Links 10/4/2024

Scientists Release an Astounding, Detailed Map of a Fly Brain in Groundbreaking Study Colossal

Mass extinctions on Earth can help us find alien life in the cosmos. Here’s how


How climate risk will complicate central bankers’ jobs FT

U.S. enacts law to exempt select fabs from environmental reviews Tom’s Hardware

Residents File Class Action Lawsuit Against BioLab for Toxic Plume 404 Media

Southern California study shows extensive exposure to toxic airborne plasticizers The Hill

75,000 – 80,000 birds dead from botulism near Oregon border FOX 12

Hurricane Helene

‘Civilization is pretty much gone’ after Helene tears through Spruce Pine, NC News & Observer

Mayorkas warns FEMA doesn’t have enough funding to last through hurricane season AP

North Carolina Asks Zelensky For $100 Billion In U.S. Funding Babylon Bee


California reports first suspected H5N1 bird flu patient amid fears virus is spreading between people for first time Daily Mail


Before Brita: A Brief History of Water Filtration JSTOR Daily


Foreign investors ‘seek shelter’ in undervalued Chinese assets, but scepticism remains South China Morning Post

A stimulus is good, but China still faces a hard slog Channel News Asia

Vietnam plans US$67 billion high-speed railway with no foreign capital Channel News Asia

Japan’s Rice Farmers Planting More Heat-Resistant Varieties


A Durga Puja Like No Other: R.G. Kar Protests Cast Shadow over Festivities in Kolkata The Wire

UK cedes Chagos Islands to Mauritius in deal securing Diego Garcia military base France24


Iran, Saudi Arabia vow to resolve differences, boost ties Xinhua. “The Saudi minister voiced his country’s determination to develop relations with Iran. ‘We seek to close the page of differences between the two countries forever and work towards the resolution of our issues and expansion of our relations like two friendly and brotherly states,’ he said.” Big if true.

Scores of illegal Israeli settlers storm Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque amid tension Anadolu Agency

* * *

Massive blasts in Beirut after renewed Israeli air strikes BBC

Radar shows scale of damage from Israeli strikes on Lebanon FT

Why Could Lebanon Be Rich, but Is so Chaotic? Tomas Pueyo, Uncharted Territories

* * *

Netanyahu’s high-stakes gamble against Iran and Biden confronts the limits of his influence over Israel Politico

Clarity After Iran Strike, as Israel Tries to Pivot to Nuclear Arc Simplicius, Simplicius the Thinker

Can Israel destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities by itself? FT. The deck: “Without US support, analysts believe the Israeli air force will struggle to mount a successful operation.”

* * *

Houthis’ email alert to Red Sea ships: Prepare for attack, with best regards Reuters. Commentary:

* * *

A debate with John Mearsheimer about the US-Israeli relationship via ‘Judging Freedom’ Gilbert Doctorow

Israel’s Oct. 7 Early Warning Failure: Who Is to Blame? War on the Rocks

European Disunion

EU sues Hungary for criminalising groups that receive foreign funding, including NGOs France24

New Not-So-Cold War

Ukraine’s top commander orders defences bolstered in the east after Vuhledar falls Reuters

Diplomacy Watch: Russia capitalizing on battlefield surge Responsible Statecraft

Ukraine negotiates nuclear plant protection with UN atomic watchdog observers Euractiv

Ukraine gives the US a sweet deal with one dead Russian soldier for every $20,000 spent on drones, unit commander says Business Insider

The Russian Military Will Be ‘Battle-Hardened’ After Ukraine War The National Interest

South of the Border

Reinventing Mexican Conservatism The Baffler

Biden Administration

An Exodus of Agents Left the Secret Service Unprepared for 2024 NYT

John Deere accused of being full of manure with its right-to-repair promises The Register


Prosecutors request indefinite delay in trial for Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Routh FOX

Realignment and Legitimacy

Citizens’ Assemblies in Michigan and Beyond Crooked Timber


Michael Jordan, Anti-Monopolist Matt Stoller, BIG

Digital Watch

How a stale A$17.50 cookie sparked a social media storm BBC

Supply Chain

Geopolitical concerns ‘very serious’: Bank of England warns of Middle East oil shock risk Anadolu Agency

