Links 7/21/2024

Our brain doesn’t perceive time as a clock. Instead, time flows with experiences, study finds ZME Science

Is The Future Worth It? The Break Down

The puzzle as propaganda Africa Is A Country


In Alabama’s Bald Eagle Territory, Residents Say an Unexpected Mining Operation Emerged as Independence Day Unfolded Inside Climate News

‘Forever chemical’ polluters land hefty contracts to meet electric vehicle battery demand The Examination


Lithium Critical to the Energy Transition Is Coming at the Expense of Water Inside Climate News


When Does a Pandemic End? Pandemic Accountability Index

The end of the official Covid emergency now potentially hindering bird flu outbreak analyses. Inside Medicine


Kenyan Protests, Part Three: Thoughts on potential pathways forward An Africanist Perspective

Whom the Gods Want to Destroy, They First Make Mad The Elephant


India-Russia relations march ahead Gateway House

The End is Nigh As Government Crackdown Sparks Bloodshed and Fury Across Bangladesh The Wire

Understanding the quota-reformation protests in Bangladesh The Leaflet


Trump says Xi wrote him ‘beautiful note’ following shooting Politico

‘Protection fees’: can Taiwan still rely on US defence if Trump returns to office? South China Morning Post


Netanyahu claims Al Hudaydah port in Yemen that Israel struck used to supply Iranian weapons to Houthis Anadolu Agency. Commentary:

5,000 UAVs could be fired at central Israel, and the IAF is not remotely prepared – analysis Jerusalem Post

Without Tanks or Trainers, Israel Reveals Its Inability to Open Any Other Front Elijah J Magnier

CENTCOM chief urges ‘broad expansion’ of illegal war against Yemen: Report The Cradle

Saudi Arabia denies involvement in the Israeli attack on Hodeidah Al Mayadeen


Iran ‘now probably 1 or 2 weeks away’ from nuclear weapon breakout: Blinken Anadolu Agency. Commentary:


US warns ICJ ruling on Israeli presence in West Bank, East Jerusalem will ‘complicate’ peace efforts Times of Israel

Why are North American synagogues selling West Bank real estate? The New Arab


Anyone who interrupts Netanyahu’s Congress speech could face arrest, US House speaker says The New Arab

Polio outbreak in Gaza threatens Israelis as much as Palestinians, experts say Ynet news

European Disunion

Slovak PM blasts Ukraine’s Lukoil sanctions as oil flow stops Euractiv

Hungary facing fuel crisis as Ukraine turns up heat on Russian oil supplies Politico

Orban’s Peace Efforts Raise Suspicions of Hidden Agendas Dagens News


New Not-So-Cold War

NATO at the Crossroads Big Serge Thought

Blinken points to wider pledges to support Ukraine in case US backs away under Trump Politico

Poland to Triple Forces on Belarusian Border From Next Month Military Watch Magazine

Old Blighty

A failure of state: the damning verdict of Covid Inquiry Counterfire

The Bonfire of Structures Tribune

Existence vs Expansion Craig Murray

South of the Border

United States Spied on Lula for Decades, US Government Documents Reveal Orinoco Tribune

Drug Traffickers Said They Backed an Early Campaign of Mexico’s President. But U.S. Agents Were Done Investigating. ProPublica


Biden eyes Georgia and Texas trips from Rehoboth bunker Axios



Professor Who Accurately Predicted Past Elections Says ‘Biden Can Win’ Newsweek

VP Kamala Harris and Democratic donors discuss ‘urgent, emerging needs’ in the race, with Biden campaign in crisis CNBC

Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever The Hill

Clintons privately urge donors to keep giving to Biden as long as he remains presumptive nominee CNN


Does Trump deserve a clean shave? David Ignatius, WaPo. Spook mouthpiece gives a thumbs down.

Secret Service says it denied Trump additional resources even as his team complained CNN


J.D. Vance, the Tech Oligarchs’ Populist Nonzero Newsletter

Realignment and Legitimacy

Pro-Trump multimillionaire and election denier boosts funds to far-right voter-conspiracy groups The Guardian. Commentary:


Exclusive: US-Japan Patriot missile production plan hits Boeing component roadblock Reuters

Imperial Collapse Watch

Liars, war-mongers and politics at the apex of power Gilbert Doctorow, Armageddon Newsletter


Abortion gets the silent treatment at the RNC The 19th

Groves of Academe

Columbia removes 3 senior administrators over ‘very troubling’ texts High Ed Dive

Universities, police spread ‘jaw-dropping’ misinformation about encampments The Breach


Private Medicare Plans and Vertical Integration Yields UnitedHealth $15.8 Billion in Profits Between January and June HEALTH CARE un-covered

Police State Watch

The Body Camera: The Language of our Dreams Yale Journal of Law & Liberation


CrowdStrike ‘close to rolling out fix’ after IT outage crashes 8.5m Windows devices globally Irish Times

Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say The Guardian

Class Warfare

99% of Disneyland Workers Authorize a Strike! Mice Chat

As Florida temperatures soar, Disney World workers struggle and pass out from the heat Orlando Weekly

Screening Room

Egalitarian Production Dollars & Sense

Antidote du jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. The Rev Kev

    “Anyone who interrupts Netanyahu’s Congress speech could face arrest, US House speaker says”

    Is anyone really going to try to disrupt Netanyahu’s speech to Congress if he does make the trip over? When he spoke to Congress back in 2015 he got 28 standing ovations in 47 minutes which meant that members of Congress were up and down like that Assyrian Empire. Must have been hard on the elderly members of Congress as jumping up and down on command is kinda hard on the knees. And this time around, will female members of Congress dress in blue and white to show their support and loyalty? We will have to wait and see.

      1. Benny Profane

        Ha. I remember when I realized we were getting old, when I went to a Hot Tuna concert and Jorma had to play sitting down because of a bad back, and, when it came time for the standing O, the front row took forever to get up out of their seats. Then I was dragged to a Steve Miller concert, and we were seated by the walker and wheelchair section.

      2. griffen

        Yesterday there was discussion about VT Senator Bernie Sanders… Independent. He is running for reelection to his Senate seat this year. He’s 82 years old. I don’t see any net positive in holding an official position for such a long period of time, House or Senate or on the Supreme Court. Life long appointments or very secure positions in Congress, either scenario, should have a mandatory age of retirement…just maybe.

    1. Stephen V

      Ah, the Spice must flow and it’s good to see the Big Boss once in a while. Mazel tov. Uneffing believable.

    2. Samuel Conner

      It is clarifying that the PM of Israel seems to be regarded to be more worthy of deference than, say, the President of US (thinking of the famous “you lie!” charge at a BHO SOTU address; it’s hard to imagine that BN will utter fewer falsehoods in the upcoming address than BHO did in that one).

    3. TomDority

      Lawmakers who try to interrupt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress next week may face arrest, US House Speaker Mike Johnson warned on Friday.
      Geez – I thought the law was that while in session Congress and it’s members cant face arrest for anything short of murder. Mike Johnson certainly knows how to speak out his hind orifice.

  2. The Rev Kev

    “Report of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Charles Michel, President of the European Council”

    Sounds like that Orbán thinks that the fighting will intensify and nothing will change externally until the US elections are over in November. What happens internally to the Ukraine is another matter altogether. Naturally the EU was keen to learn his direct insights for the main characters involved and what Trump might do if he becomes President. Nah – just kidding. When Orbán scheduled an informal meeting of EU foreign minsters in Budapest to expand on this report, the EU immediately scheduled a meeting of those same foreign ministers in Brussels the same day and made attendance mandatory. They are nothing but petulant children.

  3. timbers

    China? Trump says Xi wrote him ‘beautiful note’ following shooting Politico

    The world needs more humanity. Trump at least still has some (not an endorsement just an observation feel free to disagree). In contrast, Neo-liberals respond with scripted neo-liberal robotic idealogues.

    Has anyone watched a recent movie “Arrival” 2016 with Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker? It contains a crucial scene with an actor clearly meant to represent China’s Xi and even looks like Xi. It is a revolutionary clarifying and emotionally moving scene providing the missing link that pulls together the entire plot puzzle in one brilliant stroke. Human encounter with aliens extremely intelligent and more advanced. The human response is…sadly predictable. The lead, Amy Adams, is a linguist expert as the govt at least understands is needs to learn the language of the aliens.

    The scene shocked me when I first saw. Portraying a Chinese leader as a multidimensional, humane good guy? Wow.

    1. Stephen V

      1000 X Yes! I just rewatched it and had totally forgotten the militaristic aspect of the plot. And the music is also amazing. Sorry but I wept at the end…

      1. timbers

        Yes I wept also The script does a not-dumbed-down yet succinct job of highlighting fundamental clashes involving morals, principles, language, meaning, methods between Amy the linguist and the military types who are running the show, as she challenges their very core language and methods telling them how dangerous and threatening they can be, are brilliant as they go to the very core of meaning and principle. The scene where she explains “war” in ancient time translates literally to “lack of cows” is a jaw dropper moment (pardon if my detail are slightly off).

    2. The Rev Kev

      Bit disappointed how it was a religious nut that tried to sabotage first contact, just like happened with the film “Contact.” They could have tried something original. But agreed that that part with the Chinese leader was an outstanding part of that film,

    1. The Rev Kev

      It must be all the stress. He first off he has his loyalty to the Ukraine because of his family connections to that country. Then he is also loyal to Israel and when he arrived in Israel after the October attack, he immediately declared himself to be Jewish and not the US Secretary of State. And in his spare time I am sure that he is loyal to America as well. So it is kinda a three way split for him and the stress is telling.

