Links 9/2/2024

Slow Going Atmos

BLS Data Slipups Are Becoming a Pattern Bloomberg

The La-La-Land Fairy Tale of a “Soft Landing” Of Two Minds

Inside the ‘golden age’ of alien hunting at the Green Bank Telescope

‘Gateway to Hell’: Giant Hole in Siberia Is Expanding Rapidly Science Alert


A Storm of Sand: The Powerful Intercontinental Reach of Saharan Dust SciTech Daily

Protecting the Prairie Zero Sum


Mpox cases in Nigeria rise to 48, spread to capital, 20 states Anadolu Agency

How Pakistan’s Peshawar has emerged as mpox ‘epicentre’ Firstpost

The Mpox Global Health Emergency — A Time for Solidarity and Equity New England Journal of Medicine


The Contest to Shape “Country Platforms” Phenomenal World

PacNet #61 – Rethinking Bangladesh’s arms import strategy: Curbing reliance on China Pacific Forum. Board of Directors.


US Offers to Escort Philippines Ships in South China Sea as Part of New Anti-China Escalation Orinoco Tribune

Blacklisted Huawei posts record profits despite U.S. sanctions — Chinese tech giant raked in $7.7B in net profit in 1H 2024 Tom’s Hardware

China’s air travel shows significant recovery, record high expected this year Channel News Asia

How deeply rooted are China’s economic woes? Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum

European Disunion

East Germany votes for right-wing AfD, against Ukraine war Asia Times

Scholz urges German parties to exclude far right as AfD poised for state election victory The Guardian

Mathew D. Rose – German State elections: a Tectonic Political Shift Brave New Europe


Confusion with Italian governing parties position on Ukraine Euractiv

Council of Europe calls on Italy to strengthen anti-corruption measures Jurist News


Hungary’s gas deliveries guaranteed for long term, chief diplomat says in St Petersburg bne Intellinews

EU Pro-War Foreign Ministers Take Aim at Hungary in Tense Foreign Council Meeting Hungarian Conservative

Old Blighty

I heard years of Grenfell testimony. Here’s why the disaster could have been prevented BBC. See NC on Grenfell here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Labour chooses austerity: the black hole is an illusion Counterfire


General strike against Netanyahu begins over hostages, as Israel continues bombing of Gaza The New Arab

Moody’s warns of rating consequences of escalation Globes

US to offer final hostage deal framework, ‘critical days ahead’ officials say Ynet. The deck: “Biden set to offer a ‘take it or leave it’ deal to both sides in final push to secure hostage deal, report says; American officials tell families of hostages with U.S. citizenship that the ball is in Hamas’ court.”

U.S., Israel-Hamas Mediators Have Lost Faith in Netanyahu, PM’s Intentions for Gaza Deal Haaretz

How the U.S. Enabled Netanyahu to Sabotage a Gaza Ceasefire Drop Site


The Islamic State Is Trying to Rebound Arab Center Washington DC

US ramps up military reinforcements at its occupation bases in Syria Al Mayadeen

New Not-So-Cold War

Russia attacks Kyiv with missile barrage, says Ukraine Anadolu Agency

Foreign Minister Sikorski says that Poland should down Russian missiles over Ukraine Ukrainska Pravda

F-16 fighter jet in Ukraine unlikely shot down by ‘friendly fire,’ NYT suggests Kyiv Independent



Ukrenergo warns the population to brace for a hard winter bne Intellinews


Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region is legitimate, says NATO’s Stoltenberg VOA

Kursk Offensive: West Heralds ‘Rebirth’ of Maneuver Warfare Simplicius the Thinker


The Caucasus

Armenia suspends participation in Russian-led CSTO ‘at all levels,’ Armenian PM says Kyiv Independent

“Sign a peace treaty on already agreed terms”: Pashinyan’s proposal to Baku JAM News

Georgia awaits a historic ruling from the Constitutional Court on the “foreign agents” law JAM News

South of the Border

Honduras Condemns Armed Forces Coup Attempt (+US Extradition Treaty) Orinoco Tribune


