Pain Clinics Made Millions From ‘Unnecessary’ Injections Into ‘Human Pin Cushions’

Lambert here: What if — hear me out — health care in the United States wasn’t driven by profit?

By Brett Kelman, KFF Health News correspondent. Originally published at KFF Health News.

McMINNVILLE, Tenn. — Each month, Michelle Shaw went to a pain clinic to get the shots that made her back feel worse — so she could get the pills that made her back feel better.

Shaw, 56, who has been dependent on opioid painkillers since she injured her back in a fall a decade ago, said in both an interview with KFF Health News and in sworn courtroom testimony that the Tennessee clinic would write the prescriptions only if she first agreed to receive three or four “very painful” injections of another medicine along her spine.

The clinic claimed the injections were steroids that would relieve her pain, Shaw said, but with each shot her agony would grow. Shaw said she eventually tried to decline the shots, then the clinic issued an ultimatum: Take the injections or get her painkillers somewhere else.

“I had nowhere else to go at the time,” Shaw testified, according to a federal court transcript. “I was stuck.”

Shaw was among thousands of patients of Pain MD, a multistate pain management company that was once among the nation’s most prolific users of what it referred to as “tendon origin injections,” which normally inject a single dose of steroids to relieve stiff or painful joints. As many doctors were scaling back their use of prescription painkillers due to the opioid crisis, Pain MD paired opioids with monthly injections into patients’ backs, claiming the shots could ease pain and potentially lessen reliance on painkillers, according to federal court documents.

Now, years later, Pain MD’s injections have been proved in court to be part of a decade-long fraud scheme that made millions by capitalizing on patients’ dependence on opioids. The Department of Justice has successfully argued at trial that Pain MD’s “unnecessary and expensive injections” were largely ineffective because they targeted the wrong body part, contained short-lived numbing medications but no steroids, and appeared to be based on test shots given to cadavers — people who felt neither pain nor relief because they were dead.

Four Pain MD employees have pleaded guilty or been convicted of health care fraud, including company president Michael Kestner, who was found guilty of 13 felonies at an October trial in Nashville, Tennessee. According to a transcript from Kestner’s trial that became public in December, witnesses testified that the company documented giving patients about 700,000 total injections over about eight years and said some patients got as many as 24 shots at once.

“The defendant, Michael Kestner, found out about an injection that could be billed a lot and paid well,” said federal prosecutor James V. Hayes as the trial began, according to the transcript. “And they turned some patients into human pin cushions.”

The Department of Justice declined to comment for this article. Kestner’s attorneys either declined to comment or did not respond to requests for an interview. At trial, Kestner’s attorneys argued that he was a well-intentioned businessman who wanted to run pain clinics that offered more than just pills. He is scheduled to be sentenced on April 21 in a federal court in Nashville.

According to the transcript of Kestner’s trial, Shaw and three other former patients testified that Pain MD’s injections did not ease their pain and sometimes made it worse. The patients said they tolerated the shots only so Pain MD wouldn’t cut off their prescriptions, without which they might have spiraled into withdrawal.

“They told me that if I didn’t take the shots — because I said they didn’t help — I would not get my medication,” testified Patricia McNeil, a former patient in Tennessee, according to the trial transcript. “I took the shots to get my medication.”

In her interview with KFF Health News, Shaw said that often she would arrive at the Pain MD clinic walking with a cane but would leave in a wheelchair because the injections left her in too much pain to walk.

“That was the pain clinic that was supposed to be helping me,” Shaw said in her interview. “I would come home crying. It just felt like they were using me.”

‘Not Actually Injections Into Tendons at All’

Pain MD, which sometimes operated under the name Mid-South Pain Management, ran as many as 20 clinics in Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina throughout much of the 2010s. Some clinics averaged more than 12 injections per patient each month, and at least two patients each received more than 500 shots in total, according to federal court documents.

All those injections added up. According to Medicare data filed in federal court, Pain MD and Mid-South Pain Management billed Medicare for more than 290,000 “tendon origin injections” from January 2010 to May 2018, which is about seven times that of any other Medicare biller in the U.S. over the same period.

