Links 7/31/2024

Butterflies accumulate enough static electricity to attract pollen without contact (press release) University of Bristol

Killer Whales Sink Yacht in Med: ‘Knew What they Were Doing’ Daily Beast

When private equity buys a hospital, assets shrink, new research finds WaPo

Private Equity Professionals Are “Fighting Fires” in Their Portfolios, Slowing Down the Recovery Institutional Investor

Top BlackRock executive benefits from unusual ‘points-style’ bonus pay FT

The Olympics

COVID-19 hits Paris Olympics: Athletes forced to withdraw and mask up AP. “Team Canada’s chief medical officer Mike Wilkinson, said his team ‘continued to implement many of the infection prevention protocols that proved successful during the Covid pandemic including hand washing, sanitisation and good hygiene practices.'”

U.S. Olympic Swimmers David Johnston, Luke Whitlock Test Positive for Covid-19 in Paris Swim Swam

Olympics Triathlon Goes Ahead In River Seine After E.Coli Cliffhanger Deadlinel

* * *

“Main character energy”:

* * *

Quote of the Day, Olympic Edition: “They’re Enjoying Themselves at Our Expense, and They Expect Us to Applaud?” China Digital Times

Olympic ‘Last Supper’ scene was in fact based on painting of Greek gods, say art experts Guardian


Permafrost thaw accelerating climate change, studies warn BNE Intellinews

The Rush to Shore Up the Power Grid Against Hurricanes, Heat and Hail WSJ

NIFC: When all the West is on fire at once, this is who deals with it Wildfire Today

Decolonisation, dependency and disengagement—the challenge of Ireland’s degrowth transition Center for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

These 17th-century drawings of the sun by Kepler add fire to solar cycle mystery


Cruisers contracting COVID-19 during summer surge as healthcare recommendations change FOX35


China’s factory activity contracts for third straight month FT

China’s cash-strapped small banks face limitations amid shake-up, with no easy fix South Cnina Morning Post. Commentary:

China’s Tianqi contests Chilean regulator’s move to hand over lithium reserves to state S&P Global

Ahead of the Times: Flag-Waving Communication and Japan’s Dōjima Rice Exchange


How A Lawyer Used Race & Caste To Get American Citizenship Madras Courier


Volume and Shape New Left Review

Dear Old Blighty

Thugs hijacked Southport and families’ grief, MP says BBC

Misinformation about Southport attack suspect spreads on social media Guardian

New Not-So-Cold War

Talking Ukraine on “The Duran” (video) John Mearsheimer

Ukrainian society is inclined to make concessions (Google translation) Vzglyad

SITREP 7/31/24: Die Welt Reveals Dire NATO Camp Outlook for Ukraine Simplicius, Simplicius the Thinker

Would the U.S. Consider Assassinating Putin? Foreign Policy

* * *

Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion profile quietly removed from Stanford extremist group list Noir. Commentary:

* * *

Ukraine-Russia latest: Kyiv hit by one of largest drone attacks in war so far as F-16s to get advanced weapons Indepedent

* * *

Ukraine businesses furious over government-proposed tax hikes to fund fight against Russia Kyiv Independent

Lithuania condemns Hungary’s decision to ease entry conditions for Russians and Belarusians: it threatens EU security Ukrainska Pravda

Russia to legalise cryptocurrency in attempts to circumvent sanctions Ukrainska Pravda

South of the Border

Fresh protests in Venezuela as anger grows at disputed election result BBC. Commentary:

Lula and Biden call on Venezuela to release full presidential election results France24

National Lawyers Guild electoral observers praise Venezuelan election process MR Online


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is killed in Iran by an alleged Israeli strike, threatening escalation AP

Israeli Attack Kills Hamas Leader in Tehran: F-35 Precision Strike Suspected Military Watch

Israel carries out rare strike on Beirut that it says killed Hezbollah commander AP. Commentary:


* * *

‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center 972 Magazine. Sde Teiman. Long thread of commetnary:

A day of chaos in Israel as far-right protesters storm military bases Axios. “[A] Hamas operative who was detained at the facility was rushed to a hospital after bleeding from one of his intimate parts of his body.” Commentary:

Biden Administration

The Non-Compete Revolution Begins Wealth Management

Supply Chain

Red Sea crisis hits volumes at port of Piraeus Seatrade Maritime News

Trump’s radical reforms could put a spanner in US supply chains Seatrade Maritime News

Digital Watch

OpenAI endorses Senate bills that could shape America’s AI policy TechCrunch

W3C says Google’s cookie climbdown ‘undermines’ a lot of work The Register

Instagram to allow users create their own chatbots through AI studio Business Standard

Zeitgeist Watch

Rise in people fascinated by violence, police warn BBC

Imperial Collapse Watch

US needs more nuclear subs, mobile ICBMs and tactical nukes: Heritage report Breaking Defense

Catholic group Opus Dei accused of recruiting children FT

Class Warfare

For Big Companies, Felony Convictions Are a Mere Footnote WSJ

WhatsApp Mutual Aid Grassroots Economic Organizing

The problem of busy work activism Chloe Humbert, Teams Human

Florida HOA Decides It’s Above State Law, Won’t Let Residents Park Trucks at Home The Drive

What Is Left Of The Mind 3 Quarks Daily

Antidote du jour (Adrian Pingstone):”

And a bonus (AM):

AM writes: “The third generation of the exotic escapee goose family in Roger Williams Park is doing well. They are cousins, I think. The slightly larger one is about 2 and a half weeks older than its 3 younger relatives. The other adults were nearby – a total of 10. One missing. Hopefully still around.”