Bereaved US families criticise Harris’ cemetery comment AP

Democrats en déshabillé

Realignment and Legitimacy

The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous? New York Times

Our Famously Free Press

Liberalism Removes its Mask Matt Taibbi

Socialists should support Brazil’s Twitter ban Carl Beijer

European Allies Are Doing America’s Dirty Jobs The American Conservative



Police State Watch



Palantir Gets A BUNCH of New Deals Daily Palantir

Microsoft Bing Copilot accuses reporter of crimes he covered The Register

‘A tech firm stole our voices – then cloned and sold them’ BBC

Zuckerberg wants to control the next platform—no matter what it is Diconnect

Intel’s big turnaround plan is now looking very expensive and poorly timed Marketwatch

Intel Rallies On Report Chip Giant Is Exploring Options Including Foundry Split Investor’s Business Daily

Big Brother is Watching You Watch



Here’s 22 Examples of Google Employees Trying to Avoid Creating Evidence in Antitrust Case 404 Media

Imperial Collapse Watch

If you must win, you must make your partner country a winner too Gateway House

America isn’t ready for another war — because it doesn’t have the troops Vox

How Lula and Modi drove a splinter through the heart of the BRICS bloc Strategic Culture

Class Warfare

THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF U.S. TEACHER STRIKES National Bureau of Economic Research. From the abstract: “…we find that, on average, strikes increase compensation by 8% and lower pupil-teacher ratios by 0.5 students…”

10,000 US hotel workers strike over Labor Day weekend Al Jazeera

The Unsung History of Heartland Socialism In These Times

Antidote du jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. Terry Flynn

    re: Stealing our voices. I can’t ultimately stop AI from scraping my research from the web. But I can identify YouTubers who have done so (enabling me to reduce my too-large number of channels I subscribe to). I deliberately leave out key aspects of my research. When a YouTube channel reports on something that looks remarkably similar to a blogpost I made in the previous 6 weeks, and I have seen a “weird” uptick in views in that period that cannot be explained by (for example) Lambert giving a shout-out (as he did to something of mine recently, enabling me to gauge exactly what the “NC effect” is) then I get suspicious.

    I have no concrete evidence my blog was scraped to produce a YT video. However, my deliberate omissions of the “holes in the theory” to test for “copies” are instructive. The YT video in question never mentioned these “holes” (nor my or my two world-leading contributors) when discussing the topic (it’s electoral reform, if you’re interested).

    Suffice to say I’ve unsubsubscribed to that channel. My complaint to YT will inevitably be ignored. The only irony is that I get £80 in royalties per annum for my textbook (yeah write Harry Potter, not “how to understand how humans make choices”)…..which is the exact sum my accountant bills me for doing my tax return HMRC demands (since by once having two sources of income I am – it seems – permanently made to self-declare and the government website sends me into meltdown).

  2. The Rev Kev

    “Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region is legitimate, says NATO’s Stoltenberg”

    As Alex Christoforou was pointing out, Stoltenberg is way too late to this particular party. If he had said this three weeks ago at the start of the invasion, well, that is just Stoltenberg being Stoltenberg. But now? The Ukraine has lost seven thousand of their best remaining troops. They have lost 73 tanks, 34 infantry fighting vehicles, 62 armored personnel carriers, 432 armored fighting vehicles, and 201 other motor vehicles. Russian forces have also destroyed 45 artillery guns and 13 multiple-launch rocket systems, including four US-provided HIMARS launchers. The eastern front is collapsing at a rapid rate as the troops defending it were sent to Kursk and those formations have been so badly mauled that there may be no point sending them back east. And with all this in mind, Stoltenberg crawls out of the woodwork and says that the Ukraine has a right to defend themselves. To quote Bugs Bunny – ‘What a maroon!’

    1. JohnA

      In the meantime, Stoltenberg’s own country, Norway, has been secretly splurging around USD 400 million on long range US missiles, and other war materiel for its fleet of F35 planes. Norwegian media have been deathly silent about this, and it only emerged via a US DSCA press release. Now what would a peaceloving Norway that has had a peaceful border with Russia for decades, want with such destructive toys?

