US Fed-Induced World Stagnation Deepens Debt Distress

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Yves here. Many commentators have pointed out how the US bank-friendly resolution to the financial crisis set in motion many festering problems that have become more acute over time. One biggie (along with not punishing bank executives), was refusing to haircut or meaningfully restructure bad debt, and then using ample fiscal spending to offset the contractionary impact of big credit losses. Making lenders bear the cost of poor decisions would also help set the foundation for more prudence going forward.

Instead, as readers know too well, we had a decade plus of sub-par growth even with super low interest rates, which did more to goose speculation than economic activity. As Jomo points out below, the one trick pony of the Fed sees every inflation as the result of too much demand and sets out to whack that with interest rate increases. But as Jomo stresses, this is a poor approach for the shortages and supply chain breakage resulting from Covid and now sanctions. And the costs fall hardest on poor countries that international institutions encouraged to borrow when rates were low.

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram, former UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development. Originally published at  Jomo’s website

For some time, most multilateral financial institutions have urged developing countries to borrow commercially, but not from China. Borrowers are now stuck in debt traps with little prospect of escape.

For some time, most multilateral financial institutions have urged developing countries to borrow commercially, but not from China. Now, borrowers are stuck in debt traps with little prospect of escape.

More Debt, Less Growth Since 2008

The last decade and a half has seen protracted worldwide stagnation, with some economies and people faring much worse than others.

The 2008 global financial crisis and Great Recession have recently been worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic, US Federal Reserve Bank-led interest rate hikes and escalating geopolitical economic warfare.

Following Reagan-inspired tax cuts, ostensibly to induce more private investments, budget deficits have loomed larger. Instead of enabling rapid recovery, greater fiscal austerity is now demanded, as in the 1980s.

After fiscal expansion averted the worst in 2009, unconventional monetary policies, mainly ‘quantitative easing’ (QE), took over. The European Central Bank (ECB) followed the US Fed’s QE lead for over a decade.

QE’s lower interest rates encouraged more borrowing as more credit became available and affordable. With rich nations offering less concessional finance, developing countries had little choice but to turn to markets for loans.

Spending counter-cyclically in a downturn requires government borrowing, which QE made more accessible and cheaper. The resulting borrowing surge has since returned to haunt these economies since 2022-23, when interest rates spiked.

Pushing Debt

World Bank slogans, such as ‘from billions to trillions’, urged developing country governments to borrow more on market terms to meet their funding needs for the SDGs, climate and the pandemic.

With capital accounts open, many private investors have long sought ‘safety’ abroad. But when lucrative direct investment opportunities beckoned, e.g., in India, some ‘capital flight’ returned as foreign investments, typically privileged and protected by host governments and international treaties.

Easier credit availability on almost concessional terms, thanks to QE, enabled more, often innovative, financialization. Blended finance and other such innovations promised to ‘de-risk’ private investments, especially from abroad.

Despite less bank borrowing than in the 1970s, indebtedness increased with more market-based debt. However, such indebtedness did not grow the real economy much despite much private technological innovation.

Borrowing Sours

The US Fed started raising interest rates from early 2022, blaming inflation on the tight labour market. As interest rates rose sharply, debt became more burdensome.

Thus, government borrowing worldwide became more constrained when more needed. Raising interest rates has dampened demand, including private and government spending for investment and consumption.

But recent economic contractions have been mainly due to supply-side disruptions. The second Cold War, the COVID-19 pandemic, and geo-political economic aggression have disrupted supply lines and logistics.

Raising interest rates dampens demand but does not address supply-side disruptions. Inappropriate policies have not helped, as such anti-inflationary measures have cut jobs, incomes, spending and demand worldwide.

Worse for some
Following the 2008 global financial crisis, successive US presidents have successfully maintained full employment. All central banks are committed to ensuring financial stability, but the US Fed also has an almost unique second mandate to maintain full employment.

Developing countries now face many more constraints on what they can do. Most are heavily indebted with little policy space for manoeuvre. With more financing from markets, the pro-cyclical bias is more pronounced.

Vulnerable developing countries believe they have little choice but to surrender to the market. Poverty in the poorest countries has not declined for almost a decade, while food security has not improved for even longer.

Worse, geopolitics has put much pressure on the Global South to spend more on the military. But most recent food price increases were due to speculation and ‘artificial’ rather than real shortages.

Poor Worst Off

The likelihood of distress increases with debt burdens. Debt stress has grown tremendously in the last two years, especially for developing countries heavily borrowing in major Western currencies.

