Evaluating the Risks of Engineered Viruses and Bacteria, aka ‘Mirror Life’

Yves here. Perhaps I will not be the only one to find the level of concern expressed in this article to be grossly inadequate compared to the hazards. Even though the author points out the risk of ruin, as in the survival-of-species level danger that engineered viruses and bacteria pose. Yet the tone of the piece is weirdly anodyne. Is he afraid of sounding like a crank? Strident alarms are entirely warranted with violations of the precautionary principle.

See Nassim Nicholas Taleb for a short technical take:

By Michael Kay, a professor of biochemistry in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at University of Utah. Originally published at Undark

Consider your hands. They are essentially identical in every respect bar one: They are mirror images of each other.

Many of the molecules of life, such as proteins and DNA, have the same property. They can exist in right- and left-handed forms that are otherwise chemically identical. However, due to a quirk we don’t fully understand, life evolved to use one set of molecules almost exclusively: Everything from the simplest bacteria and fungi to the most complex plants and animals uses left-handed proteins and right-handed DNA.

For over 30 years, I’ve been fascinated by the idea that “mirror” biological molecules — like right-handed proteins (or their miniature versions, peptides) — could be used as stealthy drugs for diseases lacking effective or practical treatments. In a breakthrough published during my first year of graduate school, Stephen Kent and co-authors demonstrated that proteases (digestive enzymes in the body) cannot break down mirror peptides — ones with the opposite handedness to the peptides your body produces naturally. Building on this principle, my lab has been creating mirror peptides that could help prevent or treat infectious diseases. These peptides last much longer in the body because they are not digested and also not recognized (or cleared) by the immune system.

Last spring, I was at a meeting of the Pandemic Antiviral Discovery initiative, which aims to help accelerate the development of medicines to prepare for the next viral pandemic. My lab has been looking at possible mirror peptide treatments for the Nipah and Hendra viruses — two closely related, highly lethal viruses that could cause deadly pandemics. A dinner discussion turned to the idea of engineering an entire mirror bacterium from scratch. Such an organism could be engineered to churn out larger versions of the kinds of molecules my lab builds at lower cost. But it would also present serious biosafety concerns. If mirror proteins are exciting as antivirals because they are largely invisible to digestive enzymes and the immune system, couldn’t that principle, scaled up, make a full mirror bacterium a uniquely dangerous pathogen?

In December, 37 colleagues and I published a paper in Science arguing that mirror bacteria — self-replicating, synthetic cells whose every component exists in its mirror-image form — could indeed pose incredibly grave dangers if successfully created. First, they would likely evade most human, animal, and plant immune system responses because these have evolved to tackle natural bacterial threats, not mirrored ones. That intrinsic resistance could lead to widespread, lethal infections in many species (independent of any other factors that make pathogens dangerous, like toxins they can produce). Second, our world is not overrun with natural bacteria partly because they are kept in check by other organisms, such as viruses and amoebae, that prey on them. To the best of our current knowledge, reversed molecular structures would likely give mirror bacteria significant resistance to these predators, potentially enabling them to grow largely unchecked in a wide range of ecosystems.

We shouldn’t lose sleep, though. Nobody is currently close to creating a full mirror bacterium. No one has even achieved the much simpler feat of creating a natural bacterium from its individual components; doing so in mirror form would be an extraordinarily complex undertaking that could take decades. Our intention in publishing our paper was to kickstart the conversation about the potential risks long before they materialize.

But the idea of mirror bacteria raises an important question. We already know that mirror molecules are useful therapeutic agents with great potential for hard-to-treat diseases. We also now know that mirror bacteria could be incredibly dangerous, far outstripping any practical benefits they could provide. Where exactly should we draw the line?

Mirror bacteria and mirror molecules are a world apart. Mirror bacteria would be able to self-replicate: If they got into the wild, they could likely sustain and grow their populations on a range of simple foods that don’t have mirror-image forms (that is, foods that could be used equally well by natural and mirror life). What’s more, like any form of life, they could evolve to grow more efficiently on complex natural food sources as they spread. As we’ve seen from work like my co-author Richard Lenski’s long-term evolution experiment, bacterial populations can evolve very quickly.

