Links 10/1/2024

A river is pushing up Mount Everest’s peak ScienceDaily (Kevin W)

The Last Hominin Standing Nautlius (Anthony L)

Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first Nature (furzy)

Main character syndrome aeon (Micael T)


Effect of COVID-19 global lockdown on our Moon Oxford Academic (Paul R)


Extreme Weather Around the World Risks Boosting Food Bill. Bloomberg Agriculture Spot Index on track for 7% monthly gain Bloomberg

US climate change targets threatened by tech energy surge from AI Financial Times. Gee, ya think?

Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds University of Manchester (Anthony L)

Switzerland and Italy Redraw Border Due To Melting Glaciers BBC

Central Asia in Search of Water Cooperation Global Affairs (Micael T)

Office Property Slump Makes Climate Upgrade Costs Even Riskier Financial Times


Taiwan on alert over ‘multiple waves’ of missile firing in inland China Reuters

China’s lithography gains a glass half full, not half empty Asia Times (Kevin W)


Sudan’s forgotten civil war risks exploding into a geopolitical crisis Reuters

European Disunion

The effects of the Greens’ policies lie somewhere between Covid and the Allied bombings Anti-Spiegel via machine transaltion (Micael T)

How Schleswig-Holstein sold their reliable diesel ferry for a song, spent 3.3 million Euro for a new emissions-free solar ferry that doesn’t work, & increased carbon emissions on top of it all Eugyppius. Micael T: “Lately, the Germans havet shown an irrational side that is both highly amusing and deeply worrying. I wonder if they have always been like this.”

Germany to abandon hopes of economic growth Telegraph

Thousands protest in Portugal over surging house prices and rents Retures

Old Blighty

Kemi Badenoch says UK minimum wage is harming businesses Financial Times (Kevin )

Half of Welsh adults likely to ration energy use this Winter amid Rising Costs Nation.crymu


IDF announces launch of limited ground raids of Hezbollah sites across Lebanon border Times of Israel. Larry Johnson depicted the idea of a limited invasion as a limited pregnancy.

Middle East on the brink: Israeli tanks mass at the border with Lebanon amid fears of imminent ground invasion – as West scrambles to prevent ‘all out war’ following IDF airstrikes in Yemen Daily Mail

US, Israel agree on ‘necessity of dismantling attack infrastructure’ along Lebanese border Anadolu Agency

Israeli ground attack ‘about saving face, winning political points’ Aljazeera

Netanyahu says killing Nasrallah is key to restoring power balance and recovering hostages NBC. What does Nasrallah have to do with Hamas hostages?

Austria Freedom Party wins. WSJ, Biden hides Ukraine $61B strategy. Switzerland angers Ukraine Alex Christoforu, YouTube. At 21:30, Christoforu shows an image of the original headline of a Jerusalem Post story depicting Lloyd Austin as furious with the lack of notice about the assassination of Nasrallah. Later versions of the same story lowered Austin’s temperature level.

New Not-So-Cold War

Bipartisan report urges rethink of America’s Russia strategy The Hill (Kevin W). Lovely.

Russia Threatens Legal Action Against NATO Countries Over Nord Stream Explosion

Zelensky ready to fire spy chief – media RT

Nagorno-Karabakh Bears the Scars of Azeri Control Jacobin (Robin K)

Imperial Collapse Watch

Did Sabotage Stall the Navy’s Newest Nuclear Aircraft Carrier? gCaptain

Sports betting will do to America what it’s done to Australia. Jacobin (Robin K)

“It’s not election interference when we do it!” The EU and US are getting desperate to subdue Georgia Tarik Cyril Amar (Micael T)


Hezbollah Reaches Out To U.S. For Advice On How To Govern With A Dead Leader Babylon Bee (Chuck L)


How Trump distorts immigration and crime data in new attacks on Harris Washington Post (furzy)

See Lara Trump role:

Letitia James May be Winning the Lawfare but Losing the War Jonathan Turley


Harris Ignores Antiwar Voters at Her Peril Daniel Larison

We are light on Helene due to how comprehensive Lambert’s post yesterday was. However, some notable sightings:


Georgia’s 6-Week Abortion Ban Is Struck Down New York Times (Kevin W)

Georgia Judge Strikes Down State’s Abortion Ban in Stunning Ruling New Republic (furzy)

Our No Longer Free Press

Facebook throttles local League of Women Voters with an election coming up. Kansans, stay vigilant. Kansas Reflector (Robin K)

Reporters Without Borders’ Attack on Sputnik and RT Highlights NGO’s Status as ‘Media Wing of NATO’ Sputnik (Kevin W). FWIW, I don’t recall ever encountering them, much the less linking to them.


