Links 7/13/2024

Archaeologists Find a Marble Statue in an Ancient Roman Sewer New York Times (Robin K)

Night Owls Had More Brainpower in Large UK Survey Bloomberg. Furzy cites:

Older adults who self-identified as “evening people” scored better on cognitive tests than those who identified themselves as “morning people,” results published yesterday in BMJ Public Health showed. The study used data from more than 26,000 people — with an average age in their 70s — out of the UK Biobank, a UK Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust health research database that surveys about a half-million volunteers across the UK.


NIH-sponsored trial of nasal COVID-19 vaccine opens Innovation Network(ma)


How is climate change affecting food prices and inflation? Aljazeera

Scientists release new research on planted mangroves’ ability to store carbon PhysOrg

Amazon Says It Now Runs On 100% Clean Power. Employees Say It’s More Like 22% Fast Company


Confrontations in South China Sea surge, raising fears a miscalculation could lead to conflict Guardian

‘Freedom of Navigation’: China Trolls US Coast Guard, Sails Warships Near Alaskan Island Chain Sputnik (Kevin W)

guurst per below: “When in a hole, continue digging:”

China and Japan ignite Asian hypersonic arms race Asia Times

US slaps ‘symbolic’ tariffs on China steel, aluminum Asia Times (Kevin W)


India-Russia ties take a quantum leap in the fog of Ukraine war Indian Punchline (Kevin W)


Myanmar Banks Restrict Cash Withdrawals as Financial Crisis Intensifies Irrawaddy


Africans support Russia – EU’s Borrell RT (Kevin W)

Nigeria: Fuel shortage, queues worsen in Lagos, Abuja, others Adom Online

European Disunion

Elon Musk’s X platform in breach of EU rules DW

La belle France

Is France facing a summer of political chaos and unrest? The Local

Old Blighty

It should not be a surprise, given that the UK is deep into a cost-of-living crisis with nothing to indicate relief on the horizon, that there is also a credit crisis underway FinExtra

Labour unveils plan to free prisoners after just 40% of sentences: New Justice Secretary says overcrowding could cause ‘breakdown of law and order’ despite warnings she is ‘gambling with public safety’ – as minister suggests jail terms should be shorter Daily Mail


The Old Evil Chris Hedges (Robin K). “I returned to occupied Palestine….”

As fears mount of an Israel-Lebanon war, Hezbollah’s arsenal looms large Washington Post

Ships Fleeing the Red Sea Now Face Perilous African Weather Bloomberg

Weather Halts Container Shipping Around South Africa What is Going on With Shipping? (Christi I)

Palestinians Say Microsoft Unfairly Closing Their Accounts BBC

Democratic Socialists of America Pulls AOC Endorsement After She Spoke Out Against Antisemitism Haaretz (Robin K)

The UAW’s federal monitor twice pressured the union to back off its call for Gaza ceasefire, then launched an investigation Ryan Grim

New Not-So-Cold War

Footage Shows Russian Iskander-M Missiles Take Out More of Ukraine’s Patriot Air Defences Military Watch

Moscow angered by US plan to site long-range missiles in Germany Guardian

Ukraine Abandons Krasnohorivka & Russia Storms Chasiv Yar HistoryLegends, YouTube


Iraq condemns Turkish military ‘incursions’ into north New Arab

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

Drones Over Prisons CourtWatch (Chuck L). For deliveries!

AT&T Says Criminals Stole Phone Records of ‘Nearly All’ Customers in New Data Breach Techcrunch

Imperial Collapse Watch

Silicon Valley and the Second American Century Programmable Mutter (Randy K)

Reacting To Biden’s Dangerous NATO Speech Tulsi Gabbard, YouTube

Uruguay coach Marcelo Bielsa blasts Copa América organizers after brawl: ‘Plague of liars’ Yohoo. GM:

The US hosted one of the best World Cups ever back in 1994, and will host it again in 2026.

But is it going to be as well done this time?

