Author Archives: Yves Smith

HR 5424, “Investment Advisers Modernization Act,” a “Get Out of Madoff and Other Frauds for Free” Bill, Passes Financial Services Committee

HR 5424, intended to make life even easier for potential securities law abusers, got considerable support from Democrats on the Financial Services Committee.


Unequal Gains: American Growth and Inequality Since 1700

American history suggests that inequality is not driven by some fundamental law of capitalist development, but rather by episodic shifts in five basic forces: demography, education policy, trade competition, financial regulation policy, and labour-saving technological change.


Announcing Mini-Fundraiser for Water Cooler!

I know it may seem strange to be launching a fundraiser now, and just for Water Cooler, but there is method to this special appeal. Water Cooler provides both economic and political coverage, and at a time when a former Clinton Administration, Brad DeLong announced, following the purge of two Sanders-supporting writers, that those deemed to be too far to the left will be ” gleefully and comprehensively trash[ed]” come November.