      1. Samuel Conner

        Perhaps repeated CV infections are adding up, too. It seems that the top levels of US government are not all that safe a place to work from a “CV mitigations” perspective. JRB is presumably getting CV protection as good as anyone in USG gets, and he recently notched his 3rd publicly acknowledged infection. Shame on the Secret Service (/s)!

        In local observation, many people seem beaten down. Doubtless there’s a “stupidest timeline” malaise/dread psychological aspect to it, but I suspect that there may be accumulating CV sequelae as well.

      2. John

        Yes. Precisely put. He looks alternately puzzled and alarmed to me. Perhaps it is nothing more than his divided loyalties whipsawing him. Of course, the fact that he has not a diplomatic bone in his body is a large factor. He is at best an over matched clerk, out of his depth from day one. The March 2021 Anchorage debacle put paid to any regard I might ever have had for him or his equally unqualified running mate, Jake Sullivan. I sometimes think of the saying, “The boys throw stones at frogs in jest, but the frogs die not in fun but in earnest.” They know not what they do, but I do not forgive them their errors.

        1. The Rev Kev

          The guy does not look like it but he is actually a thug in his behaviour with other diplomats. As an example, before the war he told Lavrov that of course the US was going to station nukes in the Ukraine and the only question was just how many. But that reminder about the Anchorage fiasco was a good reminder. Was that all his idea of what to do to the Chinese?

  4. Benny Profane

    Mecouris comes up with an interesting take on Harris replacing Biden, beginning by insulting her, but, cannot say he isn’t right. About 20 minutes in. Harris should do this. Only has to deal with the office for a few months, then live with “The First Female Person of Color to be President” for the rest of her life. It could be worth hundreds of millions, in this ex president’s market, as it stands. She’s an attractive woman, looks good on TV. Hire a good agent, and she’ll live very well, with little effort.

    1. Samuel Conner

      But there’s also a public humiliation aspect, recapitulating (but probably much worse) HRC’s humiliation in 2016. And perhaps forever after remembered (wrongly, IMO; BHO deserves the credit, for his “thumb on scales” in 2020) as the person who gave us a 2nd DJT term.

      She’s married to a wealthy person already; may not need the $x10^8 from a personal comfort perspective; marginal utility of money and all that.

    2. griffen

      The CNBC article linked above is worth reading, and some on the ground reports from the latest campaign event where Harris was speaking.

      “… Biden as one of the most consequential presidents in history.”. Make space on Mt. Rushmore? Vomit worthy statement, just my opinion.

  5. Lazar

    Lithium Critical to the Energy Transition Is Coming at the Expense of Water Inside Climate News
    Serbia: Protests on the cards if lithium mining goes ahead
    As Olaf Scholz travels to Serbia for a summit on critical raw materials on Friday, Serbian activists have labeled their government’s decision to greenlight lithium mining “an epic crime against people and nature.”

  6. griffen

    Please run HRC! Help us, you are the only hope as one of the most qualified ever to run for high office. You win if we choose who as a candidate is least likely to die next! \Sarc

    God help us, or your deity of choice if you got one in mind and heart. Good grief the cope, and the hope. This isn’t real….I hope it isn’t real.

    1. Samuel Conner

      Granting the present assumption that the election is DJT/JDV’s to lose, perhaps we powerless mopes should be rooting for a D nominee who would provide the greatest entertainment (and, n.b., “schadenfreude” is a form of entertainment) value.

      HRC might score high by that metric.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Looks like that kid got off two or three aimed shots at Trump but missed and then in frustration, sent a whole bunch of bullets downrange not caring who they hit.

  7. GramSci

    Re: Drug Traffickers Said They Backed an Early Campaign of Mexico’s President.

    They would say that, wouldn’t they? All the cited traffickers seem to be facing charges in the US. I’m rethinking my temptation to click ProPublica’s Donate button. Looks like they’ve found new donors.

  8. GramSci

    Re: “If US only presses Taiwan to defend itself, Taiwanese people will reel unease.

    Our Taiwanese friends feel unease over how the “defense of Ukraine to the last Ukrainian” translates into Taiwanese.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Probably something along the lines of ‘Yew Go Dai!’ Doesn’t help to know that the US has promised to blow up Taiwan’s chip factories just so the Chinese do not get them – along with the rest of the world. You wonder if they will destroy the infrastructure as well just so that they can create problems for China – while blaming them for all that damage.

      1. John

        In foreign policy the US has become the ultimate dog in the manger. I say again. Russia is not going to fold. Ukraine is a slaughter pen for Ukrainian bodies and the pretensions of the hubristic West. Iran is an enemy only if it is made into one. Israel is an unruly client state. Support is one thing. Giving genocide a free pass is another. Finally, do you really want to provoke a nuclear war? Climb down off your high horse, a high horse that more and more resembles Rocinante.

