Links 10/12/2024

Physicists Generated Sound Waves That Travel In One Direction Only ScienceAlert. Oh, great. Expect better sound weapons.

The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’ Guardian (Chuck L). From April, still germane.

The Crackdown on Compounded GLP-1 Meds Has Begun Wired

TikTok Execs Know About App’s Effect On Teens, Lawsuit Documents Allege NPR


Clean Energy Transition Faces Looming Metal Supply Crunch OilPrice

Dramatic images show the first floods in the Sahara in half a century Guardian (Kevin W)


China to Boost Debt Quota in Bid to Stimulate Economy Wall Street Journal

China is not coming to rescue the global economy this time Financial Times

Philippines confronts China over South China Sea at ASEAN meet France24

North Korea says it will permanently ‘shut off’ border with South Independent


Sudan’s RSF accuses Egypt of involvement in air strikes on its forces Aljazeera

European Disunion

Viktor Orban’s exchange of pleasantries with Ursula van der Leyen in Strasbourg yesterday Gilbert Doctorow (guurst)

EU weighs creating migrant ‘return hubs’ to speed up deportation Radio Free Liberty

The EU is helping Turkey forcibly deport migrants to Syria and Afghanistan Politico

Europe must unite to avoid financial crisis, IMF managing director tells Euronews EuroNews

France Hits Big Firms, Wealthy to Trim ‘Colossal’ Debt Pile Bloomberg

Old Blighty

Gilts Risk Buyer Strike If Borrowing Surges, Citi Economist Says Bloomberg

Britain’s workforce faces the crisis of its life as productivity has fallen to Victorian-era lows and youth worklessness spikes Fortune

Israel v. the Axis of Resistance

U.S. Journalist Arrested, Charged In Israel Glenn Greenwald

Israel has displaced 3 million people since Oct 2023 Stephen Semler

“Land and conquest.” The Floutist (Dr. Kevin)

Scholz announces further arms exports to Israel Tagesschau via machine translation (guurst)

* * *

Gaza like Japan after nuclear bombs, says Nobel Peace-winning group head Anadolu Agency

UN says no food has entered northern Gaza since start of October, putting 1 million people at risk of starvation CNN (ma)

* * *

Two Lebanese soldiers killed in Israeli airstrike hours after UN peacekeepers HQ fired on Guardian (Kevin W)

Iraq’s resistance enters the war with new targets, advanced weapons The Cradle

* * *

We discussed in a recent post that Israel has gotten itself in a position that if it can execute it, an overwhelming pre-emptive strike would be its best play. We discussed the possibility of using nuclear weapons, including as an EMP (I had a discussion with a top technologist who is nuclear physics adjacent who disagreed pretty forcefully that this would represent a big leap and was beyond what Israel might try. I need to get more detail). But give the Galant maintaining that Israel’s attack will be “lethal, precise, and surprising” could point to a different sort of WMD deployment, say operatives somehow gassing underground bunkers for the nuclear program or for Iran’s leadership.

Iranian lawmakers ask the National Security Council to authorize creation of Nuclear Weapons International Affairs (Micael T)

Iran’s Quds Force commander Qaani under investigation for suspicion of espionage Shafaq

New Not-So-Cold War

Russian Iskander Missile Strike Destroys Shipboard Western Weapons Arriving in Ukraine – Reports Military Watch

UK could send troops to Ukraine on training mission The Times

Despite Chrystia Freeland’s denials, her grandfather was complicit in the Nazi genocide The Breach (Anthony L)

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

” rel=”nofollow”>Hacked Robot Vacuums Across the U.S. Started Yelling Slurs Gizmodo (Paul R)

What we know about the Internet Archive cyber attack Kim Crawley (Allen K)

Old devices, idle servers can be turned to spy on us, China’s top security agency warns South China Morning Post

Imperial Collapse Watch

Biden’s Intent Is To Sow Chaos – Netanyahoo And Zelensky Are Working For Him Moon of Alabama (Kevin W)

Monbiot is right about the wickedness of capitalism. Yet he acts as its propagandist Jonathan Cook (Chuck L)