It is hosting Copa America this year as a preparation, and take a look at what is happening. Apparently they can’t even ensure basic security…

Lots of degradation has happened in these 30 years.

And this is far from everything, it is just what boiled over the other day. But overall the tournament has been run as everything else these days, e.g. they outsourced ticketing to Ticketmaster completely, the result of which was that tickets cost $200 and stadiums were empty. Great success. The whole fiasco with the state of the pitches is, of course, another obvious cost cutting, profit maximizing debacle. Etc. etc.


Musk Donates to Trump, Tapping Fortune to Swing 2024 Race Bloomberg (furzy)

Biden Agonistes

Live Election Updates: Donors Freeze Roughly $90 Million as Long as Biden Stays in Race New York Times

Democrats in disarray over Biden: ‘We’re totally, totally screwed’ Financial Times

Silver Bulletin 2024 presidential election forecast Nate Silver

Biden’s Press Conference Won’t Stem Tide of Defections Wall Street Journal (Li)

The foreign press is less charitable: Biden looks finished – there’s surely no coming back from this Telegraph and You could sense the embarrassment as Biden spoke, a sign of how low the presidency has sunk Guardian

Top Democrat on House Intel committee calls on Biden to step aside after press conference CNN


Biden Has 100 Million Reasons to Stay In Wall Street Journal


The US Treasury is Denying Jill Stein Matching Funds the FEC Awarded – Campaign Manager Sputnik (Kevin W). Holy shit.

Operation DAWN Scott Ritter

Our No Longer Free Press

Benz is a bit of a drama queen but that does not make him wrong (hat tip Chuck L):

“I’m BRAVE For Admitting Biden Is Declining!” – Jake Tapper Jimmy Dore, YouTube


Alec Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter case dismissed in “Rust” shooting CBS (Kevin W). Wowsers, dismissed with prejudice!

Central banks warn over surge in global sovereign debt level Financial Times

The Bezzle

Big Banks’ Stress Tests Are Flawed Bloomberg. We and many others said this from the very get go.

NYC’s Massive Link5G Towers Aren’t Actually Providing 5G Gothamist

Known as ‘Tesla of Euthanasia,’ ‘Suicide Capsule’ Banned by Swiss Authorities Weeks Before First Planned Use Venture Capital Post (Paul R). If this really is a not nasty way to die, why isn’t this remarketed to the US states that still execute prisoners?

Class Warfare

Food companies feel the pain as consumers reject higher prices Washington Post

Antidote du jour. Tracie H: “While I’m not fond of the typical House Fly, I actually find these Green Bottle flies kind of pretty.”

And a bonus:

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. The Rev Kev

    Can’t stop watching this.. 😊’

    That was hilarious that. Was wondering why that dog was running like a bat out of hell until you could see why at the end. Good boi.

      1. timbers

        Yep. My Labrador behaves that way when he sees people. Even at the far opposite side of the park. I think he has a special gene requiring him to say “Hi!” to everyone in sight. Even when I leash him as we pass a group of people, when they pass I unleash him he stops, looks at me for permission, then his eyes say “l’m taking my chances of risking your punishment for disobeying you by greeting my friends” then turns around and dashes to say “Hi” to his friends (which consists of everyone on earth).

  2. timbers

    AT&T Says Criminals Stole Phone Records of ‘Nearly All’ Customers in New Data Breach Techcrunch

    And AT&T forced upon me their “my” password in an act of “security theater” to “protect” “my” account who’s contents they sell to the US government which shares it with other governments and corporations throughout the world. A “my” password I never remember because it’s really AT&T’s password I told them I did not want, so they text me a temporary password every time they pretend they can’t access their “my” account.

    Reality check: “Nearly All” of customer data breached is an improvement over AT&T’s long standing policy of providing all customer data to the US government and others.

    1. dao

      You can presume all voice calls are recorded and converted with text-to-speech software and saved to government hard drives in Utah. They aren’t just recording “meta data” like the press tells you.

