Links 7/11/2024

The Hidden Life of Scotland’s Wild Haggis Haggis Wildlife Foundation

Capital buffers and the micro-macro nexus Bank of International Settlements


How hot was it (1):

How hot was it (2):

How hot was it (3):

Can we air condition our way out of climate change? The Climate Brink

Peering Inside the Pandora’s Box of Oil and Gas Waste Inside Climate News

New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years


This May Be the Most Overlooked Covid Symptom NYT

The Lancet: Changing Epidemiological Patterns in Human Avian Influenza Virus Infections Avian Flu Diary

As bird flu spreads among U.S. cattle, veterinarians find themselves in a familiar position: the frontlines STAT


China needs more momentum in its economic recovery China Daily

Japan’s tacit NATO membership acts as bridge for global security Nikkei Asia


Myanmar’s ethnic rebels say they captured an airport in a new setback for the military government Associated Press

CNA Explains: Myanmar’s ex-president visited China, followed by its junta No 2. What’s the play? Channel News Asia

Delivering Death: Chinese Jet-Fuel Tanker Sailing Into Myanmar The Irrawaddy


The complexities of India’s Neighbourhood first Policy Modern Diplomacy


US to resume 500-pound bomb shipments to Israel The HIll

Israel tells ‘everyone in Gaza City’ to leave BBC

The Palestinian Authority’s shrinking influence in the West Bank FT

Only an anti-fascist front can save us from the abyss 972 Magazine

Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war The Unbalanced Evolution of Homo Sapiens

The International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction in Palestine and the ‘Oslo Accords Issue’ Just Security

Iraq halts financial transactions in Chinese Yuan under US pressure BNE Intellinews

European Disunion

‘Contained but not stopped’: French far right takes record number of seats in parliament France24

French Elections : Antifascist Victory and Deep Political Crisis The Left Berlin

Dear Old Blighty

Israel Lobby Funded Half of New UK Cabinet Consortium News

Starmer, a thread:

The Tories betrayed Britain – and too many still refuse to admit it The Telegraph. Commentary:

New Not-So-Cold War

New Development In Black Sea, Russian Navy Using Base In Georgia Naval News

First F-16 Jet Fighters on Their Way to Ukraine, U.S. and Allies Say WSJ

Zelenskyy meets with top executives of leading US defence companies Ukrainska Pravda

Clinton promised Yeltsin Nato expansion “no threat”, newly declassified documents show BNE Intellinews

Russia faces labor shortages despite low unemployment Anadolu Agency

NATO Summit

Fate of Biden Hangs Over the NATO Summit Like a Ghost Conjured by Shakespeare Larry Johnson, Son of the New American Revolution

Biden, Starmer project optimism amid political tumult Politico

* * *

Ukraine is on an ‘irreversible’ path to NATO. But only after war with Russia ends AP. Commentary:

Stoltenberg: Ukraine’s right to self-defence includes strikes deep into Russian territory Ukrainska Pravda

Russia pledges response to US decision to deploy long-range weapons in Germany Anadolu Agency

NATO SUMMIT: Alliance’s Endgame Appears to Be Nuclear War Consortium News

China a ‘decisive enabler’ of Russia’s war in Ukraine, says Nato in stern rebuke Guardian. Commentary:


Point/Counterpoint: Hillary Clinton Is Polling Ahead Of Joe Biden vs. Did Somebody Say Hillary Clinton? The Onion. June 9.

Illa in Manila: Will History Demand Trump-Hillary II? (excerpt) Matt Taibbi, Racket News. June 10.

Analyzing the Biden and Trump Debate and the 2024 Electoral Process Black Agenda Report

2024 Election: How to Get Involved As a High School Student Teen Vogue

The Supremes

The Hydraulic Effect of Loper Bright Enterprises in Consumer Finance: More Regulation By Enforcement Credit Slips. Important.

Project 2025 Is Taking Its Cues From the Supreme Court’s Worst Decisions Balls and Strikes

Global Elections

Meta’s Oversight Board is unprepared for a historic 2024 election cycle Brookings Institution

The Final Frontier

The Boeing Starliner crew might be stuck in space for the rest of the summer Quartz

A Tale of Two Spacecraft Pluralia

Digital Watch

The Nvidia sceptics FT

Big Tech’s eventual response to my LLM-crasher bug report was dire The Register. “[A}n almost complete lack of bug reporting infrastructure from the LLM providers.”