Mirror molecules — chemically synthesized drugs — cannot replicate, and so cannot evolve. They do not present the dangers of mirror bacteria. And while mirror bacteria could be used to create mirror molecules, they’re not the only option. Indeed, there’s a central irony here: The more progress we make on the chemical synthesis technologies that could help enable the creation of a mirror cell, the easier it will be to synthesize mirror proteins directly, without the help of bacteria — decreasing the relative benefits of building mirror bacteria even further.

But the question gets thornier as we consider systems more complex than a peptide. The ribosome is the factory of your body’s cells, churning out proteins and enzymes. Building a mirror ribosome is a much more achievable goal that could be realized in the next decade. A mirror ribosome could efficiently produce mirror protein therapeutics without the risks associated with full, living, self-replicating mirror bacteria. But it will be important to evaluate if the mirror ribosome could also be an enabling technology on the road to self-replicating mirror cells.

We published our paper, and its accompanying technical report, to spark a global conversation that considers these questions — and many others. This year, some of my coauthors will be hosting events at the University of Manchester, Institut Pasteur, and the National University of Singapore to convene some of the necessary discussions, and we hope to be joined by the global scientific community, policymakers, and other critical stakeholders as we chart the best path forward.

We’re in the fortunate position that we have many years before the threat of mirror bacteria arises. As a global scientific community, I hope we use this window of opportunity to discuss these questions in detail in the months and years to come.

Tom Freeman of Milltown Partners provided feedback on a draft of this article.

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  1. Ignacio

    Well it is a tranquil argument because he is talking only hypothetically about things (a potential menace) which come only as… hypothetical. I will sleep easy tonight, or may be not but it won’t be because “mirror bacteria”. There are too many immediate and real problems and questions to deal with. This is for a small body of “freaky” scientists

    1. Jeremy Grimm

      I am not sure I share your ease about “mirror bacteria”. Mirror bacteria may be a distant threat, but mirror molecules are not, and mirror ribosomes might not be so distant. After the way mRNA ‘vaccines’ were foisted on the public I believe the mirror molecules could find their way into the drug industry pharmacopeia with a level of testing and monitoring comparable to that used to determine the safety and efficacy of the mRNA ‘vaccines’. It is not hard to imagine some interesting long-term effects of mirror molecules drifting around in the blood stream: “These peptides last much longer in the body because they are not digested and also not recognized (or cleared) by the immune system.”

      I also suspect there is some deeper reason that life is build upon “left-handed proteins and right-handed DNA” beyond the author’s notion that it is a mere quirk. Before playing with the drug potential of mirror molecules I believe it might be a good idea to understand a great deal more about the enigma of “left-handed proteins and right-handed DNA”. I wonder what part some mirror molecules might play in causing proteins to misfold. Some mirror molecule ‘drugs’ might have some interesting and slowly presenting side-effects that undermine their ‘advantage’ of lasting much longer in the body.

      This post sounds an eerie echo of the discussions in the Manhattan Project about setting the atmosphere on fire. Fermi was taking bets as preparations were underway to proceed with the first test detonation of an atomic bomb.

      1. JBird4049

        >>>I wonder what part some mirror molecules might play in causing proteins to misfold. Some mirror molecule ‘drugs’ might have some interesting and slowly presenting side-effects that undermine their ‘advantage’ of lasting much longer in the body.

        My knowledge of biology is both limited and decades old, but can I assume that you are talking about prions and some kind of (manmade) Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease or at least about some of the unpleasant effects that mRNA vaccines can have?

        Not that there is anything wrong with unsanctioned experimentation on humans resulting in mass death and injuries if it makes a profit for a corporation as uncontrolled Free Market Capitalism is obviously the best thing in the end. /sarc (I swear if anyone survives the coming apocalyptic collapse of civilization, the historians will write about how the pursuit of profit was the cause of it.)