  3. timbers

    “CNN reports that a prominent Democrat has claimed Biden’s advisors have threatened White House staffers, saying they will “beat the shit out” of anyone who says anything about Biden’s health that runs contrary to their narrative.”

    This is what happens when rich donors abandon you, who in normal circumstances would available to just Seth Rich anyone who leaks bad things about their candidate.

    1. The Rev Kev

      In a way that story may not be true. Alex Christoforou was reporting on how things are done at the White House. In the same way that when Biden talks to reporters he has a card with not only a list of the reporters that he will be actually talking to but also what questions they will be asking him, staffers at the White House are also in the same position as those reporters as they have to have written down what they intend to talk about before actually meeting him. So you can be sure that none will be so stupid as to have ‘Presidential Health’ listed as a topic that they want to discuss with Biden.

      1. timbers

        Don’t say things like that. Because Biden and his Vice President Trump is our first black female President.

      2. ilsm

        Time to read Shakespeare: Henry VI!

        Regency and a Margaret of Anjou!

        The PBS series was awesome!

    2. Screwball

      They must have told their loyal voters the same thing. It has been an amazing thing to watch and hear. Just yesterday someone suggested Biden has dementia and another person just went off. How dare you!!! You just don’t like Biden so now you are just throwing **** against the wall to see what sticks. There is nothing wrong with Biden, he’s just old. He is as sharp as a tack and certainly qualified for the job.

      These people have gone off the deep end. They were already unhinged and clueless, but now they are just making up their own reality. Add in all the Project 2025 stuff they are getting programmed with – I can only imagine the level of hair on fire they will be by November. Which of course is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER! It will be the end of the world and Joe is going to save them.

  4. Randall Flagg

    >The US Treasury is Denying Jill Stein Matching Funds the FEC Awarded – Campaign Manager Sputnik (Kevin W). Holy shit.

    As has been said in the past by some on this NC site, This is some 3rd World Banana Republic Bullsh*t…
    In the most important election ever, Democracy must be saved, yada, yada, yada…

    1. Stephen V

      Hmmmm. Is this the same US Treasury that doesn’t enforce COVID $$ Reg’s so that our County in podunk can expand its jail? That one? We have to keep up with population growth, Doncha know?

    2. Carolinian

      However, the US Treasury has declined to distribute the funds, citing a shortfall. In March, the government raided the fund of $400 million as part of the $1.2 trillion spending package that averted a government shutdown. Most of that, $320 million, was used to fund the Secret Service, $55 million was appropriated for election security, and $25 million went to the Justice Department.

      So millions were raided (with Congressional approval apparenty) but 100,000 can’t be found for the Stein campaign sez Treasury. We’d be churlish to suspect Democracy Joe and his political operation have anything to do with this. With such rash, fake news accusations next they’ll be saying he blew up Nordstream.

      Biden is always pushing the envelope of what he can get away with but then democracy is at stake both here and abroad. And if any of his would be competitors gain an advantage then the necessary outcome may be in danger.

  5. William Beyer

    Big Banks’ Stress Tests Are Flawed, Bloomberg.
    Not “flawed,” …but it definitely rhymes with “flawed.”

    1. Wukchumni

      [on Dave’s return to the ship, after he has killed the rest of the crew]

      HAL : Look Dave, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress test, and think things over.

  6. Randall Flagg

    >AT&T Says Criminals Stole Phone Records of ‘Nearly All’ Customers in New Data Breach Techcrunch

    Am I alone in the amount of mail I am getting lately regarding data breaches, including companies I have not interacted with for years ( looking at you TicketMaster… ), telling me to check on this and that , apply for credit bureau monitoring paid for by the company, etc., etc., all because some third party vendor screwed up? And I don’t use the internet for a fraction of life’s business compared to most I know.
    I can’t help but think if the regulatory agencies simply dropped an anvil on these guys with some serious fines and penalties these companies might get serious about protecting data.

    1. timbers

      And why aren’t AI robo calls not classified as spam while human calls I want are? What happened to do not call list?