Tens of thousands of additional injections were billed to Medicaid and Tricare during those same years, according to federal court documents. Pain MD billed these government programs for about $111 per injection and collected more than $5 million from the government for the shots, according to the court documents.

More injections were billed to private insurance too. Christy Wallace, an audit manager for BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, testified that Pain MD billed the insurance company about $40 million for more than 380,000 injections from January 2010 to March 2013. BlueCross paid out about $7 million before it cut off Pain MD, Wallace said.

These kinds of enormous billing allegations are not uncommon in health care fraud cases, in which fraudsters sometimes find a legitimate treatment that insurance will pay for and then overuse it to the point of absurdity, said Don Cochran, a former U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee.

Tennessee alone has seen fraud allegations for unnecessary billing of urine testing, skin creams, and other injections in just the past decade. Federal authorities have also investigated an alleged fraud scheme involving a Tennessee company and hundreds of thousands of catheters billed to Medicare, according to The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources.

Cochran said the Pain MD case felt especially “nefarious” because it used opioids to make patients play along.

“A scheme where you get Medicare or Medicaid money to provide a medically unnecessary treatment is always going to be out there,” Cochran said. “The opioid piece just gives you a universe of compliant people who are not going to question what you are doing.”

“It was only opioids that made those folks come back,” he said.

The allegations against Pain MD became public in 2018 when Cochran and the Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against the company, Kestner, and several associated clinics, alleging that Pain MD defrauded taxpayers and government insurance programs by billing for “tendon origin injections” that were “not actually injections into tendons at all.”

Kestner, Pain MD, and several associated clinics have each denied all allegations in that lawsuit, which is ongoing.Scott Kreiner, an expert on spine care and pain medicine who testified at Kestner’s criminal trial, said that true tendon origin injections (or TOIs) typically are used to treat inflamed joints, like the condition known as “tennis elbow,” by injecting steroids or platelet-rich plasma into a tendon. Kreiner said most patients need only one shot at a time, according to the transcript.

But Pain MD made repeated injections into patients’ backs that contained only lidocaine or Marcaine, which are anesthetic medications that cause numbness for mere hours, Kreiner testified. Pain MD also used needles that were often too short to reach back tendons, Kreiner said, and there was no imaging technology used to aim the needle anyway. Kreiner said he didn’t find any injections in Pain MD’s records that appeared medically necessary, and even if they had been, no one could need so many.

“I simply cannot fathom a scenario where the sheer quantity of TOIs that I observed in the patient records would ever be medically necessary,” Kreiner said, according to the trial transcript. “This is not even a close call.”

Jonathan White, a physician assistant who administered injections at Pain MD and trained other employees to do so, then later testified against Kestner as part of a plea deal, said at trial that he believed Pain MD’s injection technique was based on a “cadaveric investigation.”

According to the trial transcript, White said that while working at Pain MD he realized he could find no medical research that supported performing tendon origin injections on patients’ backs instead of their joints. When he asked if Pain MD had any such research, White said, an employee responded with a two-paragraph letter from a Tennessee anatomy professor — not a medical doctor — that said it was possible to reach the region of back tendons in a cadaver by injecting “within two fingerbreadths” of the spine. This process was “exactly the procedure” that was taught at Pain MD, White said.

During his own testimony, Kreiner said it was “potentially dangerous” to inject a patient as described in the letter, which should not have been used to justify medical care.

“This was done on a dead person,” Kreiner said, according to the trial transcript. “So the letter says nothing about how effective the treatment is.”

Over-Injecting ‘Killed My Hand’

Pain MD collapsed into bankruptcy in 2019, leaving some patients unable to get new prescriptions because their medical records were stuck in locked storage units, according to federal court records.

At the time, Pain MD defended the injections and its practice of discharging patients who declined the shots. When a former patient publicly accused the company of treating his back “like a dartboard,” Pain MD filed a defamation lawsuit, then dropped the suit about a month later.