World Wide Waves: an interview with Laleh Khalili The New Inquiry

Sports Desk

How the Calgorithm has become CFB’s newest obsession EPSN

How India became a Test cricket powerhouse BBC

Class Warfare

Dockworkers’ union suspends strike until Jan. 15 to allow time to negotiate new contract AP. Commentary:

Biden declares ‘collective bargaining works’ after deal struck The Hill

* * *

UAW Reformers Muster Forces to Hold Bosses to Their Word Labor Notes

* * *

Can Social Democracy Win Again? Boston Review

The Peanut That Broke The Law

In American Empire, You’re Either Invading or Being Invaded Literary Hub

Richard III, the Tudor Myth, and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism MR Online

Victim’s Unsealed Testimony Reveals New Details in Epstein Case NYT

Antidote du jour (Oilstreet):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Antifa

    (melody borrowed from The Battle of New Orleans  by James Harris, as performed by Johnny Horton, 1961)

    I hopped in my Cadillac to take a little trip
    Headin’ down to Florida to have a skinny dip
    I haven’t seen the ocean there since I was just a teen
    And I had to see this Hurricane that people call Helene

    The rain beat down on the roof—it was a drummin’
    The highway started floodin’ traffic moving pretty slow
    I played some tunes I’s singin’ I was hummin’
    Thinkin’ ’bout the people in a town I used to know

    I picked up a fella who was holdin’ out his thumb
    Said Louisiana was the place he hails from
    Worked up in Chicago where he didn’t earn a thing
    He’s headin’ where the water’s warm to wait until the spring

    Where I grew up it was always bright and sunny
    South of Tallahassee where it doesn’t ever snow
    We fished a bit to earn some pocket money
    Where I grew up that was all you had to know

    By trickery and little bit of clever lies
    I joined the Marine Corps with a bunch of younger guys
    We went to Vietnam—there’s some stories we could tell
    When me and all my buddies we got introduced to

    Well, the rain came down but the Cadillac was runnin’
    I’ve heard of Ford’s and Chevy’s but that’s nuthin’ I would know
    It’s got big fins, the leather seats are stunning
    I only have to whistle and the ladies want to go

    Yeah we checked on our tires ’cause the road was a shambles
    While the wind came in whooshes with the lightnin’ bolts aglow
    They hit so close we could reach out and snatch ’em
    Mother Nature busy out there puttin’ on a show

    We bought another bottle in a sleepy Georgia town
    Every store was boarded up, the place was tumble down
    Graffiti covered every wall, the people were resigned
    We left that town to zombies who were stoned outta their minds

    We reached the Gulf it was like the Second Coming
    The beach was underwater and the waves began to grow
    The engine died—the Caddy wasn’t runnin’
    I lost my purple Caddy to the Gulf of Mexico

    Yeah, the sign said no fires and the surge stole our sandals
    As Helene came ashore on that archipelago
    Her eye came past as the waves came a crashin’
    We met her on a roof while we was singin’ zydeco

    Waves climbed that shore
    Late night dance floor
    Helene Cat Four
    Wild men want more

  2. The Rev Kev

    “Ukraine negotiates nuclear plant protection with UN atomic watchdog observers”

    Does the Ukraine really want to bother having foreign observers from the IAEA near its nuclear power plants to protect the country’s energy supply? The Russians have them at the Zaporizhzhia and Kursk nuclear power plants but whenever the Ukrainians attack them, the IAEA inspectors just can’t work out where those drones and artillery barrages are coming from. I’m thinking that IAEA inspectors are in reality a jobs program for the Braille Institute.

    1. John k

      The un, of limited use before the twin wars, is now quite useless. Perhaps there will be a BRICS un by and by to represent the 7/8th not in the golden billion.

  3. Zagonostra

    >Scientists Release an Astounding, Detailed Map of a Fly Brain in Groundbreaking Study Colossal

    Maybe they can map Biden and Trump next, though it might not be as “groundbreaking”

    1. Trees&Trunks

      No, that wouldn’t be groundbreaking, just an instance of logical positivist science in practice, i.e. verification or reproduction of a fact.