    2. The Rev Kev

      Doesn’t exactly give you confidence about a digital currency if they try to bring it in much less a mandatory digital identity like they have in India. Computer security always seems to come down to the lowest common denominator which works out to be that guy who insists on writing his password down on a stick-it note attached to his computer.

      1. Randll Flagg

        I have a difficult time imagining a world inhabited with the use of digital currency only.
        First, get rid of the best way to pay off politicians? C’mon man, but I’m sure there will be a workaround. Will you take some gold bars Senator Menendez?
        Think of all the people that are completely unbanked to start. A slow grab of the cash in circulation by using the machines that take cash and give a debit card? Oh, and we’ll only charger 4 % so the pricks ( excuse me, our “partners”) at B of A, or Wells Fargo, Goldmans, get a cut for providing you with the privilege of availing yourself of this opportunity.
        My tinfoil hat may be a bit too tight but wow, the Government control over our lives. Can’t spend your money on this, it contributes to Global warming, can’t spend your money on that, it’s bad for your health and that will contribute to our overstressed medical system (Unless you are going to buy Big Pharma’s latest and greatest drugs). You’ve already eaten too much meat this month. Had too much alcohol, cheetos. Why are you spending your money at a Functional medicine Doctor? What, your local PCP , you know, the one that can’t fit you in for 8 months isn’t good enough?
        Can’t spend it on that. it’s a contribution to our political opponent, or that website, we believe that organization is a purveyor of disinformation.
        You can’t buy that house, it’s too big.
        Oh, sorry, your account was hacked, along with 200 million others and you’ll have to bail in to pay the ransom. They are only asking for a few trillion, your share will be X…
        Gah, too much coffee this am.. Sorry

  7. The Rev Kev

    “Night Owls Had More Brainpower in Large UK Survey”

    ‘It’s a common belief that early risers are naturally more productive than night owls’

    I had a grandmother who told me that the hours of sleep that you have before midnight are worth twice that of those after. I was never convinced of that argument. It’s like saying that if you lay down a piece of string in front of you, cut some of the left end and attach it to the right, that you now have a longer piece of string. But it’s all about the appearance of “productivity”. Like when the boss goes to work early and finds Tom Terrific beavering away in the office and being impressed by this early riser. Never thinks about the worker working from home who works his own hours and does just a good a job. Maybe even better as he can even spend some of the hours saved by not having to travel to and from work each day to think about his job and how else he might do it. So I am going with to each their own.

  8. Wukchumni

    Sun is shinin’ in the sky
    There ain’t a cloud in sight
    It’s stopped rainin’ removal calls, everybody’s in the play
    And don’t you know
    It’s a beautiful new day? Hey

    Runnin’ down the naysayers neighs
    See how the sun shines brightly in the city
    On the debate where once was pity
    Mr. Blue Guy is living here today, hey

    Mr. Blue Guy, please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long (so long)
    Where did we go wrong?

    Mr. Blue Guy, please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long (so long)
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey you-his political base
    Welcome to the re-election race
    A celebration, Mr. Blue Guy’s up there waitin’
    And today is the comeback press conference we’ve waited for

    Oh, Mr. Blue Guy, please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long (so long)
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey there, Mr. Blue
    The usual suspects are so pleased with you
    Look around, see what you do
    Everybody smiles at you

    Hey there, Mr. Blue
    The usual suspects are so pleased with you
    Look around, see what you do
    Everybody smiles at you

    Mr. Blue, you did it right
    But soon comes Father Time creepin’ over
    Now his hand is on your shoulder
    Never mind, I’ll remember you this
    I’ll remember you this way

    Mr. Blue Guy, please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long (so long)
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey there Mr. Blue (Guy)
    the usual suspects are so pleased with you (Guy)
    Look around see what you do (blue)
    Everybody smiles at you

    1. griffen

      Nice applause for the effort. That’s a good tune. If polite applause is somehow not sufficient, I’ll share the below quoting verbatim of philosopher / greenskeeper Carl Spackler from Caddyshack…

      “Hey Lama, how about a little something for the effort?”
      “On your death bed you will receive total consciousness”

  9. Mikel

    Re: CNN reports…

    Lee noted “You know, we talked to a lot of folks who said, ‘Of course we know that he has aged. Of course, we had seen some signs, especially over the last year, of his decline in terms of his physical stamina, his mental clarity.’ But that version of the president that we saw on the debate stage, they said was basically unrecognizable.”