AI Data Center Boom Spurs Race to Find Power Wall Street Journal

Cruise Fined $1.5 Million For Failing To Report Robotaxi Crash Involving Pedestrian The Verge

The Bezzle

Google Wins Lawsuit Against Scammers Who ‘Weaponized’ DMCA Takedowns Torrentfreak

Class Warfare

Dockworkers go on a strike that could reignite inflation and cause shortages in the holiday season Associated Press

The Big Shift From Salaries To Bonus-Based Pay Wall Street Journal

Hooters Joins US Chains Hit by Hard-Up Diners, Rising Food Costs Bloomberg

Antidote du jour. mgl” “This is a pukeko (aka purple swamphen, australasian swamphen) & chick. They’re ubiquitous here in NZ.”

And a bonus (a replacement for one Chuck L provided that Twitter removed):

And a second bonus (Chuck L):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. The Rev Kev

    “Facebook throttles local League of Women Voters with an election coming up. Kansans, stay vigilant.”

    Facebook is such a scummy outfit as is Zuck himself. The League of Women Voters? Seriously? You know what would be see good to happen. If Trump said at a rally that he will do a third debate with Kamala but only if the League of Women Voters do the moderating this time around. Are the Democrats going to the attack this idea and this organization – which would mean about half the voting population? Might be fun to find out.

    1. Ken Murphy

      Well, at least the LWV used to include all of the candidates appearing on the ballot, not just the two country club candidates. Those were some much healthier debates.
      I remember going to the library back in the 80s to get the LWV Voter Guide, which would include info on all the candidates for each position, even Wiccan or Constitutionalist.

    2. timbers

      Good idea, but might Trump win more votes if promised to jail Zuck? Honest question. Broken laws can always be found…just look at Assange.

  2. Xquacy

    Re: Hezbollah Reaches Out To U.S. For Advice On How To Govern With A Dead Leader- Babylon Bee:

    As of publishing time, Hezbollah announced they would be asking the U.S. to send over Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to replace Nasrallah due to her extensive experience running Hezbollah in America

    The difference between Babylon Bee and The Onion, is that The Onion never makes ludicrous insinuations.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Want to hear something also ludicrous? So there was a protest in Melbourne over the Israelis slaughtering so many civilians the other day and some raised the yellow Hezbollah flag. Now the leaders of both main political parties have their panties in a serious twist and want to enact all sorts of penalties and new laws about this. Dissent will not be tolerated by either party who compete in the who-can-suck-up-to-Israel-the-most Olympics-

    2. Kilgore Tex

      Babylon Bee like all right wing “humor” usually ends up unintentionally parodying itself. They lack restraint.

    3. Belle

      I think it was in the Atlantic interview when they made a joke about Democrats praising Soleimani.
      In reality, not only did no Democrats (except perhaps Tulsi) seek to even investigate his assassination, but there was a memorial service for him led by the pastor of the Evangelical Church in Aleppo. Apparently, the Babylon Bee was more than willing to mock the man who helped protect thousands of Christians (to say nothing of Muslims and others) from the tender mercies of Daesh.

  3. IM Doc

    The port workers are now on strike.

    In yet another classic Biden Administration PR bad look, we had the sitting Secretary of Commerce tell CNBC just yesterday that “she has not been paying attention to that”.

    The Secretary of COMMERCE!!! Is not all the merchandise being shipped in actually COMMERCE?

    Good luck with that.

    I have the memories of all of my family union elders lining up to canvas, support and vote for Dems. Those days are long gone. The massive political realignment is really happening. And almost all of those old Dems are now Trump voters in my family. As now all of the PMC and the spy and military people are all Dems, leaving the GOP in droves. The thing is that those longshoreman actually do meaningful work unlike 90% of the PMC and all the layers of our govt.

    I am not sure how this will all play out. But we do live in interesting times.

    1. Zagonostra

      Unfortunately this “massive political realignment” feels more like a slaughter pen where there are two loading chutes or slide gates going to the same destination. A real realignment probably could only come about if a viable 3’d party threatened status quo, one that forced the existing parties to respond to people’s every day needs and end the forever wars.

