Links 7/28/2024

Hundreds of invaders have taken over the Isle of Man. They’re wallabies

Investment companies running RV parks ‘into the ground’ RV Travel


Hazmat cleanup of fiery wreck with ion batteries closes the 15 to Las Vegas, jamming freeways LA Times

South Africa’s power utility Eskom advances plans for small modular nuclear reactors BNE Intellinews

Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues, Part 8: Deadly Heat Climate & Capitalism

US carbon capture tax credits to persist no matter who wins elections: experts S&P Global

The evidence is mounting: Humans were responsible for the extinction of large mammals

Biology Lessons In Degrowth George Tsakraklides

How Pennsylvania’s oil industry quietly dumped waste across the state Grist


US State Restrictions and Excess COVID-19 Pandemic Deaths JAMA. From the Abstract: “If all states had imposed restrictions similar to those used in the 10 most restrictive states, excess deaths would have been an estimated 10% to 21% lower than the 1.18 million that actually occurred during the 2-year analysis period; conversely, the estimates suggest counterfactual increases of 13% to 17% if all states had restrictions similar to those in the 10 least-restrictive states. The estimated strong vs weak state restriction difference was 271 000 to 447 000 deaths, with behavior changes associated with 49% to 79% of the overall disparity.”

* * *

San Francisco health officials advise indoor masking amid summer COVID wave San Francisco Chronicle

The latest wave of COVID-19 and Biden’s destruction of public health WSWS

* * *

How to read the Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative models (part 1) Closed Form

SARS-CoV-2 dynamics in New York City during March 2020–August 2023 (preprint) medRxiv. From the Abstract: “Here, we leverage extensive surveillance data available in New York City (NYC) and a comprehensive model-inference system to reconstruct SARS-CoV-2 dynamics therein from the pandemic onset in March 2020 to August 2023, and further validate the estimates using independent wastewater surveillance data.”

* * *

Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Persistent Infectious Epithelial Syndrome (SPIES) as a Novel Disease Entity using Clinical, Histologic, and RNA Programmatic Data (preprint) medRxiv. From the Abstract: “Our findings establish a syndrome mediated by persistent viral infection (SARS-CoV2 Persistent Intestinal Epithelial Syndrome (SPIES)). We hypothesize that persistent sparse infection drives ongoing immune signaling altering movement and function, creating epithelial and movement effects overlapping with [Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI)] and [Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)].”


China’s crippling debt levels seen worsening as government measures focus on ‘buying time’ South Cnina Morning Post. Commentary:

The Intensifying Impacts of Upstream Dams on the Mekong The Diplomat

US Secretary of State warns China about consequences of supporting Russian military industrial complex Ukrainska Pravda

China’s Malaise Spreads to Luxury Industry WSJ

Commentary: Chinese e-commerce platforms are poised to rival Amazon’s empire Channel News Asia

Bangladesh protest leaders taken from hospital by police Channel News Asia


Israel army says readying ‘decisive offensive’ against Lebanon’s Hezbollah France24

Has Houthi-orchestrated chaos become the new normal in the Red Sea? The New Arab


Bernard Arnault has been dubbed the Olympics’ godfather. Here’s how he built LVMH’s fortune AP

‘Olympics sabotaged’ and ‘La Farce!’ BBC

The Secret Russians at the Paris Olympics WSJ

European Disunion

Barcelona wants to get rid of short-term rental units. Will other tourist destinations do the same? AP

New Not-So-Cold War

‘I know we will win – and how’: Ukraine’s top general on turning the tables against Russia Luke Harding, Guardian

SITREP 7/24/24: General Syrsky Shocks With News of Russian Armor and Troop Surges Simplicius the Thinker

Confused Ukrainian Troops Jam Their Own Drones—And Russian Forces Advance Toward Pokrovsk Forbes

Russia, adapting tactics, advances in Donetsk and takes more Ukrainian land WaPo

* * *

Putin is convinced he can outlast the West and win in Ukraine The Atlantic Council

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister says there is clear sign that China is working to end war in Ukraine Ukrainska Pravda

Is Ukraine ready for negotiations with Russia? A view from Baku JAM News

How the full-scale war has changed Ukrainians and what Ukraine’s “new normal” is like Ukrainska Pravda

* * *

Ill-Suited to Reality London Review of Books. NATO.

