Links 7/22/2024

The drugs of the future are in the animals of the past Sequencer Mag

Black Holes: Not Destroyers but Protectors SciTech Daily

New tech that converts urine to water could finally ditch astronaut diapers ZME Science


Droughts, desertification, heatwaves: the climate crisis hits Sicily hard Euronews

‘The sea has taken everything’: How Italy’s coast was reclaimed Al Jazeera


Unexpected severe drought plagues parts of NC, withering crops Carolina Public Press

What Project 2025 Would Mean for Climate Change Atmos


Bird flu hasn’t affected overall milk production or prices — but that could change Harvest Public Media


International study highlights large and unequal life expectancy declines in India during COVID-19

Biden Resigns While Sick With Covid, Says We Overcame Covid ¡Do Not Panic!

‘Are you serious?’: Hawaii Island mayor in disbelief after 3rd vehicle drives into harbor Hawaii News Now.


Turkey, Niger agree to enhance energy, defence cooperation Reuters

Turkey eyes Niger’s uranium for nuclear power expansion Business Insider Africa


Five Trump 2.0 nightmares for Japan Asia Times


Full Text: Xi Jinping’s Explanation of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization The East Is Read

China surprises with cuts to key rates to support fragile economy Reuters. Commentary:


Philippines says reached deal with China to avoid disputed shoal clashes Al Jazeera


Netanyahu Thinks Joe Biden Is Already a Lame Duck Politico. “It seems likely Netanyahu and his inner circle figure they can basically run out the clock until Trump gets back to the Oval Office in January”

Cease-fire. The Only Way to Prevent a Polio Epidemic Among Gazan and Israeli Babies Haaretz

IDF to Vaccinate Israeli Soldiers Against Polio After High Concentration of Virus Found in Gaza Sewage Haaretz

Israeli construction signals ‘long-term’ occupation of Gaza-Egypt border The Cradle

Israel Is Reviewing a Proposal to Install a “Moderate Muslim” Puppet Regime in Gaza Drop Site


Ben Gvir urges PM to threaten the US with collapsing PA if far-right ministers are sanctioned Times of Israel

2 American activists injured in attack by illegal Israeli settlers in West Bank Anadolu Agency

Israeli army demolishes Palestinian commercial establishments in Jerusalem Anadolu Agency


Yemen gears up for ‘long war’ against Israel The Cradle

Security forces thwart Hamas terror plot directed from Turkey Jewish News Syndicate

Turkey rejects Israeli accusations of arming Hamas as ‘lies’ Al Arabiya

European Disunion

The eurozone’s recovery is losing momentum, according to poll bne Intellinews

O Canada

Companies Ask Court To Keep Their Israel Export Details Secret The Maple

Old Blighty

Fears grow over rise of ‘under the radar’ all-night slot machine halls in UK The Guardian

New Not-So-Cold War

Kremlin reacts to Biden dropping out of US presidential race RT

Chairman of the State Duma: Biden has created problems in the world and in his country The State Duma. “Realizing that he will not be re-elected, he runs away not waiting for the elections. He should be held responsible for the war unleashed in Ukraine, the destruction of the economies of European states, and the sanctions policy against Russia and other countries. He has blood on his hands.”

Speaking of that mess:

Europe doubles down on protracted war in Ukraine Responsible Statecraft

Causality, Moral Responsibility, and the NATO-Russia Ukrainian War Gordon Hahn, Russian & Eurasian Politics

What a Ukraine peace treaty brokered by Trump might look like Gilbert Doctorow

Poland calls on EU to stress ties with US to counter Russian ‘disinformation’ Euractiv


Russia says its jets prevented US bombers violating border over Barents Sea Euractiv


The result:

GOP Response:

Lest we forget:


Obama endorses open nominating process while Clintons endorse Harris Politico. Full Obama statement. Commentary:


What happens next now that Biden has dropped out? Politico

Delegate tracker: Harris gets quick start on road to 1,986 The Hill

Vice President, Kamala Harris, releases statement on Biden’s withdrawal WSPA

Trump says Kamala Harris will be easier to defeat than Biden Reuters

Biden’s Campaign Funds: What happens if he steps down CNBC. From July 11, still germane.