Putin first promised this capability, IIRC in 2018:


Blinken’s sad attempt to whitewash Biden’s record Responsible Statecraft


‘The Apprentice’ director talks Donald Trump’s portrayal in film NPR (furzy)

Read the JD Vance Dossier Ken Klippenstein (furzy)

Trump fans not giving up. Watch out for your cats:


Kamala Harris featured on cover of Vogue in glowing profile: ‘National rescue’ Fox (Kevin W)

Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff doesn’t deny bombshell stories he slapped his ex and got his children’s nanny pregnant Daily Mail (Li)

Obama faces backlash for comments toward Black men The Hill


DOJ sues Virginia over alleged voter roll purges too close to Election Day WRIC

Our No Longer Free Press

Elon Musk’s X Engaged in a ‘Pattern of Election Interference’ to Help Trump: Reports New Civil Rights Movement (furzy). I fail to see how what Musk does is any different from what other medias moguls have done, notably the Murdoch and the Sulzbergers, save that Musk is more crass. The real issue is not “election interference” but that Musk is a publisher via exercising editorial influence, and therefore X and Facebook (which does the same thing but less obviously) should lose their Section 230 liability waiver.

Trump Camp Worked With Musk’s X to Censor My Reporting Ken Klipperstein. Per above, like the mainstream media on the Hunter laptop. But again, they are publishers….

Flyover Watch

US local news 2024: On the front page frontline BBC. Bernard M: “Ys PRINT newspapers. A fabulous investigation of several papers in tiny rural enclaves.”

Iowa steps in to feed 1.3M chickens after company files for bankruptcy Des Moines Register (Robin K)

Judge: Tyson supervisors ‘unprofessional’ but not abusive to USDA inspector Iowa Capital Dispatch. Robin K: “Nevermind unsanitary conditions, a corporate nonce says an inspector cannot ‘stop the line’.”

Mr. Market is Giddy

Central bankers left holding the baby

Beneath the Skin of CPI Inflation: “Core CPI” Accelerates for 3rd Month on Sharp Flip of Used Vehicle Prices, Sticky Services Inflation. Gasoline Plunged Wolf Richter

Class Warfare

Boeing to cut 17,000 jobs as losses deepen during factory strike CNBC

Antidote du jour (via):

And a bonus (Chuck L):

A second bonus (Chuck L):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You into Heaven Anymore  by John Prine)

    (In the hills and riverside towns of western North Carolina, many of the older churches have—um, had—a small cemetery alongside for family burials, some gravestones dating back to colonial times. Hurricane Helene, that once in a thousand year storm, brought landslides and floods that rearranged a lot of the buildings and landscape around here of late, and now making arrangements for ‘reburials’ and ‘refunerals’ are part of conversations down at the general store)

    Corporal Johnson’s had a long rest since he died in the Civil War
    When our Baptist church was a shepherd’s shack with a blanket for a door
    Well, Helene blew through with a big landslide and we found him sittin’ in a field
    Cookin’ biscuits beans an’ bacon sauce pickin’ worms out of his meal
    Seems our family tree ain’t buried in the churchyard any more
    Ain’t a one of ’em that doubted they’d be back to the ground floor
    Uncle Jack’s back to distillin’ Lord, he begs for one sip more
    And our family tree ain’t buried at the churchyard any more

    What was all that fuss and mournin’ for old Grandma Slattery?
    Showed up at the club with a ticket stub dated eighteen ninety three
    Well, I know the Good Book’s holy writ, and I can see she’s truly dead
    But she’s never danced all night at a bar so we took her into town instead
    Well, our family tree ain’t buried at the churchyard any more
    Ain’t none of ’em still shrouded since the river leaped its shore
    Some have wishes they’re fulfillin’ some are at the liquor store
    Lord, our family tree ain’t buried at the churchyard any more

    Once the coffin lid is nailed on scalawags they’re history
    Once the preacher says those final words they meet infinity
    But if you don’t breathe you cannot drown you can ride the tide instead
    If you try the Promised Land and get banned head back to the old homestead
    Seems our family tree ain’t buried at the churchyard any more
    Auntie Em still has the gout and now she’s knocking at our door
    Since the rivers took to spillin’ we’ve got relatives galore
    And our family tree ain’t buried at the churchyard any more

  2. The Rev Kev

    “Frozen Russian assets and EU’s loan to Ukraine: What’s at stake?”

