Author Archives: Jerri-Lynn Scofield

The Fracking Industry Is Cannibalizing Its Own Production, Increasing Spill Risks

Fracking companies are drilling too many wells in close proximity to one another, and when they frack the newer wells — known as child wells — those “bash” or “hit” the older wells, cannibalizing production and sometimes damaging the older well. The industry knows not how to solve this problem.


Ninth Circuit Orders EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide

Ninth Circuit orders EPA to implement a long overdue ban of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to developmental delays in children and nervous system damage to people and animals exposed. Court previously had to order Obama EPA in 2015 to act on the issue; it’s unclear whether this decision will survive appeal.


Amidst Rising Heat Waves, UN Says Cooling is a Human Right, Not a Luxury

The rising heat waves in the world’s middle income and poorer nations are threatening the health and prosperity of about 1.1 billion people, including 470 million in rural areas without access to safe food and medicines, and 630 million in hotter, poor urban slums, with little or no cooling to protect them.


Emoluments Decision: No Way Back Machine

Recent district court decision allowing an emoluments clause case to proceed is not the way-back machine Resiters seek. The most serious legal consequences Trump faces are limited to his ownership interest in his DC signature hotel. The political consequences could be more serious– but hinge on whether Democrats capture the House in November.