Author Archives: George Washington

About George Washington

George Washington is the head writer at Washington’s Blog. A busy professional and former adjunct professor, George’s insatiable curiousity causes him to write on a wide variety of topics, including economics, finance, the environment and politics. For further details, ask Keith Alexander…

Guest Post: Scientists Confirm that Dispersants Are Increasing Contamination in the Gulf

→ Washington’s Blog I have repeatedly documented the detrimental impacts of dispersants on humans, wildlife and seafood safety. See this, this, this, this, this, this and this. As I noted in September, scientists from Oregon State University found elevated levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Gulf, and blamed dispersants. Now, the website of […]


Guest Post: The Question Isn’t Whether the Fed Should Be Stripped of Its Mandate to Maximize Employment … The Question Is Whether the Fed Has Too Much Power

→ Washington’s Blog The Fed says that unemployment will remain high for years. Some Republican congressmen are trying to take away the goal of ensuring full employment from the Fed. See this and this. Conservatives argue that the relationship between inflation and unemployment – as represented in the Phillips Curve – is false, and therefore […]


Guest Post: BP Controlling University Research, and Professor Who Downplayed Oil Spill Called a “Shill” By Fellow Professor

→ Washington’s Blog LSU professor and oil spill expert Ed Overton has been all over the news saying that fears of the BP oil spill were overblown. But as Raw Story reports, Overton has been a lead NOAA consultant for decades, and a fellow LSU professor calls him a “shill”: Overton’s prominent position as the […]


Guest Post: Even Greenspan Admits that Moral Hazard and Fraud are the Main Problems

→ Washington’s Blog Even Alan Greenspan is confirming what William Black, James Galbraith, Joseph Stiglitz, George Akerlof and many other economists and financial experts have been saying for a long time: the economy cannot recover if fraud is not prosecuted and if the big banks know that government will bail them out every time they […]


Guest Post: Another Nobel Economist Says We Have to Prosecute Fraud Or Else the Economy Won’t Recover

→ Washington’s Blog As economists such as William Black and James Galbraith have repeatedly said, we cannot solve the economic crisis unless we throw the criminals who committed fraud in jail. And Nobel prize winning economist George Akerlof has demonstrated that failure to punish white collar criminals – and instead bailing them out- creates incentives […]


Guest Post: Tests Now Being Conducted for Corexit and Oil … Results Not Very Reassuring

→ Washington’s Blog Real testing is starting to be conducted on dispersant and oil in the Gulf, the results are not looking so good: U.S. Government press release says NOAA, FDA now testing for dispersant: Corexit ingredient DOSS found in 13 samples — Up to 500 ppm allowed in shrimp, crabs, oysters [“DOSS” stands for […]


Guest Post: Washington Post Idiocy: Calls for War With Iran to Save America’s Economy

→ Washington’s Blog As many writers have documented, the corporate media is usually pro-war. See this. And so Washington Post hack David Broder’s op-ed arguing that war with Iran will save America’s economy is not all that surprising. Of course, China and Russia might not sit idly by and let their ally, Iran, be attacked. […]


Guest Post: Reappearance of Huge Plumes of Oil is Making It Hard to Pretend that the Problem Has Disappeared

→ Washington’s Blog There is a flood of information coming out on the Gulf oil spill. Why? The reappearance of huge plumes of oil is making it hard to pretend that it has all gone away. Here’s a roundup of some of the Gulf oil headlines from just the last 4 days: More Independent Scientists […]


Guest Post: How Did the Banks Get Away With Pledging Mortgages to Multiple Buyers?

→ Washington’s Blog I’ve repeatedly documented that mortgages were pledged multiple times to different buyers. See this, this and this. In response, some people (including one of the country’s top bankruptcy lawyers) have told me they don’t buy it. Specifically, they ask such questions as: With a mortgage sold to two different entities, wouldn’t the […]


Guest Post: 70% Of All Stock Market Trades Are Held for An Average of 11 SECONDS

→ Washington’s Blog The Fourteenth Banker writes today: In the stock market, program trading dominates volume. I heard recently that 70% of trade positions are held for an average of 11 seconds. He’s correct. As the New York Times dealbook noted in May: These are short-term bets. Very short. The founder of Tradebot, in Kansas […]


Guest Post: Government Response to Gulf Oil Spill Was “A Little Bit Like Custer Underestimating The Number Of Indians On The Other Side Of The Hill”

→ Washington’s Blog Oil Spill Commission co-chair Bob Graham slammed the administration’s handling of the Gulf oil disaster, including its low-ball estimates of the size of the spill ( which was some 60 times too low): It’s a little bit like Custer underestimating the number of Indians on the other side of the hill and […]