A Mysterious Plot Prompts a Rare Call From Russia to the Pentagon NYT

Pentagon Again Applies Budget Lies To Deliver More Weapons To Ukraine Moon of Alabama

Russia’s surprising consumer spending boom FT


Harris signs forms to officially declare candidacy The Hill

Bill Gates on Kamala Harris’s US presidential bid: ‘It’s great to have somebody younger’ France24

Trump to hold rally in Butler where he was shot Anadolu Agency

RFK Jr. certified for Nebraska’s fall ballot, overcoming challenge from state Democratic Party Nebraska Examiner

Americans Deserve More Debates and Transparency in This Election Editorial Board, NYT


Structural Determinants of Health: Hospitals’ Unequal Capital Investments Drive Health Inequities Center for Economic and Policy Research

Digital Watch

Photos of your children are being used to train AI without your permission, and there’s nothing you can do about it The Hill

Regulations Targeting Large Language Models Warrant Strict Scrutiny Under the First Amendment Lawfare

Zeitgeist Watch

Never never never never never:

Imperial Collapse Watch

The history of the West is not quite what you learned in school The Economist

Love Me or I Shoot You London Review of Books


COVID outbreak at Charlottesville’s only overnight homeless shelter Daily Progress

Can tech help solve the Los Angeles homeless crisis? Finding shelter may someday be a click away APs

End Single Family Zoning by Overturning Euclid V Ambler Maximum Progress

Class Warfare

Uber, Lyft and Others Win California Ruling to Treat Drivers as Contractors WSJ

Apple reaches its first contract agreement with a US retail union TechCrunch

Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods BBC

Ohio Supreme Court says boneless chicken wings can have bones Columbus Dispatch

Antidote du jour (Marek Szczepanek):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Antifa


    Our Dachsund is like most weiners
    His rap sheet’s all small misdemeanors
    We bathe and we rinse him
    But cannot convince him
    To not murder all vacuum cleaners

    Our parrots are happy to chew
    Their cage and our cupboards clean through
    There’ll be damage to find
    Of the very worst kind
    When we find wood chips mixed in their poo

    A Siamese cat isn’t feline
    They’re born and bred different by design
    In Thailand it’s said
    That a Seal Point’s head
    Is so beautiful it’s simply divine

    Our other dog’s pure Boston Terror
    Our adoption of him was an error
    When he panics he bites
    And starts stupid fights
    To find him at peace is much rarer

    Five feral cats live in our shed
    Twice a day they demand to be fed
    We got them all spayed
    Because we’re afraid
    Of where breeding close cousins has led

    We’re nursing a wild horny toad
    Who was cooking herself in the road
    Some regular meals
    Has improved how she feels
    Would be nice if her gratitude showed

    1. griffen

      Nicely done. So one presumes all the above are being housed or sheltered…sounds like a big daily operation to care for critters and furry friends!

      On the line for we’re afraid… breeding close cousins…as it so happens I was a mood to watch some older episodes of the X-Files last evening…Season 4 has a few entertaining episodes but there is an episode that features a theme of family breeding practices. The episode was rather controversial and unlikely to appeal to anyone not familiar with the series.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Another way that the press are covering up Kamala’s failed history is to deny that she was ever the Border Czar, even though that was exactly what she was called about two years ago by the press themselves. They are beyond redemption.

      1. Samuel Conner

        Trying to interpret from the point of view of the subjects of discussion, KDH is “not Trump” and she’s “not Biden”. (Of course, RFK Jr was also both of these things, but it didn’t do him much good; funny that).

        It’s sort of a kind of “apophatic political hagiography.”

        I think this accounts for a considerable amount of the current giddiness. Perhaps a lot of the political class are currently in a kind of mystical trance state. One suspects that it will eventually wear off.

    2. Alice X

      I got that in an email last night, I tried to post a link to that picture (my eyes, my eyes, they burn…) but the link wouldn’t fly.

      As I am wont to say, never underestimate the Bernay’s sauce.

      Now there is Kamalove! Oh Fer Chrissake, we are so !@#$ed.