  9. The Rev Kev

    “Secret Service says it denied Trump additional resources even as his team complained”

    Can’t confirm it but I heard that the SS guys doing security weren’t regular security detail people but those taken from other departments. This could be very well true. There is a clip of this female SS agent who has all sorts of trouble trying to holster her gun until she gave up as if she was unfamiliar with how to do it. And remember how it was only after this shooting and at Trump’s request that RJK jr was assigned a detail as well. Hopefully the SS will start training their people in how to deal with sloped roofs soon.

    1. Samuel Conner

      That concern echoes the first item (DJT detail in Butler was not his regular SS detail) in a substantial list of concerns raised in a discussion between Larry Johnson and Larry Cunningham. Here’s the text summary (the discussion, which is an hour long, is embedded in the post).

      I don’t know what to make of it, but hope that it really is “stupidest timeline” level stuff and not something even more disturbing. This many goofs, if intentional, seems very disturbing, as if TPTB don’t care if it looks bad.

    2. Joker
      The secret service agent who protected Trump is now the target of a vicious body-shaming campaign
      “Some bad ass white male Marine or Army Ranger was passed over for Melissa McCarthy,”
      .“So we’re just supposed to believe that the 5′5″, objectively unfit, obese woman beat out all able-bodied men for Trump’s Secret Service detail? #AbolishDEI”
      “I’m so sick of DEI hires. Why is this woman Secret Service? As a woman, we don’t need woman in Secret Services. And especially ones that look like they can’t even run the mile in less than 15 minutes.”

    3. Samuel Conner

      This may be related to a concern raised in the discussion between Larry Johnson and Larry Cunningham linked in the 7/20 (just yesterday; it feels like more than one day has passed since then) NC daily news links. Their first concern is that the regular SS detail was re-assigned and new people brought in.

  10. Katniss Everdeen

    RE: Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever The Hill

    The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    So, to recap…

    In 2016, hrc and her deranged fanatics unleashed the soft coup of the Russiagate hoax on the country with the help of “cybersecurity” firm crowdstrike, which has just unleashed a shitstorm of chaos of its own on the world through its incompetence.

    crowdstrike’s perfidy was also responsible for the torture and near murder of Julian Assange, who has now been freed, hrc’s wish to drone him dead notwithstanding.

    twitter, social media “platform” extraordinaire, which enabled this gross criminality at the time through its censorship in conjunction with its fbi/cia overlords is now owned by Elon Musk, who has just purged the hapless crowdstrike from all of his companies’ systems in addition to pledging $45 million per month in support of Trump.

    (Even zuckerberg is calling Trump an american “badass” and claiming to be staying out of the political game this time around.)

    Then there is the clinton/biden/crowdstrike (founded by “ukrainian-american” alperovitch) connection to the massive money laundering operation and all around clusterfuck known as the ukrainian “war” facilitated by ftx sap sam bankman-fried.

    All of which is to say that there’s a LOT of water under that “one of the most qualified people ever to run for office” bridge in the eight years since 2016 that ain’t goin’ away any time soon if Trump has anything to say about it.

  11. i just don't like the gravy

    I saw an amazing photo the other day of the fires from the Yemen port bombing.

    Anybody able to estimate the amount of CO2e released due to the bombing/fires? It’s not my area and I’m not sure where to begin with such an estimate.

  12. furnace

    Professor Who Accurately Predicted Past Elections Says ‘Biden Can Win’ Newsweek

    Even if this professor is correct (and his model seems impressive), at this point even if Biden legitimately won somehow—hard to believe but maybe, just maybe, the Democratic apparatus can marshal enough discipline to do so by cajoling, blackmailing and threatening voters with the ‘lesser evil’ as always—it would most likely end up in an actual civil war, since no one would believe that’s the case, and would lead to immediate and obvious charges of tampering, sabotage and fraud. Not a pretty moment for the creaking US system! Guess it’s never really much fun to be in the “end of empire” stage of empires.

  13. The Rev Kev

    “Our brain doesn’t perceive time as a clock. Instead, time flows with experiences, study finds”

    This is entirely logical when you think about it since clock time is really only a recent invention but it does make me wonder . What happens if you are trapped in a job or situation where each day is more or less the same as before or those in retirement that have few interests so that the days flow into each other. I wonder how the brain perceives time then.

  14. DJG, Reality Czar

    Peter Baker, NYT, and the, errr, drama

    Shakespeare? Evoking Shakespeare?

    Like the time Fred Mertz lost his mind and Desi Obama had to cut short a lucrative tour. To be “visibly shaken.”

    Meanwhile, Hillary “Lucy” is touching up her makeup to give the Nation another season of madcap Shakespearean comedy. Special guest star: Jake Sullivan as Puck.


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