Charlie Krauss: What the Enron Egg Says About AI’s Nuclear Courtship

Yves here. Please welcome a new contributor to the site, Charlie Krauss. In addition to our incoming regulars, Kevin Kirk and Haig Hovaness, plus KLG stepping up for a weekly “Coffee Break,” we’ve been so lucky as to have other insightful commentators like Charlie Krauss join our team on an ad-hoc basis. Among other things, he has worked for very prestigious economic research organizations, with a focus on energy and geopolitics. As you can see, he relishes the opportunity to take a swashbuckling tone, so I hope you find his work to be entertaining as well as informative.

By Charlie Krauss who has reported from more than 30 countries on four continents for well-known news organizations. He lives in Central Europe, where he teaches, writes and tends a small farm

It’s Charlie here, muckraker-at-large. I want to thank Yves for inviting me to contribute. My stable has been overflowing with blue-blooded bovine ordure and, given that Lambert will soon be departing for greener pastures, I’m here to provide some ferment to keep Naked Capitalism’s garden growing.

So let’s put on the waders and look at the reincarnation of Enron. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the self-proclaimed “smartest guys in the room” are back, though fortunately for us, this time as farce rather than tragedy.

I won’t rehash the Enron scandal. Plumb NC’s archives and you’ll find details. Needless to say, it was a monumental grift that exposed how energy-market liberalisation rolled out the red carpet for fraudulent financiers to exploit consumers.

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The new Enron gag is spinoff from the Gen-Z pranksters behind the Birds Aren’t Real movement. Despite clearly stating in the fine print of Enron’s rebooted website that the project “represents first amendment protected parody and performance art,” the stunt struck a nerve that stunned more than a few mainstream news organisations. The Gray Lady managed to see through the stunt last month but kinda missed the punchline.

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The vehicle driving the satire is the so-called Enron Egg. It’s supposedly a retail-sized nuclear reactor dressed up in Jobs-esque couture. The five-minute stage pitch was watched more than 1.8 million times on X and dissected by a nuclear engineer. The joke lands because the tech gobbledygook delivered in the spot is hard to distinguish from the reality around us. Think Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal but written for a Silicon Valley VC set pouring into small, modular reactors (SMRs).

Readers will be aware that the SMR hype-cycle has entered overdrive in recent years, with a string of squillionaires from Sam Altman to Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Peter Thiel all flogging investments in various technologies. For the uninitiated, SMRs are designed to produce less than a third of the power output compared with a traditional reactor. Theoretically, they could be deployed more quickly because of standardisation and factory assembly.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has been predicting they are just a decade away from commercialization for at least 20 years. Most recently, there’s been an uptick in attention because some equity traders believe SMRs could close the energy gap separating us from a bright-and-shiny AI future.

Defying the research of shortsellers, companies including NuScale (up 758% in the last 12 months despite just lukewarm commitments to field a first-of-a-kind test sometime in the next decade) and Centrus (a Department of Energy revolving door up 159%) have benefitted from the hype, as has Santa Clara, CA-based Oklo Energy, whose board is led by Sam Altman and until recently included new Secretary of Energy Chris Wright.

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The hopium-fueled run up in valuations two industries known for perpetually over-promising and under-delivering. The latest data from the World Bank continues to support Robert Solow’s quip that “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics,” suggesting almost an inverse relationship between economic growth and data-centre concentration. Meanwhile, nuclear projects once forecast to become too cheap to meter, are congenitally over priced and behind schedule in western economies.

I’m not alone in my wariness watching the emerging AI-SMR bromance. Read John Ketchum, the CEO of Nextera Energy, the utility which owns several nuclear plants across the U.S. Here’s what he told investors in a call late last year:

We have been following SMRs for a very long time. We actually advise a couple of Fortune 100 companies on SMRs today. But here’s what we see. We’re very close to the SMR market. We look at them all. We know we do technology reviews around them. We do financial reviews around them. A lot of them are very strained financially. There are only a handful that really have capitalization that could actually carry them through the next several years…we’re just not bullish SMRs. It’s so far out in the future from a viability standpoint at scale. It’s — we’re prioritizing other generation resources at this time. And I think renewables are, as I said in my prepared remarks, are here for the long haul.

Those comments build on a separate Department of Energy estimates that SMRs will be more than 50% more expensive on a per-kilowatt basis than traditional nuclear reactors. To top it off, the International Energy Agency has challenged the assumption that AI-driven data centres will drive power demand and more than air conditioners or desalination plants:

Data centre electricity consumption was estimated in 2022 to be in the range of 240 to 340 TWh, around 1% to 1.3% of total electricity consumption…In the base case, data centres account for less than 10% of total electricity demand growth at the global level, which is roughly on a par with demand growth for desalination, and less than a third of the demand growth for both EVs and space cooling in the buildings sector. Therefore, growth of electricity demand for data centres is projected to be rapid, but the level looks set to remain relatively small in the context of overall global demand growth.