“These are interventional clinics, so that’s what they offer,” Jay Bowen, a then-attorney for Pain MD, told The Tennessean newspaper in 2019. “If you don’t want to consider acupuncture, don’t go to an acupuncture clinic. If you don’t want to buy shoes, don’t go to a shoe store.”

Kestner’s trial told another story. According to the trial transcript, eight former Pain MD medical providers testified that the driving force behind Pain MD’s injections was Kestner himself, who is not a medical professional and yet regularly pressured employees to give more shots.

One nurse practitioner testified that she received emails “every single workday” pushing for more injections. Others said Kestner openly ranked employees by their injection rates, and implied that those who ranked low might be fired.

“He told me that if I had to feed my family based on my productivity, that they would starve,” testified Amanda Fryer, a nurse practitioner who was not charged with any crime.

Brian Richey, a former Pain MD nurse practitioner who at times led the company’s injection rankings, and has since taken a plea deal that required him to testify in court, said at the trial that he “performed so many injections” that his hand became chronically inflamed and required surgery.

“‘Over injecting killed my hand,’” Richey said on the witness stand, reading a text message he sent to another Pain MD employee in 2017, according to the trial transcript. “‘I was in so much pain Injecting people that didnt want it but took it to stay a patient.’”

“Why would they want to stay there?” a prosecutor asked.

“To keep getting their narcotics,” Richey responded, according to the trial transcript.

Throughout the trial, defense attorney Peter Strianse argued that Pain MD’s focus on injections was a result of Kestner’s “obsession” with ensuring that the company “would never be called a pill mill.”

Strianse said that Kestner “stayed up at night worrying” about patients coming to clinics only to get opioid prescriptions, so he pushed his employees to administer injections, too.

“Employers motivating employees is not a crime,” Strianse said at closing arguments, according to the court transcript. “We get pushed every day to perform. It’s not fraud; it’s a fact of life.”

Prosecutors insisted that this defense rang hollow. During the trial, former employees had testified that most patients’ opioid dosages remained steady or increased while at Pain MD, and that the clinics did not taper off the painkillers no matter how many injections were given.

“Giving them injections does not fix the pill mill problem,” federal prosecutor Katherine Payerle said during closing arguments, according to the trial transcript. “The way to fix being a pill mill is to stop giving the drugs or taper the drugs.”

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Emma

    If this was China, these people would probably get the death penalty. In the US, the victims get nothing and at best a few of the perpetrators get to spend a couple years in Club Fed. Disgusting.

  2. IM Doc


    This is indeed all for cash flow.

    Within the first three paragraphs, my heart sank.

    These are STEROID injections. This is not saline. They are putting these directly into tendons and ligaments. Steroids tend to weaken and damage these structures very rapidly. One is almost guaranteed to do so with this kind of frequency. And the rip or tear may happen years later.

    Not to mention the risk of diabetes with steroid injections that frequently. And other less common issues like the reactivation of latent TB.

    This is classic medical malpractice.

    And even more concerning to me…..where is the PCP? I have so many times put the kabosh on this type of nonsense when patients inform me. This is a dereliction of their duty as well.

    These pain clinics and pill mills are the worst type of predation. I shake my head.

