Announcing Our 2024 “Double Your Donations” Challenge!

A new donor has stepped up to kick this fundraiser.into high gear So if you haven’t taken the time to donate yet, please take advantage of this “double your donations” challenge!

This sponsor has issued a challenge for this fundraiser. He will match the next 50 donations of $100 (and multiples of $100 like $300) up to their match total. Make this magnimous offer a sparkling success by going to our donation page now!

Readers have been sending fan mail, and we thought we’d share some of them: From JLE:

There are many things I like about N.C., but I’ll mention just one here.

In Tucson the local paper, though very politically correct and serving a metro area that is one-third Mexican-American, can hardly be bothered to cover Mexico. You would be basically unaware that the term of a historically-important president is coming to an end.

Nick Corbishley’s articles are a great antidote to this, due to his reporting and analysis on AMLO’s efforts regarding public health, the environment, and soverignty over natural resources.

And Ignacio:

How difficult is now to have or find truly independent sites. NC is an important one. NC plays a very basic and important role in this increasingly difficult environment.

And Mike M:

Thanks for making this place. It’s special.

And Richard V:

You are a truly important and absolutely original voice. Thanks for all you do

[Yves blushes modestly]

You can make your contribution here, via check, debit or credit card, or PayPal. If you give by check (we like checks!), be sure to let us know by e-mailing us at with “Dynamic Duo Challenge” in the subject line.

Thanks our benefactor for his generosity, and I hope readers will respond in kind.

And if $100 is a stretch for you, don’t let that stop you from making a donation if you’ve been planning to but haven’t had time yet. Every contribution helps us meet our goals. And the other important way to help is by telling others about our work, whether in person to friends, family, and colleagues, or in social media like Facebook and Twitter. So I hope you’ll take him up on his fundraiser challenge in whatever way you can!

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  1. barefoot charley

    What just amazes me about NC is that it keeps getting better. Nick and Conor bring us ever more news of what we do to the world with the precious gift of thinking and writing clearly about our thrashing imperium. Plus Michael Hudson, whose perspectives of the last 5000 years keep us up to the minute on the fate of debt empires. On top of what Yves and Lambert et al have done for us for so long–I am eternally grateful, even though time-challenged from so much offered here to learn. Thank you all, for everything. You’re worth more than money.

  2. nippersmom

    Nippersdad and I don’t know what we’d do without the propaganda-free reporting and insightful commentary we consistently find here on NC. Just sent in our donation via Paypal to be matched by the generous donor.

  3. Michael


    $100 donated.

    But I don’t think of it as a donation – I think of it as a contribution.

    Naked Capitalism gives me sanity – and I contribute money to continue to have a source of sanity in an increasingly weird world!

    Thank you!

  4. Art_DogCT

    Please check your email, Yves, for confirmation that Aurora Advisors will receive my bank-issued check within ~10 days.

    Echoing Jason Boxman in yesterday’s post, along with my annual participation in the NC fundraiser is my now annual statement of gratitude to NC for helping me stay alive in the face of COVID-19 these last several years. In the pre-plague years NC was no less valuable a resource. Can’t imagine life without Naked Capitalism, plain and simple.

  5. sporble

    Couldn’t turn down the match – so after my initial $100 a couple days ago I just sent you another $200.
    In a way, I’m ashamed: $300 is “bupkiss” when I consider the blood, sweat and tears – not to mention the wisdom, humor and real community/solidarity feeling – that NC gives us all.
    That said, it’s impossible for me to put a price on “What NC Gives”.
    I encourage everyone to give whatever they’re comfortable with!
    NC is priceless.

  6. Di Modica's Dumb Steer

    Son of a…

    And I JUST donated this weekend. No regrets, but now I wish I had waited just a hair. Keep it up, everyone!

  7. Rod

    hope i made the donation before the offer was up–turning 100$ into 200$ really fits my budget.
    Thank you, generous donor, for your enabling offer…may it come back to you in doubles also.

  8. Wukchumni

    We’re kind of back in the USSR, when we knew in the west that Pravda & TASS would lie if telling the truth was easier, and now you can’t mistake that we’ve become them in yet another fashion.

    During the American & French Revolution pamphleteers would have filled NC’s role and limited in scope, but look at the reach we’ve got-merely the entire world.

    Always tell the truth to people who are worthy of it~

    Another check is in the mail…

  9. Leftist Mole

    Check is in the mail for you and hope its part of the doubling the ducats. Thank you generous donors, and thank you Naked Capitalism!


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