Health Insurers Limit Coverage of Prosthetic Limbs, Questioning Their Medical Necessity

Yves here. If you harbored doubts as to whether Health insurers are evil, this should settle it. External appeals would stop a lot of these bad practices stone cold dead but very few states have it (New York does, with the result that insurers have been structuring their plans for a long time so as not to be issued by New York regulated insurers. I have not investigated how things work with Obamacare policies sold in New York State, but if there is a regulatory dodge, you can be sure insurers have availed themselves of it).

By Michelle Andrews, a contributing writer and former columnist for KFF Health News who has also been published at The New York Times, Money, Fortune Small Business, National Geographic and Women’s Health magazines, among others. Originally published at KFF Health News

When Michael Adams was researching health insurance options in 2023, he had one very specific requirement: coverage for prosthetic limbs.

Adams, 51, lost his right leg to cancer 40 years ago, and he has worn out more legs than he can count. He picked a gold plan on the Colorado health insurance marketplace that covered prosthetics, including microprocessor-controlled knees like the one he has used for many years. That function adds stability and helps prevent falls.

But when his leg needed replacing last January after about five years of everyday use, his new marketplace health plan wouldn’t authorize it. The roughly $50,000 leg with the electronically controlled knee wasn’t medically necessary, the insurer said, even though Colorado law leaves that determination up to the patient’s doctor, and his has prescribed a version of that leg for many years, starting when he had employer-sponsored coverage.

“The electronic prosthetic knee is life-changing,” said Adams, who lives in Lafayette, Colorado, with his wife and two kids. Without it, “it would be like going back to having a wooden leg like I did when I was a kid.” The microprocessor in the knee responds to different surfaces and inclines, stiffening up if it detects movement that indicates its user is falling.

People who need surgery to replace a joint typically don’t encounter similar coverage roadblocks. In 2021, 1.5 million knee or hip joint replacements were performed in United States hospitals and hospital-owned ambulatory facilities, according to the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, or AHRQ. The median price for a total hip or knee replacement without complications at top orthopedic hospitals was just over $68,000 in 2020, according to one analysis, though health plans often negotiate lower rates.

To people in the amputee community, the coverage disparity amounts to discrimination.

“Insurance covers a knee replacement if it’s covered with skin, but if it’s covered with plastic, it’s not going to cover it,” said Jeffrey Cain, a family physician and former chair of the board of the Amputee Coalition, an advocacy group. Cain wears two prosthetic legs, having lost his after an airplane accident nearly 30 years ago.

AHIP, a trade group for health plans, said health plans generally provide coverage when the prosthetic is determined to be medically necessary, such as to replace a body part or function for walking and day-to-day activity. In practice, though, prosthetic coverage by private health plans varies tremendously, said Ashlie White, chief strategy and programs officer at the Amputee Coalition. Even though coverage for basic prostheses may be included in a plan, “often insurance companies will put caps on the devices and restrictions on the types of devices approved,” White said.

An estimated 2.3 million people are living with limb loss in the U.S., according to an analysis by Avalere, a health care consulting company. That number is expected to as much as double in coming years as people age and a growing number lose limbs to diabetes, trauma, and other medical problems.

Fewer than half of people with limb loss have been prescribed a prosthesis, according to a report by the AHRQ. Plans may deny coverage for prosthetic limbs by claiming they aren’t medically necessary or are experimental devices, even though microprocessor-controlled knees like Adams’ have been in use for decades.

Cain was instrumental in getting passed a 2000 Colorado law that requires insurers to cover prosthetic arms and legs at parity with Medicare, which requires coverage with a 20% coinsurance payment. Since that measure was enacted, about half of states have passed “insurance fairness” laws that require prosthetic coverage on par with other covered medical services in a plan or laws that require coverage of prostheses that enable people to do sports. But these laws apply only to plans regulated by the state. Over half of people with private coverage are in plans not governed by state law.

The Medicare program’s 80% coverage of prosthetic limbs mirrors its coverage for other services. Still, an October report by the Government Accountability Office found that only 30% of beneficiaries who lost a limb in 2016 received a prosthesis in the following three years.

Cost is a factor for many people.

“No matter your coverage, most people have to pay something on that device,” White said. As a result, “many people will be on a payment plan for their device,” she said. Some may take out loans.

The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a rule that would prohibit lenders from repossessingmedical devices such as wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs if people can’t repay their loans.

“It is a replacement limb,” said White, whose organization has heard of several cases in which lenders have repossessed wheelchairs or prostheses. Repossession is “literally a punishment to the individual.”

Adams ultimately owed a coinsurance payment of about $4,000 for his new leg, which reflected his portion of the insurer’s negotiated rate for the knee and foot portion of the leg but did not include the costly part that fits around his stump, which didn’t need replacing. The insurer approved the prosthetic leg on appeal, claiming it had made an administrative error, Adams said.

“We’re fortunate that we’re able to afford that 20%,” said Adams, who is a self-employed leadership consultant.