      1. flora

        adding, this one para is too good. / ;)

        This tiny moment launched a psychedlic propaganda trip. Teetering then, Biden was soon a vegetable the DC press strained to sell as “sharp as a tack” and “beyond cogent.” When the public wouldn’t buy, insiders pivoted, declared themselves “bamboozled” victims of a cover-up, demanded the vegetable step down (but only as a candidate, not the lesser post of president), then denounced him as Trumpian menace when he hesitated, especially after dingbat actor George Clooney’s “We need a new nominee” pronoucement, which was covered as a second appearance of the Burning Bush. When the vegetable tweeted its exit, they declared a triumph of democracy and the end of popular “disillusionment.” Attention shifted to the real candidate, Kamala Harris, who was not only MLK, Gandhi, and Captain America but a woman of color with a Jewish husband and hologram Chadwick Boseman’s endorsement: pure awesome, and definitely not a “border czar.”

        1. Alice X

          Life is a terminal condition, and in the end I hope to laugh myself to death. That’s a start but for me personally, it’s still a bit early. I will save it for later, though, just in case.

        2. mrsyk

          Thanks for the excellent link. The media blitz painting KH as some kind of messiah is so beyond reason as to expose it as the bs narrative manufacture that it so obviously is. My question is “What’s so bad with having been the Border Czar?”. Is it that, by no longer having been Border Czar, KH is no longer in any way responsible for the past three and a half years of border management? I for one would like to vote for someone who takes responsibility rather than ducks it. Also, pretty sure that the public conceptions/misconceptions about border/immigration vis a vis teams blue and red is baked in. So, why all the noise? I guess it’s better to talk about what one hasn’t done than what one hasn’t accomplished.

        3. Alice X

          I never saw Black Panther but I found Armond White’s review worth reading, and rereading.

          Black Panther’s Circle of Hype – Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa

          By Armond White

          February 16, 2018 4:00 AM

          This banal comic-book blockbuster follows Democratic-party ‘politricks.’

          The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) first infantilizes its audience, then banalizes it, and, finally, controls it through marketing.

          This commercial strategy, geared toward adolescents of all ages, resembles the Democratic party’s political manipulation of black Americans, targeting that audience through its insecurities about heritage, social prestige, and empowerment. So Marvel’s new, instant blockbuster Black Panther appeals to adolescent fantasies about birthright and ethnic invincibility — dishing up the routine super-heroics of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), a black version of Batman who fights crime dressed as a panther. He’s a recent addition to the Marvel Avengers series and the new king of Wakanda, a fictitious African nation devised by two of Marvel’s pseudo–social scientists, writer Stan Lee and illustrator Jack Kirby.

          There’s much, much more.

  2. DG

    Paris 2024 organisers apologised on Sunday to Catholics and other Christian groups angered by a kitsch tableau in the Olympic Games opening ceremony that parodied Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous ‘The Last Supper’ painting.
    The segment, which recreated the biblical scene of Jesus Christ and his apostles sharing a last meal before crucifixion, featured drag queens, a transgender model and a naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine Dionysus, and drew dismay from the Catholic Church.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Yeah, I am not buying their apology. They must have went with ‘better to ask forgiveness than permission.’ Their brief would have been simple. Create a spectacular show for the world which is not only family-friendly but also reflects France’s rich culture and heritage. So they went with a drag show which also insulted one of the world’s largest religions using obscure references in it. They did not do that show for the world – they did it to show off to other members of their own community. Reminds me of Hollywood which does not make films for the greater public but only to impress other people – that also live in Hollywood. I wonder if the closing show is also going to be along the same lines.

    2. Louis Fyne

      I am as religious as a potato….but when you say “respect diversity” but then pee in the face of one particular group, don’t be suprised for blowback.

      Same people will be screeching “how can this happen again” if/when Trump wins 320 electoral votes

  3. eg

    “Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods.”

    Classic Big Tobacco stratagem to sow doubts about the detrimental health effects of their products.

    1. griffen

      Something right out of a PK Dick work of futuristic science fiction…What can Ubik bring to your life today, consumer – citizen? Or as an alternate idea a “simple plan” to gather commerce to them and only to them from an evil, fictional corporation from the Alien film series, aka Weyland Corporation.

      We can recall it for you wholesale. One step closer to Blade Runner even ?