    Looks like the EU are really serious about this idea though I think that originally they wanted to raise a €50 billion loan but I suppose that €35 is not to be sneezed at. If the windfall profits generated are between €2.5 and €3 billion a year, then that would mean that it would take about 10-15 years to pay back those loans. Of course I expect the Ukraine to renege on all such loans not far down the track and declare bankruptcy. The EU will never see that money paid back. And of course Russia might wait till the end of the war to take these legal and financial shenanigans to court as well as the original $300 billion being frozen. That could be fun and games. Alex Christoforou jokingly said that that $300 is probably already gone and spent and since the wheels are falling off the EU project, they may very well swipe it to solve some of the severe problems that they have – plus 10% for the Big Woman of course. :)

  3. BillS

    Re the sonic circulator article. This is very interesting, but is a well established feature of wave mechanics. Electromagnetic circulators have existed for nigh on 100 years and are useful for such things as antenna duplexers and isolators. A sonic circulator may be useful for similar tasks in sound comms applications or sonar systems. I wouldn’t see anything nefarious in it.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Anybody know why those robot vacuum cleaners have speakers in the first place? To make special effects noises? I assume that they have a microphone in them as well so conversations can be sent to some server along with commands if voice activated.

  4. The Rev Kev

    ‘ChenKojira 🇨🇳
    🇨🇳 China has completed the world’s first fully unmanned paving construction project
    Unmanned construction drone swarms paved and rolled across a 157.79km stretch on the Beijing-HK Expressway, completing the world’s first fully unmanned road paving project⬇️’

    When I stop to think about it, this was the sort of advanced engineering that Japan was doing all the time when I was a teenager and even when I was older. You don’t hear about them doing this sort of stuff anymore and it looks like the lead has passed to China for this sort of advanced practical engineering. It makes a contrast to when my wife and I pass a crew working on a road around here. It always seems that there are more people standing around than doing any actual work on the road.

    1. SocalJimObjects

      It’s a natural progression of what they’ve been doing with highway maintenance,

      If you read some of the comments, the world was brighter then with some people expecting younger Chinese to retire by the time they reach 40 years old, in practice though China has just raised the retirement age for everyone. By the time true AI arrives in China, most people will be working as delivery drivers like Hiro Protagonist in Snow Crash, except they will be working for the Chinese Mafia and not Uncle Enzo.

  5. ciroc

    I was curious about the community note, so I looked into whether baby giraffes really ride on their mothers’ backs, and I was convinced that all such videos are AI-generated fakes.

  6. Mikel

    Britain’s workforce faces the crisis of its life as productivity has fallen to Victorian-era lows and youth worklessness spikes – Fortune

    First line of article:
    “A staggering number of Brits either cannot work for health reasons…”

    Near end of article:
    “Experts suggest that addressing productivity doesn’t have a one-shot solution. It will take years of deliberate efforts….and access to health care for the next generation of workers…”

    They’re going from providing health care to citizens to “access to health care”.
    Just noting that neoliberal economics language.

    1. Colonel Smithers

      Thank you.

      A former chief economist at the Bank of England raised the alarm as covid receded, but was rebuffed. I don’t name him as I know him and know he still wants the top job.

    2. Jester

      Productivity growth in the U.K. has flatlined since the Global Financial Crisis and has now been reset to levels of growth not seen since the 1850s

      Crimean War 1853 – 1856

      You can’t teach Old Blighty new tricks.

    3. Neutrino

      Cold winters in the north of England and elsewhere due to fuel subsidy cuts, and some more food insecurity, shades of the hungry post-War years.
      Add health access to fuel, food and public safety access. :(

      1. The Rev Kev

        When I was traveling through England in the cold, it was not so bad. But if it was a damp cold, forget it. It sucked big time. The Tories and the Labourites are winding back the clock to the 1930s so I feel for the older people having to try to keep warm in that cold. It will be brutal and many will not be here this time next year.