Shein to Address Fashion Industry Waste Ahead of Potential Listing WSJ

Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress Science

Guillotine Watch

Elon Musk beats $500m severance lawsuit by fired Twitter workers Al Jazeera

Class Warfare

Grocery Workers File Union Democracy Lawsuit Labor Notes

Minneapolis park workers’ strike will continue indefinitely, union says Star-Tribune

To Best Understand Inequality, Think Class, Not Generation Inequality

A Life Full Circle: Gramsci in Sardinia Andy Merrifield

Antidote du jour (George Gastin):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from Here Comes Santa Claus  by Gene Autry, as performedby Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters, 1949)

    Here comes Hillary, here comes Hillary, called to save us again
    Schumer, Pelosi and sweet Kamala grimacing in pain
    Ask Obama ‘Who’s your mama?’ cue the sweetness and light
    That Russian bear may not play fair this time she’s doin’ it right

    You’re deplorable, she’s adorable, nothing’s wrong with her brain
    She’ll mop the floor with that orange-faced bore and he won’t come back again
    Wokey labels, gender tangles, CIS-folk getting uptight
    Jump in bed get your legs well spread this time she’s doin’ it right
    So right
    This time she’s doin’ it right
    Happy Days Happy Times
    Cue the bells and chimes
    As Hillary comes your way, today . . .

    Here comes Hillary, such nobility, not for wealth or for fame
    She’s as pure as a force majeure as we call on our grand dame
    Grace unstinting, both eyes glinting, aching for a big fight
    She has no peer and this is her year this time she’s doin’ it right
    So right
    This time she’s doin’ it right
    Stand by . . .

    (musical interlude)

    Trump won ’16, what a sad scene, all our efforts in vain
    Now she’s back for the big attack and she’ll wipe away that stain
    So share with all that she’s heard the call if we can just unite
    No more shorn of the one we love this time she’s doin’ it right
    Happy Days Happy Times
    Cue the bells and chimes
    Here comes Hillary!

  2. The Rev Kev

    “2024 Election: How to Get Involved As a High School Student”

    My own advice to those high school kids is don’t, just don’t. If they want to pay you, then fair enough. But neither party is worth the effort as far as I can see and in fact both have dedicated themselves to screwing over young people. Instead, these kids should enjoy life while they are in high school. Hang around with friends and shoot the s***, go to parties, learn to be a good driver. If they still want to volunteer, then there are lots or worthy causes that can be found that actually help people as in right here and right now. You can never get your teens years back again so don’t waste them on political machines who will use you up and then spit you out. Cynical much?

  3. Wukchumni

    (it’s the hap-happiest time of the year~)

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Kamala
    Everywhere you go
    Take a look at the state of Joe, he’s uttering malarkey once again
    With Jill as his cane and health suspicions that grow

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Kamala
    Veep story no more
    But the pettiest sight to see is the word salad that will be
    A daily bore

    Syntax jumbled about and a mouth that shoots
    Is the wish of Kam & Doug
    A doll that’ll talk and will not get mocked
    Is the hope of the Donkey Show
    And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for election talk to start again

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Kamala
    Everywhere you go
    There’s hope in the grand scheme, her administration will go well
    She’s the sturdy kind that doesn’t mind the show

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Kamala
    Soon her administration will start
    And the thing that’ll make ’em zing is the vocabulary that you bring
    Right within her vocal chords

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Kamala
    Goy story, some say a bore
    But the scariest sight to see is the ‘I’m With Her’ campaign poster that will be
    On your own front door

    Sure, it’s Hillary once more

  4. The Rev Kev

    “The Boeing Starliner crew might be stuck in space for the rest of the summer”

    ‘Boeing and NASA still aren’t sure when they’ll bring the CST-100 Starliner home.’

    So maybe those astronauts will never be able to use that Starliner to go home but will need to hitch a ride with another ship. Maybe with one of Musk’s ships or maybe with the Russians. But not to worry, Boeing is on the job. They have a secret teleportation program in development and reckon that they will be able to use it to beam those two astronauts back down to earth. They just have to work out a coupla kinks first like how things get turned inside out in transportation but they figure that when they have an 80% success rate, then they will be able to use it to bring those astronauts back down. In the meantime, NASA may have to schedule another launch to carry more supplies and provisions and maybe start charging those two rent.