  4. Zagonostra

    >Vietnam plans US$67 billion high-speed railway with no foreign capital Channel News Asia

    So a country we tried to bomb back to the stone age will have high speed rail before the US, And, I think Ethiopia also has a high speed rail project in collaboration with China underway. Nice…

  5. Mikel

    Iran, Saudi Arabia vow to resolve differences, boost ties – Xinhua “Big if true.”

    Indeed…if true.

    I’ve had a BOLO for more info about some of not-so-usual suspects relations with Israel.

    Below is one of the first articles I’ve read that gives an outline of BRICS+ countries’ economic (and other) relationships with Israel.

    1. ilsm

      US strategy, most US don’t recognize, has been to use the Sunni to run down Shi’a Iran, and the Shi’a majority in Iraq.

      Abraham Accords were an inch stone on the US siding more openly with the Sunni.

      Demise of neocon fantasy alert!

  6. Zagonostra

    >Victim’s Unsealed Testimony Reveals New Details in Epstein Case NYT

    Jane Doe 1 said…

    Tired of reports on what “Jane Doe” had to say. I want the list of Epstein clients/blackmail targets. Ok, this is the NYT, I understand but, Mossad and Israel was mentioned once? Not even in passing.

    I think Whitney Webb’s “One Nation under Blackmail” is of more public interest/weight than one victim’s personnel viewpoint of sexual abuse, though I’m not minimizing it. The whole Epstein sexual aspect/focus is intended, I think, to misdirect from the real underlying nexus that exist between politicians/intelligence agencies/MSM and various other power brokers in that nefarious satanic “inner circle.”

  7. LawnDart

    Re; Gilbert Doctorow’s, A debate with John Mearsheimer about the US-Israeli relationship via ‘Judging Freedom’

    Doctorow argues the it is the US that is manipulating Israel, using Israel to fight its wars, and not the other way around.

    Would Doctorow then agree that Netanyaho is a cat’s paw of US military-industrial interests? By extension, APAIC?

    A lot of money has been made since 9/11, and I’m sure that there are some who wish to see these wars, and the cash-flow they bring, continue.

    1. LawnDart

      Where I disagree with Doctorow is that while he seems to feel that the current US proxy-wars are motivated by vengance, I believe that these are simply the result of cold-blooded calculations, developing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise.

    2. Random

      I think it’s a bit more complex than one side controlling the other. There are important trade offs.
      Israel does serve as a valuable proxy for the US while allowing for plausible deniability to pursue some actions that the US can’t/won’t do itself. That’s beneficial to the US national interests.
      On the other hand Israel sometimes does reckless stuff that harm the American position in the ME and around the world while also consuming a lot of military resources.
      There’s also the whole AIPAC/MIC/giant piles of money aspect, so that probably helps convince some people that supporting Israel is good business.

    3. ilsm

      Israel is a land based aircraft carrier. The object is bases ringing Iran in Syria and Iraq!

      To “do Iran” requires larger/as diverse air power than lost in Vietnam!

      Which was absent in Ukraine!

    4. Samuel Conner

      > it is the US that is manipulating Israel, using Israel to fight its wars, and not the other way around

      this is also Brian Berletic’s view, for example articulated recently here. BB cites multiple examples of US employment of proxies to undertake conflicts of varying “temperature” with adversaries (Ukraine vs RF, Taiwan and Philippines vs PRC).

      It seems inarguable that in the case of Israel vs parts of the Middle East, the proxy has much more influence in US than is the case in the other examples BB cites. Things may have started out the way GD sees them, but have evolved since then.

  8. The Rev Kev

    ‘Rotterdam’s automated port took away traditional dock jobs but new ones are required including’

    It has not escaped my notice that the jobs lost were ones that ordinary people were performing while the new jobs are really just ones in the IT industry. It’s like AI. People say that although huge amounts of jobs will be lost as AI replaces them, this will be balanced by all the new jobs created – like AI trainers, auditors, governance & review people, AI scouts, security engineers, and entrepreneurs – which all happen to be jobs that serve AI.