Although the apparent reasons for central banks raising interest rates are rarely cited anymore, interest rates have not fallen, and funds have not flowed back to developing countries.

For at least a decade, the US has increasingly warned developing countries against borrowing from China despite its low interest rates compared to most other credit sources except Japan.

Consequently, China’s lending to developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, has fallen since 2016. By 2022, poorer countries had borrowed much more from commercial sources. But such private capital has since fled to the US and other Western markets offering high returns with more security.

Capital flight from developing countries, especially the poorest, followed as much less money went to the poorest developing countries via markets. With fewer funding options, the poorest countries have been the most vulnerable.

Negotiating with varied private creditors in markets, rather than via intergovernmental arrangements, has proved much more difficult. With much more private market funding, such financiers will not take instructions from governments unless compelled to do so.

Hence, little on the horizon offers any real hope of significant debt relief, let alone strong recovery and improved prospects for sustainable development in the Global South.

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  1. Lou Anton

    Thanks for sharing, Yves. The author makes a valid point about “fiscal” in 2009 (though maybe not enough, and he’d probably agree on that), but then there’s a rhetorical switcheroo to criticizing monetary policy, and the article slips into a “Fed as Bogeyman” zone. The interest rates were artificially low in 2009-2022 b/c of QEs, but then artificially to high in 2022? He seems to think there was maybe a Goldilocks zone for interest rates, but doesn’t indicate what it is (or when policy was ‘right’ for developing markets).

    Maybe it’s all just fallout from 2008 and we’re stuck blaming monetary policy b/c fiscal policy hasn’t really been there for developing markets (or developed markets TBH).

    Would like to know more about what he means by “nationas offering less concessional finance.” Maybe that’s the ideal, but again, would welcome more on that as opposed to blaming the Fed (who are really more Wizard of Oz Man Behind the Curtain than all-powerful Bogeymen)

  2. GramSci

    «Spending counter-cyclically in a downturn requires government borrowing…» Is there no alternative?

    As Yves suggests, China has been an alternative,
    but the US/World Bank/IMF offered better terms, especially for rulers/compradors looking to take the cash and leave the debt behind.

    The remaining alternative would appear to be nationalism and the dreaded ‘populism’, purges of the anti-communal compradors, and the attendant ‘revolution’. Hard work. Easier to borrow.

  3. eg

    I can see Fed officials saying to the rest of the world, “the interest rate is our monetary policy, but it’s your problem” …

  4. aj

    The Fed fiddling with rates seems to do more damage that any given rate itself. Aggressively low rates held from 2008 – 2022 did little to spur real economic growth and instead encouraged large institutions that could access almost free money to buy up assets (housing, stocks, etc.). Now that housing prices are out of reach of many, the increases rates just make them that much more expensive. Combine that with increases taxes and insurance premiums and it’s no wonder people can’t afford homes anymore. Home prices are generally sticky, so until inflation in wages catches up (maybe over 10 or 20 years) we are stuck here.

    Higher rates haven’t really done much to “slow down” the economy either. unemployment continues to be low (although most jobs are still crap) and demand for consumer goods hasn’t much slowed down either. Most people if they need to purchase everyday items do so on credit cards, which weren’t much affected by ZIRP. People were still paying on average around 15%. Now those rates are 22%, which is a big difference, but not when you compare the base rates of near 0% to 5%.

    1. aj

      I had to pull up the Fed funds rate history to make sure my numbers were correct. What I find interesting when looking at the pattern of recessions/depressions is that in almost all cases, they are immediately proceeded by a sharp rise in the Fed funds rate. I guess the Fed is pretty good at tanking the economy after all! Although causing a recession to fight inflation still seems a bit ridiculous in my book.

  5. spud

    reagan had very little to do with this. not carrying any water, he was a moron at best. this mess was caused by treaties that protected capital to the detriment of everyone, and everything. that’s where the capital flight came from.

    capital gains tax cuts, deregulation, and free trade are devastating to stability.

    supply chain problems, why that was easy to figure out. what idiot would set up a system where you gut your own industry, order products from 6-10 thousands miles away. a covid like event was bound to happen. the system was so unstable and unsustainable, it broke down in eight(2000-2008)short years.

    you can still see that dim wit thinking when biden and his fellow clowns warned russia that all they had to do was order military eqiupment because we had so much money.

    i laughed.

    if you want to pin a blame on who made this unstable mess, it was the clinton/obama/biden cabal of corrupt dim wits.

    they made a huge mess, it was apparent by the year 2000, and nothing has been done to reverse it.

    and only trump made a slight attempt to fix it.


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