      1. JTMcPhee

        “Is Norway Next?”

        “Fredericksen States Long-Range Nuclear-Capable Missiles Purely Defensive, Lauds Acquisition As Great Deal.”

        “Russia Has Right of Self-Defence.”

        Possible future headlines

  3. Terry Flynn

    Re Labour & Austerity. Wow, I knew Starmer was leading us down a dead end but even I didn’t think he’d announce it within a couple of months of getting elected!

    I’ve lost quite a few friends by not signing up to the “New Labour Project” which is now firmly back in control: see this.

    We can’t even call ourselves a banana republic with nukes because we have no bananas and (allegedly) most of our nukes don’t work.

      1. Terry Flynn

        If he does then Farage will be PM in 2029. A speculation I get laughed at but which is looking more and more likely as each day unfurls.

        My favourite bit of trivia is that the “renowned” satirical show “Have I Got News For You” (HIGNFY – BBC) chased viewers for years by having a certain Boris Johnson as a panellist. Then had the gonads to do a “Boris is deposed” special one-off edition. Now they’ve been getting Farage on. FFS.

        Ian Hislop and Paul Merton are, in my opinion, in it for themselves and have precisely zero interest in the public good which at least one of them profess to espouse. *Cough*MMR fiasco*cough*

        1. Colonel Smithers

          Thank you, Terry.

          It’s not just HIGNFY. Not long after Sunak took over, a hearing was held in Parliament to discuss standards in public life. Hislop was invited to address and had the nerve to slag off Johnson. Had it not been for Hislop, Johnson would just have been another Tory MP.

          Hislop was educated at Ardingly, a private school in Sussex, and Oxford. The Johnsons are his crowd. He’s just pretending on screen. One hopes JohnA pipes up as he and I have exchanged comments about the shyster Hislop.

          I agree with you about Farage or a more presentable Tory in 2029, if not a year earlier. The leaderless Tories are on 26% and Labour 30% at the moment.

          1. Terry Flynn

            Thanks Colonel. You know what makes me most scared? That my nightmares about this country are all too predictable by certain people like you, who “know the insides”.

            I got very very suspicious of Private Eye during the MMR stuff (because, although a non-clinician, I knew how to read the literature and science etc) and I began to suspect there was an agenda. Now I won’t listen to a single word Hislop or his pet Medic will say.

            History doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme. I’m looking at 1990s Canada. Reform rhymes with….Reform! This won’t end well.

          2. JohnA

            Hi Colonel, and lest we forget, Hislop’s wife, another Oxford grad, has made a fortune churning out bestselling fiction set on Greek islands. Private Eye is as establishment protecting as it comes.

    1. The Rev Kev

      The guys at The Duran were discussing how Starmer is destroying the UK economy while arresting anybody that looks sideways at him and his beliefs. His popularity as it was is already circling the toilet- (16:03 mins)

      The guy might end up with the nickname Stasi Starmer before long. Might be time to reactivate Radio Caroline as a political news broadcaster and take it back out to sea-

      1. Terry Flynn

        On days like these I’m tempted to use my Aussie passport and move back down under.

        Then I see that at the coldest of winter, there are parts of Australia that are usually 6 degrees but which now are over 30 degrees celcius.

        We’re shafted and you’re cooked. Choose your poison.

        1. The Rev Kev

          Three weeks ago we had a cold snap here and I was rugged up in tracks pants and even a winter dressing gown. The past coupla days it’s been so hot I could sit around just wearing a pair of shorts. And it is only the second day of spring. Go figure

          1. Terry Flynn

            Yep. It’s all in the variance, not the mean. As we in Europe will soon learn.

            Having a high mean to start with will make things doubly bad down under, unless the Antarctic winds save you.

            Best place to live is probably somewhere in Tasmania.

        2. Colonel Smithers

          Thank you, Terry.

          My parents and I are contemplating going to Mauritius. Some racist attacks in mid Buckinghamshire have spooked my parents. My parents, who will be 80 in November, came here 60 years ago. I was born and raised here.