Kamala Harris gets fundraising boost after Biden drops out of race Axios


No endorsements from Pritzker, Durbin, Duckworth after Biden drops reelection bid Capitol News Illinois

Michigan Gov. Whitmer issues statement after Biden drops out of 2024 race. Click on Detroit. Does not endorse Harris.

Gretchen Whitmer joins campaign call with Harris for President staff Politico. Privately endorsed Harris on the call according to “a person familiar with the conversation.”

Josh Shapiro throws support behind Harris after Biden drops out The Hill

California pollster makes case for Gavin Newsom Semafor. Shortly after: California Gov. Gavin Newsom endorses “fearless” Kamala Harris Axios

US Senator Manchin eyes presidential bid as Democrat Anadolu Agency


Tougher tone on Israel, steady on NATO: how a Harris foreign policy could look The New Arab


Chartbook 300 Vance, Trump and the shifting coalitions behind Republican economic policy Adam Tooze, Chartbook

The Violent Promise of Vance-Politik Un-Diplomatic

The Supremes

Facing Dem Scrutiny, Alito Benefactor Paul Singer Donates $10 Million to GOP Sludge


Meta is training its AI with public Instagram posts. Artists in Latin America can’t opt out Rest of World

Commentary: Whether you like it or not, AI chatbots are coming for your phone Channel News Asia

LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells Tom’s Hardware

California officials say largest trial court in US victim of ransomware attack AP


Crowd strikes out Michael Roberts blog

More than 1,500 US flights canceled for the third day straight as airlines slowly recover from global tech outage CNN


Despite fraud charges, Boeing secures deal with USAF to supply E-7 aircraft Interesting Engineering

Imperial Collapse Watch

The meaning of freedom and security Alex Krainer’s TrendCompass

Police State Watch


Court Upholds Mississippi’s Jim Crow-Era Lifetime Voting Ban Bolts

Our Famously Free Press

Times reporter was leaked list of problem deputies. The Sheriff’s Department investigated her Los Angeles Times

The Bezzle


Class Warfare

The Techies Who Lunch The Baffler

Antidote du jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from Lady Madonna  by The Beatles)

    Kamala’s on a
    Primed ejection seat
    Thinking that she’s finally in a ringside seat

    She served on one knee
    As Vice President
    Never saw a penny of his Ten Percent

    Voters never carried her to first base
    Back room intrigues barely have begun
    Now that Biden’s pulled off an about-face
    She has to run

    A prima donna
    Yet to pass the test
    So far major donors lookin’ unimpressed

    (musical interlude)

    Cue hit-and-run . . .

    Kamala may wanna
    Rouse and raise the dead
    All she has to sell is circuses and bread

    Donors are so cold and unrelenting
    They know that the game is zero-sum
    Kamala’s in need of reinventing
    Can this be spun?

    Kamala’s on a
    Primed ejection seat
    Thinking that she’s finally in the ringside seat

  2. Louis Fyne

    Ok, I’ll say the obvious…. literal history-making moment and Joe/Jill announces it on Twitter using a letter that looks like it was written by an AP English student—no letterhead, no “1600 Pennsylvania Av,” no nothing.

    Geesh. Even Tricky Dick had the honor to tell something directly to the country’s face via the cameras.

    (the behind-the-scenes footage of LBJ’s announcement was fascinating too—but alas I can’t find it again due to youtube’s awful search function with the results polluted by yesterday’s Biden news.)

    1. DJG, Reality Czar

      Thanks, Louis Fyne. I made a comment earlier on Conor Gallagher’s post about conventions (great post!) as to how amateurish this bye-bye note is.

      Yes, it is worthy of the College Board’s marketing department.

      With nukes, unfortunately. And an evident contempt for meaning.

      1. doug

        Thanks for that. I was watching as a kid with a neighbor who was a player in the state D apparatus. It came as quite a surprise. I heard language!
        On another topic, I will be donating more to this site, beyond usual. The next four months are going to be wild, and this is one fine place to learn about what is going on. I suspect the work levels will be even more intense than ‘usual’. Thanks .