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from Camelot  from the musical Camelot by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner)

    Yahoo! Yahoo! Joe Biden isn’t here!
    And Kamala’s been given the all clear!

    Celebrity comes not from what you know, dear
    Please try to keep up with the changing plot
    In politics we’re putting on a show, dear
    Hey Kamala!

    Your words must not pour out like from a blender
    You can’t sound like you’ve caught what Biden’s got
    Don’t drop one hint that you are a pretender
    Hey Kamala!

    Kamala! Kamala!
    You’ve been our second string so far
    But now Kamala! Kamala!
    You’ll be our guiding star

    Some kid just tried his hand at gunning Trump down
    It’s great that he just nicked poor Donald’s ear
    Reports say had he got a more accurate shot
    You’d have a simpler time of it this year
    Hey Kamala!

    Kamala! Kamala!
    We’ll show you how to use your claws
    Listen Kamala! Kamala!
    You must get more applause

    Don’t ramble on until you find you’re tongue-tied
    Your words must make some sense that people hear
    If voters boycott you’ll lose your only shot
    They’ll back whomever can assuage their fear
    Hey Kamala!

  2. The Rev Kev

    ‘Leonid Ragozin
    Azov Movement’s Dmytro Kukharchuk (currently battalion commander at the 3rd detached assault brigade) calls for executing those who “consciously or unconsciously” promotes enemy agenda. Various Azov personalities have been recently expressing outrage at the authorities in Ukraine tentatively lifting the taboo on discussing peace talks and territorial concessions.’

    Should it be mentioned that this is the same unit that right now is going around Europe to raise funds, host information evenings and recruit new people? They can’t be all bad if the EU gave them the green light to do so because, you know, EU values-

    1. Benny Profane

      This is going to be an issue for years, maybe decades. They have access to so much money and weapons right now, and no doubt the CIA is helping.

  3. .Tom

    Shaiel Ben-Ephraim at 6 PM yesterday tweets about his shame and stupidity at having believed his government’s claims that what international media says about Israel are the lies of antisemites. 4 hours later he’s tweeting “hats off” and “redemption” at Israel bombing Beirut. Not sure what to make of Mr Ben-Ephraim.

    1. The Rev Kev

      I wonder what he was tweeting when Israel was under bombardment by the Iranians not long ago. Was there any signal in the bomb shelter that he was probably hiding in?

  4. Wukchumni

    Kamala, you’re in the run now
    Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow
    I think you’ve got to slow down before you start to blow it
    I think you’re headed for an Alf Landon beat down, so be careful not to show it

    You really don’t remember, was it something that he said?
    Are the voices in your head calling, Kamala?
    Kamala, don’t you think you’re fallin’?
    If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?
    You don’t have to answer
    Leave them hangin’ online, oh oh oh, calling Kamala
    Kamala (Kamala), I think they got your number (Kamala)
    I think they got the puppeteer (Kamala) that you’ve been living under (Kamala)
    But you really don’t remember, was it something word salad you said?
    Are the voices in your head calling, Kamala

    A ha ha, a ha ha, Kamala, how’s it gonna go down?
    Will you meet him on the debate stage, or will you catch him on the rebound?
    Will you harry us for money, make a presser in the afternoon?
    Feel your innocence slipping away, don’t believe it’s comin’ back soon

    And you really don’t remember, was it something that he said?
    Are the voices in your head calling, Kamala?
    Kamala, don’t you think you’re fallin’?
    If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?
    You don’t have to answer
    Leave them hangin’ online, oh-oh-oh, calling Kamala
    Kamala (Kamala), I think they got your number (Kamala)
    I think they got the puppeteer (Kamala) that you’ve been living under (Kamala)
    But you really don’t remember, was it something word salad you said?
    Are the voices in your head calling, Kamala?

    Gloria, by Laura Branigan

    1. griffen

      It’s a blast from the past…I can remember hearing this one as a young kid. The voices in her head… something something “Trump weird”…yeah let’s run with weird for $200, Alex.

      2012. Guns and religion.
      2016. Deplorable, or learn to code.
      2020. Our Democracy.

  5. The Rev Kev

    ‘The Something Guy 🇿🇦
    The most “Main Character Energy” I’ve ever seen in my life from Kim Ye-ji (Republic of South Korea) casually breaking a world record and winning the gold medal #Olympics2024 #Paris2024’

    Absolutely zero ***** given. She must have practiced this a thousand times, even in her sleep. My digital hat is off to Kim Ye-ji. Speaking of the Olympics, the French had a brilliant idea-

    ‘As part of Paris’s commitment to a greener Olympics, it was decided that air conditioning would not be installed with officials instead promising that the athletes rooms would be kept cool through a geothermal water system pumping cold water underneath the buildings. The Paris Games is aiming to reduce its total carbon emissions to half the level of previous Olympics.’