          A friend, ex US Fed and Bank of England, is contemplating what Yves has done. Said friend came to London around 1990.

          1. Terry Flynn

            So sorry to hear that. General “anti-social” behaviour is definitely on the rise. One of the reasons I refuse to be carer to mum on weekends (i.e. do the shopping with her) is that “apparent middle class” people in Sainsburys will “accidentally on purpose” hit me with a shopping trolley – almost certainly because I wear a mask. (Believe me I’ve watched and counted.)

            These people are scum. I’m glad I’m gay and don’t give a family blog about the next generation because where I live, in a supposed “nicer” part of the doughnut surrounding Nottingham, there are fewer than 5% of people who are actually worth saving.

            Mum likes our new Labour MP because he’s “a nice gay man”. I struggle to get through to her concepts like “Hitler was a vegetarian”. The guy either gets MMT (in which case he’s a liar and hypocrite for supporting the Party line on funding) or he doesn’t (in which case he should have stuck to his position as leader of local council as he is too THICK to be an MP). I’m glad I did as Jonathan Pie suggested and drew a big spaffing cock across my ballot on 4th July. And yeah, I’m angry. Every Brit should be. We are demonstrably a failed state.

    2. JohnA

      And Labour have even had the gall to claim Mr Market would have crashed the british economy if they handn’t terminated the cold weather payment to pensioners!

      To Ignacio, the payments to Ukraine will continue for sure. for as long as it takes in Starmerspeak. Uber zionist Starmer also lamented the death of the 6 Israeli hostages, while never mentioning the tens, if not now hundreds of thousands of Palestinians of all ages. He is a bigger fraud than Blair.

    3. Michaelmas

      Terry Flynn: (allegedly) most of our nukes don’t work.

      Interestingly, it’s specifically the Trident ballistic missile component supplied by the US that’s failed major launch tests twice now.

      …the submarine crew completed the drill perfectly using a dummy warhead. The Trident 2 missile and dummy warhead were propelled into the air but the first-stage boosters of the missile did not ignite and it subsequently sank into the ocean.

      The fault was specific to the test kit and that the launch would have likely been successful if it had occurred out on a patrol, using a real nuclear warhead, according to the source.

      The Ministry of Defense confirmed that UK Minister of Defense Grant Shapps was on board the HMS Vanguard at the time of the test anomaly. The First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Ben Key was also on board.

      Shapps said in a statement released Wednesday that the test anomaly has “no implications for the reliability of the wider Trident missile systems and stockpiles ….”

      “No implications” despite two failures in a row. Lolz.

  4. The Rev Kev

    “‘A tech firm stole our voices – then cloned and sold them”

    Isn’t it remarkable how all this high tech industry that we are supposed to be impressed by in the end relies on theft, fraud and false pretenses to work at all. They don’t have to do it this way but they do it anyway rather than obey the law by paying proper compensation which for them would amount to a rounding errors in their accounts book. The makers of the game Fortnite also indulge in this form of pirating by copying dances of real people and then have their characters in the game performing them too.

  5. KD

    🧵1/3 🇺🇦Relatives will be held accountable for draft dodgers, – Zelensky’s government.

    There is nothing more indicative of an emerging liberal democracy than the adoption of collective punishment. /sarc

      1. The Rev Kev

        Just posted my comment and then saw yours appear with the same thought. Only, I am not so charitable. I would not say ‘It looks as if the Ukrainians really cannot help it’ so much as ‘It looks as if the Ukrainians really cannot help themselves.’ Will they string up deserters to lamp posts like the Nazis did in WW2 as an example to the troops?

        1. Colonel Smithers

          Thank you.

          Two week-ends ago, my parents and I were in Deauville for the races and noted the number of Ukrainians and Israelis enjoying themselves at the seaside, including at the races. My former RAF officer dad added how many of the men looked of military age.

          One hopes Paul Greenwood pipes up from Germany as he has made similar observations there. @ Paul: Dad’s younger sister lives and teaches near Dusseldorf and made similar observations, but added that many are Russians, not Ukrainians, but from Ukraine. That echoes what mum has observed in the Thames valley.

