Author Archives: Jerri-Lynn Scofield

Wolf Richter: Tesla Discloses Record Pollution Credits for Q1: Without Them, it Would Have Lost $918 Million and Bled $1.14 Billion in Cash

Tesla’s 10-Q filing reveals that without taxpayer-funded pollution credits the company gets from the government and sells to other companies, its loss as automaker and solar-panel company would have been $918 million and its negative cash flow wouldn’t have been a cash drain of $919 million but a cash sinkhole of $1.14 billion


Apple to California Legislators: Consumers Will Hurt Themselves if Provided a Right to Repair

Apple and tech lobbyists delay a California bill to provide a statewide right to repair until 2020, claiming consumers will hurt themselves if the state capitulates on this issue. They also successfully deploy the hackers in the basement boogeyman.


We Live in a World With Very Rich Multinational Mining Companies, and Very Poor Miners

The Porgera Joint Venture – a gold mining operation in Paupa New Guinea, sucks gold out of a mountaintop, providing little benefit to miners or the people who live near the mine. Activist groups, and a lawsuit recently filed in Australia, seek to change that, as well as correct horrific human rights abuses.


Bill Black: If Current Laws Prosecuting Bankers Aren’t Used, What Can Warren Change?

Bill Black demolishes the notion that we can’t prosecute banksters with laws now in place. He there’s no need to pass new laws – as Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes – but instead to appoint regulators and legal officers who’ll use what we know about dealing with criminogenic environments to prosecute white collar criminals. And to provide them with support and resources.