Now, I myself lean pro-nuclear and might even be willing to pay a premium for its clean, 24/7 power. It’s the queen of industry, supporting a royal court of productive economic activity – chemistry, construction, electronics, metallurgy – that any developed nation needs. The strongest argument in favour of perpetuating nuclear power is that we’ll still be needing the skilled labour it demands to administer our legacy atomic complex well into the future.

Nuclear’s biggest problem these days isn’t the long-lasting waste, or Nimbyism or the highly-concentrated and fragile fuel cycle. Increasingly, it’s capitalism itself – particularly the financialized flavour we practice in the west.

It starts with the cost of capital. Whereas China and Russia – the two countries building the most reactors – subsidise financing at roughly 3%, western private equity expectations are around three times higher. Those usurious overnight cost of capital has led to a situation where there’s too little nuclear competition where it’s needed the most (financing) and too much where it is’t needed at all (design).

Take those pesky SMRs. While China and Russia are actually building and deploying a handful of models, Americans and Europeans are waging a paper-engineering war over technological standards. At last count, there are more than 80 designs duking it out for supremacy, none of which has a clear path to commercialisation. It’s quite literally fiddling while Rome burns, with the nuclear industry plucking IP strings while throwing in the towel on climate-change mitigation.

Queue the Enron Egg.

Web Video

The spoof works precisely because it seems scripted by artificial intelligence. Uranium zirconium hydride,” “heavy water,” and high-assay-low-enriched uranium (HALEU)” are all real and theoretically could act as discrete elements in an SMR design – though not together or in the ways described. The words are slopped together like simple code, shibboleths mined from a nuclear safeguards glossary, with the express intent of appealing to high finance. There’s no connective tissue in between.

In an interview a year ago to John Hopkins Magazine, Peter McIndoe, one of the people credited with founding Birds Aren’t Real, explained why the movement began:

Birds Aren’t Real asks us to shift our understanding of how to communicate with people who believe conspiracies by understanding those theories as being more about belonging than belief. It’s less about the truth or what people believe in, but more so what draws them to their beliefs in the first place and what they’re getting out of them… The movement also asks us to consider how to educate people about media literacy. It seems right now that a lot of what we’re doing in that realm is pretty ineffective, especially in middle America, where I’m from. With the rise of AI, it’s even more important.

The Enron Egg is the flip side of the same coin. It’s absurdist performance art that magnifies the irrational beliefs which have become the common currency of American society. Heads: middlebrow theorists enraptured by conspiracy. Tails: coastal elites enthralled by techno-fetishism.

Even the orthodox economists are beginning to ponder the consequences of handing the nuclear kingdom’s keys to Silicon Valley. Here’s John Bates Clark Medal winner Daron Acemoglu predicting the future for the pink paper [Highlights mine]:

The critical state of US institutions became much clearer after Biden’s cynical pardons, sending a signal to millions that his administration’s defence of democracy was a charade. The damage to democracy thus began even before Trump ascended to power the second time…This set the scene for a series of catastrophic governmental failures. With morale gone and key personnel fired, the US state was ill-equipped to deal with emergencies. When new pandemics arrived, the response was haphazard, and unpreparedness cost tens of thousands of lives. The few remaining independent media sources uncovered a glaring and dangerous lack of oversight of critical infrastructure, including nuclear reactors and cyber securityBut the real extent of the damage became clear only with the tech meltdown of 2030. Economists and historians have now shown that a lot of this was the outcome of institutional failures and growing concentration in the industry. After Trump lifted all roadblocks ahead of AI acceleration and cryptocurrency speculation, there was initially a boom in the tech sector. But within a few years the industry had become even more consolidated than before, and both insiders and outsiders came to realise that only companies favoured by the administration could survive.

Now, I’m just a humble muckraker, ladies and gentlemen, but there seems to be a rapid accumulation of night soil on the Capitol Grounds. Even former nuclear regulators are beginning to ask What is Going On? It would be a shame if the deepening Silicon Valle-AI nexus got buried. There’ll be more than enough to ferment to keep Naked Capitalism’s gardens green. I’ll be here to help spread it around. Stay tuned.

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  1. JM

    I am not any nuclear expert, but when I look at the new (UK) Hinckley nuclear reactor being built with an ever ballooning cost. I wonder whether it would have been a better bet longterm, to contract Rolls Royce, to develop SMR’s for the same site. There could be at least one producing power by now and the second would happen quicker by the learning curve. As renewables rose up the generation ladder, the smaller output of an SMR could be built and slotted into projected gaps.

