“Am I An Extremist? ”
How the UK is using the extremist label to act against people holding mainstream views. The US is not far behind.
Read more...How the UK is using the extremist label to act against people holding mainstream views. The US is not far behind.
Read more...US policy towards the homeless becomes ever more mean-spirited, apparently to justify not dealing with the problem of unaffordable housing.
Read more...For those looking for the libretto to the Middle East version of Gotterdammerung, a compact retelling of the First Intifada.
Read more...An important new paper contradicts Democratic pundits, showing that most workers lost in real wage terms under Biden
Read more...Why coal’s share of US energy output has not fallen as far as the ecologically-minded had hoped.
Read more...New desperate ideas to fix chronic US trade imbalances, like capital controls, are getting a hearing.
Read more...More on the further erosion of ownership and property rights via required renting.
Read more...The high cost and risks of the Biden Administration commitment to pursue forever wars with Russia and China.
Read more...Current policy doesn’t provide affordable housing very well but does a good job of lining the pockets of real estate interests.
Read more...Governments and private entities are eroding privacy on the internet. Is it possible to safeguard both openness and security in cyberspace?
Read more...The infamous Gaza humanitarian aid pier is a construction and logistical nightmare.
Read more...In a political system whose primary currency is not the vote but the dollar, McConnell’s role as leader has been well-earned.
Read more...A new salvo against designated enemies, aka Palestinian rights advocates, which fortunately is more bark than bite.