    The gaslight contained within a faux critcism. This is a type of propaganda intended to make people think their concerns are being recognized and addressed, but a critical reading usually shows that the issue at hand is being minimized or the origin of a problem is being obscured.

    ‘Of course we know that he has aged’

    The problem is that he has a illness that only gets progressively worse. Not that he’s aged.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Can you imagine what he will be like by January of 2029 which is when he wants his Presidency to continue to? It won’t be so much a tragedy as a farce.

      1. Jackiebass63

        At 82 I have heard a lot of gloom and doom predictions about what will happen if a certain candidate is elected president. In most cases it has turned out to be a lot of hot air. We have survived for a long time. I don’t see anyone elected president changing much.

    2. Mikel

      The FT article opens with same BS:

      “…With his party in disarray over the question of the president’s age and political viability..”

      They go through great pains to make sure no brain affecting disease is considered.

      If age was the big concern, he wouldn’t have been nominated 4 years ago.

      1. Carolinian

        BS indeed. It’s not just Biden who is over the hill. Both parties are coasting on brand fumes and trying suppress even the hint of a third party alternative. Michael Tracey asks why the Dems are so upset over Project 2025 when they support the foreign policy portion.

        And the domestic portion which he doesn’t talk about is indeed Back to 1981. They need a Delorean.

        1. Mikel

          Indeed..when NC did a special post the other day about Project 2025, I read some of it and said: “This could have come out of the 20th Century.”

          1. jefemt

            Funny thing… I saw a post on Zero Hedge (I know, I Know…) and it was a review of a book called, “Birth of a Transfer Society”, written in the late 70’s by two deeply free market Austrian Economists that taught at Montana State University in the heyday of the Reagan years— PJ Hill, who was from eastern MT, studied at U Chicago, and Terry Anderson. Along with a couple others- Richard Stroup and John Baden. Baden went on to host Judicial confab training retreats at Big Sky ski area, to help teach the judges the charms and remarkable benefits of free markets. Forty years ago, and these chickens are on the roost, big-time.
            Heritage Foundation, guest editorials in the WS Germal… well-orchestrated and played. And heck, no issue for the neocon Uniparty.
            There Is No Alternative.

    3. Mikel

      FT today with another article that leans into “it’s just age” narrative:
      Biden’s debate disaster woke me up – FT

      “…When our president lost his words, he revealed a very human and dignified thing: that we all age, and plans can change, and that’s OK…”

      The actual issue: He’s trying to be President with a degenerative illness.

    4. Katniss Everdeen

      So, I’m guessing that the whole nominating joe biden on Zoom before the convention because he’s the overwhelming favorite thing is off now.

      1. The Rev Kev

        Like Liz Truss’s lettuce, maybe they should be asking which will last longer – Biden or a pumpkin. To be resolved by October 31st.

        Say, guys. Does anybody else realize that the Paris Olympics are only a fortnight away? But there has hardly been any news of it in the media this time around.

        1. caucus99percenter

          Dunno about other countries, but in the U.S. the qualifying trials — held in Eugene, Oregon — for the Olympic track and field team & events were all over cable TV.

        2. Wukchumni

          I’m trying to compress a lifetime of training for the Pent-Up-Athlon event into a mere fortnight, but honestly i’ve been holding back my best moves for the games, where when on the podium, I hope to be able to repress my emotions.