  7. Carolinian

    Re the Gilbert Doctorow and now MOA thesis that current events are all part of a big plan I don’t buy it. Chaos is not a plan and flirting with nuclear winter is not a plan unless one is of the “sure we may get our hair mussed” persuasion. While super villains are a movie staple, history says that the lust for power is an irrational impulse since, long term, it is almost always self defeating.

    Then there is the plain fact that Biden has dementia and so personalizing it to him implies that this too is all an act. Of course profs like Tooze are big on trying to think up theories to suggest the irrational is rational since that’s why they get paid the big bucks. But more practical people know that in the real world emotion rules as much as thinking and humans are fallible and prone to mistakes and especially humans of the low inborn ability variety. Obama got it right when he said his veep is someone prone to endless poor judgment.

    1. The Rev Kev

      I think that you may be right. There was a plan which was to use the Ukraine to cripple Russia, get regime-change and then put in somebody like Navalny as President so that it could be looted while on the way to the next target – China. Everything that we have seen since with all the irrationality by major leaders is because that plan failed catastrophically and like you say, emotions are running rampant. I’d go so far as to say that much of what we see is the result of second-rate people in charge acting emotionally and who refuse to do the pragmatic thing like keeping channels open with Russia like Orban said. They are too emotionally invested in what they want to recognize what they really need.

    2. Mikel

      And the pundits, analysts, and historians are dancing around the fact that the bought and paid for US govt doesn’t do much of anything a corporation doesn’t pay them to do.

    3. upstater

      Chaos sure is a tactic, if not strategy, of western imperialism and colonialism. Smash any central authority, empower local warlords, destroy cohesion, etc. cf, China’s century of humiliation, Philippines, Vietnam, DRC, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Ukraine and feverish neocon plans to split Russia into 41 fiefdoms (15 republics from the USSR wasn’t enough). Western colonialism and imperialism is 500 years old, chaos was a huge part of making it work. The top dog rotates, but I don’t see defeat.

    4. MFB

      Tooze is crazy about the US, but he isn’t a hack; he’s a serious historian of Germany even if his world histories are decidedly biased.

      As to Doctorow and company, they may of course be wrong. But it has been very interesting how the language and the political framing has evolved over time to prepare us for bigger and more violent crimes against humanity committed in the name of “responsibility to protect” or “self-defence” or whatever. Maybe our leaders haven’t had a very clear plan about what to do or what would happen when they did it, but I think they have been preparing us to endorse chaos for quite a while.

    5. Chris Cosmos

      The “plan” has been and is to create chaos around the world as much as possible in the world outside the Empire in order to enlarge the Empire. Remember the US goal is “full-spectrum dominance” therefore conquest of the entire planet–either a country is a vassal state or it becomes an enemy. American policy-makers are convinced, still, that we are at “the end of history” and something like the Western “liberal” democracy should be an international system. The only thing blocking this hope are “authoritarian” leaders (who have to be somewhat authoritarian just to resist US/UK covert operations which is often where most of the effort (to create chaos) lies. This sounds silly but I assure you, this is what people in foreign policy circles think, i.e., if they don’t their careers suffer.

      Part of this reason is the severe (I repeat, severe decline of the US university system which rewards (in the so-called liberal arts) fantasy and ideology over reason. So there is almost no way out of this mess. In addition to all this is the corruption at the heart of the security establishment and, of course, Congress.

    6. ciroc

      The question is whether Israel controls the USA or vice versa. I am convinced that it is the latter. Since Washington is not interested in Israel’s right to exist and wants it to fight Iran on behalf of the USA, like Ukraine, an Israeli-Iranian war will surely happen in the near future and we will see many Israelis die.

    7. Steve H.

      M Hudson, from the post on the 7th:

      > The starting point for all the U.S. strategy here was that democracies no longer can field a domestic army with a military draft.