    1. Felix_47

      Often patients want this sort of hyperbilling because it makes their worker’s comp or SSI case. Lawyers want this for the same reason. Anesthesiologists who work in these clinics want it because they can bill thousands for epidurals etc. Back when “pain” became a thing in the late 1980s and early 1990s a lot of our local anesthesiologists stopped working at the hospital and opened pain clinics and made millions doing epidurals. The fundamental cause is greed. The secondary causes are patient desperation as their jobs have been outsourced and they have to survive. SSI gives you medicare and you just work for cash and the SSI provides a base sum. You often get a big cash payout from the worker’s comp insurance. We see an explosion of these cases after a major plant shutdown. Everybody has back ache. And SSI alone can support an OK life in Mexico and most people live between the two nations in a sense at least in southern California and Arizona. This particular case seems to use narcotics as the come on to the patients and all the pain clinics do. And often these clinics refer patients for spine surgery which generally ends in no improvement in the patient and a dramatic improvement in the spine surgeons and pain clinic anesthesiologists financial well being. One major reason medical care cannot be fee for service especially when there is a plethora of providers as we have in the US…..most of whom are looking for high paying procedures. Lowering insurance payouts just leads to forcing doctors to start cheating the patients and the system and violating their oath. We need all doctors on salary with no bonuses, no patient satisfaction metrics and they need to just follow what they learned in med school. I remember the old doctors were so angry when Medicare came in. Most doctors at that time in our area drove Oldsmobiles or Chryslers at best. After Medicare all of a sudden the doctors parking lot started to fill up with Cadillacs and Mercedes. Doctors were bought by government gold to the detriment of the patients and the profession. Osler must have rolled in his grave.

  3. The Rev Kev

    ‘The allegations against Pain MD became public in 2018 when Cochran and the Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against the company, Kestner, and several associated clinics’

    No! This is not the way that you do it. You raid the place using a warrant and seize all records and computers. Have the cops toss the place. Anybody working in that place is told to turn around and put their hands behind their back. Then they are all taken downtown separately for an intense question-answer session with a deal made for lower staff to turn state’s evidence and spill everything that they know. If that place had only injected saline solutions it may have been fraud but it probably would not have damaged people. Now they can be convicted of not only fraud but medical malpractice as they have physically injured people who will be able to go after the themselves. That mob needs the book thrown at them with no sweat heart deals made by any prosecutors.

  4. judy2shoes

    My 90+y.o. neighbor has a chronic back pain condition that was initially treated with surgery years ago. She is quite stubborn and consistently pushes herself beyond the limits of what her back can take. She ended up at a local pain management center which uses a variety of treatments to address chronic pain. In her case, the doctor recommended Regenexx treatment which is not yet FDA approved. This means it’s paid out of pocket by the patient and runs over $6000. The doctor informed her that in her case, the outcome of the procedure might not give her pain relief. At the same time, he told her that if she were his mother, he would advise her to try it in hopes that the treatment would work. She’s had the procedure done 3x now, and they haven’t charged her for the last two. At the same time, she’s been having some sort of laser treatment done by the the doctor’s son in the same clinic which also hasn’t helped.

    It sounds and feels like a scam to me.

    1. Frank Robert

      Find a clinical Psychologist or Social Worker who has experience with pain alleviation. There are also several good videos on youtube that teach mediation for pain relief.

      I like Jason Stephenson guided meditation. I am not the only one, he has 3.48M subscribers.

      Good Luck.

      1. flora

        Several years ago, PBS presented a multipart series titled Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers. Guided meditation was explored as an effective way for some people to successfully deal with chronic pain.

  5. MD at Large

    Where is the MD oversite? Putting MD into the company name is not the same as going to medical school. The article mentions no doctors only nurse practitioners and physician assistants. If any doctors signed off on this economic revenue generation plan, they should know better and be held accountable.
    This is why the industry is pushing Nurse Practitioners and Physicians assistants. Make up a treatment plan and they will follow it with out much question. They will follow treatment plans aimed at economic outcomes as easily as treatment plans aimed at clinical outcomes. Knowing the difference requires a trip through medical school. Different type and depth of training for medical doctors; medical school, residency, and then a subspecialty in pain management. Good medicine is hard. Training doctors is a long process for a reason. Science is slippery, patients are not standardized and uniform, professional instillment moral duty to patient-centered-clinical-outcomes first is critical. Business school inculcation of moral duty is simply ROI, End of story!
    The great battle in medicine is for it’s moral soul. Doctors are not burring out they are leaving or disengaging because of moral injury. Business is fine as we are seen as a drag on ROI.
    Its only going to get worse with AI mediated medical care. Pure compliance to economic outcomes without any moral injury. No professionals, at all, to much up a profitable treatment plan. Pure ROI. If the only moral duty is ROI; AI is going to fill heaven with the MBAs who run and build the medical industrial complex.