          1. The Rev Kev

            If your athletes can’t beat theirs, you just rig the rules so that they can’t even compete or even attend. You get more medals that way. But don’t be surprised to see officials try to mess with those Russian and Belorussian athletes by flinging all sorts of accusations at them. It’s what they did in the last Winter Olympics

  10. Carla

    I happen to be a fan of Bubbies Kosher Dill Pickles. They are sold in the refrigerated deli case and have always been expensive. In 2021 they were $9.99 a quart. Sometime that year or early in ’22 they went to $10.99 a quart. In ’23, they skipped a buck and the price jumped to $12.99 a quart.

    A couple of weeks ago, I was amused and pleased to see that they are once again selling for $9.99. Apparently the rich dogs didn’t like the price of the dog food.

    1. albrt

      Check whether the contents of the jar has changed. Clif Bars recently lowered their shelf price for the same size box. Except the box has five in it now instead of six.

    2. Carolinian

      Re that WaPo article–not only are customers buying house brands at Aldi and Lidl (leading a very mindful Walmart to offer more of them)but these store brands are often better than the long standing name versions. You just need to know at what store to buy what.

      I know that Aldi has a rep for carefully choosing its vendors with the more recent (around here) Lidl perhaps a bit less reliable. Many times though all three stores seem to be offering the same product in different packaging.

      An investigation of how our manufactured food chain works might make an interesting NC article!

  11. griffen

    Comments on whether Biden continues on in his election campaign, well the drum beat will roll until November it seems. Hard to find agreement with Matthews ( tingles in his leg ) on much but surely he’s correct; Joe is gonna do Joe based on his companionship with Jill. Politics is the man’s life work after all, any nonsense about “loving his family” notwithstanding.

    Joe is gonna tell any of Obama’s Hollywood, or celebrity elite pals, politely but they can go straight to hell.

    1. Neutrino

      Potential silver lining: retirements of commentators and pundits, with or without book deals.
      Given the egos involved and the access to, well, to the anointed, the brunch hosts, the inner circle jerks.
      Looking forward to a new crop not yet saturated with the swamp gas.

  12. Expat2uruguay

    Wait, is the nasal vaccine an mRNA vaccine? I skimmed the article but I might have missed it. The underlying study says uses a MPV/S-2P, which it says is alive attenuated Murine virus, but I don’t know what that means either.

    1. Jim Thomson

      yes, the virus carries the nucleic for the spike protein. So it is a similar mechanism to the mrna vaccines. The spike protein is produced by our own cells after they take up the nucleic acid. the details are different but the general mechanism is the same.
      It is not just the spike protein itself in the vaccine.

  13. Wukchumni

    I’ve taken to bringing a metal cup on my forays to Home Depot, to rattle against the cages of an awful lot of stuff behind lock & key, in hopes that an employee will hear my plea, and present a key to allow me to point to something and if I desire it, said employee will walk with the goods to a cashier-lest I purloin it en route.

    Every HD employee I ask about shoplifting tells me the same thing, it’s bad!

    1. Carolinian

      Funny. These days it’s the products that are in jail and the “screws” walk around with a ring of keys to liberate them when a customer comes up with the bail money. Also our president is aging backwards.

      Lewis Carroll was ahead of his time.

      1. The Rev Kev

        This is what a low trust society looks like. But since economists could not put a price on trust, they held it to be of no value.

        1. Wukchumni

          Around the turn of the century about the only thing you’d see behind locked glass was razor blades, as merchants wanted to slit their risks.

  14. The Rev Kev

    ‘Deep Barot
    JUST IN: The US has entered a new “great game” with China with President Biden just signing Tibet Resolution Act. Will be interesting to see Chinese reaction, they clearly do not recognize the current Dalai Lama as legitimate nor they wish for Tibet to be a “Autonomous region.”’

    This is Washington saying what one of the main things that they will be attacking China on by next year. As China neither recognizes the Dalai Lama or a Tibeten Autonomous region, it will be a one sided negotiation. That is until Washington ramps up the sanctions on China until they agree to negotiate – with them acting as the neutral arbitrator like they do in Israel. I note that Tibet borders Myanmar (Burma), India, Bhutan, and Nepal so there would be plenty of ways to slip in equipment, fighters and whatever with Myanmar being the most likely staging post. Fun times ahead.