    2. Dr. John Carpenter

      Could Biden deliver an address like this on camera? Or any address at all? Even at his recent best, he hasn’t been good, but now he has another case of COVID on top of that. Performance aside, there would have to be fear of a scene stealing “gaffe” or angry Biden going off script (“they won’t have Joe Biden to kick around anymore!”) Heck, the letter was probably written for him and Dr. Jill just held the pen in his hand long enough to sign it.

  3. Mikerw0

    Over 30 years ago Bill Greider published “Who Will Tell the People”. Among other things it chronicled the corrosive impact of money on the process and the results we obtained from elected officials.

    One chapter dealt with the prohibitions of felons dealing with federal contracts. At that time it was GE, who repeatedly defrauded the DoD. Now it’s Boeing. The more things change the more they stay the same.

  4. Samuel Conner

    A couple of sour notes in the Doctorow discussion of the shape of a DJT-brokered resolution of the Ukr/RF conflict:

    > “To be sure, the Russians will give up their territorial claims to the entirety of the 4 provinces they have already incorporated into the Russian Federation but never fully conquered.”

    I have no independent knowledge of the underlying facts, but it has been repeatedly asserted by Alexander Mercouris that the RF constitution contains provisions that forbid surrender of RF territory. Kherson and Zaporozhia oblasts have been incorporated into the territory over which RF is sovereign and cannot be dealt away in a peace negotiation. I have the impression that from a constitutional perspective, regions of these two oblasts that are still under Ukrainian control are legally considered by RF to be Ukrainian-occupied RF territory and will be liberated before any peace can be agreed. VVP said as much in a recent statement, that a condition for cessation of hostilities was UAF withdrawal from the parts of the 4 oblasts that they still occupy.

    More likely, perhaps, is that RFAF will advance further into territory beyond the 4 oblasts to occupy portions of what remains to Ukraine and that this will be returned as a face-saving concession in peace negotiations.

    > “Throughout the interview, Grenell takes as his point of reference the unsupportable 37 trillion dollar national debt, which must be cut back, not added to in the years of a future Trump administration. This can only be realized by ending the wars that Washington is fueling NOW.”

    The annual US Federal deficit is structural due to US trade deficit and the inability or unwillingness of the private sector to significantly net dis-save (the Sectoral Balances Identity). Ending pointless wars is desirable from the standpoint of wiser utilization of real resources, but likely will not itself dramatically reduce the annual deficit (and certainly will not reduce the cumulative deficit, which would require an annual surplus). Changes in trade policy that significantly reduce US trade deficit could significantly reduce the annual Federal deficit, though I suspect that attempts to make very rapid changes (for example through imposition of punitive tariffs on imported products) would have significant negative consequences (inflation, for example, given that US imports a lot of consumer products).

  5. .Tom

    Election machinations are an amazing high-steaks sport to watch but Biden’s lame duck officially began yesterday and for the next 4 months and until inauguration the 51st state massacres Gazans and takes the West Bank and soldiers are dying for Biden’s proxy war.

  6. timbers

    What a Ukraine peace treaty brokered by Trump might look like Gilbert Doctorow

    German reporter: “What do you think Europe will think of a America under a Trump Administration?” Grenell: “I don’t care what Europe thinks of America. This is about what is good for America.”

    And…Uh oh…Doctorow: “Letting go Kherson and Zaporozhie would return to Ukraine valuable Black Earth land which is essential to ensure the economic viability of the rump state.”

    Someone pushes back on this with fact based reasons drowning in very current experience not to mention centuries of Western hostilities directed at Russia, and Doctorow responds “The logic of your argument is that we will have a forever war and forever will last till the nuclear exchanges 4 months or so from now.”

    Maybe, but how is that different from the last century if not more, and not because of Russia. Because The West and her centuries long aggression and recent unending escalation.

    I hope I am mis-understanding Doctorow.