        2. Bugs

          No, they’ll use shrinkwrap. They think it’s hilarious.

          Once again, I had to use Yandex search to find anything about this. Google gave me a site calling it “Russian propaganda” in the lede…but that actually confirms that it happened!

      2. Ignacio

        So, since now own one can be held responsible, not just for ones acts and misfortunes, but all of everyone of the relatives? Even if this is limited to conscription, it is quite a step towards fascism.

  6. rob

    It is shocking to see how far AOC has fallen. I wonder if when she reviews her diatribe in that video, she will feel as embarrassed as she should. She comes off as a clueless, entitled moron.
    She should know better than to criticize ANYONE… for “not doing something”.

    Here was this person who had the personality to make waves… and ended up with a seat in congress…. but then what a fizzle. It is monumental how far she has fallen. What has she done?… standing up for defenseless people/women/children being slaughtered in an open air prison…. nope… just the opposite.
    has she told a foreign apartheid state that it is not allowed to interfere with the rights of Americans’ freedom of speech; as was promised to them by the bill of rights. NOPE….
    Has she spoken out about the enfeebled president…(before it hit the fan).you know…. the guy who is “the head of the party”….. NOPE…
    Has she spoken about the abuses of international law, by neo-fascists and neoconservatives in their ill fated proxy war in Ukraine. NOPE…. she just figured … well what did she figure?
    She has proven to be a hack. She has proven herself to be the scum of Washington. part of the get along gang. Her position is to be completely useless… and look good while doing it.

    So , she shouldn’t wave her pretty finger at anyone who is actually trying to help the situation. She isn’t. She is a fraud.

  7. Henry Moon Pie

    Re: Climate/Environment–

    Interesting article at that traces the rise of consumer culture through Bernays and Lippmann. As a teaser, here’s a quote from the article that comes from a 20th century American economist, Victor Lebow:

    Our enormously productive economy demands we make consumption our way of life. That we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, discarded and replaced at an ever accelerating rate.

    We’ve been trained to overconsume and to find “our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. Or as Jackson Browne put it:

    I’m gonna be a happy idiot
    And struggle for the legal tender
    Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
    To the heart and the soul of the spender,
    And believe in whatever may lie
    In those things that money can buy.
    Who thought true love could have been a contender?

    The Pretender” Jackson Browne

    As the article notes, this drive to buy and throw away is not born out of basic human needs or drives. It is a Bernays-constructed distraction so that the powerful can run things as they like while we scramble to buy the latest giant pickup or smart phone.

    1. griffen

      From the immortal words of President Bush #43, just mere weeks after 9/11…” Our economy is strong and open for business “. Not quite on the upper level of Presidential idiocy* spoken to the masses, but it’s memorable to me for a few varied reasons. Count me in as a highly cynical , mostly careful American consumer when it gets around to eventual replacement of the trusty 2008 Honda, or the simple need to finally get a coffee making machine since the old reliable Mr Coffee bit the dust at last.

      With all due respect to his very classic, succinct speech in Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin in the film could update for the 2020s… Always Be Consuming…Always…

      *Presidential idiocy or statements of finality or conclusion where the statements did not age well. Bonus points it’s an equal opportunity sport.

  8. griffen

    File one under Class Warfare I suppose, or when the going gets tough the tough just pack up their belongings and file for chapter 11. Or for a further analogy, in the immortal yet fictional words of Michael Scott from The Office…” I declare bankruptcy!”

    Clearly the Red Lobster might be the largest or well known of these chains which have filed, thus far in 2024. Doesn’t stop some locations from staying open, if foot traffic stays high. I think the last visit I made to a Red Lobster was in 2015 or 2016.

    1. The Rev Kev

      If the big chains start failing, I wonder if that will open up space for new, local restaurants catering to local tastes.

  9. The Rev Kev

    “Zuckerberg wants to control the next platform—no matter what it is’

    You don’t suppose that Big Zuck is hoping that Telegraph will be seized and handed over to him by any chance? Washington and Brussels would know that if Big Zuck got his grubby mitts on it, that it would be in “safe” hands – for them.