  9. eg

    Does anyone else find the premise behind the Business Insider article about cheap drones and Russian deaths crass and revolting?

    1. The Rev Kev

      This goes back years. When the Russians intervened in the destruction of Syria, US officials were boasting how they would have Russians go home in body bags and in the present war people like Lindsey Graham talk about what a bargain it is in how many Russians are being killed for only a tiny bit of the US budget. Good thing that when this war is over, Russia will never seek any payback.

      1. Mikel

        They diss with the pic and then the actual article describes policies in China that are recognizable to the USA. In many respects, but not all, right out of the US economic playbook.

        “State media China Securities Journal explained the thinking behind the move in an editorial on Monday

        “The capital market is not only a ‘barometer’ of the macroeconomy, but also a ‘thermometer’ of investor sentiment,” said the editorial, which acknowledged the vicious cycle of negative feedback between the stock markets and economic sentiment.

        “Boosting the capital market is an important breakthrough in strengthening confidence. An active stock market and improved investor confidence will improve expectations for economic development,” the media outlet wrote.

    2. Random

      Even accepting the premise, the math is off.
      Assuming 100k Russian KIA (which seems reasonable enough) and around 200 billion in US funding, it’s around 2 million per KIA. Quite a bit more than the claimed 20k.
      Doesn’t include European funding or stuff that isn’t public.

  10. GramSci

    Re. Diego Garcia

    Will Britons now rest easier, knowing that by securing a 99-year lease on Diego Garcia, the Starmer government has “shut down any possibility of the Indian Ocean being used as a dangerous illegal migration route to the U.K.”?

    1. Jeff V

      I know I will. Think how many people have died on small boats crossing the English Channel. The death toll must be even higher when these boats are setting off from the Indian Ocean.

  11. CA

    Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand

    Everyone should read this letter that 99 American healthcare workers who volunteered in Gaza wrote to Biden, since, as they write they’re “among the only neutral observers who have been permitted to enter the Gaza Strip since October 7”:

    You cannot read their letter and not conclude a genocide is indeed taking place, their observations are beyond horrifying:

    – They estimate, with evidence, that “the death toll is already greater than 118,908, an astonishing 5.4% of Gaza’s population”

    – They write that “with only marginal exceptions, ‘everyone’ in Gaza is sick, injured, or both. This includes every national aid worker, every international volunteer, and probably every Israeli hostage: every man, woman, and child.”

    – Children routinely shot in the head or chest: “Every one of us who worked in an emergency, intensive care, or surgical setting treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head or chest on a regular or even a daily basis. It is impossible that such widespread shooting of young children throughout Gaza, sustained over the course of an entire year, is accidental or unknown to the highest Israeli civilian and military authorities.”

    – Healthcare system systematically targeted: “Israel has destroyed more than half of Gaza’s healthcare resources and has killed nearly one thousand Palestinian healthcare workers… We quickly learned that our Palestinian healthcare colleagues were among the most traumatized people in Gaza, and perhaps in the entire world… All were acutely aware that their work as healthcare providers had marked them as targets for Israel. This makes a mockery of the protected status hospitals and healthcare providers are granted under the oldest and most widely accepted provisions of International Humanitarian Law.” And they stress that despite spending “a combined 254 weeks inside Gaza’s largest hospitals and clinics, … not once did any of us see any type of Palestinian militant activity in any of Gaza’s hospitals or other healthcare facilities.”

    12:36 AM · Oct 4, 2024

    1. The Rev Kev

      ‘All were acutely aware that their work as healthcare providers had marked them as targets for Israel.’

      Got that right. Israel just bombed a medical clinic in Beirut killing 9 people. Israeli doctrine seems to be to kill doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and health workers as a matter of priority. They were doing this back in 2006 when they attacked Lebanon then. If any other country on this planet did what they were doing they would have found themselves isolated and embargoed. Then again, is there any other country in the world as hated as Israel is right now?

