Author Archives: Yves Smith

Satyajit Das: “Stay in the Name of Reform” – The Fed and ISDA’s Derivative Bankruptcy Initiative

Why a proposal to “stay” derivatives termination in the event of bank bankruptcy is inconsequential and avoids bigger questions about the use of derivatives and failure to rein in risks in this market.


Michael Hudson: Warning to Europe – How the TTIP Threatens Public Health Care and Pensions

Why the TTIP poses a wide-ranging threat to European health and pension policies.


As Clinton Looks Vulnerable, Event Risk Favors Trump (and Sanders)

When Donald Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, you could almost hear the glee from Camp Clinton. Lambert called the tweets from her supporters “giddy”. The pundits saw Advantage Clinton in her presumed lock on women, blacks, Hispanics, as well as the divide of red versus blue states working in her favor. Yet the body […]