      > in order to have an army that’s willing to fight to the last member of its country – the last Afghan, the last Israeli, the last Ukrainian – you really need a country whose spirit is one of hatred towards the other

  8. AG

    re: Will Schryver
    “I often wonder how Israel would have turned out had Yoni lived to guide them. I suspect things may have turned out very differently.

    We’ll never know …”

    Yeah, well we know, nothing would have changed. Or was Golda Meir any better? Or Gurion?
    Nope. All racist terrorists. Wonder why Schryver fails here.

    Interesting period/action piece on Entebbe btw.:
    “7 DAYS IN ENTEBBE – Official Trailer [HD] – In Theaters March 2018”

    1. The Rev Kev

      Wikipedia had something interesting to say on Yonatan’s death. It said-

      ‘The commonly accepted version of his death is that Netanyahu fired on Ugandan soldiers, and was shot in response by a Ugandan soldier from the airport’s control tower. His family refused to accept this verdict, and insisted instead that he was killed by the German commanding the hijackers.’

      In other words, the Netanyahus could not accept that some random black dude shot him dead but wanted to believe that the leader of the terrorists had killed the leader of the Israelis. Like in the Bronze Age when you might have the general of one army fight in mortal combat the general of an opposing army to the death.

    2. vao

      A better comparison would be to another Israeli military officer who was experienced, daring, tactically skillful, and very successful in accomplishing the combat missions entrusted to him.

      He was also a ruthless, murderous enemy of Palestinians, whom he despised (while being wary of them).

      His name: Ariel Sharon.

      There is a fallacy to ascribe qualities like political acumen, long-term vision, or empathy to military personnel who has proven to be “professional” and actually victorious on the battlefield.

  9. MicaT

    Oil price.
    There is a lot of misleading information.
    Copper is not used in electrical transmission. It sounds like they mean the conductors which use aluminum and steel or carbon fiber, but it could be they mean the transformers, which yes does use copper.

    Cobalt and lithium are also just part of the current battery tech which is already moving on to iron phosphate which is getting really close in energy density for cars and sodium ion the next step which is already happening.

    Sodium is being using for storage as its energy density isn’t as good but then space isn’t a big deal, eliminating lithium and graphite altogether.

    Battery tech is moving faster and faster.
    Driven by lower cost demands and easier access materials as well as end of life and fire safety

  10. Colonel Smithers

    Thank you, Yves.

    Further to the link about Yoni Netanyahu, British journalist and historian Max Hastings was asked by the family to write a biography of the late soldier. When interviewing the family, he was horrified by their racism, including towards Arab Jews. Hastings is not surprised how history turned out.

  11. Joe Well

    Was the AI giraffe tweet embed deliberate? If not, feel free to delete this comment after deleting the embed of the tweet.

    Watching AI videos makes me feel like Decker in BladeRunner…good intellectual exercise, though. Maybe a links section of “is it AI or real?” We could all test our detection skills in comments.

    1. Louis Fyne

      with accounts now potentially monetized, you always have to cynically assume that perhaps you’re getting click-baited purely for $$$

  12. Captain Obvious

    Clean Energy Transition Faces Looming Metal Supply Crunch OilPrice

    Clean energy metals, not to be confuse with clean metals. For some reason, people with potential lithium mines in their backyards are not so enthusiastic about clean energy transition. I’ve heard about Elon being into mines in South America. Not so much about the Northern one.

  13. Mikel

    RE: Armchair Warlord

    An “international order” that believes its rules supersede the laws and regulations everyone else has to follow sounds like some secret society type of mess.
    Just sayin’…

  14. Zagonostra

    >What we know about the Internet Archive cyber attack Kim Crawley (Allen K)

    The Internet Archive is one of the most important computer technological projects ever. Its existence exemplifies the hacker ethos: knowledge should be free. The Internet Archive is a way to preserve the world’s vast knowledge and culture. The late Aaron Swartz died for these ideals.