      1. MicaT

        The US might be more hated.
        That this information isn’t on MSM and hasn’t been for the last 11 months for Gaza and 2.5 years for Ukraine shows an incredible bias.

        As this connects to the Doc/Mishim debate. I don’t have any insite to an answer either way. But either way the US is 100% complicit in war crimes.

  12. griffen

    Hurricane Helene…. official day count since it’s immediate impact here in South Carolina is at one full week. To the good side of the ledger people I know within 20 to 40 miles have been getting power back on. Local authorities finally sending alerts with official notice of daily meals being made available yesterday evening. It does seem like areas hardest hit and hardest to reach both here and especially in western NC are still going to be in wait and hope mode. These line crews hopefully are on a rotating schedule, the work must be exhausting. And thankfully for much of the past week, the weather has been mostly cooperative and pleasant.

    I’ve discovered this news source, both online and on my basic channel station ( over the air broadcast only, no functioning cable or network ability ). Honestly it’s some of the best reports of rescue efforts and donation efforts, and it’s of course of great local interest. As our host will often remind us, to look for the helpers!

    Will add more details as I find them. Separately I have seen or heard of comparisons to two key storms of the past 20 years. Katrina of course but also Sandy which hit late in October 2012. FEMA only ever gets focus and attention it would appear in such epic instances of widespread destruction and yes even deaths.

  13. Jeff V

    “Ukraine’s top commander orders defences bolstered in the east after Vuhledar falls”

    I admire the art of the headline writer. Presumably the idea is that we are all so busy chortling at the ridiculousness of that headline (maybe bolstering the defences BEFORE Vulhedar fell would have been an even better idea?) that we don’t stop to think that the headline should actually be “Ukraine defences face crisis after Vuhledar falls.”

  14. Jester

    EU sues Hungary for criminalising groups that receive foreign funding, including NGOs France24

    EU should sue USA for criminalising groups that receive foreign funding, including NGOs.

  15. upstater

    The 420. Not so benign.

    As America’s Marijuana Use Grows, So Do the Harms NYT

    The harms were obvious before widespread legalization.

    While chronic psychotic disorders are rare, affecting 1 to 3 percent of the population, they are among the most debilitating mental illnesses.

    A study in 11 sites across Europe found that people who regularly consumed marijuana with at least 10 percent THC were nearly five times as likely to develop a psychotic disorder as those who never used it. A study in Ontario found that the risk of developing one was 11 times as high for teenage users compared with nonusers. And researchers estimated that as many as 30 percent of cases of schizophrenia among men in Denmark ages 21 to 30 could be attributed to cannabis use disorder.

    Dr. Bearden, who supervises a clinic for 12- to 25-year-olds in whom schizophrenia is starting to surface, estimates that when it opened 20 years ago, about 10 percent of the patients used marijuana regularly. Now, she estimates, nearly 70 percent do.

    Our son smoked high test multiple times a day in his freshman college year. Psychosis and schizophrenia followed and seeminly permanently disabled. I do not believe the “self medication” BS. Stoners, alcoholics and meth/opioid addicts will never be in the revolutionary vanguard. All going to plan.

  16. Jester

    Ukraine gives the US a sweet deal with one dead Russian soldier for every $20,000 spent on drones, unit commander says Business Insider

    Israel gives the US a diabetes deal.

  17. ilsm

    Whoever used the (Netanyahu?) octopus analogy for Iran strategy missed the point.

    A small fire ant does not try to decapitate a tarantula!

  18. flora

    re: Mayorkas

    How much money has FEMA spent on resettling, housing, and stipends for illegal aliens entering the country in the last 2 years?

    But no money for disaster aid, oh, right, a one-time $750 per person.

    1. The Rev Kev

      Maybe they can do what the Pentagon does and find a coupla spare billion through an ‘accounting error’ in the books or maybe just look behind the lounge cushions. Seems that Congress does not want to assemble to vote more money for FEMA as they are too busy campaigning. But what happens if a social media campaign comes together that dogs those Congress critters whenever they appear at a meeting and call out why they are not voting for more money for disaster relief.


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