroyed an ecosystem but saved it for us ars technica (Kevin W)

    Heck of a tale and a reason to visit Nebraska to see the fossil site where the deal went down…

    If something similar happened today at one of our watering holes with wi-fi and recharging ports, they’d find human skeletons clutching smartphones, searching for bars with their heads tilted slightly down.

    It’s been awhile between devastating volcanoes blowing up real good.

    I went fishing in the early 1980’s on Lake Taupo in NZ, a sizable 238 sq mile crater of water, and my fishing guide line was marked in colors for different depths, I think they were biting on pink that day.

    Little did I know then, that I was at the scene of decline, after the most recent supereruption on this orb there, about 25,000 years ago…and it’s still active.

    More than likely, some Illionaire’s hidey-hole in NZ has remnants of the volcano on the ground above their bunker~

    The Oruanui eruption of New Zealand’s Taupō Volcano (also known as the Kawakawa eruption or Kawakawa/Oruanui event) was the world’s most recent supereruption, and largest phreatomagmatic eruption characterised to date.

    1. The Rev Kev

      I read that one result of that supervolcanic eruption in Idaho was that it left eventually a rich layer of soil which is why it was easy to grown potatoes in that State. Somebody joked that if Yellowstone ever went off, then in a coupla hundred thousand year that McDonalds would be sourcing potatoes from the Yellowstone region for their fries.

  9. Lena

    Re: Post Sepsis Syndrome

    Thank you for the link to this article. It is the first time I have heard of the syndrome. I had sepsis twice: the first time from an animal bite, the second time from an infected IV while a patient in a major hospital (Mass General). Both times I went into septic shock and nearly died.

    The second time I had sepsis was especially hard. I was in the hospital for almost a month. I never completely recovered afterwards. I have had chronic fatigue and other cognitive and physical symptoms for many years. No doctor has discussed post sepsis syndrome with me.

    I also had severe mononucleosis twice, once in my early teens and later during graduate school. Both times, it took years to feel somewhat normal again. Those long term problems weren’t addressed by any doctor either.

    Possible lasting damage to the immune system from sepsis (as well as mononucleosis) needs to be seriously studied. I can only wonder how it might have contributed to my current terminal illness.

  10. zagonostra

    >War on Gaza: How Hamas lured Israel into a lethal trap

    The real irony is that Israel walked willingly into a trap of Hamas’ making.

    I have seen reports to the contrary. Specifically the reporting of Ben Swann at Truth-in-Media’s web site (the basis for his reporting are all public Israeli sources). Interestingly, when Max Blumenthal was on a live stream with Jimmy Dore recently, they were discussing the Haaretz admission that the Hannibal Directive was activated on 10/7, which the Grayzone had reported on long before the Haaretz article. When JD mentioned Ben Swann’s reporting you could visibly see Max recoil. He wasn’t willing to dip his foot in that cesspool, yet.

    Time will tell, even if it’s decades later, what the real circumstances were that day. I certainly can’t tell. But to even contemplate that what happened was not a “trap” but a decision to stand down because the aims/policy could be advanced by the Hamas attack are just too explosive right now in this environment, an environment were the MSM won’t even report on the Haaretz Hannibal Directive story.

  11. zagonostra

    >US To Permanently Remove Pier Built Off the Coast of Gaza

    AP previously reported that the UN was investigating whether or not the US-built pier was used in the Nuiserat massacre. Video that surfaced online showed an Israeli military helicopter operating near the pier during the operation, and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said some of the Israeli troops who carried out the raid arrived in an aid truck.

    What could be more emblematic of the current status of U.S.’s standing in the world than this fandango. While China builds high-speed rails and has massive infrastructure projects all over the world to make people’s lives better, the U.S. spends multiple 100’s million dollar to cobble together a structure than not only is going to be disassembled shortly after it was completed, costing many more millions, but was actually used to accomplish the opposite goal of its stated purpose.

  12. zagonostra

    <After the French elections, New Popular Front swings to the right – WSWS

    The situation in France’s corrupt political establishment is a travesty of the real state of political relations. In France and internationally, there is overwhelming popular opposition to imperialism, fascism, genocide, police state rule, and social inequality. The struggle against Macron and Le Pen cannot be artificially limited to the parliament but must find expression in a genuine revolutionary program for the class struggle.

    I agree with WSWS on the diagnosis but not the prognosis. When WSWS states that mobilizing the left-wing sentiment among masses of workers and youth on demands that express the masses’ objectively revolutionary opposition to capitalism they are using threadbare terms that will never create a resurgent communist/socialist movement a la late 19th and early 20th century Western political history.

    We are living in a techno-feudalistic world, one that has different characteristics, ones that Michael Hudson, Yanis Varoufaki, Guido Preparata, have described in their books/writings. This is the a world of AI, one where the National Security State has means at it’s kinetic and propagandistic quiver that prior “revolutionaries” never dreamed of.

    1. ChrisFromGA

      Is it too much to dream that the left and the right will at least form a tactical alliance?

      Think of the good that could be accomplished. For example, in France, they could roll back Macron’s pension reform act.

      The first step is for both sides to deprogram themselves. AOC and MT-G have more in common than they realize. (Insert joke here.)

  13. The Rev Kev

    ‘Lord Bebo
    🇺🇸🇷🇺🇸🇦🇪🇺🇬🇧 Saudi Arabia threatens the G7 countries to get rid of all EU securities if they confiscate $300 billion of Russian assets – Bloomberg
    According estimates, Saudi Arabia does not have many European bonds, but EU officials fear that other countries will follow a similar example.’

    Did it really take Saudi Arabia to clear their throat to make the geniuses at the EU wake up to the fact that if they stole that money, that a majority of countries would pull their investments out of the EU? Sure they are under heavy pressure from Washington to do so but the US has only a small fraction of that money in their own country and has only stolen a token amount so any people pulling their investments out of the EU would probably put it into the US instead. So maybe the EU used the Saudi warning to shut down this whole idea and which Washington could not deny.

  14. Wukchumni

    Putsch yourself in the position of those brave souls in the Donkey Show that demanded Genocide Joe (or is it really Commander who somehow switched bodies with Biden when nobody was looking?) be put down… there is a real likelihood none of them will get Xmas cards this year from you know who.

  15. The Rev Kev

    “Days after his big Biden interview, George Stephanopoulos says the man won’t make it through 4 more years in office”

    Four more years? He is talking about Biden being President until near the end of this decade – January 2029 to be exact – if he did actually stay which he does not think possible. The guy looks like he would be hard pressed to make it until January of next year. The media until recently have been playing a big game of ‘let’s pretend’ the past four years as in let’s pretend that old Joe is actually fit for office. But after the debate, they were shocked, shocked that actually he is running on empty. Would it be so bad if the main stream media just disappeared?

    1. Wukchumni

      Look, they’re already openly including him in high level meetings, its obvious he’s more of a cog than anybody could have anticipated, and Prince Regent Hunter is obviously being groomed to be great, like dad.

    2. Mikel

      They can’t have too much opposition research focused on Kamala.
      Essentially, that’s who anybody that is voting for Biden is voting for.

  16. Mikel

    “OpenAI and Arianna Huffington Are Working Together On an ‘AI Health Coach’ The Verge.

    Like I said the other day: Huffpo = SillyConHo

  17. The Rev Kev

    “Speed Limiters Now Mandatory in All New EU Cars”

    So what happens if you are driving down a highway when you suddenly see several cars getting themselves into fender benders. And to get past it, you slam down the accelerator to speed past this evolving multiple car accident when you suddenly hear your car say to you-

    ‘I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.’


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