    1. Wukchumni

      Lost In Space TV series plot:

      Dr. Smith: accountant for Boeing, sneaks cuts aboard the Starliner, and the Swift Family Robinson is stranded in outer space indefinitely, Danger Will Robinson! is a given.

  5. zagonostra

    >Only an anti-fascist front can save us from the abyss 972 Magazine

    It’s very difficult for a society stuck in a continuous state of trauma to evaluate or even notice the transformations it is undergoing in real time. The Israeli public is still recovering from the shock of October 7…

    But right now, we must begin preparing for this day by building a broad anti-fascist front that can curb the worst impulses of this new society and chart a different path forward.


    No, I’m not buying this account. It’s couching the argument in psychoanalytic terms like “trauma” or “impulses.” Israel has adopted an evil ideology, Zionism. Those who embrace it are either ignorant, evil, or a combination of both. You want some sort of “anti-fascist” movement to combat it, fine, as long as you call out the moral depravity of the perpetrators and the need to restore the “moral order.”

    1. vidimi

      over the past three decades, Netanyahu has built an Israeli society in his image. Everything rhymes with German fascism.

  6. DJG, Reality Czar

    Another excellent article, another episode in Andy Merrifield’s re-thinking of the life of Antonio Gramsci. “A life full circle. Gramsci in Sardinia”

    Highly recommended.

    One of the reasons why I lose patience with the empty slogan “there is no right or left,” which is self-indulgent and sterile nonsense, arguing for stagnation in history, is that there are people like Gramsci. His profound humanity and his ethos are thoroughly leftist.

    To quote from the article by Merrifield: ‘Underneath is a citation from Prison Notebooks: “culture isn’t having a well-stocked warehouse of news but is the ability that our mind has to understand life, the place we hold there, our relationship with other people. Those who are aware of themselves and of everything, who feel the relationship with all other beings, have culture…So anyone can be cultured, can be a philosopher.”’

    You may think that Italian life now centers on Chiara Ferragni and Fedez, or the latest offerings from Prada, but there is a constant current of gentle disruption—Gramsci, Saint Francis of Assisi, Rossana Rossanda… Which make a left possible and life more or less bearable.

  7. zagonstra

    >Israel Lobby Funded Half of New UK Cabinet Consortium News

    A parliamentary adviser who went on the delegation told openDemocracy: “there was a clear and obvious agenda to make sure people had a pro-Israel stance going into government”.

    What’s wrong with that? A foreign country lobbying to promote its interest buy providing financial incentives and assistance to friendly members of parliament. And unlike the U.S., it’s only half the UK Cabinet. Israel needs to up the ante, after all Thomas Massie has pointed out that all Republican members of Congress have a “handler” that “educates and guides” him/her to appreciate Israeli interest in crafting legislation.

      1. John

        Congress critters with handlers? I have a vision of the handlers herding congress critters down a chute where each is ear tagged, branded, and injected with the proper attitudes.

        One might also imagine the critters looking at their handlers rather like the sheep in the daily antidote.

        Preserving “Our Democracy.”

    1. Balan Aroxdale

      Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war The Unbalanced Evolution of Homo Sapiens

      “There’s a fixation on policing American discourse on the US-Israel relationship, even college campus discourse, from Israel, going all the way up to Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said Eli Clifton, a senior adviser at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. “One struggles to find a parallel in terms of a foreign country’s influence over American political debate.”

      Probably the nearest example is the Antebellum period, and the disproportionate influence of the slaveowning class over just about every aspect of political and civic discourse in the United States.

  8. zagonostra

    >Israel Lobby Funded Half of New UK Cabinet Consortium News

    A parliamentary adviser who went on the delegation told openDemocracy: “there was a clear and obvious agenda to make sure people had a pro-Israel stance going into government”.

    What’s wrong with that? A foreign country lobbying to promote its interest by providing financial incentives and assistance to friendly members of parliament. And unlike the U.S., it’s only half the UK Cabinet. Israel needs to up the ante, after all Thomas Massie has pointed out that all Republican members of Congress have a “handler” that “educates and guides” him/her to appreciate Israeli interest in crafting legislation.

    Speaking of Thomas Massie, his presence on TwitterX is sorely missed. I’ve still seen no account of what caused his 51 year old wife to die suddenly.

  9. Wukchumni

    Sure, nothing like starting your day with a video of a hawtie Martian blonde from Uppsala that can kill silently with her eyes, and then moving on to a variety of dangerous distaffs. I think it was supposed to be about NATO.