    Well a heat wave has hit Paris and the athletes are sweltering causing them to go buy fans and air-cons for their rooms. Those small rooms sound like ovens. But not all rooms apparently. Certainly not for the French national team-

    1. griffen

      It’s a green Olympics alright, just like all of ’em… showering of advertising dollars and the corporate partners lol…or as the NCAA here in the states puts it, Corporate Champions. Blech.

      Reading how the Seine river is now dramatically cleansed to sufficiently lower levels of e coli, hey let’s go swimming in the now very much cleaner and not filthy water. I heard a US radio commentary yesterday, comparing this set up for the athletes to how attendees were treated at Woodstock 99. The last such festival to be called that, and it was a doozy!

      1. Wukchumni

        Try and think of the athletes as doing synchronized sweltering training, i’d have to go with the Africans as the ones to beat.

    2. .Tom

      The TV commentator on the video says “here in Baku”, and the mostly empty seats, and the sign in the background. I’m not sure the video has anything to do with Paris 2024.

      That the world’s best shooters can remain perfectly calm during the highest levels of competition doesn’t surprise me a great deal. The Something Guy is the second twiterer to disappoint today. (Btw, I’m not on XTheEverythingApp. I only see tweets here at NC.)

      1. Polar Socialist

        South Korean shooter Kim Ye-Ji indeed won gold in January in Baku in 25 m pistol by breaking the world record. She also won silver in air pistol on Sunday in Paris…

  6. Wukchumni

    The most Main Character Energy i’ve witnessed, has to be that mass murderer in Pavlovegas who killed some 60 while wounding 600.

    (place ‘Vegas Strong’ sticker on the rear echelon of your vehicle, to compensate for lack of sane gun rules)

    1. The Rev Kev

      Does the United States meet international standards of electoral integrity? The fact that several States have made it illegal for international observers to be anywhere near a polling station would indicate no. Going by memory here, I believe that the Carter Center used to be a regular observer of Venezuelan elections and found them fair until a few years ago when somebody leaned on them to stop going.

      1. Polar Socialist

        I assume United States sets the international standards of electoral integrity. No, not by example, let’s not be ridiculous! but by statements from think tanks and Department of State.

        1. The Rev Kev

          I’m pretty sure that it would be all covered under the International Rules Based Order. (rolls eyes)

  7. mrsyk

    “Thugs” and “Misinformation”. These are the first words in the two headlines of articles about the Southport slayings and resulting violence. I’m thinking these two words accurately describe their publishers, The Guardian and BBC. I wager most readers here can name which publisher used which word without looking.

    1. PlutoniumKun

      It seems to me that the authorities never learn their lesson about incidents like this.

      As with the incident in Ireland last year when children were attacked and the attacker was immediately arrested, when the police refuse to say anything about the perpetrator, everyone makes assumptions, and inevitably rabble rousers of one type or another will fill in the gaps in social media. When I read about the attack, and saw that the police would only say that the suspect was a ’17 year old male’, I immediately made a few assumptions (rightly or wrongly, I don’t know yet). I’m sure everyone else did too.

      There really is no excuse for not being open and transparent. Sure, if it turns out the kid is from an ethnic minority and there is an immediate backlash in the community, bad things can happen. But trying to suppress the information if anything makes things worse.

  8. Acacia

    Re: ‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center

    So, the Zionists have a torture camp at Sde Teiman. Horrible indeed, but is it really surprising?

        1. Polar Socialist

          I doubt Israel records the Palestinian kids as Israeli youth, though. Just terrorists, detained indefinitely without trial for security reasons.

  9. mrsyk

    US needs more nuclear subs, mobile ICBMs and tactical nukes: Heritage report
    No. No we don’t, thank you.
    The report may be notable less for its ideas than for who is putting it out. The Heritage Foundation has established itself as the policy center for a potential next Trump administration, particularly through its work on Project 2025, a conservative blueprint for the next president helmed by former Trump administration officials. Sigh

  10. mrsyk

    Killer Whales Sink Yacht in Med: ‘Knew What they Were Doing’
    One of the whales was seen wearing an “Eat the Rich” t-shirt.

  11. Wukchumni

    NIFC: When all the West is on fire at once, this is who deals with it Wildfire Today

    One of the cabin owners is a fireman in Ventura County, and he’s often out on fires elsewhere during the fire season, and was explaining the beat down effect of the new aegis of longer seasons, in that it would be tantamount to asking NFL players to do 26 games a year in the regular season.

    Everybody gets worn out, and then add Covid into the mix as an added bonus.

    My buddy from Tucson gets the hell outta there around May and does a quite Steinbeckian Travels with Charlie road trip around the west with Dusty the Adventure Dog, and he’s off in a few days and options are on the sucky side as smoke from a myriad of fires is making a mess of best laid plans, combined with Cali about to have another week of mostly hades-but it is hades not @ Point Reyes, so that’s where they are headed.


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