  4. The Rev Kev

    “Israel army says readying ‘decisive offensive’ against Lebanon’s Hezbollah”

    They’ll want to hurry up and get a move on them. So far, Hamas has destroyed or damaged some 500 armoured Israeli vehicles. That is going to thin out the number of vehicles which could be used against Hezbollah. And that is not eve going int the number of crew that have been killed or wounded. The IDF saying ‘Tis but a scratch!’ is not going to help things either-

    If they have not invaded Lebanon yet, the only real reason is that they have not been able to get the US to joining them in the fighting. Netanyahu may have been ranting about an Abraham Alliance but the only two countries that would join would be Israel and the US. No one else is interested.

    1. Louis Fyne

      The soccer field deaths smell like Israel “atrocities propaganda.” It doesn’t make sense.

      It sounds like the dead are Druze Arabs. There is an allegation that the explosion is from a failed Iron Dome missile launch (which should mean the deaths were mostly caused a fragments). Supposedly an Iron Dome facility is on the other side of the mountain next to the field.

      Not only my breath from the real story to come out.

  5. Lou Anton

    Trump slides back into crypto pumping:

    “For too long our government has violated the cardinal rule that every bitcoiner knows by heart: Never sell your bitcoin,” Trump said during his keynote speech at this year’s Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, the biggest bitcoin conference of the year.

    “This afternoon I’m laying out my plan to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the bitcoin superpower of the world and we’ll get it done,” Trump said.

    The former president also pledged to create a “bitcoin and crypto presidential advisory council.”

    During those “10 days in July”, I really thought he was going to put this sort of stuff aside. But he’s back in full heel mode, back to covering his crytpo flank from RFK Jr. This is loser-talk from Trump, IMO. If he’s wasting time back in the dirt with the other grifters, he’s toast*.

    * 100 days is a long time, so I acknowledge he could still switch to face!

  6. sarmaT

    US Secretary of State warns China about consequences of supporting Russian military industrial complex Ukrainska Pravda

    Blinken gave Chinese a good laugh, and he did not even have to bring a guitar for that.

  7. The Rev Kev

    “US Secretary of State warns China about consequences of supporting Russian military industrial complex”

    Not the first time that Blinken has threatened the Chinese like this. Like I said in a previous comment, when the Ukraine collapses the west will blame China for this by saying it was caused by them supplying all that stuff to the Russians. And then they will use this accusation to sanction China in a big way.

    1. griffen

      I wait patiently for the wisdom of Treasury Secretary Yellen to opine once again, and this time with definite feeling. Warn the Chinese about their investment, manufacturing capacity and likewise production capacity…which she did on her last visit to the country just a few short months back.

      Don’t make those attractive, affordable EV that are so much lower in price! You were warned before…heavy on the sarcasm. Blinken and Yellen alike, are actually supposed to be the more “competent members” at the top levels of this Administration.

  8. Eclair

    RE: How Pennsylvania’s Oil Industry Quietly Dumped Wastewater Across the State

    The article mentions a couple living in Warren County, in the northwest portion of Pennsylvania. My spouse’s cousin (deceased in 2019,) farmed, as had his parents and grandparents and great-grandparents, in Farmington Township, nestled against the New York State line. As a township supervisor, he proudly pointed out that all 45 miles of the township roads were gravel (or, dirt, as an outsider would call them). He became very upset when he discovered that the ‘water’ used to keep the dust down in summer, was fracking waste water.

    The roads wind among the farms producing veggies, hay, oats, corn, for human and animal consumption. Dairy and beef cattle graze on adjacent fields all summer. Residents get their drinking water from wells; the Amish use springs.

    We live just ‘over the border’ in New York State. In our rural neighborhood, there are about a dozen gas wells, dug in the 1990’s, plus a compressor station. And, of course, pipelines run along every road. Governor Cuomo, bless his heart, banned fracking in NY State. But I am sure there are natural gas (methane, really) industry lobbyists working feverishly in Albany.

    The land we steward has a gas well, plus three gas company rights of way to wells on adjoining parcels. Again, all ‘developed’ in the 1990’s. Mostly with the promise of ‘free gas for life’ to the people who signed away the mineral rights as well as surface rights for access. These wells, and most others in the area, have been bought up by a company called PPP Future Development, owned, according to the internet, by a Charles Bugman. It’s the ‘Future’ in the name that gives me the chills. Historically, the methane wells in this area are neither deep nor large, and are mostly played out using the current drilling methods. However, if the New York State fracking ban were lifted. …..?


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