    2. Frank Dean

      Everyone seems to have forgotten Bill Joy and his hypothesis of nanotechnology-induced gray goo doom. This is perhaps the biological version, which is a bit more plausible since life has demonstrated the capacity to self-replicate. Undoubtedly the solution to the sinister spectre of left-handed bacteria is nanobots that hate leftists.

  2. KLG

    I have been reading about this for the past several months. My priors view right-handed proteins as a parlor trick. They are more likely to be possible, in the lab, than the ridiculous paper on the bacterium that used arsenic (arsenate) instead of phosphorous (phosphate) in the backbone of DNA (still not retracted as completely wrong from Science after all these years). Mirror life seems to be a huge stretch. But some things are not to be done. Period. This is one of them.

  3. VTDigger

    The tighter man clenches his fist, the more control slips from his grasp.
    It’s nothing short of a divine miracle that civilization has survived the past 50 years.

  4. Kait

    Bioengineering risks have to be contextualized. We’re not talking about the (very real) risks of modifying existing organisms – those are well understood mechanisms. This is borderline speculative fiction, yes it may one day be possible to do what the paper describes.

    It’s analogous to cybersecurity issues – there are tens of thousands of major security flaws kicking around on systems every day, and the vast majority of them are simply unusable due to the amount of effort required to exploit them (requires physical access, time limited keys, and so on).
    In the same way, nothing short of a concerted, decades long, multibillion dollar research effort could produce this. We’re talking whole-cloth new production techniques, all sorts of novel research into existing life, just a slew of increasingly difficult and improbable things.
    There’s plenty to fear already in bioengineering that’s quite real and possible, this is a pipedream by comparison.

    1. Michaelmas

      There’s plenty to fear already in bioengineering that’s quite real and possible, this is a pipedream by comparison.

      Exactly so. Thank you.

  5. Tom

    The one thing that’s unclear to me is — aren’t mirror organisms equally threatened by “normal” organisms? Wouldn’t it be like matter/antimatter reactions? Or perhaps each type considers the other “inert” and they wouldn’t interact? It’s still a dumb idea but I don’t see how mirror organisms themselves escape bad effects. Given that normal organisms are likely to vastly outnumber the mirror organisms I’d think the mirrors would get burned out eventually.

    1. Another Anon

      There was a science-fiction story where some astronauts crash land on a planet which is filled with potential food, but it turns out that all the life was mirrored. The astronauts ended up starving because they could not digest this material

    2. Raik

      That’s actually a very good point. Mirror bacteria also would need mirror food. They couldn’t metabolise our L-aminoacids or d-Glucose, for example. So most of the natural biomass would be of no use to them — which is why, I don’t see how they would spontaneously evolve into pathogens. They would have to be autotroph organisms living of sunlight and inorganic matter. They possibly could eventually evolve new enzyme variants that would allow them to extract energy and carbon from natural biomass. But likewise natural life could eventually evolve to eat mirror life, if the latter would ever become a dominating carbon source anywhere. And natural life has much more diversity for evolution to draw on.

      1. Yves Smith Post author

        KLG contends you can’t rely on this continuing:

        It is generally true that mirror life would need mirror food.

        But bacteria do make D-amino acids and enzymes (racemases) that can convert a D-amino acid to an L-amino acid. Bacterial life will find a way!

        https://academic.oup.com/jb/article/170/1/5/6206782 (legitimate journal of the Japanese Biochemistry Society)

        This class of enzymes exists in animals, too, but they are not numerous. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11955052/

    3. Jeremy Grimm

      “Given that nutrients and abiotic conditions within blood are plausibly growth-permissive to a generalist mirror bacterium and that the normal immunological clearance mechanisms are likely significantly impaired, it is plausible that mirror bacteria within the blood could grow exponentially.” [p.77 of the Technical Report referenced at the tail of the post.]

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