    I got an idea. So maybe China should contact Mexico and say that they want to talk about the Mexican Autonomous Regions of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming lost back in 1848. Say that they want to see this issue resolved and the Chinese National People’s Congress have just passed the Mexico-US Dispute Act which will include demanding that the human rights of those Mexicans in the US in those regions be protected and supporting efforts to preserve their distinct linguistic, cultural and religious heritage. But China still recognizes the Mexican Autonomous Regions being part of the US. Think Washington will go for it?

  15. John

    Biden this and Biden that. What you are seeing is a large steaming load of b-ll sh-t. This is not an election thundering down on us. It is a farce. It is absurd. DJT will destroy “Our Democracy” as if ‘they’ owned it. Hey,I’m a deplorable, Hillary said so and we always believe her don’t we? JRB or DJT? What changes? Either one interested in ending the censorship regime? Either one interested in telling Bibi to knock it off? Either one interested in a saner world? It is true that DJT would be insufferably noisy, but he has always been insufferably noisy … and vulgar … mustn’t forget vulgar. But JRB? I watched the so-called debate. The sit-down with what’s his name, the NATO speech … man that was a trip to fantasy land … Missed the press conference, really would have liked to have seen President Putin and Vice President Trump though. I am considerably older than JRB. When I cannot recall names in a timely fashion, it annoys the hell out of me, but to be looking at a person I know well and misname them and misname them as two persons for whom, by all indications, you have a visceral hatred(?) dislike(?) loathing(?) That boggles the mind.

    But I ramble. The farce continues. Absurdity rules the day. I go Pogo. (You may recall that Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”)

  16. Alice X

    >The UAW’s federal monitor twice pressured the union to back off its call for Gaza ceasefire, then launched an investigation

    Barofsky told Fain he was not calling as the federal monitor, who has nearly unchecked power over the union, but merely in his personal capacity.

    A chilling piece from Ryan Grim. Barofsky and the entire cast of characters his improper action represents should go. Meanwhile the genocide carries on. Being anti-genocide is not anti-semitic. What a bizarre world that that needs to be said.

  17. Alice X

    >Chris Matthews makes a prediction on Biden…

    He’s a blue pill purveyor. It’s the Matrix stupid!

  18. tennesseewaltzer

    My thanks to all who contributed to the coffee discussion a while back. Based on the recommendations I ordered an AeroPress and have been savoring my coffee now for about a week. The advertisement and recommendations are on target. The coffee this press produces is delicious, not at all bitter. The NC commentariat is the best!!

    1. jefemt

      Wow. Not sure about either the message, or the messenger. Not a big fan of carving but bankruptcy on student debt, either. But he was a silver – tongued devil, greying temples, swagger….

      Shakespearean tragedies are everywhere these days. Nothing new under the sun–the fault may be in our selves…

    2. The Rev Kev

      Thanks for that. I have seen other videos of Biden from this era and it is entirely in character for him for what he was saying. The only thing missing is that stage whisper of his when he says something really bad.

    3. Alice X

      The other night Greenwald did an entire segment on Creepy Joe. I remember much of that well having watched C-Span incessantly in the 90’s, until I couldn’t stand it any more. I wasn’t going to vote for statusquObama even before he picked Joe for Veep*, but it was cringe worthy by itself.

      Is Joe Biden a “Good and Decent Man”?

      *the Elites picked Joe.

  19. Pat

    I may be the only person who appreciates the ATT hack. I have spent the last several years refusing to give a regular mobile number for two step verification aka security theater. It has meant either convincing them to use a google voice number I use for that alone or that they have to use an email or a landline The extent of the hack blew the cover off that front, it is no more secure than the methods I will do (well except for Google or Yahoo spying as per usual) they just come with less texts, notifications and intrusions.


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