    What does this have to do with a Twitter clip I watched yesterday of a German policemen dragging a man sitting at at an outside café into a paddy wagon because he was wearing a Palestinian flag on his T-Shirt. Well, I think they are connected. The “Powers that be” don’t like It functions as a (re)source for the free dissemination of information. Of course content creators have the right to profit from their creation, but the public also has the right to access information and knowledge that makes them better, more virtuous citizens. Crazy notion, but the Telos of the state should be to ensure, to the extent possible, that the conditions for the majority are such that they have time to pursue knowledge, the arts, and their religion without being unnecessarily impeded, as well, and here is the rub, being able to express their views without fear.

    1. The Rev Kev

      If it is a common, it must be destroyed and privatized. It has been this way for centuries since the elite in Britain seized the common lands of the people and added them to their estates.

  15. Jester

    EU weighs creating migrant ‘return hubs’ to speed up deportation Radio Free Liberty

    Radio Free Liberty, also know as Radio Free Liberty Svoboda.

    1. mrsyk

      Gizmodo slur vacuum link There’s literary magic in the air. Sounds like the title to an unreleased Captain Beefheart lp.

  16. Mikel

    Just spitballin’
    Northern Lebanon/Southern Lebanon. Maybe the US and associates are thinking they can at least arrive at that destination. They could possibly live with that like they are able to live with North Korea/South Korea.

    1. The Rev Kev

      If that is the aim, then Israel would want a foreign force to occupy southern Lebanon on their behalf. The UN wouldn’t touch this idea with a ten foot barge pole and since none of the local Arab countries or most Global majority countries would take part either, it would fall to Western Collective countries to do so – but then they would be fighting Hezbollah who would probably clean their clocks. In short, can’t work.

  17. Captain Obvious

    A Sarmat 2 can hit the US from the South…
    — Zlatti71 (@Zlatti_71) October 10, 2024

    Yet another 3D animation by people that have no idea what they are doing. Reminded me of one where the whole cartridge (bullet + casing) was depicted flying towards the target, instead of the bullet.

    P.S. Also, it’s not Sarmat 2 nor Sarmat Satan 2, but just Sarmat or Satan 2 (regular Satan being R-36M),

  18. NotTimothyGeithner

    Sharon started dismantling settlements. He could see the writing on the wall especially after the 2006 debacle. The advances that allowed colonialism were shrinking. Israel was going to have become a responsible neighbor or go full Netanyahu which it won’t ultimately survive.

    At the time, there was a great deal of discussion of the relative values of the post 45 settlers and the “native” Israelis. The settlers are nothing short of nuts, and they came in droves AFTER each conflict.

    Netanyahu projects an iron man image, but he’s not a celebrated hero. Sharon displaced him just by showing up. Besides his criminal problems, Netanyahu knows he’s at risk of being ousted as too soft or replaced by someone from the later settlers. Netanyahu is very much their creature having sponsored them to avoid being supplanted again. Even then he was briefly replaced.

    Partially Netanyahu is racing against the inevitable collapse of support from DC. It’s why he’s not giving Biden any wins. A win might give Biden courage to demand more. Unlike Biden, Netanyahu knows who Ike is, and Ike put his foot down, not just with a crummy country of hokey shrines but London and Paris.

    Israel doesn’t have the manpower or resources to launch these greater Israel initiatives. All they can do is kill and cut themselves off from world trade. They just shelled Irish UN peacekeepers.

  19. timbers

    “Dog warns owner”. In my neighborhood, it’s common to let dogs out in the fenched yard or tied up in fenceless yards. As I walk my dog (which appears to be unusual in this neighborhood) we generate a chorus of barking dogs serenading us as we proceed. But yesterday, I observed something I hadn’t noticed before. As 2 dogs next to each other barked at us, I looked at the closest dog making eye contact, smiled, and waived to him. He briefly wagged his tail and a made a muffled grunt or bark. Then I watched him turn around to face the second dog and proceed to bark at him, the dog, not us. I think he was telling his companion to shut up so he could become friends with us.

  20. deedee

    R.e. cats and dogs. Remember Trump’s quote:

    “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats,” said Trump. “They’re eating the pets of the people that live there.”

    The video proves that Haitians eat cats. Dogs less so. OK, are Haitains eating the pets in Ohio? Are they eating the pets of people who live in Springfield? This video does not prove that.


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