  10. zagonostra

    >Meta’s Oversight Board is unprepared for a historic 2024 election cycle – Brookings Institution

    Many worry that campaigns will use their social media to spread false information and that tech companies won’t adequately address these issues as their platforms continue to host democracy-compromising content ahead of elections.

    I was hoping to read some information about Meta’s new policy regarding the use of the word “Zionism.” The “many” who are worrying about “false information” are the ones perpetrating the dis/misinformation in spades, especially by omission of legitimate view points. I don’t use Facebook or other platforms controlled by Meta. That people still get “news” from these platforms is part of the problem. Even if people had reliable information to draw on in trying to influence policy makers, we all know studies have demonstrated, it really doesn’t matter, the donors will have their say/day while the rest are destined to be but spectators.

  11. ex-PFC Chuck

    Re: “Can we air condition our way out of climate change? The Climate Brink”
    William Nordhaus is the primary Economics contributor to the IPCC reports, and he blatantly ignores the thermodynamics realities of which Andrew Dressler writes at today’s link. Steve Keen has made Nordhaus’s inputs his personal punching bag for several years. Here’s one of his pieces on the subject.

  12. The Rev Kev

    ‘Esha K
    If you are wondering who UK’s new PM @Keir_Starmer
    is, wait no further.
    This will be an interesting thread.’

    Good news everybody. Starmer is doomed. Tonight on the news I saw him hug Zelensky so it is only a matter of time until the Zelensky Curse goes to work on him. Notable recent victims of this curse include Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron. That’s proof enough for me.

  13. zagonostra

    >To Best Understand Inequality, Think Class, Not Generation Inequality

    What’s going on here? We’re not suffering through a generational war. We’re continuing to live through a clash of economic classes…

    Baby boomers just happened to have had the good fortune to come along at one of those rare moments in history when the richest among us were not doing so well in that clash of classes. These boomers found themselves born into a postwar America that average people — after years of struggle — had fundamentally transformed.

    I love it, “just happened to be?” What a felicitous phrase. The article is a study in false framing of the issue, both class and generational inequality are inextricably linked in multitudinous ways. The group, what Lambert calls the “inner circle” will ensure that they pass on their status/privileges to the next generation, this group which represents a specific class, creates the conditions which ensure inequality will forever persist, at least while they hold sway over public policy decisions.

  14. Wukchumni

    The one thing i’ve noted with the prolonged big heat here, is dead branches higher up on oak trees have definitely drooped down some in our oh so sunny sojourn.

    Had this one tree that had been dead for a year and it was one of those trees where I was gonna get around to it, and the lower tendrils of the highest branches had fallen down to 7 feet from 10 feet high previously, all in a fortnight,

    I was up @ o’dark thirty as is my custom and had a cup of Joe outside and it was 80 degrees in the wee hour… nothing gets a chance to really cool down, and the weakest links are sagging~

  15. The Rev Kev

    “New Development In Black Sea, Russian Navy Using Base In Georgia ‘

    This is what Naval News considers news? A support ship that looks more like a ferry boat ties up in a port that Georgia lost back in ’08 and suddenly this is Russia maybe trying to get Georgia involved in the war in the Ukraine? The news that I have been reading is that it is the Ukraine and it’s NATO allies that are trying to drag Georgia into the war to open up another front for Russia. Would it make any difference if this happened? No, but Georgia would get wrecked for a second time which is why Georgia is determined to sit this war out.

  16. zagonostra

    >Israel tells ‘everyone in Gaza City’ to leave BBC

    The Israeli military launched a campaign in Gaza to destroy the Hamas group in response to an unprecedented attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 others were taken hostage.

    More than 38,295 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry. Its figures do not differentiate between civilians and combatants, but it had reportedly identified 14,680 children, women and elderly people among the dead by the end of April.

    The two concluding paragraphs of the article above omit, by design, recent reporting that a substantial number of the 1,200 people killed where by Israel executing the “Hannibal Directive” and that the 38,295 people is closer to 200K. BBC continues its Zionist slanted coverage of the 10/7 ongoing genocide.

  17. Wukchumni

    Through a confederate in the Naval Observatory, I have the inside scoop on the reinvention of Kamala as the first rap star Chief Executive ala maK! with advance copy of her first crouton’y word salad sandwich.

    If you love it
    What can be, unburdened
    By what has been
    Set it free
    If it comes back-its yours
    If it doesn’t it was never meant to be
    What can be, unburdened
    By what has been


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