    2. flora

      The Dems walked away from blue-collar and union workers. B smashed the railroad strike. Why would they pay attention now? “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia,” – Chuck Schumer.

      I bet that’s what they see here – union workers – not the commerce. Commerce just happens, because markets. right? / ;)

      1. flora

        Any word from our Sec. Transportation Pete Buttigieg? Besides him subbing as JDVance for Tim Walz’s VP debate prep work?

    3. doug

      This am on the local news in NC: ‘The port strike is going to delay help in western NC.’ is one way it is being played. They never made the tenuous connection, just stated as fact. Capital, not labor, owns that TV station.

    4. Lena

      This is true for my union family members too. They used to be rock solid Democrats going back generations. Now they do not recognize the current Democratic Party, it has changed so drastically. It no longer represents them. It represents corporate power. As does the Republican Party unfortunately.

      I recently saw a late 1800’s US census form with my great-great grandfather’s household on it. He was born in SE Ohio in 1840. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War. After the Civil War, the census listed his occupation as “Teamster” meaning he drove a wagon pulled by horses or oxen. Other male family members were listed as “Ironworker”, “Ditch Digger” and “Meat Cutter”. I am proud to come from this line of working people.

    5. Steve H.

      > I am not sure how this will all play out. But we do live in interesting times.

      “Depressions are how we harvest the wealth accumulated by the lower classes.”

      Forced ARTificial Scarcity.

      Federal Funds Effective Rate. The last year looks like a West Virginia mountaintop.

      Which makes this the perfect time for a strike. Daggett has that cold. My concern is the players betting on a more rapid collapse.

    6. Bugs

      The Sect’y of Commerce is now mainly tasked with sanctions promulgation and enforcement against the Official USA Enemies™ Russia, Iran, Cuba and the DPRK; scolding China for being good at making stuff, and subsidizing Tesla and Intel.

      Big job as it is so no wonder consumption-paralyzing strikes in the run up to Xmas are off her slate. She referred the matter to Mayo Pete btw.

      Real piece of work, Ms. Raimondo.

    7. CanCyn

      I totally understand the people abandoning the Dems. What I don’t understand is why anyone would think of Trump and/or the Republicans as any kind of viable alternative. Here in Canada, as a lifelong supporter of the NDP (as close as we have to a left party, but not really, for the last couple of decades anyhow), I’ve always had a choice against our Uni party. I do understand that I am mostly just throwing away my vote, as the NPD rarely comes to power (once provincially in my lifetime, never federally) but at least I am voting for something. I don’t think I would vote at all if I couldn’t vote for the NDP, choosing the lesser of two evils doesn’t sit well with me.

      1. The Rev Kev

        It may be a case of not so much the people abandoning the Dems as the Dems abandoning the people. Democrats want to vote for classic Democrat candidates but these days the Dem candidates sound like they are to the far right of Reagan’s Republicans of the 80s. Same here in Oz where I no longer recognize the Labour party from when I was younger. I expect the same too in the UK for those who supported the Labour party over there as well.

        ‘I never left my party – my party left me.’

      2. NotTimothyGeithner

        Don’t underestimate the importance of churches in many areas. The only community groups are churches in much of the US.

        Why the GOP? It’s not any different than why do people like Don Corleone.

        Then of course, there have been attempts to change the party. At some point, people grow tired. Wiping out Team Blue seems like a more viable alternative. The Democrats see a Blue Whote House and a Red Congress as great because they can gripe about the GOP, not be responsible, and still have policies that make the rich richer. Until Blue districts are in danger, they won’t do anything.

    1. JohnA

      Road signs are in both Welsh and English in Wales. A few years ago, a local authority sent an email to their Welsh translator asking for the Welsh wording for a road sign. An automated out of office response came back and the local authority simply used that for the bilingual sign. This was in south Wales which is mainly English speaking hence the inability to spot the automated response.

      1. The Rev Kev

        Look you, boyo. It’s hard enough to spell Welsh than to just translate it. And pity the poor buggers that live in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch-

        Not to be outdone, Thailand has a town called Krungthepmahanakornamornratanakosinmahintarayutthayamahadilokphopnopparatrajathaniburiromudomrajaniwesmahasatharnamornphimarnavatarnsathitsakkattiyavisanukamprasit.