  2. vao

    There have been some glitches during editing.

    Something missing here:

    It seems right now that a lot of what we’re doing in that realm is pretty ineffective, especially in middle America, where I’

    and a typo:

    Even the orthodox economists are beginning to ponder the consequences of handing the nuclear kingdom’>s keys to Silicon Valley.

    and something missing there:

    But within a few years the industry had become even more consolidated than before, and both insiders and outsiders came to realise that only companies favoured by the administration

  3. HH

    The same problem of irresistible wish-fulfillment masquerading as business proposals is present in the fantasy of national missile defense. As long as grifters are willing to cash in on widely held aspirational delusions, we will be the victims of enormous scams.

  4. douglass truth

    this reminds me of the Yes Men performance group – they did a stunt pretending to be reps of Union Carbide apologizing for Bhopal on CNBC etc – which forced the real UC at a later date to say, no, actually we don’t apologize for that.

  5. The Rev Kev

    Well this buggers up my plans. I will now have to wait them out before I introduce my own home power source – the Zero Point Module. How does it work? By drawing on Luminiferous aether, the fifth element that fills all space that allows light to travel in it. It’s all very scientific. Infinite power in infinite amounts. But if it starts to humm loudly, best to run and run fast-

  6. upstater

    Kathy Hochul say SMRs are just around the corner in NY State;

    NY nuclear plant owner looks to build small new reactor in Oswego, Gov. Kathy Hochul says

    Constellation officials confirmed late today that they plan to apply to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for an “early site permit” for one or more advanced nuclear reactors at the company’s Nine Mile Point nuclear site in the town of Scriba. An early site permit conveys approval for the site, but does not cover the design and construction of a reactor, which would require additional approvals.
    The company is submitting a grant proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy to help pay for the NRC application. If Constellation gets the federal funding, it will seek additional cost-sharing support from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, company officials said.

    Constellation operates the oldest reactors in the US (and most profitable thanks to Cuomo’s $800M annual subsidy). In September a breaker failed in the turbine hall of one units causing an oil fire that took 1.5 hours to extinguish and resulting in a second plant tripping offline. Stellar maintenance from Constellation!

    The nuclear fairies will save us, but only if we fork over real money. Wonder why Bill Gates does spend some of the change in his couch cushions to make this work.

  7. Michaelmas

    Yes. This —

    Nuclear’s biggest problem these days (is) … capitalism itself – particularly the financialized flavour we practice in the west.

    It starts with the cost of capital. Whereas China and Russia – the two countries building the most reactors – subsidise financing at roughly 3%, western private equity expectations are around three times higher. Those usurious overnight cost of capital has led to a situation where there’s too little nuclear competition where it’s needed the most (financing) and too much where it isn’t needed at all (design).


    Granted, this is just another case of We Neoliberal-Looted Societies Can’t Build Real Things Anymore Syndrome, but as another nuclear-leaning person I wasn’t just pleasantly surprised by Mr Krauss’s piece — I was expecting another ignorant rant about nuclear waste (largely a myth in that it’s mostly a byproduct of the particular way the US chose to do nuclear power) — I very much agree with it.

  8. Michael Fiorillo

    Perhaps I’m still stuck in the past, but how do any of these technologies resolve the basic problem of nuclear fission, which. to use Amory Lovins old metaphor, is like using a chainsaw to slice butter?

    1. John Wright

      Perhaps you meant nuclear “fusion” not “fission”?

      I doubt if anyone is claiming to have a way to get to real fusion.

      The cold fusion people, Pons and Fleishmann of 1989, paved the way for skepticism of breakthroughs in nuclear fusion.

      What is the saying? “Nuclear fusion is always 20 years away.”

  9. Bushwood

    An additional item worth noting on the fuel costs for SMR’s which uses HALEU is that the costs are absolutely ridiculous and there is hardly any production as of yet anywhere in the world. The article discusses NextEra CEO’s comments on SMR and goes deeper into the numbers:

    Key Passage:
    “At the end of the day, you’d end up with HALEU with 28 times the fissile content of natural uranium at over 100 times the price. In an interesting blog, Kirk Sorensen, founder of Flibe Energy, has worked out that it would cost anywhere from $10-$20/MWh on fuel costs alone to generate electricity from HALEU, multiples higher than for standard nuclear plants where fuel costs account for a small part of the overall electricity bill.”

    Long story short, follows the tech bro’s/PE playbook of creating a natural monopoly that once set up will be very hard and very expensive to exit.

    1. The Rev Kev

      It’s hard to see properly when you have gold coins over your eyes. More than a few elite people made fools of themselves believing her spiel and her still being in prison is payback for doing it to them rather than just ordinary shlubs.


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