Leah Kaplan doesn’t have that financial flexibility. Born without a left hand, she did not have a prosthetic limb until a few years ago.

Growing up, “I didn’t want more reasons to be stared at,” said Kaplan, 32, of her decision not to use a prosthesis. A few years ago, the cycling enthusiast got a prosthetic hand specially designed for use with her bike. That device was covered under the health plan she has through her county government job in Spokane, Washington, helping developmentally disabled people transition from school to work.

But when she tried to get approval for a prosthetic hand to use for everyday activities, her health plan turned her down. The myoelectric hand she requested would respond to electrical impulses in her arm that would move the hand to perform certain actions. Without insurance coverage, the hand would cost her just over $46,000, which she said she can’t afford.

Working with her doctor, she has appealed the decision to her insurer and been denied three times. Kaplan said she’s still not sure exactly what the rationale is, except that the insurer has questioned the medical necessity of the prosthetic hand. The next step is to file an appeal with an independent review organization certified by the state insurance commissioner’s office.

A prosthetic hand is not a luxury device, Kaplan said. The prosthetic clinic has ordered the hand and made the customized socket that will fit around the end of her arm. But until insurance coverage is sorted out, she can’t use it.

At this point she feels defeated. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Kaplan said.

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  1. thoughtfulperson

    “People who need surgery to replace a joint typically don’t encounter similar coverage roadblocks.”

    True today, the way things are going maybe not for long!

    I found this passage instructive:

    “The Medicare program’s 80% coverage of prosthetic limbs mirrors its coverage for other services. Still, an October report by the Government Accountability Office found that only 30% of beneficiaries who lost a limb in 2016 received a prosthesis in the following three years.”


    “The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a rule that would prohibit lenders from repossessing medical devices such as wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs if people can’t repay their loans.

    “It is a replacement limb,” said White, whose organization has heard of several cases in which lenders have repossessed wheelchairs or prostheses. Repossession is “literally a punishment to the individual.” ”

    So here in the usa only 30% of medicare insurees (people with insurance that actually covers 80% of the cost) get prosthetics (some can’t afford the remaining 20%, some choose a wheel chair instead, I suppose).

    Then if you do manage to get some help with a missing limb, if you can’t make payments your leg or wheelchair gets repossessed! The CFPB is *proposing* to change that, but I doubt it will happen any time soon.

  2. Zagonostra

    Health insurers are evil

    And yet I bet there are “decent” individuals working at these companies. When I read your intro, my mind went to the perennial problem of “Moral man and Immoral Society/Reinhold Niebuhr” and the political/economic/social system that allows and rewards companies that maximize profits without regard to other social considerations. That’s not a companies mission I hear my inner self argue with itself, making a profit within the strictures of the law is all there is…”shaming” a company and boycotts seem like such weak means to effect change, especially when I read articles such as this.

    1. Planter of Trees

      “Decency” is often taken as synonomous with “goodness,” but it principally relates to conformity with social standards for conduct.
      Therefore, one would expect to find many decent people within societies where wringing money out of immiseration is accepted practice.

  3. timbers

    Maybe “adjusters” will become a niche growth area of …. err …. society in USA. They might be in demand not just as insurance adjusters but also perhaps election/judicial adjusters (see Romania South Korea deeply unpopular President or for that matter just about any Western leader they all seem deeply unpopular).

    1. ambrit

      The population here in the West has been “socialized” through mass media, superhero and anti-hero movies, books, etc. to accept “adjusters” as the “Good Guys” in the system. This has gone on for several decades. As an example, the film “Robocop” which has a ‘rogue’ cop versus ‘evil’ corporation plot line was made back in 1987. The “Masters of the Universe” cannot claim ignorance nor shock when the general population finally wakes up and enacts in “real” life the social coping mechanisms that they were programmed to accept.

  4. Sub-Boreal

    If this type of denial becomes the norm, I’m expecting that we’ll see “adjusters” implementing a more Biblical style of CEO “adjustment”: a hand for a hand etc.

    1. Erstwhile

      The single adjustment made early in the morning of December 4, in Manhattan, revealed the enormous discontent, even loathing, that millions of Americans hold for the health care industry. But it did not fundamentally change the onerous situations that millions of Americans find themselves in regarding health insurance (and not health care.) It might happen that another adjuster, and another, will step up to say, balance the books. Who knows? After a time, quantity just might become quality.

  5. JCC

    Apparently “AI” is fine for inanimate objects like cars, but out of the question for prosthetics.

    Aren’t we lucky to have this new technology in order to improve the lives of people.

  6. spud

    psychopaths can justify just about anything, after all, Marie Antoinette and the Tsar, were just victims of the system, just as the murderess ceo’s are just victims.

  7. Fastball

    20% is still too much and bankrupting to seniors. It’s time that standard medical care was completely free at the point of service, and “insurance” becomes a thing of the past. Insurance is for things that may happen. Not for health care that will be needed regardless of the person. It’s time to stop pussyfooting around and arrest social murderers and give them the same penalties as the in person violent kinds.

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