  10. ilsm

    Simplicius picked a terrible post to try to grow paid subscribers. I read a lot of his stuff but throwing around the Kagans!

    The last thing in this imperfect world I want to do is wade through the agitprop spewing from the Nuland-Kagan kitchen table (aka ISW). Correlation is not causation but US has lost a lot of wars since a certain family held teaching positions at West Point.

    NATO planners have no idea of maneuver warfare!

    NATO’s Kursk excursion looks more like the US 1st Armored Division at Faid Pass in the opening engagement of the embarrassment at Kasserine Pass.

  11. griffen

    I hate to be unkind to the antidote for today, but instead of a three toed sloth I get some very odd Morlock vibes from the animal’s eyes…oh no don’t eat that young Eloi Mr sloth! Sorry if the \sarc does not convey well…

    Morlocks and Eloi, gets me considering just what an HG Wells or a comparable author of his era would write about today if they were living.

  12. DJG, Reality Czar

    The “Confusion” with Italian Governing Parties and Project Ukraine.

    I am here, as your Reality Czar, to dispel confusion: The Euractiv site makes it look as if the Italian government isn’t pro-Ukraine enough.

    Which is true. Because the populace does not support the war at all. So you have Meloni as generally supportive — it’s the magic of Biden touching her hair — yet the paleo-conservative types in Fratelli d’Italia are skeptical. Matteo Salvini barely supports the war and doesn’t want Italian weaponry shooting at Russia. Tajani and the Forza Italia are creeping (they’re good at creeping) back toward the center, and Tajani (foreign minister) has said straight out that no Italians are going to Ukraine to fight.

    Confusing indeed. An ill-planned war with no strategy has consequences. Che sorpresa! Are we pretending Tajani’s reaction is unexpected? Also see article 11 of the Italian Constitution, which prohibits war as policy.

    The article betrays itself. Lia Quartapelle? From the wing of the Partito Democratico that just loveses the war in Ukraine? Come on. But there’s bottom to scrape: Borghi from Italia Viva? Maddai. Ci risiamo.

    As former PD member and long-time communist, Massimo D’Alema, keeps saying: A party of the left that doesn’t talk about peace is not a party of the left. And that’s where the Partito Democratico is and, natch, where the U.S. Democrats are. Sloppy chardonnay liberals who believe that there are vegan bombs.

  13. timbers

    AOC on Jill Stein – “If you run for office over and over and are leader of your party and you can’t grow your party with elected officials at the other levels – That’s bad leadership!” (Rough transition from memory). The most predictable character trait of neo-liberals & neo-cons is self-projection. Didn’t Obama’s bad leadership result in Democrats losing a record shattering 1,000 elective offices during his reign – greatest number of loses in US history? Did AOC call for Obama’s resignation as a result of his disastrous leadership? She certainly has fit in well with the powers that be in Dem circles.

  14. Expat2uruguay

    “Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal presented a list of measures that will be applied not only to draft dodgers, but also to their close relatives”
    This is the second tweet that has been posted here at naked capitalism regarding this alleged policy. I can find no backup for this policy anywhere. How can I believe something that is unsubstantiated? I don’t live in that world anymore…

    1. ChrisFromGA

      Because the US media has abdicated its responsibility to report on Ukraine with sound journalistic practices or integrity, we are left with largely difficult-to-confirm sources. The media are content to repeat one-sided propaganda and laughable lies like “Putin has cancer” with zero substantiation. That leaves us with and Telegram which both are problematic. I generally don’t believe anything I read today.

      I don’t claim to have any knowledge one way or another on what particular “story” is true or not. Just an observation that we’re all left to our own best judgment these days.

  15. timbers

    “Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal presented a list of measures that will be applied not only to draft dodgers, but also to their close relatives (spouses, children, parents, sisters….” ********* Shouldn’t the list of measures also be applied to Ukraine’s leadership, like Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Zelensky, and others? After all it is THEY – not the people of Ukraine- who are the ones who implemented these failing draft policies and the ones who bear responsible for it’s perceived failure.


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