  6. flora

    At the same time, A Midwestern Doctor has been writing about the uses of topically applied DMSO . (I won’t link since that site isn’t well regarded here.) However, after the last 5 years of guidance by “top medical experts” I’m open to new ideas from new medical sources. But that’s just me.

    Who can forget Goldman Sachs asking in 2018, “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?”

    1. KLG

      Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) had a day in the sun 30-40 years ago as a pain reliever for athletes with muscle or joint pain. I have used it as a solvent in the lab for compounds that are less soluble in water. It is also a cryoprotectant when freezing cells for storage in an ultracold freezer. Rub it on your skin and you can taste it. So be careful. Whatever might be dissolved in it will travel right along with the DMSO.

      1. Yves Smith

        My MD at the Hospital for Special Services (top orthopedic center in the US) who specializes in non-surgical treatments does not recommend the use of DMSO (because liability?) but enthusiastically supported it when I asked him about it (he went on a bit praising it). It is a great anti-inflammatory and there are older studies that showed it improved early arthritic conditions.

        I have used it for years. I never tasted it when I used it. You can allegedly start smelling a bit like garlic if you really go nuts with it.

        It is a solvent and it binds to water better than water binds to itself. So it penetrates and can dry out the skin. It may feel a bit irritating after it has sat on the affected area for a few minutes, particularly on areas where the skin is thin (like shoulders).

        KLG is correct, you need to put it on clean skin and keep the area bare until it absorbs fully OR you remove it (wipe or wash well!). It will transport anything on the skin surface into the skin.

        I use a 70% DMSO/30% aloe vera gel. Some studies have found that that 70/30 mix works better in terms of anti-inflammatory effects than pure DMSO. A gel is WAY easier to handle than liquid.

        Hope that helps!

        1. judy2shoes

          Yves, do you mix your own product or do you purchase it pre-made? I ask because I have found some products that are scented, and some without scent but have carbomer in the ingredients list. I would assume the product with scent is not a good idea; I have no idea about the carbomer.

          1. judy2shoes

            Also want to mention that these products come in BPA-free jars, but I’m wondering if the solvent properties would degrade the packaging and then leach into the skin.

  7. steve c phillips

    This is just the tip of an iceberg. Check out the suboxone clinics. Medicare Telehealth will pay for opioid addicts to stay on suboxone for years with no plan to get off. It is just a money racket. This is 1 of the things that has so disgusted me with the Democratic Party. I hope and pray RFK jr. will put a stop to these and many more medicare, medicaid and foodstamp abuses. Foodstamp abuse you say, how about the guy with 10 adopted kids who buys a truck load of redbulls every month and sells them at a flea market for 2 bucks each. Can anyone, with a straight face, defend this?

  8. JonnyJames

    At this point, is it hyperbolic to say that so-called healthcare in the USA is tantamount to legalized extortion?

  9. Ahinsa

    The patients did not get steroids. They received local anesthetics as per the testimony of the expert. So moral and financial injury yes but physical injury less likely.
    Advanced nurse practitioners and physician assistants with some exceptions are USA’s version of Chinese barefoot doctors with one difference: no limits to the practice of medicine in most states. And more susceptible to economic pressure.
    Employed doctors lack equity in patients outcomes. They clock in and clock out.
    The practice of medicine reflects the societal decay and breakdown we see everywhere.

  10. Frank

    This all started with The War on the Working Class, AKA the opioid epidemic.

    Truth is most (90+ percent) used painkillers responsively, really did need them, and were cut off in a blundering police-state travesty based on flawed or fake data. Just search Josh Bloom articles opioid. Dr Bloom has been covering this for years.

    Just two decades ago this patient would have gone to her GP, worked out a best and safe treatment protocol, and she would have been fine. For pain patients, opioids make life normal. That’s what the DEA was created, by Dick Nixon, to destroy.

    The drug war was always a war on us, the people. Give them no help.

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