  4. AG

    Short comment by Tariq Ali on Lebanon containing this bit of info:

    “That Nasrallah was an extremely shrewd tactician and strategist is acknowledged by both his supporters and his enemies. Speaking with Noam Chomsky once in Santa Fe, he confessed that the two most intelligent political leaders he had ever met were Hugo Chavez and Hassan Nasrallah but he couldn’t say it in public. Both are now dead, so I can say it for him. I never met Nasrallah myself, but Chomsky was struck by how knowledgeable he was on Israel, the US and their panders in the Arab world.
    Will Hezbollah go in for revenge killings? Very possible, but they will choose their own time and place. Netanyahu remains hugely popular in his own country, and killing him would not be appreciated by too many Israelis. But the mask is off.”

    “Consequences of Nasrallah”

    1. Xquacy

      A related anecdote: per Finkelstein, Nasrallah inturn benefitted from having met Chomsky. Apparently Chomsky make him see the US-Israel connection for what it is, after which he never again made an error in confusing the true master from the pupeteer. See here and here.

  5. Zagonostra

    Alex (Sasha) Krainer
    The US gifted the Israelis the 83 1-ton bombs to drop on Beirut, and US aircraft directed their delivery. Who is in charge of the US?

    Isn’t that the 64Trillion dollar question? If you can’t answer it, then we are watching nothing more than a spectacle when following the 2024 election. Maybe it’s, as Chris Hedges likes to say, nothing but a burlesque show. If the public pixilated digitized theater is all that’s available what can one do? Local politics/action won’t stop Israel in its genocide, and whoever is behind directing the delivery of these bombs is beyond an isolated individual like myself to do anything about it…I despair for the evil being done.

  6. The Rev Kev

    “Zelensky ready to fire spy chief – media”

    But will the CIA let him? Budanov is “their guy” after all and may want him kept in place, possibly to replace Zelensky himself down the track. Zelensky would be better slipping word to the Russians his location. After all the terrorist attacks that Budanov has committed against Russian civilians, they probably have their own dedicated set of Kinzhal missiles just for him with his name all written over the sides.

  7. AG

    And these two:

    1) Always excited to find something new by him, AbuKHALIL:

    “The author looks back on the slain Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, on the times he interviewed him and the impact on the region of his killing.”

    2) And some irony and wit by Patrick Lawence:

    “Nasrallah Is Dead But Bibi Hasn’t Won”

  8. AG

    Not yet read, it´s very long, I just saw it:

    It´s German originally, on CJ Hopkins who was found guilty by the Berlin court yesterday after the DA had gone into revision after the last court had claimed the author innocent.

    The very long report is by “Aya Velazquez” who became widely known after her digging into the Covid RKI-Files:

    “Scandalous verdict: US author CJ Hopkins found guilty”


  9. The Rev Kev

    “How Schleswig-Holstein sold their reliable diesel ferry for a song, spent 3.3 million Euro for a new emissions-free solar ferry that doesn’t work, & increased carbon emissions on top of it all”

    Not so hard to find stories of green idiocy and virtue signaling – like when Germany shut down all their nuke plants at the beginning of a severe energy shortage. But near the beginning of this post was something that made me sit up. Remember that election in Thüringen the other day when the “wrong” party were winners. Well this just happened-

    ‘In not-so-good news (but as I predicted), the state constitutional court in Thüringen ruled in favour of the CDU last Friday. The other parties were able to change the procedural rules in the Thuringian parliament and exclude the AfD not only from the office of president, but also from the entire executive committee of the Landtag. The “democratic” parties have also altered procedural rules to reduce AfD representation on parliamentary committees, effectively preventing the strongest party in the Landtag from exercising their blocking minority there.’

    Saving ‘our’ democracy.

  10. FreeMarketApologist

    Meanwhile, Dems sue to block the hand counting of votes in Georgia (the hand counting to verify that the number of votes cast by machine matches the physical votes, not to verify the actual candidate tallies).

    While there may be good reasons for this (that elude simple little me), this seems like something that could blow back badly in the future. Why does everybody hate hand counting? (unlocked article)

  11. NotThePilot

    Extreme Weather Around the World Risks Boosting Food Bill

    Just a little bit of HUMINT from my corner of the world, but the other day, I visited one of the established bakeries in my small city. We usually get chocolate whoopie pies when we go, but they only had a yellow sponge version this time. When I asked if they had sold out for the day, they said they had discontinued the chocolate version indefinitely; the cost of cocoa is too high now for the recipe to pencil out.

    C’est la vie, in the 21st century :/


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