    Doctorow is responding with similar discredited logic (think Minsk and Minsk II) sometimes found here, that Russia defending herself = Russia starting nuclear war. This of course is 100% false, and this was recently proven to false logic when Russia told the US that Russia will shoot down surveillance drones used to kill Russians, and the US stopped. Because Russia told the US it must stop, or else. More of this, please.

    1. Polar Socialist

      Well, he seems to be thinking in terms of what Trump can sell to the US public as a “good deal”. Unfortunately he doesn’t seem to ponder at all what the Ukrainian or Russian public would accept at the moment.

      I assume he’s genuinely horrified with the possibility of a nuclear war between USA and Russia as a result of Ukraine conflict, so he’s willing to entertain any solution that could end the war in more congenial terms.

      Me, being both more optimistic and cynical, thinks that Trump can only affect the flow of money and weapons to Ukraine, the rest is to be dictated by Russia when Ukrainians figure they’ve had enough.

    1. .Tom

      Liberalism isn’t really a political theory because it’s irrelevant to you if you don’t have the basics covered and feel physically and financially secure. This shows us how Western societies will fall apart. You can’t for long hoodwink people with stories of your superior freedom, democracy and human rights when they can’t pay for housing, education, health care or food for their family while those extracting the rents, interest and fees that impoverish them flaunt their privilege.

      I suspect that the USA’s decline and that of its vassals will persuade residents in less “democratic” countries that the Western model isn’t necessarily so hot.

  7. Bugs

    That grizzly looks like he’s found the perfect spot to nurse that hangover. Too many fermented berries will always get you.

  8. Joker

    New tech that converts urine to water could finally ditch astronaut diapers ZME Science

    If successful, the device could be a game-changer for astronauts, …

    A game-changer? Send the prototype to Zelensky pronto, so he can test it on his next piss summit.

  9. sarmaT

    There is a whole AZOV-Batalion in Europe now, to recruit soldiers here in Western Europe. They are now in Belgium, and coming to the Netherlands, Rotterdam this week it’s outreageous !Cannot understand why, why, why ?

    — 🇷🇺 RainDance™ 🇷🇺 🇸🇾 (@RealRainDance) July 19, 2024

    Why not? I would wholeheartedly recommend all their supporters to join, and get a free holiday on the Krinky shore.

    1. Polar Socialist

      I like this idea. A visit on the glorious shores of Krynky should be mandatory for the members of EU Commission and Parliament who insist on “standing with Ukraine”.

  10. griffen

    The office of the Vice President is like a warm bucket of spit…just heard that phrasing from a Democrat Senator, Lamont from Connecticut. Hooray for Harris, our Madame VP is now ready for the glare and stare of Americans across the country. Wonder what the scrutiny reveals? Wonder what gets concealed also…

    I look forward to even the unhelpful stories getting proper coverage….from our not compromised at all major outlets. Only the best and glowing terms to support our next leader. I see reports she is already raking in donations and grassroots fund raising has started well.

  11. griffen

    Climate article on drought conditions across multiple counties in North Carolina. A couple of photos of withered corn stalks says all anyone should know. Maybe those family farms can gain some advantage from anything that’s available at a state or federal level, that would be in addition to their crop insurance. Looks to be some level of agency assistance from a county office, in the worst situations.

    Kinda surprised to read that tobacco, yes that ignoble plant for cigars and cigarettes, is ranked 3rd behind pork, and broiler in the state’s agricultural exports. Still recall the smell of the large warehouses storing tobacco, late July into early August. Hog farms have a decidedly much different aroma!

    1. GramSci

      Here in Outer Pentagonia the County sent out word that we must conserve water for the server farms. I immediately turned the sprinklers on. Civil disobedience!!

    2. doug

      Nursery products are important in NC as well, being the 3rd or 4th largest national producer of shrubbery, etc. NC is situated well to condition plants to be shipped North and South.

  12. Pat

    A wild thought, but why not a Democratic nominee outside of the usual suspects?

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Andrew Cuomo. He has weathered sexual harassment charges, has a record of Covid kills, and is rested and ready. Sure he has been exploring a return to politics via the NYC mayoral primary, but why not a return to the original plan. He has been running for President longer than Newsom.

    Might as well.


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